Nomination Form - Teacher: All Four Sections Must Be Completed

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2007 National Awards for Excellence in School Music Education

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All four sections must be completed.

Information supporting the aims of the Awards may be used for promotional purposes. School addresses and personal details will not be included.

Title Name School Name Position / Role in school Email Phone (H) Mobile School street address Suburb/Town State School postal address Suburb/Town State Name of Principal/Director Email Mrs Gayle Judd Mitcham Junior Primary School Music Teacher Reception - Year 2 Phone (W) Fax Hillview Road Kingswood SA Hillview Road Kingswood SA Gaye Glade-Wright





Type of school Early childhood School sector Government

Primary Non-government




In order for application to be considered, the nominee must agree to the following:

Nominees declaration:

I agree to the use of content from this Nomination form, which supports the aims of the Award, for promotional purposes. School addresses and personal details will not be included. Yes I have not previously won an Australian Government award for the same body of work I am being nominated for. Yes If chosen as an award recipient I undertake to provide by May 31, 2008 a signed Statutory Declaration to ASME confirming the grant has been used for the purposes of my professional learning related to music education. Yes

Signature of nominee ____________________________ Date ______________

National Awards for Excellence in School Music Education: Teacher Nomination Form.

Give a brief description of the school and its community, the teachers role and characteristics of the student group. (Maximum of 2 pages to be completed by the nominator)

Mitcham Junior Primary School has approximately 280 students aged between 5 and 8 years old. It is co-located with Mitcham Primary School. Included in our student cohort are children with multiple physical disabilities who are part of the Regency Park annexe situated on site. These children are totally integrated into the mainstream program.Mitcham is the oldest public school in the state and provides high quality education in a magnificent setting.Our school is well known for its quality music program. 2. Description of the reasons for nomination
Outline a minimum of three reasons why the teacher is worthy of recognition. (Refer to guideline no. 8.) Explain how this has demonstrated the Nominees outstanding contribution to music education in recent years.

Gayle Judd is an exceptional teacher of music in the early years. She teaches up to 300 students in a week and has a wonderful knowledge of the capabilities and possibilities of each student in her care.Her philosophy on the importance of music in early childhood is reflected in a program that is innovative, inclusive and exciting and her dedication, enthusiasm and knowledge deserves recognition and to be showcased and shared with others. Her work has resulted in, among other things, children pursuing music study far beyond year 2, remarkable improvements in self esteem and confidence in children through their participation in her program, improved coordination and learning outcomes for our children. Innovative, sequential developmental program: Gayle's program is based on a combination of Orff-Sculwerk and Kodaly. It is a true example of student initiated curriculum, with Gayle working from where the children are and developing their skills appropriate to their level, providing a toolbox of skills through explicit teaching and then empowering the students to use these to create and develop their own music. The program involves children using all their senses in creating their own dance, music, words, movement, based on their own ideas, class themes or significant cultural events, relevant to them. The children use puppets, question and answer songs, and rhymes to change their voices, use percussion instruments and add sound effects to create different characters and moods experimenting with high/low, loud/soft, fast/slow.Children create and improvise movements using a variety of props e.g hoops, balloons, streamers, material, scarves, gricultural pipe, recycled materials , elastic, plastic pieces, balls, bean bags, parachute etc.They learn dances-line dances, circle dances, partner dances from a variety of cultures sometimes with props.Children act out words to songs with costumes, props and percussion. They make up actions, copy actions and make up movement patterns.They use percussion to play rhythm patterns to songs. Children learn songs and play musical games about special days e.g Mothers Day, Chinese New Year, Sorry Day, Harmony Day,Grandparents Day etc incorporating singing, beat and rhythm .They create Big books with photos of their class, reading the words and the rhythm notation and playing them on instruments and recorders.The children perform in class for each other, showing movements, dances ,rhythm patterns and evaluate each others performances both orally and in written form. Her ongoing assessment of the program involves anecdotal comments, acknowledging the achievement of SACSA outcomes and the Orff and Kodaly developmental outcomes. She reports on all students in a formal written format as well as using samples of work including CD's, written music children have created and assembly performances with each class. Incorporating a range of technologies:
National Awards for Excellence in School Music Education: Teacher Nomination Form. 3

