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Federation of Trade Unions Burma

Responsibilities & Rights

International Contact Burma Office - Japan 101-0062 3F, Sohyo Kaikan 3-2-11, Kanda-Surugadai Chiyoda-Ku Tokyp Japan Te;: 81 3 5296 3010 Fax: 81 3 5296 7903

Statement on U Thein Seins speech of 17th August 2011

1. The Federation of Trade Unions-Burma(FTUB) welcomes the speech given by U Thein Sein on 2011 August 17. With over 400 attending from the employers and civic society organizations U Thein Sein pointed out the difficulties the country was facing, the situation with the ceasefires and the work needed in all these issues. 2. To work for the re-establishment of land effected by floods is a good thing for the farmers and the agriculture sector. But what is needed more is the right for the farmers to be able to transport their crops to locations of choice, sell at prices that favor them and be able to grow crops that benefit them. 3. The speech also mentioned on the negative impacts on the factory workers and the other workers due to the depreciation of the US$. 4. It is not enough that only the government and the employers discuss to find solutions to the difficulties of the farmers and workers. Only when the short term, long term needs and difficulties of the farmers and workers are included within the discussion will the discussion be sufficient. For the discussion to have the inputs of the farmers and workers, the formation of independent Farmers Unions and Workers organizations need to be acknowledged. 5. Only when independent Farmers Unions and Workers Unions emerge will the actual needs and difficulties be presented to the Government. Then together with the Employers, the tripartite discussion can find solutions to raise the living standards of the farmers and workers. 6. Therefore to raise the living standards of the farmers and workers, FTUB seriously advises U Thein Sein to take the following initiatives. A. as part of the mechanism to raise the living standards of the farmers and workes, to acknowledge the formation of independent Farmers Union and Trade Unions B. so that nothing can disrupt the good initiatives taken by the executive branch led by U Thein Sein, the initiatives to be made into laws through the legislative assembly. Contact U Maung Maung Dr. Zaw Win Aung

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