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Mole Locations and Their Meanings

I hope some of these aren't true... cuz I seem to have moles in the most "unluckiest" spots. 1) A mole is on your chin says you are likely to be lucky, for it meanshealth, wealth and happiness in the years to come, especially in middle life. Even if you started out poor, you could end up rich. 2) If you have a mole on your throat, this is a sign of great happiness in your love life, and denotes lots of lucky moments and contentment. 3) A mole on the back of your neck isn't quite so fortunate, and means that you must watch out for deceit from those around you. 4) If your mole is on your nose, you'll love travel and meeting new people. You're also an eloquent talker and can charm the birds off the trees with your sweet talk. 5) A mole on your lip indicates a love of eating and drinking, and there could a touch of the glutton in your makeup. You'll also take to luxury like a duck to water. 6) A mole on the right shoulder means good fortune and bring lots of family joy, but if your mole is on your left shoulder you'll have to fight a little for your happiness, and you could come up against a few difficulties in your love life. 7) On the left foot, a mole is a sign of prosperity, and comfort through life. On the right foot, you'll have to overcome some stumbling blocks before you achieve your dreams. 8) If you have a mole on your left breast, you'll have many lovers, but if there's one on your right breast, it indicates hard work. 9) A mole on your lower jaw means children and happy family life, with security

and love. 10) A mole on the eyebrow means an early engagement or marriage. 11) If your mole is on your wrist, you'll have an inquiring mind and a thirst for knowledge ? you should go far in your chosen 12) If your mole appears on your right knee, you'll end up like the old woman in the shoe, with many, many children and always broke. 13) A mole on the right side of your forehead means you'll end up with lots of honours and a name for yourself. If it's on the left side, you'll have a patch of illluck now and then. 14) If your mole is on your stomach, you'll have a life free of ill-health and shouldn't have to worry about minor ailments. 15) A mole in the center of your back indicates a fiery temper and a touch of jealousy. 16) If your mole is on your thigh? left or right ? you'll have to endure a few tears before you find happiness. And you'll have to work for your living. 17) If your mole is on either elbow, you could find yourself susceptible to flattery ? this could bring trouble in your middle years, but joy later. 18) A mole on or near the right ears means you love trave and movement. Dancing and action will be your way of expressing your personality and will bring you success. 19) A mole on or near your left ear means you'll have a sympathetic nature and lots of patience, but you could be taken advantage of through life, as you don't always stand up for yourself.

20) A mole on the right cheek means you have to watch your tongue. You may have a habit of giving away secrets and betraying a confidence because you enjoy a good gossip. 21) A mole on the left cheek indicates you will be popular, You'll have lots of friends and your love life wil go smoothly because of your ability to adapt. 22) If your mole is large, you'll have an independent nature and enjoy doing your own thing, and even your friends and family won't stop you from going off on your own now and then and exploring new ground. 23) A mole that has hair growing out of it is a token of good luck.

Anonymous said... Does it mean anything if your whole body is covered in moles? I have too many to count, and I think the only one of those above I didn't have was the nose, lips, and eyebrow.
APRIL 06, 2009 12:37 AM

chrissilious said... was about to say the same thing. meaning my life will be confusing? neither here nor there? lol
JULY 16, 2009 6:32 PM

Anonymous said... What if I have to on my penis?

AUGUST 30, 2009 3:05 AM

camello.emma said... im 11 yrs old and i have had a mole on the left sole of my foot... people have told me that that means you like to shop... is that true or does it have another meaning...?
SEPTEMBER 06, 2009 3:42 AM

Hannah said... im 11 years old and i have a mole on my right shoulder and on my upper lip and both sides of my forehead :S so confusing. . . means honours and such and on the left means ill-luck. no wonder im lucky and unlucky at times. . . :\
SEPTEMBER 18, 2009 9:05 AM


SEPTEMBER 28, 2009 2:58 AM

Anonymous said... [IMG][/IMG]

SEPTEMBER 28, 2009 3:04 AM

Anonymous said... It means that you are 'touching your self' .... Haahhhhaaa !!!!!
DECEMBER 22, 2009 5:47 PM

Anonymous said... i have a mole on my left breast but i think only about 1 to 5 people likes me... i mean like as in more than a friend type... and the person i like

doesnt like me... and some of my friends says that they're my best freind and that but they dont even like me as much as their other friends...
JANUARY 29, 2010 10:52 PM

Amber said... i have 2 moles at the side of my let eye and a big mole on the right side of my neck am i lucky? or unlucky? or whatever, iv read this and yes i can understand some but others are the compleat oposite.
MARCH 12, 2010 4:37 PM

Anonymous said... I have a mole at the right sid of my chin and an other on the left arm at d rit sid.Wt dz this mean?Plz tl me f any1 knws
JUNE 01, 2010 4:39 PM

Anonymous said... What if I have a mole on both my right and left shoulders?
JULY 29, 2010 4:12 AM

Anonymous said... what if there is a 3 mole on the left side of your outer eye triangular in position & 3 moles at the back of left shoulder triangular in position?
AUGUST 31, 2010 2:45 AM

Anonymous said... FOR GOODNESS SAKES PEOPLE. DO you ACTUALLY believe in this? I'm reading it for fun and if what it says is actually happening, I treat it as a coincidence.

OCTOBER 09, 2010 1:16 AM

stories of young boys having sex said... The guys in theplatoon just werent candidates for the title of lover that kind ofemotional attachment was counterproductive in a combat companion and was thussensibly tacitly avoided, even without the official sanctions against it. She began to moan softly as his finger went inside her. virgin incest sex stories femdom fantasy stories illustrated sex stories post fuck my wifes cunt stories free zoo porn pictures and stories The guys in theplatoon just werent candidates for the title of lover that kind ofemotional attachment was counterproductive in a combat companion and was thussensibly tacitly avoided, even without the official sanctions against it. She began to moan softly as his finger went inside her.
DECEMBER 04, 2010 2:35 AM

Enchanted Owl said... I have a set of three moles on the left side of my forehead that form an inverted triangle and the same pattern on the left side of my neck right beneath the hairline. Is this a witchcraft, or devils mark or something?
FEBRUARY 10, 2011 12:38 PM

Anonymous said... I am first very proud of my moles. People have always expected me to have mine removed but I have no issues with it and alot of men (and women) tell me it's sexy. I have 100 plus over my whole body, but a lareg flat one ontop of my left foot and a large raised one on my right eyebrow. None of the meanings have applied to me.
MAY 15, 2011 7:45 PM


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