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Katol from Lanzones Peel / Mosquito repellant There have been some study that like other plants

lanzones peel has a certain compound that can repel mosquito. Way back in my elementary days I remember my sister making a project about this. They made a katol made from dried lanzones peeling they even copied the coil like structure of the commercially available katol. Heres how they do it. Materials: Starch, aluminum foil, lazones peeling, commercial katol
1. Lanzones was sun dried for a few days. 2. If the lanzones is fully dried you can now pulverized it using a mortar and pastel. 3. Mix equal amount of starch and pulverized lanzones peeling add water to make a paste like consistency. Mix thoroughly. 4. Now get the commercial katol and use the foil to make a mold. 5. Now pour the mixed starch and lanzones into the mold and let it dry. 6. You now have a katol.

If your katol does not burn properly you could increase the ratio of pulverized lanzone BANANA PEELINGS AS VINEGAR
Instead of throwing away our banana peelings, we can use it to make vinegar. The procedure is very simple as shown below. MATERIALS: banana peels 1 kg water 8 cup sugar 1 cup bakers yeast t vinegar starter 1 cup UTENSILS: measuring cup measuring spoon knife chopping board casserole stove cheese cloth wide-mouthed glass jars thermometer

PROCEDURE: 1. Slice a kilo of banana peel, add 4 cups water, then boil. 2. Extract the juice of banana peel, decant and filter through cheese cloth. 3. Add 4 c water, 1 c sugar and pasteurize for 10 15 minutes at 60 -65C. 4. Transfer into sterilized container, half-filled. 5. Cool, then add tsp bakers yeast for every 8 c mixture. Allow to ferment for 7-8 days. 6. Decant/siphon to separate sediments (dead yeast). 7. Add 1 c of vinegar starter for every 4 c liquid. Cover with clean cloth/paper. 8. Allow to ferment at room temperature for 2-3 weeks or until a sour odor of vinegar is attained. Decant to separate the sediments. 9. Fill container to full capacity. Age for a month to produce quality vinegar. 10. Pasteurize at 60C for 5 minutes.

pineapple peelings as vinegar

*Abstract* -The pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant and fruit(multiple), native to Uruguay, Brazil, and Paraguay. It is a medium tall (11.5 m) herbaceous perennial plant with 30 or more trough-shaped and pointed leaves 30100 cm long, surrounding a thick stem. The pineapple is an example of a multiple fruit: multiple, spirally-arranged flowers along the axis each produce a fleshy fruit that becomes pressed against the fruits of adjacent flowers, forming what appears to be a single fleshy fruit. The leaves of thecultivar 'Smooth Cayenne' mostly lack spines except at the leaf tip, but the cultivars 'Spanish' and 'Queen' have large spines along the leaf margins. Pineapples are the only bromeliad fruit in widespread cultivation. It is one of the most commercially important plants which carry out Crassulacean acid metabolism, or CAM photosynthesis. *Introduction* -we all know that our country today are suffering crisis.That was the reason why I want to launch this study,cause I want to help our community to be useful.The Pineapple is a very popular fruit in many tropical parts of the world.The fruitlets of a pineapple are arranged in two interlocking spirals, eight spirals in one direction, thirteen in the other; each being a Fibonacci number. This is one of many examples of Fibonacci numbers appearing in nature. *Statement of the Problem* -Does the peeling of pineapple(Ananas comosus) can be made as vinegar? *Hypothesis* -If I use the peelings of pineapple as vinegar,it can be useful to our community because

it contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which digests food by breaking down protein. Pineapple juice can thus be used as a marinade and tenderizer for meat. The enzymes in pineapples can interfere with the preparation of some foods, such as jelly or other gelatin-based desserts. These enzymes can be hazardous to someone suffering from certain protein deficiencies or disorders, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. *Significance of the Study* -It makes my study important because the root and fruit are either eaten or applied topically as an anti-inflammatory and as aproteolytic agent. It is traditionally used as an antihelminthicagent in the Philippines.A root decoction is used to treat diarrhea. *Scope and Limitations* -I want to include in my study the other parts of the Pineapple that has extract so that I will determine which part have more extract .And also I will statistical test used to determine the possible limitations of the finding. *Definition of Terms* PINEAPPLE(Ananas comosus) - is an example of a multiple fruit: multiple, spirally-arranged flowers along the axis each produce a fleshy fruit that becomes pressed against the fruits of adjacent flowers, forming what appears to be a single fleshy fruit. VINEGAR - is a liquid processed from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its key ingredient, acetic acid. *Review of Related Literature* -In the USA in 1986, the Pineapple Research Institute was dissolved and its assets were divided between Del Monte and Maui Land and Pineapple. Del Monte took 73-114, which it dubbed MD-2, to its plantations in Costa Rica, found it to be well-suited to growing there, and launched it publicly in 1996. (Del Monte also began marketing 73-50, dubbed CO-2, as Del Monte Gold). In 1997, Del Monte began marketing its Gold Extra Sweet pineapple, known internally as MD-2. MD-2 is a hybrid that originated in the breeding program of the now-defunct Pineapple Research Institute in Hawaii, which conducted research on behalf of Del Monte, Maui Land & Pineapple Company, and Dole.

-Southeast Asia dominates world production: in 2001 Thailandproduced 1.979 million tons, the Philippines 1.618 million tons while in the Americas, Brazil 1.43 million tons. Total world production in 2001 was 14.220 million tons. The primary exporters of fresh pineapples in 2001 were Costa Rica, 322,000 tons; Cte d'Ivoire, 188,000 tons; and the Philippines, 135,000 tons.In commercial farming, flowering can be artificially induced and the early harvesting of the main fruit can encourage the development of a second crop of smaller fruits.

*Methodology* a.) Materials & Equipment *Pineapple peelings *Water *Sugar *Yeast *Knife *Bottle/s b.) TREATMENT/GENERAL PROCEDURE

1. Wash peels before chopping finely. 2.Add enough water to cover and boil. 3.Strain and let cool to lukewarm. 4. For every 4 cups of juice add 1 cup of sugar and 1/4 tsp. yeast. 5. Fill into bottles and cover with cheese cloth or tissue paper.

*Result and Discussion* -I observed that the Pineapple peelings can be made as vinegar and it is useful to our community.Because it is affordable and Pineapple can be easily found in tropical areas like Philippines. *Conclusion* -There fore I conclude that the Pineapple peelings can be made as vinegar and it is affordable like any other vinegars and also it is effective. *ACKNOWLEGDEMENT* -This investigatory project would never been realized without the financial support, effort and unselfish assistance of the people who willingly helped the researcher.In due recognition of all those who contributed to the success of this study.The researcher extend her deep gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to the following: First of all,our almighty God,the creator and savior who give life, good health, wisdom and guidance to finish this investigatory project. Ms. Balve Granido our research teacher who gives support and guidance to make this study successful.

To our parents for the financial assistance and guidance to the researcher to make her project successful.

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