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Course Code Course Title Credits Objectives :

: 111 : : Managerial Economics 3

To understand the scope and subject matter of managerial economics and its relationships with various quantitative and behavioral sciences. To understand various concepts tools and techniques of economics with a view to use them while examining decision-making process of a firm in terms of price and output determination under different market conditions. To show how managerial decisions are actually made in the real world. Current Affairs The Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics Optimization Techniques and New Management Tools Demand Concepts, Demand Analysis & Demand Elasticities. Demand Estimation and Demand Forecasting Production and Cost Analysis Cost Theory & Estimation Market Structures and Pricing Practices Pricing Strategies and Practices Long Run Investment Decisions: Capital Budgeting

Contents :

Text Book: Managerial Economics Reference Books : 1. Managerial Economics

Dominick Salvatore, Oxford University Press.2008. - D.N. Dewedi,6th Ed., Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, N.Delhi. 2009. - Samuelson & Nordhaus, 17th Edition, Tata Mcgrow-Hill Publishing Com. Ltd., New Delhi. 2010. - K.K.Dewett, S. Chand & Co. Ltd, New Delhi. First Edition 1999. - N. Gregory Mankiew, 2nd Edition, Thomson South -Western College Publishing. 2007. Paul G. Keat & Philip K.Y. Young 6th Edition Publication Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008.

3. 4.

Economics Modern Economic Theory Principles of Economics Managerial Economics


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