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Holy Thirukkural

Greatness of Thirukkural :
Thirukkural is a precious gem among the classics, unique in the
deliverance of code of conduct to the mankind to follow for all time
to come. It enshrines in it 1330 couplets under 133 chapters, each
chapter comprising 10 verses. The chapters again fall under three
major divisions. Virtue, Wealth and Love. This treatise
encompasses the whole gamut of human life and by Thiruvalluvar,
its illustrious author illuminates every bit of it! This classical work
written in Tamil, has been translated in over 60 languages of the
The Government of Tamil nadu had a vision (for beyond) the
Horizon. Yes to rise a statue for Thiruvalluvar in Kanyakumari, the
southern tip of the mainland at the confluence of the three seas
befitting the stature of this Saint-poet. The statue that was
dedicated at the dawn of the new millennium, stands out as a
beacon of light to guide human life for ever.
Measures adopted for the statue of Thiruvalluvar :
The statue with 95' and the pedestial supporting it with 38ft, the
structure is thus a standing mammoth commanding a total height of 133 feet. An artistic peripheral wall
around the statue, thereby forms a captivating mandap.
The measures what they stands for? :
The pedestal represents the 38 chapters on 'Virtue' and the 95' statue standing on the pedestal
represents 'Wealth' and 'Pleasure' signifying that Wealth and Love be earned and enjoyed on the
foundation of Virtue solid.
The rocks for the sculpture came from :
Sirudhamoor, Pattumalaikuppam Hills and Ambhasamudram Hills.
Statistical details of the statue :
Statistical details of the statue
Height of the statue 95 feet
Height of the pedestial 38 feet
Statue along with the pedestial 133 feet
Height of the face 10 feet
Height of the body part 30 feet
Height of the thigh part 30 feet
Height of the leg part 20 feet
Fore arm 10 feet
Length of the manuscript 10 feet
Width of the shoulder 30 feet
Length of the hairdo 5 feet
Peripheral wall including the statue &
60 * 50
10 Elephants, each as tall as 5' 6 inches
Weight of the pedestial, statue and the wall 7000 tones
Sculptures and other worksmen 500
Cheif Scultptor : Thiru V.Ganapathi sthapathi
Planned and Organised by Dr.M.Karunanidhi.
''uoaJo oaqoa+ oaqto ''uoaJo oaqoa+ oaqto ''uoaJo oaqoa+ oaqto ''uoaJo oaqoa+ oaqtou oauua u oauua u oauua u oauua
GoaoJo uoiG t5'' GoaoJo uoiG t5'' GoaoJo uoiG t5'' GoaoJo uoiG t5''

1omo1 1ua oqouuGGu oai
1iau Gtuu
1i, uuoa auGu mJoi oaqiu G+6ua nu1J15 1 naG
Gtaouu au 1GutG Gtto, na Guaq taot6a GuaqGta1iG
Gttouau G:a1ot L1 6ai1aua. _Joua G+6ua _, Gta, 6ut
au mu G1oau iq, 1BBB :taiua 1BB _1a;+a
6duoaJoiaa 1omou; aaiCoa ui Luuo1io Ctat
oua, uuaau1 t Goaa _uuioa tau u oa+1 u1q,
1omo;o mm noi t1uauaG Gtmat1Ga5Jo ouq+a5 _;a
1omo1 1uaau _ao 1omo1 1uaau _ao 1omo1 1uaau _ao 1omo1 1uaau _ao
1uauaJ oa+ Ot BS _q na;i :5uau; OtJ1u Cu _uuiGt:5a
1uaau na;Cua B5 _q G;uaut! GuaJoJ1 1BB _q na; 1ua oqo uo1
ouu! !
OtJuoJ at6a atJao1 Gtadotu _uu1o. 6doa atJao1 Gaut Otm
1uaa _uuu uuttuaa _uuiGomio, _qaq Goumuua _qa1io
oauaa ua11o.
1uaau _ao a:5 oJoo oai 1uaau _ao a:5 oJoo oai 1uaau _ao a:5 oJoo oai 1uaau _ao a:5 oJoo oai
OtJ1u BS _q na;uauo _JoGtadu BS _1a;+uai 6Gtao, OtJ1u
Cu amio Lt B5 _q na; omo1 1uaaauo Gta ut 6utJoG tadu
B5 _1a;+uai 6Gtao _uuio 1q1o. _. _Juo _qJoauai
GauCt Gtam, 6utm _uui1t Cou5 au oaqiu G+6ua nu1Jo
' omouaCo' 1ua oqouuiGt:5ao.
1uaiau tua =io uua 1uaiau tua =io uua 1uaiau tua =io uua 1uaiau tua =io uua
1oam1, t:5uuaiGt uua, _taomJ1; uua.
1ua tt6a mi1a oo;+ 1ua tt6a mi1a oo;+ 1ua tt6a mi1a oo;+ 1ua tt6a mi1a oo;+
1uaau na; B5 _q
OtJ1u na; BS _q
1uaa Otm Co1io 1BB _q
mJ1u na; 1B _q
nt t1au na; BB _q
GoautG t1au na; BB _q
a t1au na; 2B _q
nJoioua, mJo, m:q ut taom Co1io 1B _q
uJoo 1B _q
aoqau La 1B _q
Coat:utau _a BB _q
1uG t1 5 _q
_oa;Ot na:t atao1 BB_q + 5B_q
dGoau, pio _q _ _+a na; Gaut 1B aauu.
_oa; Ot, 1ua ut atJ ao1 _1aot6u GuaJo aut 7BBB tu.
1ua _uuG:J 1:t noai:
uau:u ouq moo1
uam1 m. uaL1
( B1. 12. 1B75j

ouauu 1tG:
1. uo. ut1 ot1
1uaauuG:G tua t+Ct 1tGa1 ut
tuaaa1au auuiu 5BB.

_a ta _a;ao ta5t:5 +uo _aau omouii aaJoa _qaao
LuuoJ 1uuJuo; au 6oa, 6iu GttG tio u1q1 _aoi au
6;Jo +aa+a 6ut _o taaio t;o1 _aoi au Cuuau od +;:m
oaJ o1;a5 _aoi au aoao Cao+ _uioG GtmJoa L;GG Go+1
_aoi oqJGo5Jo Lua +a:qo:ta1 o+m 6ioo _;aGa au mit
o+ui u1 muuGtau mtJ1!
( m;Goad 2B. 12. 1BBBj

_a1 _6oJo
_o1oau oot
_oa _Jo
65iu _qaauu
6uua Goaaauu
nG: +au _qo
u ooGtqo
1t6u Co;auu
ati oqa
: n;a1 Cd :1o
: aoau;i auJoqJo
: Ct;auo oai
: Gtaauu Gaaauu
: uata5 tu
: at 6t _6o
: outJ1ti a+auu
: 6;Jodu ouuu
: 6;Joai _mao
: _;1u 1G:
: out Goaaauu
: _q uao
: omoaa +a +a5o
: t1au 1G:
: 6;i a:5 tu:
: u t5Jo ta5
: iquu
: 1tauu
: qJ1G:
: C:t
: 1uuaaatu Co;auu
: atJoau;J Co1Joi Gaa
ou _u+Jo
ouGtt1 u1
Go1io Goaou
+5o Luauu
+u6a Goo
+auJoo ( nu;Joj
Lu aqo
LJoa1 Gtuu
G+mGoa5 1aJo
G+mGoa5 :aJo
toG: to;
tt1 Gudi1;+
tutJ Goi
Gu ouqaauu
:u1J1 u1qo
:u1J1 oot
:ao +ui
Gtu oqJ Co
: G1Goao nooua uoauu
: aodua LuuJo no
: ouuuJ oa;
: _;aaio Goao
: Gtaooa 6Jo
: ouu
: taut Goo
: +auJuo uouai o
: Luaaaauu
: uu _ti uao
: oou Gtuu
: uuJCoa5 Cto
: uuJCoa5 n5o
: touaJ oa;
: LuuoJoa1
: tutJ1/ tutau _t
: tq Gt +::
: utou uuuoua otauu
: 5odu 6ut
: 5ootau oqG:
: aoa1 Gui
: Gui1u +ui
: 1t6outuu
: Gtu GJo;ao
: ui Go1aauu
Gta Goa ou
Gtamo u5 6;+
uq 6uuu
ou;ou ua1
od _6o
ouu Goaou
ouuJ 1:t
ouuJ oauu
: uoauu
: Gtaa:t
: uaua uai
: GtaJoi Gaa
: Coatdaauu
: nuuua6o
: oua ua1
: oduuua _6o
: Gutto
: Goa1
: ( Goauaj uun1
: +tGoa
: 1u+ Gaaauu
: G1 Gtauai o; Luuaauu

m1mm1 m1mm1 m1mm1 m1mm1- -- -The Prai se of God
1. _; moa amJGoaa _1
tou motC na.
o)m mao aomm, Jmomm, cuJd mmam c!o aomm.
' A' l eads l etters; the Anci ent Lord
Leads and l ords the enti re worl d.
2. toua _a taGuuGa oaa6ou
+ta Goaqa_1 auu.
ommmc md mo Ommmoom1m am1m mmmJ mmm mmu @dummd
mmmomm smm! ommmomqm ommd mmm mm7 sm_mdu
That l ore i s vai n whi ch does not f al l
At Hi s good f eet who knoweth al l .
3. ua1uuo a1uau uauq Co1ioa1
Lauuo L5oaq oa1.
mu! 1mmmm mmJd mmmomm mmmm_1mm1m uommmmm, cuJd Om1momum mu
Long they l i ve on earth who gai n
The f eet of God i n fl ori d brai n.
4. Cou5oCou tauu 6aauq Co1ioa1i
aau5 65ut 6a.
mmu Om_mm_ ommumm JomJmmm) mmmm mcmm!o m1mm1m mmm
Who hol d Hi s f eet who l i kes nor l oathes
Are f ree from woes of human bi rths.
5. 6Co1 6ouua Co;a 6uou
GtaCo1 :q:1ioa1 ua:5.
@mmm mmmom1 Ommm u1m Oomm1 uom Omm mmmuJmm!o, mmm mo
s1) md mJ! Oommm!o.
God' s prai se who tel l , are f ree f rom ri ght
And wrong, the twi ns of dreami ng ni ght.
. Gta6oaa piooJoau Gtaa!1 mi
G+6Lua1 L5oaq oa1.
Om, mm, om, m, Oom mm qmOmmom o1m1J mmm cmmmm
saoac Om mmmm mmmm!om uommmmm mummomo mm.
They prosper l ong who wal k Hi s way
Who has the senses si gned away.
7. ouiouu 6aaoau oaCo1ioa1i aa
uuioua uat _1o.
smmmm mommmdumomc Omm mcmm!o om), mmmm!om mmomu )
Hi s f eet, whose l i keness none can fi nd,
Al one can ease the anxi ous mi nd.
8. _oaq _iouu oaCo1ioa1i aa
Goaq Lio _1o.
mom! mmmom Ommm omm1mm! mmmomd, mocumo1m mmm mo omm1mm1m
Omm mcmm!1om, mmmm!o mm mm ocdo ocm mmm momm
Who swi ms the sea of vi ce i s he
Who cl asps the f eet of Vi rtue' s sea.
0. Caa Gta6au uuaCo auuJoau
oaua ou+aJ oua.
ccd, om, om, m, mm mm qmOmmo @mmm, mo @mommcmd mmm
mu1m 1o muomm +. cmm mmqm mmum Oommcmm mmmJ mcomommm
mum m.
Li ke senses stal e that head i s vai n
Whi ch bows not to Ei ght-Vi rtued Di vi ne.
J0. GoG Gt+t Lioo1 Lioa1
6uou _qCo;a oa1.
mmmo mm Ommmocu mmJ oco am1mm!, oummmmmo @mmmmm
Oomc!m Oodummd mmo ammd omo 1m11m.
The sea of bi rths they al one swi m
Who cl ench Hi s f eet and cl eave to Hi m.
mmmJmu mmmJmu mmmJmu mmmJmu- -- -The Blessi ng of Rai n
11. oauu a oq+1 ooaa
oauuqo auu;t tat.
cuoo mmm mm mmmo mmJmmomd 1m mmom mmm1Jm.
The geni al rai n ambrosi a cal l
The worl d but l asts whi l e rai n shal l fal l .
J2. oGta1iJ oGtaa oGtai1J oGta1iJ
oGtaa on uuq.
mm cmm Ommmo mmo) mm mmm1Jm1om, m!o1o mo mm
m!o mmm cmmmomm J 1 Jmoo OoJm.
The rai n begets the f ood we eat
And f orms a f ood and dri nk concrete.
J3. ou6u GtaaGGu o1L1 oauaJo
nLu tt t1.
ocdm! mmmo cuommm, mmm! Omm mcmd mJm Oom1m mm mom.
Let cl ouds thei r vi si ts stay, and dearth
Di stresses al l the sea-gi rt earth.
J4. a1u nqa_1 nqo1 :aauu
oa1 oa+u6i a.
mm mmm mmmm mm mmcmd, cmm Oom1d m m1m.
Unl ess the f rui tful shower descend,
The pl oughman' s sacred toi l must end.
J5. G5Gton G:ta1iJ oa1oaaut a+C
a5Gton aaa uuq.
Ommmd m1 c!om mmmm Oo1o om, Ommom om)mmmo c!om
mumo mmmm mm 1o!mm mm1 m.
Destructi on i t may someti mes pour
But onl y rai n can l i fe restore.
J. oaGu oaoqu _aaut a+C
ta: ouaau t1o.
mmmumm mm mamomum mmmd momud ou ommm 1omm smmmm.
No grassy bl ade i ts head wi l l rear,
If f rom the cl oud no drop appear.
J7. G+5+ta ouL1uu u oqiGoqd
oau+a oa1 oqu.
mmm ocdm! 1mommJ mo ocud mmmo Omomdomm ocdoc mmmmmd @mm.
mmo oaomJumm uoacm c!mom!om mo oaomJm1o mmmcmdomm mo
oaomm mmam.
The ocean' s weal th wi l l waste away,
Except the cl oud i ts stores repay.
J8. 1GGta5 touu Goaao oau
oiCu oaCua1i =. u5.
mmm1m Omm m1m1mm, ommmm! mo mmmJd mmmmomo
Oomdum1Jmm!o mmmo m7 m1mm1omm m7
The earth, beneath a barren sky,
Woul d of f eri ngs f or the gods deny.
J0. oau oou;u5 o+a oaua
oau oq+a Gouu.
@1mmuJd mm Omm m1mmmmd , mm! Ommm1 Oom ommJmm, omOmmm1
1mmOomm 1mmmum ocmoumm.
Were heaven above to f ai l bel ow 19
Nor al ms nor penance earth woul d show.
20. L1u uuaa oaGuu aa1aa1i
oauu uuaa Goami.
cuJd mm1 @duOmmmd sao1m Ooco1m mmm mu @mmomd, m1m
@mmmm cm!m Oodmc 1mm1m.
Water i s l i fe that comes f rom rai n 20
Sans rai n our duti es go i n vai n.
mom! Ommm mom! Ommm mom! Ommm mom! Ommm - -- - The Merit of Ascetics
2J. miJo LJoa1 Gtuu omGtJo
Cou5 tuo ouo.
saoJd c_Jmm mmom Ommm, omm1mm! mud mmmacm, c!mmomm @cm
No meri t can be hel d so hi gh
As thei rs who sense and sel f deny.
22. oioa1 Gtuu ouui6u uoaJo
6ioau; auuiGau tt.
cuJd @mmom!om mmmo mmmm mm_ om amm7 1mmuomm
cmmmo1m mm_o mmo com!om Ommmm mc1m am.
To con asceti c gl ory here
Is to count the dead upon the sphere.
23. 6uu ouGo1i !ut tuta1
Gtuu G+1t a.
mmm m, m m mmmo mom mmmo 1mmOommm!o1 cuJd
No l ustre can wi th thei rs compare
Who know the ri ght and vi rtue wear.
24. n;Guuui Coa:qaau u;io aGtau
o;Guuu uoGGtCa1 oJo.
c_JOmm mom Oomm1, qmOmmom cJ ommmm, mmmm mm muJm
mmm mommmm.
Wi th hook of fi rmness to restrai n
The senses fi ve, i s heaven to gai n.
25. piooJoau _t _oa: aa1Cauau
6i1;Cu oaa+ 1.
uumo co ammd m1om Oom1m mmo ommmmo @mJ)m mmJ,
qmuumomd mmm1m oo o1m1Jomd mmmuom Oommcm!om mmu
m1 om1Jmmm.
Indra hi msel f has cause to say
How great the power asceti cs' sway.
2. Goat1a Goaoa1 Gt1a1 16a1
Goat1a Goaaa oa1.
Ommm omm Oodo u11mm) Om11m! mm_m, J_mmm Oodom
Ommm1 Oodo Oomom!o J1m! mm_m m)_mc am.
The smal l the paths of ease pursue
The great achi eve thi ngs rare to do.
27. auoGaaa nCauo +atGuu ui1u
ouGo1oau :Ct na.
qmuumom @dm cm!m mmm cJmm Jmm Oommcmm1 cuom 1mmm_m.
They gai n the worl d, who grasp and tel l
Of taste, si ght, heari ng, touch and smel l .
28. LuGuaq uaio1 Gtuu LaJo
uuGuaq a:q o5.
omm1mm!om Ommm, @mo cuJd 1mmd mu mmm m!o mm1 mdo1
m1 om1m.
Ful l -worded men by what they say,
Thei r greatness to the worl d di spl ay.
20. uGuuu+ uC6 Lua1 Goa
uCua+ aJo _1o.
mm_omm Om1m!o 1ommm Oommcmd mo 1ommm m!o cJd sm omm
oc mu mmom.
Thei r wrath, who' ve cl i mb' d the mount of good,
Though transi ent, cannot be wi thstood.
30. _iou1 auCta1 _Coa1ut Gdoa1i
Goiouuu tuGtam aau.
m c!ocJqm muOomm1 m Omm1m omm1mm! mm)mm m! mom!
Wi th gentl e mercy towards al l ,
The sage ful fi l s the vi rtue' s cal l .
mm mu_od mm mu_od mm mu_od mm mu_od - -- - The Power of Vi rtue
3J. 1GOu Goom =. u _J1un+
_i aoCua na1i.
Jmmm, Oo1mm o)o mm1 smmom) omo o m1 1mOmmm
From vi rtue weal and weal th outfl ow;
What greater good can manki nd know?
32. _J1un+ aim 6ua _ouu
uJodu n+1ua C5.
mmmom mmummo @mm mo 1mmd smmmc mmmo om
o)o mmmdu, mo mo mmmo mc mmmm 1mdu.
Vi rtue enhances j oy and gai n;
Forsaki ng i t i s f al l and pai n.
33. a ouaau _ouu oaCo
Goaoaa aaam Goa.
Ooo Oodo mm m, m mdum @cmoqm Oommdumo mm11u1
Oomc 1mm1m.
Perf orm good deeds as much you can
Al ways and everywhere, o man!
34. uuJoiu ua1au _o _uuJou
_a L; G.
mmm mmo @mm1o mm, mmmm )mm)o om) 1mOmmm_mdu.
In spotl ess mi nd vi rtue i s f ound
And not i n show and swel l i ng sound.
35. _mia oaGoa 6uuaJGoa +au
6mia 6au o.
Ommmmm, 1m)mo, Ommmm 1ommm, umm1m Oomd J @mo mmmm mm1
Four i l l s eschew and vi rtue reach,
Lust, anger, envy, evi l -speech.
3. _u6oa auua omGoa uto
Gtau+a GtauaJ ouu.
mm mm!Oomumm mm_ mm ocommd mm1 1mmOommcmd smm!
@mmomm oc 1m uomm mu m mmm.
Do good enow; def er i t not
A deathl ess ai d i n death i f sought.
37. _Joa 6oGou Couta 1ou
GtaJoaCua T1ioau 6ut.
mm1d mcmm!o mduJd com!m Oodmm!o 1mmu mmmod mmm @mm
mmmo @)mcm mmmo omJ mJmmcm mmo 1mmOommm!o. m1
omo m1J Oommcm!o1m mduo J ommm!o 1mmu @mmJqm
mJ Oommmd, mmom ommJ Oomm mmmmmm mmmm1 Ommm
ommo ommm!o.
Li ke stones that bl ock rebi rth and pai n
Are doi ng good and good agai n.
38. oq+a tta_uu +uat6u _.Goaou
oaq+a oqauti .
mmmmomo smmmoc o1m 1mmommd, Oomc!m mmOodod +. 1m1mmm mmmo
mmo )mJ m omm odumo mo mmOodo1 mmm
Li ke stones that bl ock rebi rth and pai n
Are doi ng good and good agai n..
30. _Joau ooCo 6utut Gaa
:Jo :m 6a.
mmm Om+ocm mcm mm1 mmmod mmJmm uommd mmm1m1o @mmmmm.
om mmmmm m1d mmm uoam om, @mmam om.
Weal fl ows onl y f rom vi rtue done
The rest i s rue and renown gone.
40. Goattaa Coa _Cu ot
nattaa Coa tq.
m1o oomo Oommd mm)mcoo mm1 Oodod mmcm Oomm1o
smm! uom 1o!m.
Worthy act i s vi rtue done
Vi ce i s what we ought to shun.

