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Macro view: economic growth & poverty reduction

Income Growth
expansion of the pie (Growth Channel) Reverse Causality

Poverty Reduction

Determining Factors
Asset (land) distribution Education Health Infrastructure Demographic factors Institutions Geography Initial Conditions
division of the pie (Equity Channel)

Condi&oning Factors, Household Decisions, and Household Welfare Condi&ons

Micro view: household decisions & welfare outcomes

Condi&oning Factors Investments Infrastructure Land investment

Household Decisions Produc4on Labor supply Crop diversica4on Livestock raising Fishery HH full income Earned income Net transfers
(public + private)

Outcomes (General Welfare Level)

Agrarian rela4ons Technology and informa4on Macro policies (price, tax, trade, monetary/credit, and commodity/subsectoral) External environment Interna4onal shocks Natural condi4ons (weather condi4ons, etc.) Social Capital Rela4onships Informal networks Formal networks Ins4tu4ons

Consump4on Food Non-food

Non-monetary Monetary measures measures Health & nutri4on Income Educa4on Expenditure Housing Empowerment Governance Social Capital

Social Services


Public health care Educa4on Housing

Governance Na4onal Local Govt. Units

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