Environmental Planners Board Exam

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ENP Licensure Examinations : June 2011 (15-16 ??), MLQU, Quiapo, Manila, * date to be finalized by PRC in January 2011 Deadline for Application: the week of May 25, 2011 Requirements: Bring to PRC (application extension office Gotesco Mall along CM Recto Ave Manila) or to national office or to PRC regional office Birth Certificate on NSO security paper, original and photocopy, Transcript of Records, with scanned picture and words for Board Exam Purposes Only, original and photocopy Diploma, original and photocopy, Certificate of Employment from present employer; with one separate paragraph on Good Moral Character, good moral standing in the workplace and in the community, no record or court conviction of moral turpitude, etc. Certificate of Planning Experience from a registered EnP (specifically someone much older than you, who has supervised you during your planning experience) o In general, Certificate of Planning Experience is not necessary for holders of planning degrees BS.EPM, MEP, MURP, MSRDP, MATP, MA.URP, PhD.URP For unclear reasons, PRC still requires Certificate of Planning Experience from holders of post-graduate degree, D.LUP and D.URP


Certificate of Equivalency from your alma mater, if your degree is different from those disciplines stipulated by EnP law. E.g. human ecology is equivalent to urban planning, public management is equivalent to public administration, social studies is equivalent to sociology, MIS is equivalent to geographic information systems, rural development administration is equivalent to community development, etc four 2X2 pictures with white background, fee of PhP900, non-refundable



Until the current law (PD 1308) is superseded by a new law, the following are qualified to take the EnP Licensure Exams: ~ holders of a baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate degree in planning. Planning degree refers to degree in environmental planning, urban and regional planning, city and regional planning, town and country planning, land use planning, regional development planning, transportation planning, etc.




~ holders of Bachelor's degree in 'allied planning disciplines' with planning education of at least 21 academic units plus 2 years certified experience in planning; ~ Allied planning professions are architecture, landscape architecture, civil engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering, sanitary engineering, geodetic engineering, geology, geography, geomatics, economics, environmental science, environmental engineering, environmental management, environmental studies, human ecology, community development, development management, development administration, development studies, Philippine studies, public administration, public management, social work, sociology, demography, and other fields subject to approval of the Board of Environmental Planning. ~ holders of Bachelor's degree in 'allied planning disciplines' without planning education but with at least 5 years of certified experience in planning. WAYS TO PREPARE FOR EXAM 1. Self-Review. Rely on your own class notes and accumulated materials. 40% of exam tests stored knowledge. (See further explanation in succeeding sections.) 2. You may answer Practice Questions at your own pace on your free time. However, this mode of preparing does not fully simulate the actual exam conditions with time pressure.


3. GROUP REVIEW: four-day Integrative Seminar on Environmental Planning and Urban Development. Content-oriented not process-intensive, comprehensive, conceptual, fastpaced. "Ecopolis_EnP" review group attained 90% passing rate in 2008, 100% passing rate in 2009, and 90% passing rate in 2010. Regular seminar fee is P6,300xx per person (for Metro Manila, P7,300 for seminars outside NCR) and includes lectures, mock test, complete CD kit, certificate, and food (lodging not included). Early bird payments made at least 24 days before seminar are given a discount of P1,300xx. Payments whether cash deposit, bank transfer from any bank to PNB, managers check, or postal money order should be made to Ecopolis Environmental Consulting Services, Account Number 454-970-1000-14, Philippine National Bank, Kalayaan Ave QMC, Diliman, Quezon City. April 8-11. 2011 NISMED UP Diliman, Quezon City. Separate arrangement for lodging of province-based participants at NISMED: Tel. (02) 928-2621 to 24. April 30-May 3, 2011 National Ecology Center, in front of Philippine Heart Center and PLDT, East Ave, Quezon City Separate arrangement for lodging of province-based participants at Dormitory of Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Elliptical Road cor Visayas Ave, Quezon City: Tel. (02)920-4317, contact Ms Salvacion Cas 09195525631 Required Number of Participants for other Seminars outside Metro Manila: Metro Cebu (at least 50 persons to push through, as per PRC minimum to conduct regional exam) -- email "ecopolis_enp@piep.org.ph" Metro Davao (at least 50 persons to push through, as per PRC minimum to conduct regional exam) -- email "ecopolis_enp@piep.org.ph"