@dummd @dummd @dummd @dummd
@dmmm @dmmm @dmmm @dmmmo o o o - -- - Marri ed Life
4J. 6oaqoau autau 6a:uta mo1i
+aat6u Lu ouu.
Omm1mm!, mmmo m, mmoo mm @momo mmJ1m mm!m mmo
@mm @dumm mc1mm! ocmmm.
The i deal househol der i s he
Who ai ds the natural orders there.
42. oioa1i odoa oo1i 6ioa1i
6oaqoau autau ouu.
mmmmm mmom, mJmd mm11mm!m, mmommmmm!m @dum mmmm mc1mm!
mmo @mod 1mm1m.
Hi s hel p the monk and reti red share,
And cel i bate students are hi s care.
43. Gou:aJoa1 Goao oiGoai oaGuua+
p:aJoa Cat oua.
mmmm mmm1om) mmmo!od, mmmmmm mmm1mm) 1mmm_od, mmm1ommmd, ommm
1mmd J ocmo mm1mmm omm mum1J Oomd mmm1m qmo
mOmom @dmmmm1mmmm.
By duti ful househol der' s ai d
God, manes, ki n, sel f and guests are served.
44. tqam1G taJou nutJoaau oaqiu
oqGamo ammau 6a.
m1 +ommd 1o!o Ommm omJm @mmm omc, m1 +J 1o!o
Ommm m cmmm mmm1uomm mmmom sao1m @mJm.
Si n he shuns and f ood he shares
Hi s home i s bri ght and bri ghter fares.
45. _u: _u nutJoaau 6oaqiu
tu: tau _o.
@dmmmo mmucomomm mcomomm mmmom mmmm cam
oOm mdu Oodom 1om.
In grace and gai n the home excel s,
Where l ove wi th vi rtue sweetl y dwel l s.
4. _Joat6u 6oaqiu _t6u :Joat6
CtaaG Gto Goou.
mOmd @dmmmo m Oommcm!o Omm1m mm, 1m_ Omd Oom_
Ommc @q1mm7 @um.
Who turns from ri ghteous f ami l y
To be a monk, what profi ts he?
47. 6aGuau 6oaqiu oaqtou autau
maoa aaa oua.
mdmmmmomm amJo 1mmOom1mm1d oummm)mo Jommm!, @dmmmmm
@uomam!m om1omm mmmmm!omm.
Of al l who stri ve f or bl i ss, the great
Is he who l eads the marri ed state.
48. _t6u mi1 _umia 6oaqiu
C+atta1u C+auuu nutJo.
omm mm1d mcm, mm)m mm1d mco OoJ11mm1m @dmmmo, mmo
ocmm 1mmmmmc Ommmcomm.
Strai ght i n vi rtue, ri ght i n l i vi ng
Make men bri ghter than monks prayi ng.
40. _uauG t:tCo 6oaqiu _.o
GutqGt 1aaau +u.
m1u @cmdumo @dmmmo @dumm mm 1mmmmm1m.
Home-l i fe and vi rtue, are the same;
Whi ch spotl ess monkhood too can cl ai m.
50. uoaJo oaqoa+ oaqtou oaunua
GoaoJo uoiG t5.
OomOom mom1m mmmmo omm1Jmmm. cuJd mmm 1mm mOmd
mm_ mmmJmmm mmmd mmmmomo Oomdum1m Oom @mmo m
He i s a man of di vi ne worth
Who l i ves i n i deal home on earth.
mmmo mmum mmmo mmum mmmo mmum mmmo mmum - -- - The Worth of a Wi fe
5J. uuuJoi uau:uta _1Jot Gautau
oaJoia oaqiuJ ouu.
@dumJm1 mmuocm, Ommm m oomm_ 1mmm mcmm, ommmm
mmmm Ommmmmmm.
A good housewi f e befi ts the house,
Spendi ng wi th thri ft the mate' s resource.
52. uuuua:1 6aau 6aaau oaqiu
auuua:1J oaau 6.
mmmmu mmm mmo @dmmmo mmmm Jmucomo @mmomqm om
omJmu Jcm.
Bri ght i s home when wi f e i s chaste.
If not al l greatness i s but waste.
53. 6aGou 6ao uautaua naGou
6ao uauai ut.
mdu mmuc mmm mmo mmmod mdumm @mm. mOmm mmm mmo
mmmod mm1m @mom.
What i s rare when wi fe i s good.
What can be there when she i s bad?
54. Gtuuu Gtioi aaoa tGtuu
1uuunu taG Gt6u.
omOmmm Jmm Oommc Ommmm c_J mmm Omm_mcmd, omc
Ommm1 1m_ m7
What greater f ortune i s f or men
Than a constant chaste woman?
55. Goao Goaqa_ Gam+t GamGomoa
GtaGauG Gtaa uuq.
ommm mmJm ocm mmJm mc 1mummomo omJ mm1 OomaJ1m mmm
Om mm mcmcm +J m1mJ OmJmm mm 1mmu omm mmo
mmm Oommmmmm.
Her spouse bef ore God who adores,
Is l i ke rai n that at request pours.
5. otaJoJ otGautat CtuJ ouoau
GoataJoJ Coa1oaa Gtu.
omuOmd ommm om ommmm om Oomm1, om Ommm 1o!m uomm
ommmm OommJd c_J ummd @mmm Omm.
The good wi f e guards hersel f f rom bl ame,
She tends her spouse and bri ngs hi m fame.
57. 1uai aGGtou Goaa ua1
Luai aGCt oua.
omm om1m omOomm1 Jmmo mmucm mmam mo) momo mco mmmm
Of what avai l are watch and ward?
Thei r puri ty i s women' s guard.
58. Gttat Gt6uGto1 Gtuq1 Gtm1G:G
:JCoa1 oam na.
mmmmu Ommmmm ommmmo Ommmmd, Omm! @dmmmoOm uJ cuom Omm+
Jmmmo mm.
Women who wi n thei r husbands' heart
Shal l fl ouri sh where the gods resort.
50. :q:1i 1dCaa1i 1ua 6qoa1mu
aCta O5 +ut.
uoa1 @dmmmo mmom!o, omm m1 1mo1mm! amu oumm!m mco
ammd m 1mm m1mm!o.
A cuckol d has not the l i on-l i ke gai t
Bef ore hi s detractors ari ght.
0. u+a aut uuuua:1 utou
+ua +uui: Ct.
1mmJm mmmm1omm @dmmmom Jmu, om 1mqm Jmu mdu mo
An honest wi f e i s home' s del i ght
And chi l dren good are j ewel s abri ght.

mo1m_ mo1m_ mo1m_ mo1m_ - -- - The Wealth of Chi ldren
J. Gtuot aau6o 1ua _6o6io
ui:Ct a G.
md Jmmo mdu momc @dmmmod Jmmo 1m_ 1m_ mmmdu.
The worl d no hi gher bl i ss bestows
Than chi l dren vi rtuous and wi se.
2. amGG: !auo !uta tqG+aG
tu:ut ui: Gt6u.
OmmOm1m mo m1mc)mo mmucm!omo @mmm, m1ma ouam mm m
omuOmdumm mmo mm mcm.
No evi l comes and no bl emi sh;
Nobl e sons bri ng al l we wi sh.
3. oGta auto ui _o1Gta
oio ouuaau o.
om Ommm mmm ommo1mm. mmom Ommmo m)m! Oodom mmmo
Chi l dren are one' s weal th i ndeed
Thei r weal th i s measured by thei r deed.
4. _uq1u _t 6uCoo ui
1u _aaoa q.
Jmmo Ommm mmom mm mcmqmoc omac mmoom m+oo)omd
mmmc om mo mmoomc ommmomJm1Jm.
The f ood i s more than nectar sweet
In whi ch one' s chi l dren hands i nsert.
5. uiGua !ut ntt1ut uto1
GoatC:t 6ut Gooi.
om mmoo oam mJmm ccq @mmom, mo mmoom mmu Omm1
1om Oom @mmom mmmm.
Chi l dren' s touch del i ghts the body
Sweet to ears are thei r words l ovel y.
. qdu 1aaqu Gouto ui
uquaJGoa Caa oo1.
omo mmoom mmu Oomdu 1oomom!oomm m1umo, m1mmo J
@)m1m @mmmmm mm_ o_mm!o.
The fl ute and l ute are sweet they say
Deaf to baby' s babbl e' s l ay!
7. oiuo utat +u6 _uoaJo
mi1 6GtJ Goa.
omo om mo Oo1mm mdqom m!o !o md uoacm
mmmm_ o1u m.
A father' s duty to hi s son i s
To seat hi m i n f ront of the wi se.
8. ouuo ui _6outuu uaLaJo
uuua1i Gaa 6uo.
Omm1mm) omqm mo mm Jmm mmJmmd, Omm1mmm m11mm
cuJd mmam mmmm o mJmJ ommomm.
Wi th j oy the hearts of parents swel l
To see thei r chi l dren themsel ves excel .
0. =. u Gtam1u Gt1ooi ouuuuJ
oauCau auiC:t oaa.
mdu mom OmmOm1om mm_ m)m! mm)m1m Omma mm OmmmOmma cmo
mJmJmc Jo mJmJ mo om cmm.
The mother, heari ng her son' s meri t
Del i ghts more than when she begot.
70. uu oiuoi at noo 6ouoiuo
auC+atau GaGau Goa.
' ' omJ @mm mmo Ommm @mm omo Ommm Om_m1m_' ' , mm_ sm mom
uomm1momm, mm omc omo Ooo ommm_ mmm1m.
The son to si re thi s word i s debt 70
"What penance such a son begot!"
mucm mucm mucm mucm - -- - Loving-Kindness
7J. _uGt nuCta _utiioaq _1oa1
:uu1 to o.
cJd @mm mm ommmm 1mm1 c mo am. mu1m1m
mmmommmc, omm! mmumo Omm1m1m.
What bol t can bar true l ove i n fact
The tri cki ng tears reveal the heart.
72. _uGaa1 aaa oui1a1 _u:utaa1
au: n1a1 G1i.
mu @dumom!, mdumm om1o mm c1m Oommcm1m!, mu ccm1)m om ccd,
Ommm, m J mm mmmOom mmm1m!.
To sel ves bel ong the l ovel ess ones;
To oth' rs the l ovi ng e' en to bones.
73. _uCta quaio oqiGut _a1i
auCta quaio Goat1:.
cmm ccqm1mmd mum Ooqm @mmJmm1o c!mo Ommmommm.
Soul i s encased i n f rame of bone
To taste the l i fe of l ove al one.
74. _uOu _1o nutuu _o=. u
+uGtuu +ataJ 1G:.
mu mm1cm mm_m Oom Oom mo cm, mu mm Omm+Jmm cmmmm.
Love yi el ds aspi rati on and thence
Fri endshi p spri ngs up i n excel l ence.
75. _u:t u1io oqiGut uoaJo
6u:ta1 aao 1G:.
cuJd @mum_ mmmJmmm! mmm Jmu, m! mum Oommcm)mo mmmom
m1m mm_ omumm.
The crowni ng j oy of home l i fe fl ows
From peaceful psychi c l ove al ways.
7. _J1tC _u:oa1 Gtut _6aa1
uJ1t _.Co ouu.
m) Oodom mu mmo JomJm mmmo mom!o1, m Oodo
m11m mu mmo @mmomo o_mm!o.
"Love i s vi rtue' s f ri end" say know-nots
It hel ps us agai nst evi l pl ots.
77. auG aouu GoaCtaai aaCu
_uG aouu _.
mm mOmm mm om ocmomom), m) mmomJ1 mm mom.
Omum Ommm uam mm1m1mmu @mm.
Justi ce burns the l ovel ess f orm
Li ke sol ar bl aze the bonel ess worm.
78. _utJ 1aa na1oaqiu outatu
ot u;ioa1J ot.
mmJd mu @dumommc mmmo, mmummJd mcm)m o!o 1mmmm.
Li f e bereft of l ove i s gl oom
Can sapl ess tree i n desert bl oom?
70. :JoG Gtaa aouGoaa aaiu
_JoG tuG ao1i.
mu mm o c_u @dumom! um c_uo momo @mm mmm mm7
Love i s the heart whi ch l i mbs must move,
Or vai n the outer parts wi l l prove.
80. _uGu oqa oa1Lua _.1aa1i
au:Coa Cta1Jo nt:.
muOm+oJm m1d @mm1o cm ccumm, @du1d, mqmm 1omd
1mm!J Om_m cc1umm.
The seat of l i f e i s l ove al one;
Or bei ngs are but ski n and bone!

