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The Size of a container affects the length of time a candle burns. 1.

0 Aim To investigate to size of the the container affects the length of time a candle burns. 2.0 Variables A. Kept constant variable: The length of the candle B. Manipulated variable: The size of the container C. Responding variable: The length of time a candle burns 3.0 Hypothesis The bigger the size of beaker the longer the time taken. 4.0 Diagram Procedures 5.0 Observation Beaker A Candle burns for a long while.

Beaker B Candle burns for a short while.

Beaker C Candle burns for a short while.

6.0 Analysis A. The candle burns for the ...... i ) longest time in beaker A. ii) shortest time in beaker C. B. The bigger container contains more oxygen than a smaller container. C. Oxygen D. Beaker A, Beaker B, Beaker C

E. The bigger beaker contains more air. Conclusion: The bigger th size of the container the longer the time taken for a candle to burn.

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