REMINDERS FOR YOUR APPLICATION PROCESS Apply early! Dont wait until the last minute. Queues at PRC are usually very long in May because of applicants for nursing, education, architecture, & forestry board exams in June. Your papers are accepted by a PRC clerk and then processed by a set of PRC employees. Disapproval of exam application may come at this level. Applicants at PRC regional offices and from the provinces should give enough time for bureaucratic delays in the transmittal of documents to Manila. Theres always lag time! Factor in plenty of time to follow-up. For mails, use courier services, LBC, etc instead of regular Post Office. Follow-up frequently by calling you might wait for a letter of approval or denial which might not be mailed on time. Key BEP clerk receiving documents: Mr Jun Torres, Tel.314-0027. Fax 314-0024 In case of disapproval at PRC screening level, your application papers will only be forwarded to the Board of Environmental Planning after a written appeal is made by you.


You may ask Board in writing for a conditional permit to take exam while you are completing additional requirements. Address your communications: BOARD OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING, Professional Regulation Commission, Morayta, Manila Tel. 314-0027 Fax 314-0024 BEP Chairperson, "assec@prc.gov.ph" STUDY TIPS FOR YOUR SELF-REVIEW Think positive that you can pass so that your mind can expand capacity and absorb as much information as possible. Read and re-read. Visual and sound familiarity with words will work in a Multiple Choice Exam. Study a bit each day over a long period of time. At least 100 total hours is needed (as per manuals of AICP USA). Read with pleasure, not with pressure. Read as if everything is a delight, as if everything surprises you. The emotions that accompany your reading will help you remember the content. The information will gradually enter your sub-conscious and longterm memory (LTM), even if your short-term memory (STM) will lose it in a day or two. Trust yourself and trust your mind that it will deliver when you need it to work. Never study on the night before exams. Be sure to calm your mind. When your mind is relaxed, it is easiest to retrieve the information that you need. In the vernacular, papahingain mo ang iyong isipan para mabigyan mo siya ng buelo sa araw ng pagsusulit. Huwag mo siyang pagurin 24 oras bago ang eksaminasyon.





As integrator & enabler, a planner is a Generalist, not a medical sub-sub-specialist. Better to know a little about a lot of subjects than a lot of detail about a few topics! The comprehensive content coverage can be overwhelming. It is even tougher if you are in a crunch. So do not cram!!! You are not taking a high school quiz. Dont let terms trip you up. Study definitions of key terms. Study in whatever way has worked for you in the past -- write outlines, mnemonic devices, flash cards, etc. Your notes from previous planning classes are always helpful. Talk to previous exam passers. Join study group of others preparing for the exam. E-mail partners for exchange of digital or electronic materials. Dont spend too much resources on photocopying. Prioritize PRC bibliography if you have to photocopy. Few days before exam, be rested and well-fed, exercise to relax, have a good massage! On exam day, arrive early at venue. "Case the room," as the detectives would say. Give yourself time to settle your nerves. Dress comfortably (PRC usually requires white shirt/top to distinguish examinees from companions/visitors). Bring non-programmable calculator, several lead pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser. On exam day, eat just right not too much food nor too much liquid that will make you go to the CR frequently. Bring survival kit snacks, energy bar or energy drink, some water, tylenol, advil, ibuprofen, anti-diarrhea, tissue paper.


TECHNIQUES IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS Focus on what you must do. Others in exam room may have their own agenda; shifting your attention robs you of precious time. Exam tests stored knowledge (40%) and skills (60%) Pace yourself well. About 40% are easy stand-alone questions which you can answer in 10 seconds average. 60% of questions you can answer in 74 seconds average. Quickly go through each question but do not skim. Identify main idea and understand the intention of the text. Determine what is being asked scope? details? Inference? judgment? For long narratives or scenario questions with complex multiple parts, read the choices first. Watch out for negative questions. Watch out for weasel words (most, least, best, worst, unless, except, but, although, despite, inspite of) Dont jump to conclusions too quickly. If you have enough time, do math answers twice.





Keep in mind that it is a national exam. Do not concentrate on how things might be done or expressed in your particular locality. Adopt the national perspective of broad principles and Standard Operating Procedures rather than how we do it at my place. If you cant decide which answer to choose, mark the question so that you can go back to it later on. Write number on separate scratch paper, annotating the question and its choices with key words that can lead you to the heart of your indecision. Go back to these difficult questions when you have the time. So as not to waste time, proceed to the next questions. Narrow down the choices to improve probability of guessing. In dire situations, make a guess through a process of elimination (you always have 25% chance of being correct) Resort to Common Sense. What is more consistent, more logical for most people? Avoid the dreaded Dopeler effect! Dopeler effect is the tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. Stupid ideas are sometimes presented in exam to trick you.