mmm1ommmd mmm1ommmd mmm1ommmd mmm1ommmd - -- - Hospi tal ity
8J. 6iCoaG 6oaqo Goaa oiCoaG
Coaauuu Goaot Gta:5.
@dumo 1mmm mmmm, mmmJm) m)1mm_, m! 1mm como
Men set up home, toi l and earn
To tend the guests and do good turn.
82. oio :JooaJ oauut oaoa
uiGouu Coutttat u.
mmmJm)mo mmom) Om1 m1m1 omomo mmmomo @mmomqm om omm m1m
cmm mmmm oo mmmmcdu.
To keep out guests cannot be good
Al bei t you eat nector-l i ke f ood.
83. ooio uoa :oau oaqiu
toio taqt5o 6u.
mmmJm) mm1om_m m)1mm_ mJmmm1m mmmo, om om)mmmo mmam_
Who tends hi s guests day i n and out
Hi s l i fe i n want never wears out.
84. _uu1io Goaaa nua muu1io
+oi Coa:oau 6.
mmmJmJ aomu!Jmd om mmmJm) m)1mmmm! md m!m Oodmm mm
Jmmo mmmmm.
The goddess of weal th wi l l gl adl y rest
Where smi l es wel come the worthy guest.
85. oJo 6tCou5 GaCaa oiCoaG
uJ1 uuooau :a.
mmmJm! aoud cmm m+Jo cm1 mmam mmmmm, om muJm1
mooc mmm1ommmq mmm1ommd @mmmmm7
Shoul d hi s fi el d be sown who fi rst
Feeds the guests and eats the rest?
8. Gooi CoaG ooio ta1J1Gtau
+oio oauJ oo1i.
mmo mmmJm) cmo1 m!o m1m mm1mm1o, 1mqm m)o mmmJm)
mqcm mJ!1mmJ mmmmm, uommmmd @m1mm! mdu mmmJmm mm_ m)1mm_
Who tends a guest and l ooks f or next
Is a wel come guest i n heaven' s f east.
87. 6uuJouuJ GoutGoau 6ua oi1u
ouuJouu CooG tau.
mmmJm)mo mmom1m Jmm mmm mm! mmm1ommmu sm 1mmmo1m omoumm.
Worth of the guest of qual i ty
Is worth of hospi tal i ty.
88. t1iCoaGG tttC aut1 oiCoaG
Coo ouaGtta oa1.
Oodmo 1o!m om @mm1mm, mmm1ommmd mm 1mm
mmm1omcmmm 1mmm1m mm mmmmm!o.
Who l oathe guest-servi ce one day cry:
"We toi l and store; but l i fe i s dry".
80. nutuua 6uuu oiCoat ta
utuu utoa1u nu5.
mmmJm) m)1mm_ 1mmmm Oo1mo mmmm!o mmmm mmm mcom!omo
@mmomqm o1J)m mom!omo1m omom1mm!o.
The man of weal th i s poor i ndeed
Whose f ol l y fai l s the guest to f eed.
00. CuaGti uqa _uJo mi11io
C+aii uqa oio.
mom mmm1m _, ao!momcm mm mc o. 1mmd om_ aom1omm m)1mmmm1u
mmmJm! mmm1m!.
Ani cham smel t wi thers: l i ke that
A wry-faced l ook wi thers the guest.
@mm omd @mm omd @mm omd @mm omd - -- - Sweet Words
0J. 6uGoaaa =. ; _ua6G tq6aoa
GoGta uta1oaaJ Goa.
smm! mmumm mmm Oomd mu oumoomomm, m+ommmomomm, mmmcomomm
@mmm 1m @mOomd mmm1m.
The words of Seers are l ovel y sweet
Merci ful and f ree f rom decei t.
02. _u_u1i !odu +uC muu1io
6uGoaau _G Gt6u.
aom mu!m @mmmo 1mom, om !m smm Oom1mo mc 1mumm mmmmm.
Sweet words f rom smi l i ng l i ps di spense
More j oys than heart' s benefi cence.
03. mJoau _u1i1uo C+ai1 _Joaua
6uGoa duCo _.
aom mu) 1mmJ, om mu) @m Oommo o_m1o mm1d mmo mmmmm.
Cal m face, sweet l ook, ki nd words f rom heart
Such i s the graci ous vi rtue' s part.
04. ou:n odoauu 6aa aa1ua:5
6u:n 6uGoa ao1i.
@mOomd 1mJ md1um1cJqm ommcm mm1mm! ' mmd m_m' mm mmmdu.
Whose l ovi ng words del i ght each one
The woe of want f rom them i s gone.
05. tuoutau 6uGoaau _o ot
_uaa utG G.
commm mmum, @mmmo 1mom @dum om), smmm Jmmo moum 1m_
@mo am.
To be humbl e and sweet words speak
No other j ewel do wi se men seek.
0. _auo Coa _Gt +auo
+aq 6ua Goadu.
Oodo om mOm omo Oo 1mm1mmmmd, @m Oommo mmm1J
mdm1 mOmm omc 1mm1m.
Hi s si ns vani sh, hi s vi rtues grow
Whose f rui tful words wi th sweetness fl ow.
07. +au=. u +u6 tai tau=. u
tuGu ouaGG1aaJ Goa.
mmmmm mm o)o mdu mmmumm muomo Oommo mmm o_1mmmm
@mmom, mmmm cmcmo omomm.
The f rui tful courteous ki ndl y words
Lead to goodness and graceful deeds.
08. 1uua L+1a 6uGoa uuua
6uua 6ut o.
J_mommmm @mOomd smm mm mmam 1mmm, mmmm mmmo mmm uom
Ki nd words f ree f rom meanness del i ght
Thi s l i fe on earth and l i fe the next.
00. 6uGoa 6u!u autau aouGaCaa
ouGoa oq+ oo.
@m Oommo @mmo mmmm mmmo cm!mom! om mmmmo momomo o1+
Oommo mmm1o 1mm1m7
Who sees the sweets of sweetness here
To use harsh words how can he dare?
J00. 6ua naoa 6uuao
u6Gti aao1i ot.
@mmmm Oommo @mm1mm mmm m1 o1mmo 1mom omo sJ
m1 omo m Jmmom ommmm.
Leavi ng ri pe frui ts the raw he eats
Who speaks harsh words when sweet word sui ts.
Oommmod Oommmod Oommmod Oommmod - -- - Gratitude
J0J. Goaaau Goao nooi uoam
oaum _t _1o.
' ' mm)m mmo mmmm' ' mmm1mmd, ' ' Oommm Ooo com' ' mm_ uomoo 1 com
mmmomcmd, om @mo mmmam _mm oc +. cmo mmcm.
Unhel ped i n turn good hel p gi ven
Exceeds i n worth earth and heaven.
J02. aaJ1 uatGoao +u6 16Gouu
maaJ1u uauG Gt1o.
1omm1m omuJd Oom1m com Jommo @mmomqm, cuoomc Om1omo
A hel p rendered i n hour of need
Though smal l i s greater than the worl d.
1BB. tauoia1 Goao noo +auoi1u
+uuu tdu Gt1o.
mmm mm Jcm mm_ mmm mm!omm1u, mmm om)mmmo smm! Ooo comm
Jmu ocu mc Om1.
Hel p rendered wi thout wei ghi ng f rui ts
Outwei ghs the sea i n grand eff ects.
J04. 1uuJouu +u6 Goau tuuJouuaai
Gao1 tauGo1 oa1.
smm! Oom Jmm mmmoc ommd mmOm_m mmm! md1m_ mod
mmmco mmm mmo ommm!.
Hel p gi ven though mi l l et- smal l
Knowers count i ts good pal m- tree tal l .
J05. noo ou;Jou oo noo
GoaGt:ta1 oaGu ou;Jo.
com mmm, Oom1m m Ommm JmmcmJdu, mo com Om_mm1m
mmm Ommm1o om m mJmcm1m.
A hel p i s not the hel p' s measure
It i s gai ner' s worth and pl easure.
J0. uot uaota1 Cuuu oot
outJo oGtaaa1 +::.
mmommm!om cmm mmomm ocm, mmJd m mmmm! mm momm ocm.
Forget not fri endshi p of the pure
Forsake not ti mel y hel pers sure.
J07. amuu amGG: nmo1 o+u
omui outJoo1 +::.
m1ma ouam mm_m m1ma mmm mm_m mom1J Oomdm1mmu, smmmc
mmo 1mmJm1m mmm mm mm 1mmm_mom omu mdu1
Through sevenf ol d bi rths, i n memory fares
The wi l l i ng fri end who wi ped one' s tears.
J08. +u6 uGto +uu +uao
_uC uGto +u.
smm! mm Ooo mmm mmm mduodu, m! m OoJmmomd o m1m
om1m mmm m1m mdu.
To f orget good turns i s not good
Good i t i s over wrong not to brood.
1BB. Gauuu 6uua Goau _o1Goao
u+u ai G5.
smm! Oom mo Oom1mmm moc mm co umm1ommd om_mc
1mm1mmmmd, mo smm! amm! mm Ooo mmm m1m mm mm!om1u
Let deadl y harms be f orgotten
Whi l e rememberi ng one good-turn.
JJ0. ai+u6 Gaua1i naouta naoua
Goai+u6 Gau ut.
mmo mo mmmom!m mmmm cm1, mmd smm! Ooo com mmmom!
The vi rtue-ki l l er may be saved
Not benefi t-ki l l er who i s damned.
m1m mum m1m mum m1m mum m1m mum - -- - Equity
JJJ. o1 GauGoau +uC t1aat
tatt: GtamG Gt6u.
mom!, 1um!, mmm! mmm mm! smou om!mmo mmommd @mo1u mmm
o)o m1mmum mm oJmm.
Equi ty i s supreme vi rtue
It i s to gi ve each man hi s due.
JJ2. GoGt nutaou _im 1uoou6
aJoJ1t CuaG :utJo.
m1mmummm OodmJm 1mdu, , m1m1 ouamm!m mm
Weal th of the man of equi ty
Grows and l asts to posteri ty.
JJ3. +uC o1u +5oioa _iJuo
_uC Gaaqa ot.
m1mmu om_momd mmmco mm mmm1 o) oomo @mmomqm, mo
mm om1 m1mmuomm ocmo 1mm1m.
Though profi tabl e, turn away
From unjust gai ns wi thout del ay.
JJ4. oia1 ooa1 aut oo;o1
aJoJoat auG t5.
smm! 1m!mmmm)m du Om om, mJ om mcmom)m mmm mm mm m+J
mmo1mmm uom Oomdu Oomm1cm du m1 Oomdu Oomm1cmomm
The worthy and the unworthy
Are seen i n thei r posteri ty.
JJ5. C5 Gtim 6aa G+moJoi
Catauu oauCa1i u.
smm! mmmmm, ommmm cuo @mo, mo @m mumqm m1mmumo @mm c_J
om1m1o Om11m! momm.
Loss and gai n by cause ari se;
Equal mi nd adorns the wi se.
JJ. G5oaau aut o6ou G+mo
+5Goa16 _a Goau.
m1mmum om Oodmcumm mm_ sm mmu smm mm m1mmmmd mm
OoOcm1 1mmJmmm mm_ m1o Oo11mm1m.
Of perdi ti on l et hi m be sure
Who l eaves justi ce to si nful l ure.
JJ7. G5oa uoaa oa +5oa
+u6iu o+1aau oaqo.
m1mmum ommmmd mm1d mmmJm smmm om om)mmmo Oodmm mmmd
m_m mu mmm11mmmmd m) cuom 1mmm_1m om) ommmmo omom.
The just reduced to poverty
Is not hel d down by equi ty.
JJ8. ouuGoao !1oi+ CaCta _uuiGoatat
Catauu oauCa1i u.
sm mom omm mcmmd mmmmmm om)o a 1mmu @mm mmm o_momm cmmmm
m1mmum mmmom momm.
Li ke bal ance hol di ng equal scal es
A wel l poi sed mi nd i s j ewel of the wi se.
JJ0. GoatCa:t 6ao GoGt ouaaa
n:Ca:t 6uuu Gt6u.
1m!mm Om+o_Jm smm! @mmomd m) Oomdud mJm mmam @mm.
om Om!omm m1mmum.
Justi ce i s upri ght, unbendi ng
And f ree f rom crooked word-twi sti ng.
J20. oau Goaoa1i oau CtuG
Go ouCta Goau.
mm! Ommmmo @mmm om om Ommm 1mmu1m omJ 1m!mcm mmmom
Ooo1u mmo OmOmm1m.
A trader' s trade prospers fai rl y
When hi s deal i ngs are nei ghbourl y.
com ccm com ccm com ccm com ccm - -- - Sel f Control
J2J. _ti _u; nai _t+auu
_1 naJo o5.
com 1mo uom Oom1m. cmomm mmmm1 @mmJ m1m.
Sel f-rul e l eads to real ms of gods
Indul gence l eads to gl oomy hades.
122. ai Gtaaa _tiJuo _i
_ouun+ 1ua na1i.
mo c_Jcm omomc1mm commm. coomc om o) o
1mOmmm_m @du.
No gai ns wi th sel f-control measure
Guard wi th care thi s great treasure.
J23. Go6o6io !1uu tai _6o6i
oat6u _t+G Gt6u.
m Oom 1mmmmm m om1omm cocm mcm Oommm1m mmm
cm!m mm)m1o mm.
Knowi ng wi sdom who l i ves control l ed
Name and fame seek hi m untol d.
J24. Luaau 11aa ot+1aau Coat
uuaau uauG Gt1o.
c_Jmm cam, cm !mmcmmm co cm!mm Oommcm1m c!m,
mumc Jmmo mm 1mmmmm1m.
Fi rml y fi xed i n sel f serene
The sage l ooks grander than mountai n.
J25. aaa1i +ua tuo _om
Goo1iC Goo ouJo.
mmm mmm mmu, mdum!m mum mm. mmom1m Oodm!omo @mmm!o mo
mmu, 1mqm sm Oodmmmm.
Humi l i ty i s good f or al l
To the ri ch i t adds a weal th speci al .
J2. uua _uuCta pioti _t6u
amuua auaG :utJo.
c_uo s! s1 cJ Oomm m 1mmd qmOmmom cJmm
c_J, omuOmdumm mmmo ommd )mmo mm.
Who senses fi ve l i ke tortoi se hol d
Thei r joy prol ongs to bi rths sevenf ol d.
J27. aaaoa ;aau +aai aoaiat
CoaaGt1 GoadmiG t:5.
smm! mo omJc ammcmqm mmmmm cJ omJc 1mm1m. @du1d m!
Oommm Oomd1u m! mm om)mmmJ m1m.
Rei n the tongue i f nothi ng el se
Or sl i ps of tongue bri ng al l the woes.
J28. uaui !JGoa Gta:tau nutaau
+uaa oa1 o5.
sm cm mmud m+o1mmd, 1mom Oommod sm Oomd Oomdumo @mm mmm
mmmmmmqm, mo 1mJd c mdu Oommo mm mmJm1m.
Even a si ngl e evi l word
Wi l l turn al l good resul ts to bad.
J20. !auat a:t:u naa _aCo
+aouat a:t o5.
Ommu oc umoc m1m, mmd Om_u Oomm1 J Oommo mo mmm
m1m mm.
The fi re-burnt wounds do fi nd a cure
Tongue-burnt wound rests a runni ng sore.
J30. o+aJoi tt+ _toau Godo
_ta1i _t6u +uqio.
ommm om_, Jmm om, coOmm mmu Oommcm) cmJc mmmm m1mm!
Vi rtue seeks and peeps to see
Sel f-control l ed savant anger f ree.
sa sa sa saom ccm om ccm om ccm om ccm - -- - Good Decorum
J3J. mi omGti o;aau mi
na1u tG t5.
smm! c!m o) o saom mmmomd, mo sao1m c)mc 1mummomo
Decorum does one di gni ty
More than l i fe guard i ts puri ty.
J32. t1iCoaGi ai mii Go1iCoaGJ
Co1u _.Co ouu.
mmOomo m1od )mmomqm mmmod sao1m Jmmo m mmmomd, moo
mmo mmmmm o omo 1mm1m.
Vi rtues of conduct al l excel ;
The soul ai d shoul d be guarded wel l .
J33. mi mutuu quu 6mi
6qio GGtaa o5.
saom ccm)mo mmmmomm c!mo mmu m1 omcmm. saom
om_Jmm!o m)mm m!o @1mo d mmmom!omo1m omom1m!.
Good conduct shows good f ami l y
Low manners mark anomal y.
J34. uGGu Joi Gaaaa ta1Gtau
GGGtami+ ui G5.
mm!mmm smmm ommo mmmmcmd 1m1m m Oom am, mmd, mmu
Jmu 1o!m saoJumm mm ommmd @1mo1m mmm.
Readers recal l f orgotten l ore,
But conduct l ost returns no more.
J35. _mia utaauu _iCtau 6ua
mi uaauu na1o.
Ommmmmcmm, mdOumaomdumomm mm mmmm, c!mmm mmmmmo
omomc mmcm.
The envi ous prosper but i l l
The i l l -behaved si nks l ower sti l l .
J3. miJ1 Guaa1 n;Coa1 6miJ1u
ao t5tai 6io.
mm c_J Oommcm!o saom om_momd mmm1m @1m cm!mJmmomd, mdOumaom
m1mmm mco mmcm!o.
The fi rm f rom vi rtue f al ter not
They know the i l l s of evi l thought.
J37. miJ1 Guaoo1 Cuuuu 6miJ1u
aaoo G;aoaG tq.
mdu mcommd c!m mmm1m, @du1d @1mmm m1 mm 1omm.
Conduct good ennobl es man,
Bad conduct entai l s di sgrace mean.
J38. +u6i oJoa +Gaamii !Gaami
au 65ut o.
mdOumaom, mmmod mmm momo mm. Omaom, )mo mmm omm.
Good conduct sows seeds of bl essi ngs
Bad conduct endl ess evi l bri ngs.
J30. mi mutao1i GaaaCo !a
omi1a oaaat Goaa.
ommoc om mmmd oomo Oommo Oomdm saom ccm!ocm @dumo
Foul words wi l l never f al l from l i ps
Of ri ghteous men even by sl i ps.
J40. naJCoa Gta:t m tat+
aa ;6oaa oa1.
c!m1om! mm_ Oommc saom mm mm1mm1 mmm omomom!o mu mdo
mJmmmoc mdumom!o1 mm!o.
Though read much they are i gnorant
Whose l i fe i s not worl d-accordant.

