Intervensi Program, Answer and Short Note Chapter 6

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CHAPTER 6: ELECTROCHEMISTRY The answer. 1. The selection of ion for discharge depends on three factors.

State the three factors i. Type of electrode ii. Position of ions in the electrochemical series iii. Concentration of the electrolyte. Complete the table for the electrolysis of the electrolyte using carbon electrode. Type of ion form Ion that attracted at anode and half equation. cathode and half equation OH 4OH2H2O + O2 + 4e Product at anode cathode hydrogen


Type of electrolyte

Sodium nitrate solution Dilute Sulphuric H+, SO42-, OHacid Dilute Copper(II) sulphate Concentrated K+, I-, OH-,H+ potassium iodide Concentrated hydrochloric acid 3.

hydrogen Cu2++2e Cu oxygen Iodine 2ClCl2 + 2e hydrogen

Electrolysis is widely used in industries. Three uses of electrolysis in industries are i. Extraction of metal. ii. Purification of metals. iii. Electroplating of metal. -State the electrolyte use and type of metal that place at anode and cathode Process Purification Electroplating Anode Impure metal Metals used to electroplate cathode Pure metal Metal to electroplate Electrolyte Metal salt Metal salt


Differences between electrolytic and voltaic cell. Complete the table. Characteristic Energy changes Current Anode Cathode Positive terminal Negative terminal Type of electrode Electrolytic cell Electrical energy produce chemical reaction Current supply into the cell Terminal positive Terminal negative Anion give out electrons to anode Cation accept electron from terminal Pair of graphite, platinum or suitable metal. Voltaic cell Chemical reactions produce electrical energy Current produced by the cell Terminal positive Electron receive by positive terminal. Electrons given out from negative terminal Pair of different metals.


The further the distance between two metal, the bigger the potential differences between them. The

higher position of a metal in the electrochemical series, the greater the tendency of the metal atoms to donate electrons. Thus, the more electropositive is the metal. The easily the metal to displace the lower metal in the electrochemical series. The metal which is higher in the electrochemical series will be the negative terminal.

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