Gayle taps into the predominant culture ensuring she is aware of the needs of our young "digital natives" and their interests and motivations. She uses current movies such as Happy Feet, Shrek, Bob the Builder and develops activities using rhythm games, literacy, percussion, singing, movement. Children use beat boxing and rap techniques to write own raps about environmental issues or rules in the music room which are pinned up and revised as a rap with movement. Children create soundscapes about various themes. They draw them, play them and record them. She uses quality equipment to ensure that the recording is of a high standard, makes the drawings into a Big Book and children take the Big Book back to their class with the CD for ongoing use. She caters for all abilities with children who are skilled in particular areas(eg understanding of notation) being extended through the use of computer programs and opportunities to create and perform. She uses Garage Band and a variety of of other software to develop and motivate her students. She constantly updates her knowledge and equipment to ensure tha she meets the needs of an ever-changing world. Working collaboratively with other teachers/integrated cross curricula whole school programs: Gayle plans collaboratively with up to thirteen class teachers to ensure that her program supports and reflects individual class themes and whole school initiatives. She has used songs and games to support our social skills and resilience program, Program Achieve-eg bob the builder-working as a team, getting along. Children use the story and add instruments. She supports teachers with resources to complement their programs and willingly shares her amazing knowledge and skills. Approaches for all students: Gayle teaches students from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds, several students with autism and our physically disabled students in the Link Program. She links into childrens' cultural backgrounds in her lessons valuing their input and celebrating their heritage through her inclusive practices. She enables autistic children to engage in activities, drama, creating, group work and performing at their level as she respects their sensory issues and adapts her program accordingly. Our children in wheelchairs are catered for in movement, dance, percussion and all aspects of the program. Children who are not successful in some aspects of their main classroom programs or who have behavioural issues are discovering that they can shine in this environment and willingly participate and demonstrate their skills and confidence. Children who are gifted musically, are encouraged and enabled to demonstrate their skills and are given opportunities to further develop through open-ended tasks, the use of technology and the opportunities for mentoring and performance. Every child in Gayle's classes is empowered to be successful and to participate at their own level with continuous development always on the agenda. Connecting Music in School with Community: The children regularly showcase their musical learning through assemblies and other school performances. Gayle organises groups to be involved in community functions including Carols by the Creek and the Recorder concert. She works across both schools with children from five to thirteen as she coordinates Community events. She is currently coordinating the whole school Come Out event which involves "taking Come Out to the streets" to share our music with the Mitcham Community and the Elderly Citizens home. The end of year concert involves every child participating with an audience of over 1000 as we celebrate the culmination of a years work in spectacular fashion. Gayle writes a story, related to a theme, classes choose a song, dance, musical piece that corresponds with the theme and develop their own actions, costumes, interpretation and this highlight of the school year is then performed. Gayle produces newsletters regularly celebrating the music program in the school. Gayle Judd is a hardworking exceptional music teacher who has so much to offer. The fact that many families choose to send their children to Mitcham because of the fantastic music program is testament to the strong foundations Gayle lays as she empowers the children to be successful and to develop sound skills and understandings and a love for music that will transcend their Primary School years. She has exceptional organizational skills, actively engages children in their musical journey, has wonderful relationships with everyone she comes into contact with and her innovation, enthusiasm and belief in students and the importance of music to their holistic development is evident in every aspect of her work. This written nomination could never do justice to the outstanding contribution this wonderful teacher makes to music education for so may students every year .
National Awards for Excellence in School Music Education: Teacher Nomination Form. 4

National Awards for Excellence in School Music Education: Teacher Nomination Form.

Title Name School Name Position Email Phone (H) Mobile Mrs Gaye Glade-Wright Mitcham Junior Primary School Principal 08 8370 2020 0411657111 Line Manager Date ________________ Phone (W) Fax 08 8271 2227 08 8373 3015

Relationship of nominator to nominee Signature ________________________

Title Name School Name Position Email Phone (H) Mobile

Phone (W) Fax Date ________________

Signature ________________________

Referee 1 supporting comments (maximum of 250 words):

I am a parent at Mitcham Primary School and I would like to give a supporting statement for Gayle Judd regarding her nomination for the National Award for Excellence in School Music Education. Over the years I have delighted in watching my children perform for the school community and the wider community. I have three children and their enthusiasm has been wonderful. I attribute this to the level of fun and encouragement from Gayle as she inspires and successfully guides her students. Together as a team Gayle and the students produce work that is enjoyable to both the performers and the audience. My children enjoy being involved in the planning stages as well as the performing. The level of the productions are always inspiring and Gayle should be congratulated on their artistic merit. Despite the high level achieved the students are never put under pressure or stress. They rise to the excitement and contribute to the best of their ability. One recent and most enjoyable performance was at the Mitcham Community Christmas Carols by the Creek December 2006. All three of my children sang in the Mitcham school choir. They enjoyed the rehearsals and were exited about performing to the community. Their enthusiastic singing and obvious joy is evidence of the exceptional direction and encouragement from their wonderful music teacher Gayle Judd.

National Awards for Excellence in School Music Education: Teacher Nomination Form.

SECTION 3 (continued)
Title Name School Name Position Email Phone (H) Mobile

Phone (W) Fax Date ________________

Signature ________________________

Referee 2 supporting comments (maximum of 250 words):

Teacher Nominations should be endorsed by the School Principal, Chairperson of School Board or Council, or District Supervisor.

DETAILS OF PERSON ENDORSING (not the same as the nominator)

Title Name School Name Position Email Phone (H) Mobile Mr David Rowe Mitcham Schools Chairperson of School Council Phone (W) Fax Date ________________

Signature ________________________

National Awards for Excellence in School Music Education: Teacher Nomination Form.

(Maximum of 2 pages to be completed by the nominee)

Information from nominee

(a) Please provide information on your teaching background, experience and accomplishments in music education (Refer to General Guidelines for Nominations, item No. 8). Applicants may also find it helpful to refer to Guidelines for Effective Music Education on pages 96, 98 and 99 of the NRSME report.

(b) Provide an outline of how you would use a $5000 grant to further your professional development. This information will be referred to during the judging process. (Award recipients will be required to sign a Statutory Declaration confirming their use of the grant money for professional learning. Recipients who need to refine the proposed use of the grant money will have the opportunity to confirm this with ASME).

Acknowledgement This project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training under the Australian Government Quality Teacher Programme. Disclaimer The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training.

National Awards for Excellence in School Music Education: Teacher Nomination Form.

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