mmmd mmmm mmmd mmmm mmmd mmmm mmmd mmmm - -- - Agai nst Coveting Another' s Wi fe
J4J. GuGtaaau Gt:Gtam Ctuouu maaJ
oGta uta1 u.
mmm mmmc mmmm Oomm mm, cuJd mmdom Ommm mdom
)mm cm!mom!ocm @du.
Who know the weal th and vi rtue' s way
After other' s wi f e do not stray.
J42. _uut Lua Gaaa Guut
Lua1t Ctuoaa 1.
mmm mmm cmom mmom!o mm1 m1 m1d Oodqm ocmu
mmo!o omqm mmmm!o.
He i s the worst l aw breaki ng boor
Who haunts around hi s nei ghbour' s door.
J43. oaioa1u Coa1 uu Goaioa1
!uu :1iGoam oa1.
mmm mmJm! md, m) mmmcm oomo Ooud +. 1mc amJmmm, c! @mmm
mmJm smmmm1mmmmm.
The vi l e are dead who evi l ai m
And put fai thful f ri ends' wi ves to shame.
J44. auuJouua ;aau auuai 1uuJouua
Co;au Gu :.
mm u1J1mmm mmmo Jmmoc JmJ mm)mmd, mmm mmmcm mmmm
Oomm, mm Ommmcm)m mJmmo Oom1m.
Thei r boasted greatness means nothi ng
When to another' s wi fe they cl i ng.
J45. aaGou 6dGta GuaoGum mau
oaaao Lt tq.
momo cumm mm mmm mmc mmmcm am1ocmo mcmmm mm_m 1mo
m1 mmmm.
Who tri fl es wi th another' s wi f e
Hi s gui l ty stai n wi l l l ast f or l i fe.
J4. tutao _Jo tqGau +au
6oaoa 6dGtau u.
mmm mmmcm am1ocmo mco mmmmmcmmm mo, m, om, m1 J
mmmm mmmJdu.
Hatred, si n, f ear, and shame-these f our
Stai n adul terers ever more.
J47. _uaaau 6oaqoa Guutau Guaaau
Gtuuu +aoa oou.
mmm mmmcm Ommm @mmo mm Oodumom1m mm1d @dmmmo
1mmOommcmm mmm1mmm.
He i s the ri ghteous househol der
Hi s nei ghbour' s wi f e who covets never.
J48. Guuuu C+aiao Ct;auuu oauCa1i
GuuCa _u Goami.
OmOmmmmm mmm omm mmmcm 1mmomo Ommmmm mOm m1mm_,
saoJm Jo)am m.
They l ead a hi gh-soul ed manl y l i f e
The pure who eye not another' s wi f e.
J40. +ai1aa1 aaG;uu +auL1 uoGGu
Gt1aa CoaCoaaa oa1.
mmm mmmm 1om mcmom1) ocd mm @mmuJm Ommmo cmom
Good i n storm bound earth i s wi th those
Who cl asp not arms of another' s spouse.
J50. _uou;aa ua Goau Guou;aa
Gtuuu +aoauu +u.
mmm mmm mmmm Oodm1m mm1d mcomom! Ooumc mmmomm.
Si nners breaki ng vi rtue' s behest
Lust not f or another' s wi fe at l east.
Ommmcm Ommmcm Ommmcm Ommmcm - -- - Forgiveness
J5J. _qoau;J oa+ LaCtaaJ ouu
6qoa1G GtaJo oua.
om1 1 m1mm)1 ommJmm _m 1mmd omm @omm 1moJmm!om
Ooum Omm_ Oomm1o ouJmmo mmmmm.
As earth bears up wi th di ggers too
To bear revi l ers i s pri me vi rtue.
J52. GtaJo dGGuu Gau _ouu
uJo aouu +u.
mocm Oomc mo Omm_ Oommo omqm, mo mo m1m mmm
m1m1o Jmmo mmmmm.
Forgi ve i nsul ts i s a good habi t
Better i t i s to f orget i t.
J53. 6uuua auuu oiGoa;a ouuua
ouuu utoa1G Gtau.
m_mqm Oom m_m, mmo mmmJm) m)1mmo amo. o 1mmu mum1u1
Om1 mum muom Oou Omm_ Oomm.
Negl ect the guest i s dearth of dearth
To bear wi th f ool s i s strength of strength.
J54. LuautuuL+auu Couqu Gtauautuu
Ctat6 GaamG t5.
Omm_mm cmmcmmo @mmm)omm mmmmm mmo! mm_ cuom uoam.
Practi ce of pati ent qual i ty
Retai ns i ntact i tegri ty.
J55. Joau; Gaaua uoaaC; uoGt1
GtaJoau;G GtauCtat Gta1io.
om @mom1m m Omm_ Oommm!o cuoom! Ommmmmo mJ
1mmm_mm!o. Omm_ Oommmd ommm!o om smmo omo mmcm!o.
Vengeance i s not i n esteem hel d 155
Pati ence i s prai sed as hi dden gol d.
J5. Joa1i Ga+aua 6ut GtaJoa1iG
Gtaui ouua :q.
om 1o1 Ooom) mmmJcmmd ommm! mo sm mm m11m @mmmmo
mm. mm1mmm mmm1mmm mm Omm_m oc mm1mmm1om, mmmmm aam
uommoomo mm.
Revenge accords but one day' s j oy
Pati ence carri es i ts prai se f or aye.
J57. 1ua otG1 Goaau C+aG+ai
oua Goaaauu +u.
mm! OoJ1m @1mmm om1moomo mmam_ mmmJ, mJq 1o om1mo
Oo m1 mmmommummomm Jmmo mmmmm.
Though others cause you wanton pai n
Gri eve not; f rom unjust harm refrai n.
J58. u1aau uiuo Goaoau;J oaioi
o1aau Gou ot.
mmm Oomm1 mJ mmmm!o, mmm mm Omm_m momd Omm_ mcumm.
By nobl e f orbearance vanqui sh
The proud that have caused you angui sh.
J50. oioa1u oauu auta1 6ioa1oaa
6uuaJGoa C+at1t to1.
mdu ocm mcm Oommm!om Oom Oommo Omm_ Oommm!o mmm
mmo 1mmmmm!o.
More than asceti cs they are pure
Who bi tter tongues meekl y endure.
J0. nuuao C+atta1 Gt1a1 G1Goaa
6uuaJGoa Cuatta1t Gu.
mJ Omm_ cmmm1mmmu @mm c_J mcom!ooc mm!o_m Oom1+Oommo
Omm_ Oommm!o, 1o mud omm m 1mmmmm1mm!o.
Who fast are great to do penance
Greater are they who bear of f ence.
aommmm aommmm aommmm aommmm - -- - Avoid Envy
JJ. miaai Ga ouou G+moJ
omia 6aao 6a:.
mmJd Ommmmmdummd mmam @dm saoJm1 Ommo Omm_ mmJc
Deem your heart as vi rtuous
When your nature i s not j eal ous.
J2. omGCtt6u _.GoaGt 1uaaa1 ua:5
_miat6u _uuu Gt6u.
m1cam Ommmmm Oommo mmu smm! mmo Om_1mmmmd om 1mumm 1m_
mm 1m_ mmmdu.
No excel l ence excel s the one
That by nature envi es none.
J3. _uai Coutaoau autau Guai
Ctua omiG tau.
mOmm, oom mmmm 1mmmmmommomm, mm! Ommm 1mmmmmmd
Ommmmm o+Jmmo mmmmm.
Who envi es others' good f ortune
Can' t prosper i n vi rtue of hi s own.
J4. _miat6u _auo Goaaa1 6miat6u
ao t5tai 6io.
m1d Oommmd mmm mmm1Ommmo mom!o Ommmmmmmd Oodod
+. 1mcmmcm!o.
The wi se through envy don' t others wrong
Knowi ng that woes f rom evi l s throng.
J5. _mia utaa1i ooaa uua1
omi1a+ C:u to.
Ommmmm mm Oommcm!o m!o mmo 1m_ mo1 1mmcm. mo m1m
m!o mmJ m1m.
Man shal l be wrecked by envy' s whi m
Even i f enemi es spare hi m.
J. Ga5Gt omiGtau at n5Gton
nuton uu6i G5.
commo smmm Oom1om1mo mm! Ommmmm Oommcmd mo mm,
mm m1mm mm om!mJm1mm)m cmmm, ccmoc m1dummd
Who envi es gi fts shal l suf fer rui n
Wi thout f ood and cl othes wi th hi s ki n.
J7. _doJ omia utaauuJ Goaao
oduouai a:q o5.
Oodmo @um mm_m, m_m m om m1om mm_m m!mmm1.
Ommmmm mm Oommcmm om cmm omm1 omo @um
mmm1 om_ m1mm.
Fortune deserts the envi ous
Leavi ng mi sf ortune omni ous.
J8. _mia GuGoa tao 1JGotJ
!aq naJo o5.
Ommmmm mm m smmc Oodmom Jo m1qm mm m1m1m.
Cai ti ff envy despoi l s weal th
And drags one i nto evi l path.
J0. _doa G+moJoau _im Godoaau
C5 LuuiG t5.
Ommmmm mm Oommcmmm mmmo mmmo @mmm, Ommmmm mm @dumommm
mmmo 1mommo @mmm mu1 OoJmm.
Why i s envy ri ch, goodmen poor
Peopl e wi th surpri se thi nk over.
J70. _mit ua 6uaa. 1aa1
GtiJ1 !1ioa u.
Ommmmm Oommcomd uom Omm_ c!m1ommm @du, Ommmmm @dumo om)momd uom
mmJ mmm1ommm @du.
The envi ous prosper never
The envyl ess prosper ever.
Omomm Omomm Omomm Omomm - -- - Agai nst Covetousness
J7J . +5ou6 +uGta Go.1t qGtau6i
tm _+C o.
mmommm sJm1 mm!1 mm Ommm om!mOom mmmuJmm1m m
OoOcm1m, m1m mm 1omm.
Who covets others' honest weal th
That greed rui ns hi s house f orthwi th.
J72. t5tau Go.1G tqGt5o Goaaa1
+5ouuu +au to1.
m1mmu om_m mmm oum oo mm_ mmmm! om sm mm Jcm
mmmomomo, m1om1m Ooud +. 1mcmmcm!.
Who shri nk wi th shame f rom si n, ref rai n
From coveti ng whi ch bri ngs rui n.
J73. 1t6ut Go.1 aua GoaaaC;
ut6ut Cou5 to1.
mm1d mumm mm mmmuJmm! ccm mm JcJm mmmomomo mm1 om
mco mmcm!.
For spi ri tual bl i ss who l ong
For fl eeti ng j oy commi t no wrong.
J74. 6aGuu Go.o Goaaa1 :aGou
:uuua a:1 ao1.
uumcom mmmo m!, m_md mm1m mu1uoc mm! Ommm om!mJc mmmm
The truth-knowers of sense-control
Though i n want covet not at al l .
J75. _.1 au _6Gouua aa1ua:5
Go.1 Go6a Goau.
m)mmmm m) ccm mm1 ummmmo om) mmmmmmd smmm
mmmm mmm m @mmomm mmm mm7
What i s one' s subtl e wi sdom worth
If i t deal s i l l wi th al l on earth.
J7. _Go.1 aat6uu Luau GtaGo.1G
Gtaaao aqi G5.
m mmmm om cmomomm m1d Oodmmm om1mm mm! Ommm mmmm
Ommdumo Ooud +. 1mcmd OoOcm1 1m11m.
Who seeks f or grace on ri ghteous path
Suf f ers by evi l covetous weal th.
J77. Coutt Go.1aa _i ouaoau
uautt 1oa tau.
mm! Ommm om!m smmm mmOmm mmmmmmd mo mJm mm, mum ommomo
Shun the f rui t of covetousness
Al l i ts yi el d i s i ngl ori ous.
J78. _.auu GooJ1t 1aaGouu Go.auu
Cou5 GuuG Gta.
omc Oodm Oo1u mmmumo 1mm1Ommmmd mmmc Ommmm om1m
c 1mm1Omm_ omcmmumo 1mm1m.
The mark of l asti ng weal th i s shown
By not coveti ng others' own.
J70. _u6io Go.a _6outaa1J Coi
1u6i oa+C 1.
mm! Ommm om) mmmmmo mOm cm!mo ! Ommmom mmq1omm
m!ocm Oodmm 1omm.
Fortune seeks the j ust and wi se
Who are f ree f rom coveti ng vi ce.
J80. 6au auuao Go.1u oau
Coutauu Gauum Goi.
mmo mm mmommd mm! Ommm om!mOom mmmmmmd 1mm,
oo mmmm OommJmmomd mmmod Ommm J1m.
Desi rel ess, greatness conquers al l ;
Coveti ng mi sers rui ned fal l .

