Attitude - Training Game

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100% Attitude

Duration: 5 10 minutes Objective To introduce the importance of having the right attitude to achieve success. Resources Needed Flip chart and marker pen Calculator Instructions Write the word Attitude on the flip chart. Ask: How important is having the right attitude if you want to be successful? Discuss answers. Tell participants that you think a 100% attitude is vital and that you can prove it mathematically. Explain that you want participants to assign each letter of the alphabet a number starting with 1 for a and 26 for z. Now ask participants assign the appropriate number to each letter of the word attitude and add them up. Ask them what the total is. Uncannily, the answer is 100. Claim that this proves that attitude is 100% important. If necessary work through the calculation on the flip chart using the following information to help.

Trainer Bubble Ltd. 2009


1 20 20 9 20 21 4 5

Hand the calculator to one of the participants and ask this person to total the numbers. This is an interesting oddity that you can use to introduce the importance of having the right attitude whenever it is important to do this during a training event.

Trainer Bubble Ltd. 2009

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