Letter To UN Special Rapporteur

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Muslim LiberationOrganrzation Burma(MLOB) of

Email.gawdech@ gmail. (66)827 com.phone. 6529t3 (OpenLetter) To, Mr.TomasQea Quintana UN SpecialRapporteur Humanrights in Burma, on Dated.2l,August,20ll I, on behalf of the MLOB, am-yerypleased know that you are allowedby the new Burmese to Government visit,Y^angoo.Styeek.].am uqo p.t"*qd to requestyon to klodly *"q"it" ifi" to whereabouts the (48) Muslims from Sittrvedistiict who were arreitedat Taunlgup:"ny Uv of the Govenrment Immigration uq4 Vtilitaw lntelligence(MI) Officers, sinceAetiitrdy aff"nai disappeared. Their namesand addresses mentioned are below. I * lt5", you know that the Muslims of Arakan Stateare not allowed to move from one lqry}ship to anothereven in their State since Gen. Ne Win had seizedpower in Burma in t962. Although the $uplims of Arakan know that the 0:avellingto Yangonor otherparts of Burma is a dangerto their lives, the unemployment, poverly, and-hrmger 6rce tnemto ho it. 19 f- 1v.e lcrow, {rye groupgof Mwli$q" mosfly male-youths,total nlmbers (4g), from Sittwe district , in different times,had havelled , by-boati,tir faunggup andAnn to"rdhip;;a Arakan State,from where they would go by cars to Yango:rin o:rier to get someworii to supporttheir poor families {t)' .lgg7, townsfip-s SlttwgPtlQet hire{ a p4@egn+e ..ao{ reaehed of :h{ rauulerpjery boqt had on 23'" Novernber,1997.From therethey-would continui tleiilourney to'Y*gorrffd"ilt " on llowey.er,they werg arrested, the sameday, by the Immigration and MI offrcerswho had immediatell s:lt tlqn tg Taung-gup jail. ,t\i were seJn there in the 3aif, mtit-2fl November,1997 andthenthey all disappeared. Theirnamesand addresses g"*Uetow(f ). are r}g t"^q9oo (z.o)v.ouls p-e.n, Norember, p from Marouk u and Kyauk raw

***qg 21" January, 1998,another Muslims, named two mentioned below,from Sittwehad havelled Taunggup steamer look for theirlovedones, above Muslims to by to the 18 It^yaslate{$to!'q. tlra-t two-ws{e alssqryested thc Tas4.ggup by the llttnqtgryqq! jetg ths 4t officers and
thenthe two had alsodisappeared(2) The goop, fl*ly oJ (13) members, including old men,womenand someinfants,led 3"1 I byMaulvi Noor Meah,j5ligtg,,s person,ftom Aung Prfg qllqge of Min nyu to*nsnif hadtravelled,in early D98, bypoa! to Taunggup. irrival it Ae litty, tley att iu"rr urr.rdd Ou !y tlt" Immigration officers who had sent them to the Taunggui iii. titer tn"v ft"O disappeared. "iso (15) young. men,similarlylad havelledby boat,in the laterpart of 199g, !3) Tqq.]" gro$), from Sittwe to Taunggup, who were arrested Immigration officere anOiaiei tnev afi nad by disappeared. Their narnes addresses givei below] and are The informationof (48) Muslims, mentioned above,so far we know, is a small portion of the entire tragic epis_ode where somehundredsof Muslims of Sittrre nistrict *e"e i"urtered and somewereevenburied alive in Taunggup Ann townships, inforrration said. and the

the I would like to requestyou to kindly askthe Bunnesehighestauthoritiesthe whereabouts below. ill fatedMuslims mentioned Yours Faithfirlly,

(Kyaw Hla) MLOB Chairman, The lo-group:No, Ntme Age 27 F4lherog nqme SamiUddin Osman NoorUddin Abdul Hashim Rashid AMul Shukko U Kalu U Ismail U Abul Abdul Hashim U Ahamad Village Ziza Ziza ThayetCho ThayetCho ThayetCho Peparang Pepararg Peparing Peparing Peparang Peparang Township Marouk U MaroukU Marouk U MaroukU Marouk U MaroukU MaroukU Marouk U MaroukU Marouk U Marouk U Marouk U Marouk U Marouk U MaroukU MaroukU Kyauk Taw Kyauk Taw Kyauk Taw Sittwe 1. Amir Husain 2. MohamadHusain 25 3. Dolla 4. Haroon 5. MaungPru 6. Abdulla 7. ShawMullok 8. PhokkyaAli 9. MustafaSharif 10.Pakuya 11.Shobbir 12.Abu Ahmad Khair 13.Mohamad 14.La Lah 15.MaungNi 16.DoyaAli 17.Abul Awal 18.YuNus 20. *** Noor Kamal 26 30 25 25 25 30 26 28 26 37 28 20 25 24 22 23

Molvi Abdul SamadParing U Tar Zaw U Siddiq Kobir Husain U Rahim MaungThapru Paring Paring PongDoke PongDoke

19.***MohamadElyas 27 28

*** SerialNo.(19) and(20) went by stearner Taunggup search the abovementioned to to for (18)persons.
The 2d gr,oup, a family of 13 members, already mEntioned above.

lne ^ r d srouD J



Age 2l 23 2A 20 2l 24 2l 2l 22 24 24
2L 20

Father's n&me


Township Butheedaung Butheedaung Butheedaung Butheedaung

l. MohamadSaleh 2. Dil Mohamad 3. Abu Taleb 4. Nobi Husain 5. SultanAharrrad 6. MohamadAli 7. Kamal Husain 8. MohamadBaser 9.Ismail 10.JahirAhamad 11.Mati LIIlah 12.NoorAlam 13.Abdul Rahman 14.Ismail Tayub 15.Moharnad

MohamadSalim WaxdNo.2. MohamadHusain Faizul Rahmam Abdul Rahman HafizAhamad Qasim ObedulHaq Ward 3.

Bu&eedaung Butheedaung Butheedaung Butheedaung

Kadir Husain ShunaAli Altaf Amir Husain Nurul Islam Mogul Aharnad Ahamad

MaungDaw MaungDaw MaungDaw MaungDaw MaungDaw Sittwe Sittwe


people Total Muslims:20+13+15=48

Note: A Copy of this letter is seirtto NLD to kindly enquirethe fatesof the disappeared Township. Muslims,throughNLD- members in Ann andTaunggup ,

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