ummommm ummommm ummommm ummommm - -- - Agai nst Sl ander
J8J. _+a ua Goau ou
:+a Guu 6uo.
mOm 1mmmmmmqm, mm1d mcommqmoc @mJmm Ju! mmmm!o mm umm
1mommd @mmomd, m!o mdu.
Though a man f rom vi rtue strays,
To keep f rom sl ander bri ngs hi m prai se.
J82. _u6 aauo Goaodu !Co
:u6G GtaaJo +u.
smm) 1m1d mm!m Omma Ommmo J1 1mJm1, m! @dumo @cJd m)
mm Ommdumm 1mom mm1 umom m1, om mmmmm om1mo
Oomomc Oom1mmm.
Who bi te behi nd, and bef ore smi l e
Are worse than open trai tors vi l e.
J83. :+6G GtaaJoa1 oaqodt oao
_+ _ii o.
omc @cJd sm_m, ommmo @cJd 1mOmmm_mmo ummo Ommmmo mcm c!
mmmmomc omm mm_.
Vi rtue thi nks i t better to di e,
Than l i ve to backbi te and to l i e.
J84. uuu uuJ Goadum Goaat
muuu GuCuaiaJ Goa.
1mm 1m)mo smm) mo o1mmo Oommmmqm Oomduumm, mmd mm
mmo mmm mm!ommd 1m1d @dumo smm) mm m o_m om_.
Though harsh you speak i n one' s presence
Abuse i s worse i n hi s absence.
J85. _mGoaa G+moJoau _uuu :mGoaa
:uuuaat auG t5.
smmm mm)mm umm 1moJm J_mommOomm1c mm mm1 mmmmm dum
mmmo mJd Oo1m Oomumm.
Who turns to sl ander makes i t pl ai n 185
Hi s prai se of vi rtue i s i n vai n.
J8. Gutq oau outq ami
1uGo1io G t5.
mm!1 smmm ummo J1Jmmm mmmmd mm m1 Oodo )mm mmd
Oom1mmmmo mm 1 om 1m11m.
Hi s f ai l i ngs wi l l be f ound and shown, 186
Who makes another' s fai l i ngs known.
J87. tJGoadi Ca1G G1Gt1 +JGoad
+:tat Cota oo1.
@mmmo mmJ mumm Oomc) Oo1mom!o, mu Oo1mm ummo
mmm!o @mm m1mm!o.
By pl easi ng words who make not f ri ends 187
Sever thei r hearts by hosti l e trends.
J88. ouuaa1 tmi ot u;Gu1
auuuGa a1aa1 ua:5.
OmmmJ mmJm1m moc umm 1mJ m_Jm macm!o m mmomo
um) mm mmmomm 1mo mmcm!o7
What wi l l they not to strangers do 188
Who bri ng thei r f ri ends' def ects to vi ew?
J80. _Cuai1 aat+Ga uoa :Cuai1G
:uGoa au;Gtau Gtau.
smm! 1m1d @dumo1mm m1Oomd o_1mmc ccu ' @mm ommm m1m' mm_
omJomm mum omJm.
The worl d i n mercy bears hi s l oad 189
Who rants behi nd words untoward
J00. a1aa1 tCta o+t+ au1tGu
!ouCta uuu ma1i.
mm! mmo ommmm!o om mmom mmm mm!mm!o1mmmd ummo_m
mmoam 1mmm, mmmom mmmJmo mm.
No harm woul d fal l to any man 190
If each hi s own def ect coul d scan.

mmu Oomdumm mmu Oomdumm mmu Oomdumm mmu Oomdumm - -- - Agai nst Vai n Speaki ng
J0J. taa1 muaG taua Goaaoau
aaa aaG t5.
mumm Om_mmmm mmmm Oommo 1momm) md1ummm @omm)mm!o.
Wi th si l l y words who i nsul ts al l
Is hel d i n contempt as banal .
J02. taua taa1mu Goaa +aua
+:ta1: Goaodt o.
mu!am mmdumo Oommo o_m, mu mmmmo Oodm1mo omqm
Vai n tal k before many i s worse
Than doi ng to fri ends deeds adverse.
J03. +aua Guuto Goaa taua
ta1J ou;i nu;.
mmmmmomm smmm m1mmo 1mJ Oommmm1o mm mmmmmm mm_
cm!o oomm.
The babbl er' s hasty l i ps procl ai m
That "good-f or-nothi ng" i s hi s name.
J04. +auoa;a +uuuau Li tauoa;aG
tuGGoa taa ;Jo.
mmmmm, mmmmmmmm Oommo mu!am mo!od mJmJ u, mmm
Vai n words bef ore an assembl y
Wi l l make al l gai ns and goodness fl ee.
J05. !1uu 1GGta5 L+ taua
L1uu autaa1 Goadu.
mdu mmucm! mmdumo Oommo o_mm)mmmd mmc 1mmmm1 m!1
mJ1mm1 mmJ m1m.
Gl ory and grace wi l l go away 195
When savants si l l y nonsense say.
J0. tauGoa ta;a:5 oauu uGuu
ui: toq Gau.
mmmmmo Oomdu mmOmm mmmmm, mmom mmmomc mm sm mo!
mmm1o Ommmommmomm.
Cal l hi m a human chaf f who pri des
Hi msel f i n wei ghtl ess i dl e words.
J07. +aua Goadum Goaa oauCa1
taua Goaaauu +u.
mmmm!o, @mmdumo Oommooc Oomdu mcumm, mmd mmdumo
Oommo Oomdummd @mm1o mdu.
Let not men of worth vai nl y quack
Even i f they woul d roughl y speak.
J08. _ta uaa _6oua1 Goaaa1
Gtta uaao Goa.
mmmmo )mm o mmd mcom!, Ommmmm mmomo mmo
Oomdum mmm1o mmcm!.
The wi se who wei gh the worth ref rai n
From words that have no grai n and brai n.
J00. Gta!1io GtaJoaiom Goaaa1 u!1io
uao a:1 ao1.
mom Jmdumo mmomm mcm! mmmmoc mmmm Oommo Oomdu mmcm!.
The wi se of spotl ess sel f-vi si on
Sl i p not to si l l y words-menti on.
200. Goaa Goadt tauuta Goaat
Goadt tauaaJ Goa.
mmomo Oommo m1 mmJd mJm mmo o Oommo1 om 1mm1m.
To purpose speak the f rui tful word
And never i ndul ge i n usel ess l oad.

!ouuaJo Fear of Si n

20J . !ouuaa1 _moa1 omuaa1 _mao1
!ouu Gauum Goi.
m!o mm Oo +ommcm!o, mmmd mJmJ mmm1momm om
OoJc omm1mm! +J m1mmm!o.
Si nners f ear not the pri de of si n.
The worthy dread the i l l wi thi n.
202. !auo !a taJoaa !auo
!au _moG t5.
Oodomd m1 mm mmmomd Oodo mc Oom1mmmmmo
omJ mmm OoJc +Jc 1mm1m.
Si nce evi l begets evi l di re
Fear ye evi l more than fi re.
203. _6ou Gaaai ouaGaut !a
Gooa1im Goaaa ot.
m Ooom! o1 Jmm Oommumou, mdum mqm aommmm m
mm_ 1mmm_m!.
The wi sest of the wi se are those
Who i njure not even thei r f oes.
204. uio GuC5 aqt aqu
_mamm aqioou C5.
mmmmoc mmmm! 1o1 Oo mmo ocm, m mmomd m 1o1
cmcmo mm mm am_o1 m1m.
Hi s rui n vi rtue pl ots who pl ans
The rui n of another man' s.
205. 6aGuu !auo Goaat Goaau
6aua utG Gta1Jo.
m_mm om)mmmo smmm Oodod +. 1mcocm, m +. 1mcmd 1m1m mm
m_m1u1 mmc 1mmmm.
Who makes poverty pl ea f or i l l
Shal l reduce hi msel f poorer sti l l .
20. !Gtaa oauG1u Goaat C+aaGtaa
ouuu _tCouta oau.
1mom mmm Oodo omm omoumom mm mmmJmmm mm
mo mmm Oommd @mo 1mm1m.
From woundi ng others l et hi m ref rai n
Who woul d f rom harm hi msel f remai n.
2B7. auuGtu ata nao1 ouuGtu
oaao GuGou 5.
smm! 1m)mm mo om mmm am, mmd, m! Oom mmo Ommm
momJ m) Oomc!m mmJOomm1c @mm.
Men may escape other f oes and l i ve
But si n i ts deadl y bl ow wi l l gi ve.
2BS. !auo Goaoa1 G5o Lqouuu
oaa oqaui ot.
smmmc mmd mmc1m1 smmmo1mmd, Oodod +. 1m1Jmm!o
m1 mm muommd, Oomc!m s Oommmm.
Rui n f ol l ows who evi l do
As shadow f ol l ows as they go.
2BB. ouuuJoau aoa uaau auuJGoaui
ouut !ouuG ta.
om muo mmmuJmmm Oodom mom Jomoc Ommmoumom.
Let none who l oves hi msel f at al l
Thi nk of evi l however smal l .
2J0. _+Ctu aut o6 u+CaqJ
!ouu Goaaau auu.
m1om Oom_ mm! m mmomom! mmo 1o1m mmmcm mmmo m
He i s secure, know ye, from i l l s
Who sl i ps not ri ght path to do evi l s.

su)mod su)mod su)mod su)mod - -- - Duty to Soci ety
2JJ. uua Couta tGta5 ua1ua:
Gtuuat+ GaCaa na.
ommm_ omJ mm Omm1mJdu, mo mm 1mmmmm!o ommm_ omJ mmo comm
Oomm!o du!.
Duty demands nothi ng i n turn; 211
How can the worl d recompense rai n?
2J2. oaaat6J oio GtaGaaai oia1i
Coaauuu Goaot Gta:5.
oJc1m! mu com1m Ommm1c smmm am_ J) Ommm mmmc 1mm1m.
Al l the weal th that toi l s gi ve 212
Is meant to serve those who deserve.
2J3. :JCo maJo =. u5 Gta1Co
G:;ou +a G.
mm! com1m mmmmJ ' ' su)m' ' mmmomc Jmmo mmmm @mm cuJqm,
@mmmm uJ cuJqm ommm 1.
In heav' n and earth ' ti s hard to fi nd 213
A greater good than bei ng ki nd.
2J4. Jo o6oau na1oaqoau utuaau
GoJoa uoiG t5.
su)m m mmm commo om mmmm m Oommm1m c!mmmmmm mm
omom1mmm, om mmmmmmm @mmom1m mmm.
He l i ves who knows befi tti ng act 214
Others are deemed as dead i n fact.
2J5. nu L1Lui otC naoa
Ct;6 oaau 1.
Ommmu 1mmcm mmmJmm 1m)mmmm Oodmmmm m! mo mmmm mm
omm m! mmmo mmm 1mmmmomm.
The weal th that wi se and ki nd do make 215
Is l i ke water that fi l l s a l ake.
2J. tauu; n1G tmJota Goo
+auut aauu tqu.
+. ) Om+om Oommcmmcm Oodmm 1om1mmmmd , m1m m11m Oo1 m!mo m)m,
ma qmm 1mmu md1um!m mmm1momm.
Who pl enty gets and pl enty gi ves 216
Is l i ke town-tree teemi ng wi th f rui ts.
2J7. uioa1J oGta u;Jota Goo
Gtiou aauu tqu.
mmm com1m Ommmommmm su)m ccmmcm, Oodmm 1o!momd sm mdu
m)Jm mdum c_uom mmmomo mmm1m 1mmmmomm.
The weal th of a wi de-hearted soul 217
Is a herbal tree that heal eth al l .
2J8. 6tu toJo G:;ot Gaa1
tu6 a:1 ao1.
ommcm mm mmJ, m_m mmmm omuJqm, mm! com1m su)md o)mom!,
ocmm!mo oomm!.
Though seers may f al l on evi l days 218
Thei r sense of duty never strays.
2J0. +auutaau +1ioa uao GoaL;
Goaaa ouuaa oa.
mm! com Oomo1 ocmmo Oommc Ommmoomm smmm, m_mcm
mcmm mmmo cm!m mmmd mm! comc ammd Ooumm 1mmm
The good man' s poverty and gri ef 219
Sel l yoursel f to save that l oss.
220. G:;o uao+ CGtuu _.Goaou
otiCa oi outJo.
mmm comJmm Jmuc cuo saom, 1o1 mmo oomo @mmm, 1o1,
smmm omm mmmmm mmmJ Oom o mJucomm.
Is want of means to gi ve rel i ef .
By good i f rui n comes across 220