RESULTS OF EXAMINATION Exam correction is computerized and results are published within one or two days after end of exams in major broadsheets such as Philippine Daily Inquirer, Philippine Star, Manila Bulletin, and at their respective websites.



Asian Development Bank. Project Quality: An Agenda for Action: Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Improving Project Quality (1994) Babbie, Earl. The Basics of Social Research (2002) Barker, Judy L. Evaluating the Impact of Development Projects on Poverty: A Handbook for Practitioners (2000) Bayne, Patricia. Generating Alternatives, a Neglected Dimension in Planning Theory. Town Planning Review, Vol. 66, No.3 (1995) Chapin, Francis Stuart, Jr. Urban Land Use Planning (1965, 1972) Davis, Kenneth P. Land Use (1976) New York: McGraw Hill Book Company Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) A Sourcebook of Sustainable Development Indicators: Integrated Environmental Management (IEMSD) Programme, 1988 IEMSD Programme Sustainable Development Series (1997) Gabriel, Roth. The Private Provision of Public Services in Developing Countries (1987) Gallion, Arthur B. and S. Eisner. The Urban Pattern, City Planning and Design (1964) Greed, Ciara. Introducing Town Planning (1992) Greenberg, Broadman and Vining Weimer. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Concepts and Practice (1998) Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) Guidelines for the Formulation/Revision of Comprehensive Land Use Plan 1997 (10 volumes) National Urban Development and Housing Framework (1993-1998, 2009-2016) Town Planning Guidelines (10 volumes) Interagency Committee on Local Planning Program. Guidelines for the Formulation of Provincial Physical Framework Plan (1991) Kaiser, Edward J., David R. Godschalk, F. Stuart Chapin Jr. Urban Land Use Planning (1995), 4th ed. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press Livermash, R (ed). Valuing the Global Environment: Actions and Investment for 21st Century (1998)






Lovejoy, Dereck, ed. Land Use and Landscape Planning (1973) Lynch, Kevin. Site Planning (1972) Lyon, John G. and Jack MacCarthy. Wetland Environmental Applications of GIS (1995) McGee, Terry G. The Urbanization Process: Third World Explanations in Search of Theory (1971) McHarg, Ian L. Design with Nature (1967) Mumford, Lewis. The City in History: Its Origin, Its Transformation and Its Prospects (1961) National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Guidebook on Municipal Comprehensive Land Use Planning Project Development Manual, 1984 Oposa, Antonio A. Jr. A Legal Arsenal for the Philippine Environment (2002) Philippine Council for Sustainable Development. Philippine Agenda 21: A National Agenda for Sustainable Development (1997) Sample, V. Alaric (ed). Remote Sensing and GIS in Ecosystem Management (1994) Selman, Paul. Environmental Planning: The Conservation and Development of Biophysical Resources (2000) Serote, Ernesto M. (2003). A Model of Local Planning and Development in the Philippines: A Concise Planning Guidebook. Quezon City: University of the Philippines School of Urban and Regional Planning Serote, Ernesto M. (2004). Property, Patrimony and Territory: Foundations of Land Use Planning in the Philippines. Quezon City: UPSURP & UP PLANADES Stein, Jay M. ed. Classic Readings in Urban Planning (1995) Titenberg, Tom. Environmental Economics and Policies (1998) Titenberg, Tom. Environment and Nature Resources Economics (1998) UN World Commission on Environment and Development. Our Common Future (1987) Valdez, Joseph & Michael Bamberger. Monitoring and Evaluating Social Programs in Developing Countries: A Handbook for Policy Makers, Managers and Researchers (1994) World Bank. Expanding the Measure of Wealth: Indicators of Environmentally Sustainable Development: Environmentally Sustainable Development Studies & Monographs Series No. 17 (1997)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. RA 7160 Local Government Code of 1991 (Plan 210 and 203) HLURB Manual Volume I -- CLUP Process (Plan 210.1 planning workshop) HLURB Manual Volume II Sectoral Studies (Plan 210.1) Ernesto M. Serote Jr, DILG Rationalized Planning System (Plan 203) Ernesto M. Serote Jr., Property, Patrimony and Territory, 2004 (Plan 203) Kevin Andrew Lynch, Image of the City , 1961 (Plan 231) Ian L. McHarg, Design with Nature, 1967 (Plan 203) National Framework for Physical Planning 2001-2030 Batas Pambansa 220 Socialized Housing particularly Implementing Rules and Regulations PD 957 Subdivision and Condominium Buyers Protection Law on Open Market Housing Dolores Endriga, Elum, Yap and Alcalde, The Language of Environmental Planning in the Philippines, 2004 (Plan 201) RA 7718 -- BOT Law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (Plan 205) RA 9184 Government Procurement Reform of 2002 United Nations Millennium Development Goals 2000-2015 Anne Beers, Environmental Planning (Plan 231) Francis Stuart Chapin Jr., Urban Land Use Planning (Plan 203)






