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H MBA Core Subject (Semester III)


FACULTY: Mr. Arun Kumar COURSE OUTLINE 1. Understanding the supply chain 2. Achieving strategic fit and scope in supply chain 3. Supply chain drivers and obstacles 4. Designing distribution networks and applications to e-business 5. Determining the optimal level of product availability 6. Transportation in supply chain 7. Sourcing decisions in supply chain 8. Information technology in supply chain 9. Coordination in supply chain CASES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. GENERAL MOTOR WAL-MART AMAZON.COM EXEL PLC ZARA DAIMLER CHRYSLER DELL EASTMAN CHEMICAL FORD MOTOR COMPANY

EVALUATION There will be two tests of ten marks each. Thirty marks will be awarded on the basis of discussion of text and presentation of cases. Therefore attendance and participation in class becomes very important.

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