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Name: Souvik Datta Dep: Electronics & TeleCommunication ID: 110708020 Class Roll: 21 7th Semester,2011.

Bengal Engineering & Science University, Shibpur

ROSE: Relevance Of Science Education


ROSE project has evolved out of the results of SAS study, whereby it led the project manager to send a proposal for a project description sent to Research Council in Norway in 2000. Based on number of positive feedback from various S&T institutions like IOSTE, ESERA, GASAT, ubiquitous responses from all over fields, considerable funding, it finally led to emergence of such project after some faltering in funding at initial stages.

The development of science and technology is also recognized worldwide as vital for a nation's overall economic development. When used effectively science and technology is able to improve productivity and meet the needs of society. This has been demonstrated in the developed countries, and more recently in the newly industrializing countries, where science and technology have been responsible for more than half of the increase in productivity. Science education should therefore appeal to all learners, regardless of backgrounds. Pupils are likely to learn better when they are interested in the subject, hence it becomes important to know the interests of the pupils, and how this may vary with their background. Lack of interests in science may lead to harmful consequences in future prospective. Most of the students are opting out of the degree courses and finally ending up in engineering and medical courses. As a result we are losing out the students from the field of research and technology domain, which is not only an omen, but also a threat to future innovations and development. ROSE tends to simulate such studies through effective studies, formulate the basic ultimatums to rejuvenate in them a spirit to acknowledge such domain, and to choose a carrier well fertile to both students and globe as well.


Science & Technology is becoming a merely cognitive tool for earning a degree through its studies, a hostile evidence to many a students due to the approach with which it is met. The institution fails to develop the urge and its ecstatic attitudes towards the students, rather making it a pressure to culminate in a volatile viewpoint. ROSE project deals with incorporating the basic idea of needs of Science & Technology in the minds of the common people, cynosure being the students at secondary level (around age of 15), inculcate in them the aspirations about dealing with various researches, motivate them to indulge and participate in the new era of S&T development. It does not talk of basic conception of S&T, rather it tries to take into consideration the modal behavior, the reaction of students towards science and its development. How the students are engaging themselves in such domains, how they are relating their lives with such enigmas-also part of ROSE to probe into. The report of the project will be pragmatic results and theoretical outcomes that can pave a path for informed debate on how to improve curricula and enrich the interest in S&T. Here the main aim is not to regard science as educative norms and teaching subject. It tries to invoke a feeling of interest and sensation towards the subject, inclination to the S&T field on innovative perspectives, and approach towards it with a differential attitudinal standpoint. The youth is relevant to themselves. Every student has a natural desire towards one or more aspects of life, and ROSE aims at achieving understanding of peoples emotions with S&T, their dedications, whelms, motivations and inspirations towards the matter of concern. So the term relevance mainly focuses on the willingness of individuals. By knowing such attitude of students, the project construes to effectively deal with the causes and effects of S&T in new domain of interests.


The ROSE project advances with cooperation, aims is to develop research cooperation and networking across cultural barriers so that participants can learn from each other. The participants have met at conferences like ESERA and IOSTE, and special ROSE workshops have been hosted in different countries. It emphasizes to bring into light how we the students' interest in choosing S&Trelated studies and careers can be stimulated and to passionate their life-long interest in and respect for S&T as part of our common culture. ROSE is supported by The Research Council of Norway, The Ministry of Education in Norway, The University of Oslo and the Norwegian Centre for Science Education. The empirical data will be available for participating researchers. In several countries the research groups involved in ROSE are also engaged in the largescale comparative achievement studies like TIMSS and PISA. Consequently, ROSE will complement the TIMSS an PISA studies by providing different information about the status of science education in the country. There are now about 40 countries taking part in ROSE, and more than 10 PhD students will base their thesis on ROSE data. Most countries have finished the data collection, some countries have still not completed the survey, and others are in an initial stage of organizing it. The ROSE instrument is translated into many different languages. Indian students like Sugra Chunawala(Mumbai) and Jayshree Mehta(Gujarat) are also taking part in such effort to culminate such omens. It is high time to look into such matters as such to renovate our cultures and project a new look into such a pragmatic problem, which may lead to a furtive consequences in future.

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