Concipio Questionnaire

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Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Kharagpur

Submit by Email

Concipio Questionnaire
Team Information
Name of Team Email id (for contacting purpose) Contact No.

Category in which idea falls

Out of the two categories which category do you consider your idea falls in :Social Business Product or service based.

Brief abstract of idea

Give a brief abstract of you idea :-

Stage of Development
At what stage of development is your idea ?

Is your idea patented ? Or you have filed a patent?

Target Market
Which segment/ niche(s) of the market will your company focus on selling its products/ services to?

Are you already getting mentoship from any person or organisation? If yes please mention details.
If your idea is getting mentorship from any professor or organization, mention it here. Note that this does not affect selection criteria in anyway. It is just to know if your team requires mentorship for the finals

Revenue Model
Give a brief revenue model of your business.

Team Structure
Number of members in founding team, number of interns currently working and the names (Registering Team only)

Prizes/participations won by the idea in past

If your idea has won or been recommended by any professor/ VC/ other B-plan competitions, tell us a little about it

USP for your company

This question gives us an idea about your company's perception of competition

Why invest in me?

Answer this question asked by every investor to every entrepreneur! Be creative and concise - not more than 100 words

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