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Who Are We Showing Sincere Gratitude To in the Second Prayer?


Nikko Shonin met Nichiren Daishonin at Jisso -ji temple in 1258 when he was 12! Nichiren was researching its sutra library while preparing for On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land . Nikko Shonin started to devotedly serve Nichiren and joined him during his Izu Exile when he was 15, where he converted a priest of the Shingon school to Nichiren s teachings. Nikko Shonin recorded the lectures Nichiren gave on the Lotus Sutra and collected them together in The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings. When Nichiren died, Nikko Shonin was the only one of the six senior priests who fulfilled the commitment to watch over his tomb. They all denied they were followers of Nichiren s teachings due to pressure from authorities and declared they were priests of the Tendai school. Nikko Shonin concentrated his life to promoting Nichiren s teachings, educating disciples and collecting together Nichiren s writings, which he called the Gosho (honourable writings)


At 14 witnessed a religious debate at Izu-san temple between the senior priests and Nichiren s disciple Nikko. He was so impressed he became Nikko s disciple and served and supported Nichiren Daishonin. Shortly before Nichiren s death a Tendai priest challenged him to a debate. Nichiren appointed Nichimoku to represent him, and Nichimoku beat the priest by winning every one of 10 rounds of doctrinal debate. After Nichiren died, Nichimoku supported Nikko in keeping watch over the tomb and also devoted himself to propagating Nichiren s teachings. Nichimoku Shonin is remembered for his commitment to practice and propagate Nichiren s Buddhism. He also remonstrated more than forty-two times with the Kamakura government and the imperial court at Kyoto to encourage them to adopt Nichiren s teachings.

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