+. o +. o +. o +. o - -- - Charity
22J . o6aa1iGau oCo =. uut Gaa+
6Ga11Gut L; outJo.
@dumom! mmmm1o +. o mmmmm. mmmm!o mmmm mmm m1om s!
omo mJ!mm! mmmom1momm.
To gi ve the poor i s chari ty 221
The rest i s l oan and vani ty.
222. +aa Guu+ Gaa!o Cuaa
6Gauu =. oCa +u.
mm1cmmm mdm1d Ommm Ommmmqm Ommmdu, J_m1 m. Oomc
mmmmomd 1mquom mm_ Oomdum1m Jmc 1mmmJdu, mmm mm!
Oom1 mmmm1o Jmmo mmmomm.
To beg i s bad e' en f rom the good 222
To gi ve i s good, were heaven f orbi d.
223. 6aGuuu ado nu;aauu =. o
auutaau uCu aa.
om m_m mmo omOommmd mmm +. m c!mo mmmom1m
No pl eadi ng, "I am nothi ng worth," 223
But gi vi ng marks a nobl e bi rth.
224. 6uua 1;iG t5o 6;ioo1
6um+ au uao.
+. od mmucm! omm mm mmm @)mu1m ummo _o aoo om1 @mu_m
m)d, mmomo @)om1mm sm mmmmo1m 1omm_m.
The cry f or al ms i s pai nful si ght 224
Unti l the gi ver sees hi m bri ght.
225. _toa ;at t1aat _Gt1ua
uatoa ;atdt Gu.
mJ Omm_ Oomm 1mmmm ocmmomc mJJmm smmm cmm
m1o Jmmoomm.
Hi gher' s power whi ch hunger cures 225
Than that of penance whi ch endures.
22B. _ta1 _qt1 !1Jo _.Goaou
Gttau GtauoG :q.
mm mm Oomdu mmom1m mJ !m mm 1mmom. 1m, omm 1o Ommm
mmomuJd commom mmm 1om moo ommummm.
Dri ve from the poor thei r gnawi ng pai ns 226
If room you seek to store your gai ns.
227. taJou u16 aouuG t1Gauui
!GGu !ut a1o.
mJ!m cmmm mmom ccm!o mJOmm Oom 1mm mmJdu.
Who shares hi s f ood wi th those who need 227
Hunger shal l not harm hi s creed.
228. =. Jooi 6ut _6aa1Ga oamutuu
uoJ1qi ou uo1.
mm m1m! mmm Jcmmd +. Ommm mom @mmJ1m +. m
@)omm1mm!, mm! mmmJ mJmmJd mmm1m @mmo mmcm1)m7
The j oy of gi ve and take they l ose 228
Hard-hearted ri ch whose hoardi ng fai l s.
220. 6;Jodu 6uuao uu L;GGa
oaCu oua u.
mm! +. momd m o1Omm_, m mo om1m cmmm mmm
o1mJ @)m mmmo omqm Oom1mmm.
Worse than beggi ng i s that boardi ng 229
Al one what one' s greed i s hoardi ng.
230. oaodu 6uuao 1ua 6uoon
=. o duaaai ut.
omm mm mmomc mm! mmm mmmo @umo mmmmm Om1.
Nothi ng i s more pai nful than death 230
Yet more i s pai n of gi ftl ess dearth.

uom uom uom uom - -- - Renown
23J . =. o duott oaqo _ooa
o1a uua na1i.
Oomc ommm, mmmo uoamom) mmmo om o) o 1mOmmm @du.
They gather fame who f reel y gi ve
The greatest gai n f or al l that l i ve.
232. nu;Gta u;Gtuo Gaaa 6;Gta1iGau
oa1Cu Lt :q.
1mmm_1mm! 1mmm_mmOmdumm @dumom! sm_ mmm1mm1m uom 1o mm.
The gl ory of the al ms-gi ver
Is prai sed al oud as popul ar.
233. ua naJ oa1io :qaat
Gtauao LttGoau 6.
smmmomomm, 1mdumoomomm @mo cuoJd muJmm uom om) 1m_ mm1m
Nothi ng el se l asts on earth f or e' er
Savi ng hi gh f ame of the gi ver!
234. Laou; L:q _t6u :aou;G
Ctatao :JCo ma.
@mmmm uJ cuomoc @mm cuJd ommum mm uom +. Ommmo m1,
mmmmd ccm) m1m 1mmm Oomm)m.
From hai l i ng gods heavens wi l l cease
To hai l the men of l asti ng prai se
235. +JoCta C5 naoam oaia5
oJo1i aa _1o.
mmmoJc1oc mmm ommm mummd om uom m! Oommm, om
ommqmoc uom mu mm1mm @dmmm mmqcmm1o c1 Ooumm.
Fame i n f al l and l i fe i n death
Are rare but f or the soul ful worth.
23. Coau6u :Cqa5 Coau _.1aa1
Coaudu Coauauu +u.
mmo md +. 1mcmqm Jd uoacm mmo1mm1m, @umom!o mo md
+. 1mcmmd @mm1o mdu.
Be born wi th fame i f bi rth you want
If not of bi rth you must not vaunt.
237. :qtt oaqaoa1 oiC+aoa1 ouu
6qoau; C+ao Goou.
cmmmm uoacm mmm amom!o, omomo omm Ommm Oom 1mm11m om)
om Oodo @omm 1moJmm!o Ommm Oomm momomo7
Why gri eve at those who bl ame the shame
Of those who cannot l i ve i n fame?
238. ouoGaut uoaJoa1i Gaa 6uoGauu
aJo Gta_ oqu.
om mmm m+J mmo o uom Ommmmcmd, mo mmmo1o mmo m1Om_
mm o_m.
To men on earth i t i s a shame
Not to beget the chi l d of fame.
230. ouoaaa outau u 6uoaaa
aaiu GtaJo La.
uom mmm1m c! @dumo Om_m mmo ccu ommomd, @mo_m mdu mmdumo
mummo omom1m.
The l and wi l l shri nk i n yi el d i f men
O' erburden i t wi thout renown.
240. ouoGaaqa oaqoaC; oaqoa1 6uoGaaqa
oaqoaC; oaqa oo1.
m1 cmcmommd mmmm1o mmmo mmm1m, uom @dumom! mmmmm mmmmom sm_omm.
They l i ve who l i ve wi thout bl emi sh l i ve
The bl ameful ones do not fl ouri sh.
mcm mcm mcm mcm - -- - Compassi on
24J . _:Goom GooJo Goo Gta:Goo
t1aa1 uu ma.
Oom cm Oommc @1mocmoc 1omomJd Oodmm mmJmoumm, mmqm
mo Oodmm m Oodm +. cmom.
The weal th of weal th i s weal th of grace
Earthl y weal th e' en the basest has.
242. +aatau +aq aaa taata
Co1u _.Co ouu.
mum1omd )mm omcmqm m ccm1 mmmo mm mmm mdm1
mm Oomd 1mm1m.
Seek by sound ways good compassi on;
Al l fai ths mark that f or-sal vati on.
243. _Co1io G+m1ua1i 1ua 6Co1io
6uua na :.
m mmmo mmm mcom! mm mm @m mmmo mm cuJd cmummcm!.
The hearts of mercy shal l not go
Into dark worl ds of gruesome woe.
244. uuua C;aG _aaoat 1Gaut
ouua ;ma ouu.
mdum c!ocm ommOomm1 mmm omJ1mo ocmmo Oommc
omm1mm!o om c) mm omu c mmcm!o.
Hi s soul i s f ree f rom dread of si ns
Whose mercy serveth al l bei ngs.
245. _a _aaoa1i 1ua oaoq+
uauua maa+ 1.
cJd m1m mm @oJmmd mmo cm)mmd ocmmmmumm mmmom,
ommm @oJmmd mumcm Joam @mo Om1 cuo1m omm_.
The wi de wi nd-f ed worl d wi tness bears:
Men of mercy meet not sorrows.
24. GtaL+1G GtaJoaioa G;ut1 _L+1
_auo GoaGoam oa1.
mmmm!om mo Oo mmmmm!o, Ommmmmm!omomm, ocm
mmmom!omomm m!.
Who grace f orsake and gracel ess act
The f ormer l oss and woes f orget.
247. _aaa1i doa 6ua Gtaaaa1i
1doa 6aa1 aa+.
Ommm @dumom!o @dum mmmo Jmmmo @)m. 1mmu1m omm cm
@dumom!om mmm mmmom Jmmmo mm.
Thi s worl d i s not f or weathl ess ones
That worl d i s not f or gracel ess swi nes.
248. Gtaata1 tGt G;aa _ata1
_ta1ut ao _1o.
Ommm @mmom! om 1m1m 1o Ommumm. m @mmomd @mmoomm, 1m1m
Omm @um.
The weal thl ess may prosper one day;
The gracel ess never bl oom agay.
240. Goaaoau GuaGGta utta Co1u
_aaoau Goaa _.
m Oom @dumomm sm mum cmm Ommm omc amm7 1mmuomm
m @dumomm Oom mOoqm @mm.
Li ke Truth twi sted by confused mi nd
Wi sdom i s vai n i n hearts unki nd.
250. odaa1mu ouuu Luuioau ouuu
Gudaa1Cut Goa utJo.
ommmc Omumom!o mu_o mmm 1mm, ommmc mum! ammmd +J
mmm mum om @mmo mmmmc ocm.
Thi nk how you f eel bef ore the strong
When to the f eebl e you do wrong.
uumd m_od uumd m_od uumd m_od uumd m_od - -- - Absti nence from Fl esh
25J . ouuu GtitJ oauG6 ouutau
a+u _m _.
om ccu m!momomo 1mOmmm c1m ccu cmmmJ Oommm! mm
ommm Oommcm)mo @mo am.
What graci ousness can one command
who f eeds hi s fl esh by fl esh gourmand.
252. Gtaaa:1 Ctataoa1i 1ua _aa:1
_+1ua nu6u to1i.
Ommm 1mm omJcmom! Ommm ccm! mmm Jmu @du, uumd
cmmm!m m ccm! mmm Jmu @du.
The thri ftl ess have no property
And fl esh-eaters have no pi ty.
253. tutGauta1 G+moCta +uia Goauu
ntauo auta1 uu.
mc omm mmm11mm! Om+oam, s! c1m ccu om cmmm! Om+oam,
mcm 1mmmm omo du.
Who wi el ds a steel i s steel -hearted
Who tastes body i s hard-hearted.
254. _aa 1aaGout Gaaauu Ca
Gtaaa odu 1u.
Oomdumm mcmmm, Oomdqod mmm Ooumm. mm1m mm mmod mm
If merci l ess i t i s to ki l l ,
To ki l l and eat i s di sgraceful .
255. nuuauu aa oa1Lua nuuu
_uuaJo Goaaa oa.
c!o cmmmJ Oom ooJ1m mm Jmmm, uumd cmmmom!o @mmomd,
mu c!o Oomdumcmmd mmmJmmm.
Off wi th fl esh; a l i fe you save
The eater hel l ' s mouth shal l not wai ve!
25. 1utGta:ta Gaaa oaGuu aa
ouaGGta:ta nuoa 1.
uumd cmmomomo cuJm! c!o OomdumJmmm, uumd mmmm Oom Oom1u
mmmm 1mmOom mmcm!.
None woul d ki l l and sel l the fl esh
For eati ng i t i f they don' t wi sh.
257. nuuauu Cou5 :aa_ G6Goauu
:uu ou1oa1G Gt6u.
uumd mmm 1m1mm! c1m ccmum mmmo cm!m1om! om cmmmmd
From eati ng fl esh men must abstai n
If they but f eel the bei ng' s pai n.
258. Goa1u ouaGG1io a:1aa uua1
na1u ouaGG1io nu.
mmomm mJc1m!, s! c) m1 om mm cmm mmcm!o.
Whose mi nd f rom i l l usi on i s f reed
Refuse on l i fel ess fl esh to f eed.
250. _oGoa1i oaa; Co:tdu uu
na1GoJ ouuauu +u.
Om 1mmmm Ommmo u1 )m 1mmo mcmomc cmmomomo s!
c) 1mmommumm mdu.
Not to-ki l l -and-eat, trul y
Excel s thousand pouri ngs of ghee!
20. Gaaau :aaua uJoauui uGG
aaa nai Goam.
uumd cmmmom!om, omomo c!o Oomdumom!om mdum c1mmom
mmmJ mmmm.
Al l l i ves shal l l i ft thei r pal ms to hi m
Who eats not fl esh nor ki l l s wi th whi m.