AICP - General Reference and Ethics American Institute of Certified Planners: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (Adopted October 1978, amended October 1991). American Institute of Certified Planners, Washington, D.C. www.planning.org/ethics. American Planning Association (ed.). 2006. Planning and Urban Design Standards. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons. Barrett, Carol D. 2001. Everyday Ethics for Practicing Planners. Washington, D.C.: American Institute of Certified Planners. Bolan, Richard S. 1983. "The Structure of Ethical Choice in Planning Practice." Journal of Planning Education and Research 3: 23-34. Marcuse, P. 1976. "Professional Ethics Beyond Values in Planning." Journal of the American Institute of Planners 42: 264294. Hoch, Charles So, Linda, and Frank Dalton, (eds.). 2000. The Practice of Local Government Planning 3rd ed.. Washington, D.C.: ICMA. So, Frank, and Getzels, Judith: The Practice of Local Government Planning (3rd edition, 2000). International City Management Association, 1120 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 2005. AICP - History, Theory and Law Brooks, Michael. 2002. Planning Theory for Practitioners. Chicago: American Planning Association: vol.42, no.4 (pp. 387406) Campbell, Scott (ed) abd Susan Fainstein. 2003. Readings in Planning Theory. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. Eisner, Simon, Arthur Gallion, and Stanley Eisner. 1993. The Urban Pattern (6th ed). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Faludi, Andreas. A Reader in Planning Theory, New York: Pergamon, 1973 Hall, Sir Peter. 1988. Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design in the Twentieth Century. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Hudson, Barclay M.: Comparison of Current Planning Theories: Counterparts and Contradictions (October 1979). Journal of the American Planning Association, Volume 45, Number 4 (pages 387-406). Irons, Peter H. 1996. May It Please the Court. New York: New Press. Krueckeberg, Donald (ed.). 1983. Introduction to Planning History in the United States. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Center for Urban Policy. Lucero, Lora (ed.). 2005. Four Supreme Court Land-Use Decisions of 2005. Planning Advisory Service Report No. 535. Chicago: American Planning Association. Mandelker, Daniel R.: Land Use Law (4th edition, 1997). The Michie Company, Charlottesville, VA. Peterson, Jon. 2003. The Birth of City Planning in the United States: 1840-1917. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Scott, Mel. 1995. American City Planning Since 1890. Chicago: American Planning Association Stein, Jay M. (editor), Classic Readings in Urban Planning, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1995. AICP - Plan-Making and Plan Implementation Babbie, Earl R. 2006. The Practice of Social Research. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing. Dandekar, Hemalata. 2003. Planner's Use of Information (2nd ed.). Chicago: American Planning Association. Gaber, John, and Sharon Gaber. 2007. Qualitative Analysis for Planning & Policy: Beyond the Numbers. Chicago: American Planning Association. Hayslett, Jr., H.T 1968.: Statistics Made Simple. Doubleday & Company, Garden City, N.Y Klosterman, Richard E. 1990. Community Analysis and Planning Techniques. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. McLean, Mary L., and Kenneth Voytek. 1992. Understanding Your Economy: Using Analysis to Guide Local Strategic Planning. Chicago: Planners Press, APA Meier, Kenneth J., Jeffrey L. Brudney, and John Bohte. 2008. Applied Statistics for Public and Nonprofit Administration. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing. Myers, Dowell. 1992. Portraits of Change: Methods of Analysis With Local Census Data. Boston: Academic Press, Inc. Patton, Carl V, and David S. Sawicki. 1993. Basic Methods of Policy Analysis and Planning (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Smith, Stanley K., Jeff Tayman, and David A. Swanson. 2001. State and Local Population Projections: Methodology and Analysis. New York: Springer Publishing Co. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher





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