omm omm omm omm - -- - Penance
2J . ntC+aa C+au na1iu Goaaauu
_tC ooJ1t .
mom ommm @oo Ommmmm, mmo cmm m Oommd @mmmomm
' ' omm' ' mm_ omm1m.
Pai ns endure; pai n not bei ngs
Thi s i s the type of true penance.
22. oomi oomutaa1i a _ououu
_.1aa1 CutGa oo.
c_Jmm1m, mm coam ccmm1o omJm Ommm mmm. mm1m o1mmcmm
saom @dumom!o, omo 1mmOomm mm Oo1umm.
Penance i s fi t f or peni tents
Not f or hi m who i n vai n pretends.
23. oioa1iJ oG:;o Couq uioa1Gau
utu ao1 oo.
mmo m mmo mmmuJ1mmm mmmomomo ommo ocmo 1mm om
saoo mmmm!o mmm mc ocm.
Is i t to true peni tent' s ai d,
That others austere path avoi d?
24. uua1J Goa noioau; aaia
auuu ooJoau o.
mm c_Jm o1mm1m Oomm1 omOmmm 1mmmu mumcomo mmomdomm,
mmm mmJ)Jd mom) mmomm mmm) omomm am.
In penance l i es the power to save
The f ri ends and f oi l the f oe and knave.
25. Couqa Couqaa+ Gaoaa Goaoo
=. u5 maaG t5.
c_Jmo 1mmmmmmd mmmmo mmmmmm_ c ammoumd, m)m am_
What they wi sh as they wi sh i s won
Here hence by men penance i s done.
2. oomGoaoa1 o+um Goaoa1ut aa1
_omGoaoa1 _uoa: t:5.
coam, mu Omm, mmmo ommm Omm_mm mmmo omm 1mmOommcm!o
m11m om ocm Oomm!o, om mmmmmm!o, omd uo1om1
mmmm Oodod +. 1m1mm!o.
Who do penance achi eve thei r ai m
Others desi re-ri d themsel ves harm.
27. atJat GtauCta ao5i outm
atJat C+at1t to1i.
omm om1m mmJ Oomm1 sm 1omomo 1mmmu 1mmmmm!o mmo mmmo
omJmmqm m!o ococ sm1m Ommmm 1mmd uom Omm1m c!mm!o.
Pure and bri ght gets the gol d i n fi re;
and so the l i fe by pai n austere.
28. ouua1 oauG Gttauu auua
uuua G;aai Goam.
' ' om c!' ' mmJm mm_m, ' ' omm' ' mmJm Oomm Oommom!o cuom uomm
He worshi p wi ns f rom every soul
Who Master i s by soul control .
20. t+ 1Joa+ u5 C+atdu
_t ouaGt: to1i.
mom mmmo m1m ommJ 1omd c_Jmo mmm mmqcm!o ommm
Omm_ mmmmm!o.
They can even def y death
Who get by penance godl y strenth.
270. 6a1ta ;a1a a;u C+atta1
1a1ta1 C+aaa oo1.
mmummm!o mu)mo @mmom om)mm, mm c_J Oommcm! Ju)mo @mmm,
c_Jmmm! mu)mo @mmm omm.
Many are poor and f ew are ri ch
For they care not f or penance much.
ocm saom ocm saom ocm saom ocm saom - -- - Imposture
27J . omo uuJoau tqtGami to+
pio _JCo +.
sao u) 1mmu cuoo mmmm_m m+oo) mm! m) ccud oum mum, m!,
, omm_, Om mmm1m m+o_omom om J1 Oomm.
El ements fi ve of f ei gned l i fe
Of a sl y hypocri te wi thi n l augh.
272. oaua1 Coat aouGoaai ouG+moJ
oau6 tG tqu.
om mmJm mmm mm_ Oo1mmoc o Oomm!, mm1omum _mmmomd mmo
mm @du.
Of what avai l are sky-hi gh shows
When gui l d the consci ence gnaws and knows.
273. oda Luauuaau oao Gtt
:dauCoa Cta1JoCuai ot.
mmo co amom! mm1omum _mm, mo sm_ uu1omu 1mm!J Oomm1
m) 1mm 1mmmmomm.
Vaunti ng sai nthood whi l e week wi thi n
Seems a grazer wi th ti ger ski n.
274. oouui oauo Goao :ouuio
Co:5ou :1uqJ ot.
uo1d mmm Oomm1 1mcm mmmo omm m mmomm, om1omuJd
@mmm!o oomo Oodod +. 1m1momm 1m_mm1 @du.
Si nni ng i n sai ntl y show i s l i ke
Fowl ers i n ambush bi rds to stri ke.
275. tttC auta1 tqtGami atGtGu
Co taoi o.
moo Ood u1mm1cmm mm_ om om1m mmmo 1mm mmm, mm_o m1
mcomo Ommo, cuo mmmm_1mm! mm 1omm.
Who fal se wi thi n but f reedom f ei gn
Shal l moan "What have we done" wi th pai n.
27. G+m1u ooa1 oioa1Cta om1Jo
oaqoa1u ouua 1.
cmm1u1 mmom) mm_o mommd mmom) 1mmd mmmJmm m+oo!omc
@)ommmm! mmmdu.
Vi l est i s he who seems a sai nt
Cheati ng the worl d wi thout restrai nt.
277. :+u6 utuua C;u _+u6
mi1t 1aa utJo.
Om1ommm mmm 1mmd Jmmmo @mmomqm, mmmm am1mmu o_o
mmm mcom!om cuJd cm1.
Berry-red i s hi s outward vi ew,
Bl ack l i ke i ts nose hi s i nward hue.
278. uuJoo uaoa uauta1L ;aq
uuiGoam uaio1 ta1.
mm mmJ1m! omm mm Oomm 1mmu, mmmuc1m! mm Omm omm
mmOomm1 mmJd mmoc1m! mu! cumJmmm!.
Fi l thy i n mi nd some bathe i n streams
Hi di ng si ns i n showy extremes.
270. uuGaqao aaqCa5 Godooa+ uu
ouut5 taaat Gaa.
1m)mo 1omm_m mu, Oomu Ood u1m. mm 1omm_m mm, @o, @mmm mm.
1mmu1m mom mmuom m!o Ooumd m11m cm!m Oom 1mm1m.
Know men by acts and not by f orms
Strai t arrow ki l l s, bent l ute but charms.
280. uqJoa L:ta Couta na
tqJo GoaqJo oqu.
cuoom1m m1u cmm Oodo mommd sm mm, om ou
Ommc Oomm1cm, ocma m! Oomm1cm 1omuo m1m mmm Oomm
sm mmmm_ mo1 m.
No bal di ng nor tangl i ng the hai r!
Abstai n f rom condemned acts wi th care.
omm omm omm omm - -- - Absence of Fraud
28J . aaauu Cou5oa Guutau auuJGoau+
aauu aiou G+ma.
mmo Ommmm omm1m mmm om Om+o mommd mm! | om| Oommm1m
@omJ mcmmd mmm am.
Let hi m who woul d reproachl ess be
From al l f rauds guard hi s consci ence f ree.
282. naJoa naai !Co GuGtauai
aJoa Co Guu.
mmm1 Ommm mmJmmd om!m Oomummm mm_ smmm mmm1ooc
"We wi l l by f raud wi n other' s weal th"
Even thi s thought i s si n and steal th.
283. aoua aa1a _i _aoi
oaoo Ctaai G5.
Oom Ommm mm, aoud Om1omo 1ommmmqm, mo Ood mmom1m
@mmo Oodmom Oomm1 1mmm1m.
The gai n by f raud may overfl ow
But swi ft to rui n i t shal l go.
284. aouu u6a ao ouaouu
oaa omui o.
om OomJd smm mmm1m ommo omom, ommd cmmmm mmomd )mo
mmo cmcmm.
The f rui t that f raud and greed obtai n
Shal l end i n endl ess gri ef and pai n.
285. _1 _u:uta ;ao Gta1G
GtaJoaG:G ta1Gta1 u.
mmmJmm 1m)m mm! mm! Ommm ommc mmmmm1cJd, m omJ mmmo
mcm mmu @mom.
Love and Grace are not thei r worth
Who watch to wayl ay dozer' s weal th.
28. _aouu LuGam aata1 aouu
u6a ao ao1.
s! mdum1 mmmm Oommmo m Oommom!o, om Oo mm!
Ommm OommJd mmcacm)mmm!o.
They cannot wal k i n measured bounds
who crave and have covetous ends.
287. aGouu+ a;6 oauuu _aGouu
_t :1ioa1 u.
mm mmmo mcJm mmqcm!ocm, omm1od mm mmJ Jcm.
Men of measured wi sdom shun
Bl ack art of f raud and what i t won.
288. _ao6ioa1 G+moJ oCtaa Lt+
ao6ioa1 G+m1 ;o.
1m!mm! Om+om mm1d Oodqm, Oom1mm! Om+o1mm _m1mm
m+oo m1d Oodqm.
Vi rtue abi des i n ri ghteous hearts
Into mi nds of f rauds decei t darts.
280. 280. 280. 280. _aoa Goaoa+C oo1 aoa
utua Cota oo1.
m mmmo om) 1m_ mdm1o mmcmom!o, m)mu ocmo Oodomd mmmmmm
They peri sh i n thei r perfi dy
Who know nothi ng but pi l fery.
200. 200. 200. 200. oa1iJ om na1Lua aa1iJ
oaao :JCo ma.
omm1mm! c! mmmm1ooc om1mmm, om mmm mm!omom!1om,
uoauo mmmo omm1m ommm.
Even the body rej ects thi eves;
The honest men, heaven recei ves.

mmm mmm mmm mmm - -- - Veracity
20J . oaauu auGt5o 1aaGouu aaGoaui
!uu aaao Goaa.
mmm mamm mm mmmcmo sm Oomdu Oomdmomm mmm mmm1m.
If "What i s truth"? the questi on be,
It i s to speak out evi l -free.
202. Gtaauua oaauu atJo :u;!1io
+uuu tai Guuu.
mmmmm mmm mmo o1mmmmd Ommmm Oomdqmoc mmm mm_ omoo
@co Omm_m1m.
E' en fal sehood may f or truth suffi ce,
When good i t bri ngs removi ng vi ce.
203. ouG+m o6oo Gtaaat GtaaJoGu
ouG+mCo ouuuJ a5.
mmomJ mJ)mo Omm Oomduocm, m Oommmmd, Oommmm1m mm1m m)
Let not a man knowi ngl y l i e;
Consci ence wi l l scorch and make hi m si gh.
294. naJoat Gtaaaa Goam1u naJoa1
naJo Gaaa nau.
mmomdoc Omm mmommd mmmmm!o, mo mmJd mumm @co
He l i ves i n l ovi ng hearts of al l
Who serves the Truth serene i n soul .
205. uuJGoa5 oaauu Guaqau ooJGoa5
oaumGoa oa1u oua.
cocmd @m cmm) mmm 1moJmm!o omam, ommam OoJmmm!omc
To speak the truth f rom heart si ncere
Is more than gi vi ng and l i vi ng austere.
20. Gtaaaauu auu :qua aaaauu
aaa _mi o.
Omm @dummd mmmm 1mmmm uom mo mmmm 1m_ mmmdu, mm_m mmomo mm1
mumo m mo mmm1mmm
. Not to l i e bri ngs al l the prai se
Al l vi rtues f rom Truth ari se.
207. Gtaaaauu Gtaaaauu _t6u _G
Goaaauu Goaaauu +u.
Ooocmoo Oomoomd mm mmmmc Omm ommo mmu Omm
1mmommd ocmm mm1 mmm ommomm.
Li e not l i e not. Naught el se you need
Al l vi rtues are i n Truth i ndeed.
208. :ioauu L;a uuua _ioauu
oaauuaa auG t5.
m1d momd ccum a m11m mmm, mmm amcmmd mcm mmJc,
Oomduqm Oouqm mmm 1mm1m.
Water makes you pure outward
Truth renders you pure i nward.
200. aaa oai oaia oauCa1iG
Gtaaaa oaiC oai.
umJm @m 1mmm momc oJm @m 1mmm Ommmm mm
m1o smmm c!m1omm mm om1m smo momm.
Al l l i ghts are not l i ghts f or the wi se;
Truth l i ght i s l i ght bri ght l i ke Sun-l i ght.
300. aaGuaaai utot aua auuJGoau
oaauuau +a G.
mmm 1mmd Jmmo mmu 1mOmmm_1m @du mmmomm )mm cm)mc
Of al l the thi ngs we here have seen
Nothi ng surpasses Truth serene!
Ommm Ommm Ommm Ommm - -- - Restrai ning Anger
30J . GodtJoi aGtau 1u+aGtau _dtJoi
ai1Guu aoaia Gau.
om Jmm muommmcJd Jmm Oommmd @mmm1m Jmmommmm, muomo @cJd
Jmo omomd mmm7 omommcmd mmm7
Anger agai nst the weak i s wrong
It i s f uti l e agai nst the strong.
302. Goaa 6tJoJ 1ui!o GodtJo
6aouu !a G.
mu1m1cm Jmm Oommcmd, ommd 1o1 mm. Omu1m1cm Jmm Oommcmqm
omc 1o1 1mOmmm_mdu.
Vai n i s wrath agai nst men of f orce
Agai nst the meek i t i s sti l l worse.
303. uJo Goaua aa1ua:5i !a
GJo _ouau o.
m!1 Jmm Oommcmqm o mmmmc 1mm1m. @dummcmd mo Jm1m
mmo om)mmmm.
Off wi th wrath wi th any one.
It i s the source of si n and pai n.
304. +ua noua+ Gaam 1uJ1u
tua naCoa G.
Jmm OomJmm!o aomu!J mmJ)mm mmmJmJm mmm 1mm m1m.
Is there a f oe l i ke harmful i re
Whi ch ki l l s the smi l e and j oyful cheer?
305. ouuuJoau ai1u 1u+ai aoaia
ouuuCa Gaam 1u.
smmm ommom1m om Oom 1mm1mmmmd, Jmo omc 1mm1m.
@du1d Jmm, mm 1m1m.
Thysel f to save, f rom wrath away!
If not thysel f the wrath wi l l sl ay.
30. 1uGuuum Co1ioau;i Gad 6uGuuu
auG :uuuaJ a5.
JmmOommcm) 1o oomo JmOmmm 1 @mmomd, m) m1mm,
m) mmomm 1omm 1mmmm ommom 1m1m.
Fri end-ki l l er i s the f atal rage
It burns the hel pful ki nshi p-barge.
307. 1uJuoG GtaGau Gautou C5
LaJouioau uGuqaa ot.
muo omd mmom mm oomm mum. 1mmuomm Jmo
mmmmo Oommcmm mum m.
The wrath-l over to doom i s bound
Li ke fai l l ess-hand that stri kes the ground.
308. 6uG;1 Coaaouu 6uua Goau
:u1u Goaauu +u.
mmd oOc1m 1mmmm mmmo smmm Oomc!m Ooomqm omomo mmmJ mm
cmm Oom mmm 1mm JmmOommmd @mm1o mdu.
Save thy soul f rom burni ng i re
Though tortured l i ke the touch of fi re.
300. naa Goaa ntGuao naJoa
naau Goa Gauu.
comd JmmOommommmo @mmomd mmmmmmOdumm ccmmo Omm am.
Wi shes he gai ns as he wi shes
If man ref rai ns f rom rage vi ci ous!
3J0. 6ioa1 6ioa ;uua1 1uJuoJ
oioa1 oioa1 ouu.
mdumm Jmm Oommm! @mmom! smmmm!. Jmo m1m mmom! mm
Dead are they who are anger-f ed
Sai nts are they from whom wrath has f l ed.
@mmm Oomm @mmm Oomm @mmm Oomm @mmm Oomm - -- - Non Viol ence
3JJ. 1GOum Goo Gt6u G1i1uua
Goaaauu uaota1 Ca.
mmo Oo1m omJmm Oodmo Omm o1Ommmmqm om Ommm1 mmm 1o1
Oommumm1o mmommm!om Oomomm.
The pure by f ai th mean pai n to none
Though pri ncel y weal th by that i s won.
3J2. J1uua Goaooi uu uJ1uua
Goaaauu uaota1 Ca.
JmmOomm1 Oomdum1um Ooum1um smmm mmm omm1mm mo mmo m
Jmmm Oommd ommJ Oomm1o Jmmo mmo1m Oomomm.
The spotl ess hearts seek not revenge
Though Mal i ce does the worst i n rage.
3J3. Goaaaut Gota1i 6uuao GoaoGu
naaa omui o.
mmm 1o1 Oommd @mmmm mom! 1o1 Oomcmd om mJumo mm
mmm 1o1 1m mmm o) oomm.
Revengi ng even causel ess hate
Bad-bl ood breeds and baneful heat.
3J4. 6uuaGoa oau; Jo _o1+au
+uuam Goao ot.
mm m Ooom) ommom o1mm m1, m! OmJ oummmmo
mm mmm Oomomm.
Doi ng good-turns, put them to shame
Thus chi de the evi l who do harm.
3J5. _6ouau _o ouCta G61uC+aa
oiC+aaCtat Ctatai ut.
mm c!o mmm mmo om mmm 1mmu omJ ommmmm ammom!o
m @mmm ommd mmo mmdu.
What does a man f rom wi sdom gai n
If he pi nes not at other' s pai n?
3J. 6uua auJoa uu1iouo ouuauu
Cou5 Gu: Goa.
smmm omc mmmod mmmmmm mm_ mm mommm, mmmm!
Oommumo 1mm1m.
What you f eel as pai n to yoursel f
Do i t not to the other-sel f.
3J7. auuJoau ammau aa1i uuJoaua
uauaGoa aauu oua.
mmmmqm, mOmmam, mm)m @1mm1m Oou mmomdoc mmommd @mm1o
aommmm Jmmmm.
Any, anywhere i njure not
At any ti me even i n thought.
3J8. ouua1i 1uuauu oau6oau auGaCaa
uuua1i 1uua Goa.
mm! omm mmomd om1omm1m mmo cm!momm mo mmo mm
c!o o)mm ocmodumm7
How can he i njure other soul s
Who i n hi s l i fe i njury f eel s.
3J0. G1i1uua mtt Goaau oui1uua
Gtt oaCu o.
mmm m mmm1cmm mm_ smm! mJmm Oommmm1mm1o, 1o1mmmm
m m)1 omm.
Harm others i n the f orenoon
Harm seeks thee i n afternoon.

320. C+aGaaa C+aaGoaoa1 Cuaoa C+aaGoaaa1
C+aauuu Cou5 to1.
m Ooomm1o mo mm 1omm, mm1m momm mmmm mmmuJmm!o, mmm
mJmod ocm.
No harm i s done by peace-l overs
For pai ns rebound on pai n-gi vers.
Oomdumm Oomdumm Oomdumm Oomdumm - -- - Non-Ki l l ing
32J . _ouu aaGouu Gaaauu Ca
Gouu aaai o.
mmo c)m OomdumJmm1o mOoumm. Oomu Oood mmo mom
What i s Vi rtue? ' Ti s not to ki l l
For ki l l i ng causes every i l l .
322. tJou5 taa C;a:o Caa1
GoaJoot Gaaai oua.
@m1mm! @dum1om! mmdummd, Jcoo mJ!mOomm1, mdum c!om mmm
1mm1m mmm ommu Oomo +. cmm 1m_ mm1m @du.
Share the f ood and serve al l l i ves
Thi s i s the l aw of al l the l aws.
323. ua +ao Gaaauu utou
Guoa;G Gtaaaauu +u.
mmom m1od aoud Oomdummm omo1 Ommmmm @cm Om_Jmmm.
Not to ki l l i s uni que good
The next, not to utter f al sehood.
324. +aa GuGt5o 1aaGouu aaGoau+
Gaaauu am G+6.
mmo c)m Oomdu ocm mm Om ommomm mdum m1 mmm1m.
What way i s good? That we can say
The way away f rom heat to sl ay.
325. Luaam1 LJoa Gaaa+ Gauaam1i
Gaaauu aqoau oua.
cuJd mu Om_ mm _mcm! md1um)mmc Oomu Om_
Oomdumm ocmmm1) Jmmom)mmm!.
Of sai nts who renounce bi rth-f eari ng
The head i s he who dreads ki l l i ng.
32. Gaaauu CutGau Gtamoau oaq+aCu
Goaa oauu+ t.
Oomu Oomm mmmmd mOmmo Oommcm1m Ommm mm, ommoc m!
c) mo omJ mmm.
Li f e-eati ng-Death shal l spare the breath
Of hi m who no l i fe puts to death.
327. ouua1 LGGum Goaat oauG6
1uua1 Li ouu.
om1) 1mmmomo @mmmoc omomo @mOmmm c) 1mmm Ooud
+. 1mcocm.
Ki l l not l i fe that others cheri sh
Even when your l i fe must peri sh.
B2S. +ua _i Gt1Gouum oauCa1ii
Gaua _i+ ut.
Om1omo mmm o)o m sm Oomu mmmc o1Ommm, mdu mmuc mo,
mo mmm @1mmmomo1m ommm!o.
The gai n of sl aughter i s a vi ce
Though deemed good i n sacri fi ce.
320. Gauaouua ;a1a uai :uaouua1
:uuu Go1oa ;Jo.
om @mm Oodm1m Oomuom)!o omm1mm! cm, @1oo mmmomo1m
Those who l i ve by sl ayi ng are
Eaters of carri on bi zarre!
330. natGu Li1aa G;ut GoatGu
GoaaJ! oaqiu ao1.
m_mm 1mmm mmo mmmod cmd1mm!, mmom1m Oomuo mu Ooom)mo
@mm! mm_ am1mm! o_m!.
The l oathsome poor si ckl y and sore
Are ki l l ers stai ned by bl ood bef ore.

mumm mumm mumm mumm - -- - Instabi l ity
BB1. Laao otu Luaau auu
:a6 oauuu ut.
mummmo mummm mm mmuJmm mm mo @1mmmomm
The worst of f ol l i es i t i s tol d
The fl eeti ng as l asti ng to hol d.
BB2. Joa: tuoiqaJ otC GtmGoo
Ctai _oai ot.
1o! mo mmam Oomm smm) m1 1mmm, o amom mo )moo
m1 oum Oodmo 1mmmmomm.
Li ke a drama-crowd weal th gathers
Li ke passi ng show i ts pri de too goes.
333. _ta 6aGtJ Goo _oGtta
_tt _+C Goa.
mmm mmocm Oodmm mumm mmmo cm!m o Oomm1 Omma1o
mumm mmOodod +. 1mc 1mm1m.
Weal th wanes away; but when i t comes
Take care to do enduri ng thi ngs.
334. +aGau uCtat a:q na1
oaa ou1oa1G Gt6u.
mmmo mm cm!mom!o, mm mmm smm1m _ m
Oomm1cmm mm mm_ mm!o.
The showy day i s but a saw
Your l i fe, know that, to fi l e and gnaw.
335. +aJGot oiCu oa;amu +ouu
CutGou GoaaaG t5.
mmmom mumm cm!m mm c! @mm 1mm1o c!mo mmmmo mc
am 1mm1m.
Ere tongue benumbs and hi ccough comes
Ri se up to do good deeds beti mes.
33. G++ aaGuaou 6u6ua auu
Gtuu autJ1d oa.
@mo cuommm, 1mm_ cmcm @mmom) @m_ @dummd Oo m1cmm mmm
omo Ommmmo Oommcomm.
One was yesterday; not today!
337. Gtamo oaqo o6aa1 ot
Caqa ua ta.
sm Ommaoc mmmo mm cmm JmJ mom!o1, o1om!
mm mm 1omco o1mm!o.
Man knows not hi s next moment
On crores of thi ngs he i s i ntent.
338. tut ouJGoaqaG :ti otC
ntCta 5a1ut +::.
ccqm cmm c cmm acm mmm +om cmcmm cmm 1mmmmomm.
The soul from body any day
Li ke bi rd f rom egg-shel l fl i es away.
330. n+oo Ctaam oaia 5+1
oqGto Ctaa GG:.
mumm mmmod, cmoJm mm m1mo 1mmmm mmu, Jmmm m1o amo
1m cmom Oomm1o @mu.
Death i s l i ke a sl umber deep
And bi rth l i ke waki ng from that sl eep.
340. :i1 auui1u GaCaa ntGu
oJ1 dio na1i.
ccqcm omJ cm om m1momd 1m_ uoucm Jcm.
The l i fe berthed i n thi s body shows
A fi xed home i t never knows.
mm mm mm mm - -- - Renunci ati on
34J . aaouu aaouu L+1aau C+ao
_ouu _ouu _au.
smmm mu momm mm_od mmo smm m1 mcmqm, mc mo mm_ om)mmmo
mmm mmm, mm mmJdu.
From what from what a man i s f ree
From that, f rom that hi s torments fl ee.
342. Couquu taJ oi oioGu
=. uqat taa ta.
smmm mmm Oo1ommd @mo mdumm @mm 1mm1o mmm mm
m1mm1mmmmd, mm cuJd Ommo @mmmo mummm.
Gi ve up al l to gai n the True
And endl ess j oys shal l hence seek you.
343. _tCou5 piou :aJuo otCou5
Couqa Goaa +.
qm uumom cJ Omdmm, uumo mmmuJmmmmmOdumm m1m1mm
mm @uommmm.
Curb the senses fi ve and renounce
The carvi ng desi res al l at once.
B. 6ata C+auGtGau 6uuu nutuu
uaaa ut Gta1Jo.
sm mm_m @dumJmo1u mm mmmomm. smmm 1md mm_ mmm, 1mm1mqm
mm_o OmmJ mmo Oom1m.
To have nothi ng i s l aw of vows
Havi ng the l east del udes and snares.
345. uti Goat1Gta GtouGa GGti
nta1i t: uu.
mmmoomd mmm1m mmo 1mmo adJmm mmo m!om ccm1m momm
smmmo @mm1mm, om 1mqm 1m_ Oomc!u momomo7
Why add to bonds whi l e thi s body
Is too much f or sai nts to be bi rth-free.
34. aaGuu Gouum GoiGtau oaCua1i
a1io na :.
mm, mm mmJmm mmo m1m muJ mcmm, mmmuomm m+oJmm cuo
uoa c1mmmmmm.
Who curbs the pri de of I and mi ne
Gets a worl d rare f or gods to gai n.
347. tt6 ota_ 65ut tt6uuG
tt6 ota_ oo1i.
mm_o mmOomm1 mcmom!o mmmom mcmmd mm OomJmmm.
Gri ef cl i ngs on and on to those
Who cl i ng to bonds wi thout rel ease.
348. ouaGt:ta1 !;J oioa1 ua+1
ouaGt:ta1 utu ao1.
)mmo @dummd mm mmom!o1 c!mo mu cmm!o. mmm_
mmmom!o mmOmm mud JJm!ommm!o.
Who renounce al l are f ree f rom care
Others suf f er del usi ve snare.
340. ttt uCu GGti ut
Luaaauu auG t5.
mm_o mmmcmd, mmmd mmm1m @mm mmmo mmmJdu. @du1d, mo
@mm mmmo mmmm m)o mumm 1omm_m.
Bondage cut of f, rebi rth i s of f
The worl d then seems i nstabl e stuf f.
350. tt tttau tt6uu _GttuG
tt tt ott.
mJqm mmdumom)mo m! @mJmm1)m m1cm m1m mm_ Oom 1mm1m. mmmJm!
om mm_o mOcm1mom oo1m1cm Oomm mm_omm m mmm.
Bi nd Thysel f to the unbound one
That bi ndi ng breaks al l bonds anon.
Omm!od Omm!od Omm!od Omm!od - -- - Truth-Consciousness
35J . Gtaaa otuG GtaGau u
uaaua uauaG GG:.
Ommmm sm Ommm OmOmmm mm_ mmJ mmuJmmmm mmmo Jmmmo mm.
That error entai l s i gnobl e bi rth
Whi ch deems vai n thi ngs as thi ngs of worth.
352. 6L+1 6ut tai uL+1
uao a:1 ao1i.
mom Oom mmomm cmm cm!momd mm om_ mum 1omm_m.
Men of spotl ess pure i nsi ght
Enj oy del i ght devoi d of ni ght.
353. paJ1u L+1J Goaioa1i uoaJ1u
oau +ua outJo.
qmm1o Oomo )mJ mmumo ! Oommcm!o _mmc mmmm mo
mJd @mmomo omJmm mom mmm1m.
To doubtl ess mi nds whose heart i s cl ear
More than earth heaven i s near.
B5. pau1 Goa1ai uu tauuC
Guaau1 oaa oo1i.
cmm omcm Oomcmom!o, om qmuumom cJ Omm
ommmomqm oc ommd m!o mmo mm @du.
Knowl edge of fi ve senses i s vai n
Wi thout knowi ng the Truth wi thi n.
355. aGGta GaJouuuJ oaau _GGta
GuaGGta aut o6o.
Om1ommmo mm! mmmm mcmmd, mm cmm cm!momm
Knowl edge i s truth of thi ngs to fi nd
In every case of every ki nd.
35. tu5 GuaGGta uta1 ouaGt5o1
utu5 oa;a G+6.
mmm mmmm oJcm)mo OoJ1m mom om_, cmm Ommm cm!m
omm samm!, 1m1m @dum mmmo mmmm mmcm!o.
Who l earn and here the Truth di scern
Enter the path of non-return.
357. 1Joa na ou1u ouaaaG
Ct1Joa Couta GG:.
cmm )mm c_Jmo cm!mm!o 1m1m mmu cm1 mm omo mmcm!o.
One-mi nded sage sees i nner-truth
He i s f ree f rom thoughts of rebi rth.
358. GGGtuu Ctuouu L+J 1GGtuum
GoGta aut o6o.
1o mmu mm omm1m mm 1mmJ Oomo cmm mumm1momm
It i s knowl edge to know Sel f-Truth
And remove the f ol l y of bi rth.
350. oa1:u1io oa1: GtGoam1u utqJoJ
oa1o;a oa1o C+aa.
mmmo mmm om)mmd @mo 1mm1mmmmd, mmmo om)mmmmmmm
cm!m mmm 1 mmm muJ Oom 1mm1m.
Know the Refuge; of f wi th bondage
Be f ree f rom i l l s of thral dom, O sage.
30. au Goa uai 6uomuu
+au+ GtiG5 C+aa.
mmu, Om_u, mm @mm_ @cm o)mom!o OmmmJm mmm 1mm1m.
Woes expi re when l ust, wrath, f ol l y
Expi re even to name, ful l y.
mm _od mm _od mm _od mm _od - -- - Curbi ng of Desi re
3J . _oaGout aaa na1iGum maui
ooa_G GGOu oJo.
o, mdum c!ocam, mdum omuJqm ommmmd 1omm am mo mm_
Desi re to al l , al ways i s seed
From whi ch ceasel ess bi rths proceed.
32. Cou5+a Cou5 Goauu uto
Coutauu Cout o.
mmmumommmd mmomm1u @mmJmo1mm1m mm_ smmm mmmJm m mmm1Jm
mm mu, oo s1ommd mmm.
If l ong thou must, l ong for non-bi rth
It comes by l ongi ng no more f or earth.
33. Coutauu auu omJGoo =. uqua
_u5 _.GoaGt 1.
m mmm oo 1mmcmm mm_ umommo 1mmmm Oodmm @m
mmmdu, 1m_ mmm oc oo smmm Oodmm @duOm1m omumm.
No such weal th i s here and there
As peerl ess weal th of non-desi re.
34. onauu Gaut ooaouuu uto
oa_auu Cout o.
m mmm 1m)momm ommmm. m mmm mm11mm!1o mmm.
To nothi ng crave i s puri ty
That i s the f rui t of veri ty.
35. _to G;uta1 _oaota1 utuaa1
_ta _t 1a1.
omm mcm1) mm mmm1mm!. am_m mmmom!, mmmo mmcm!.
The f ree are those who desi re not
The rest not f ree i n bonds are caught.
3. _mao Coa _Cu ouu
om1Gt Coa _oa.
smm) m+J Oo1mom om)mmmo @mm o1mm. mm1m, o
mmo ocm mmm ocm mmm 1mm1m.
Dread desi re; Vi rtue i s there
To every soul desi re i s snare!
37. _oaouu _t _GGu ooaouu
oauCou5 uatau o.
Oocmmd mmmmom1 mu, smmm mmmumm_ mmmom, mm 1m)mo mo
amqm s1ommmo @mo 1mm1m.
Destroy desi re; del i verance
Comes as much as you aspi re hence.
38. _oaoaa1i 1aai outu. ouCt
ooa_o CuuCu o.
o @dumom!o mmm @du. o cmcmmmd, o Oomc!m mmam 1mqm
1mqm mm Oommmm.
Desi re exti nct no sorrow-tai nts
Gri ef comes on gri ef where i t pretends.
30. 6ut 6utaa !u5 _oaGouui
outJo out+ Gqu.
Ommmmmm o)o 1m)mo s1momd mmmmd @mmm mcmmd Oomcmm.
Desi re, the woe of woes destroy
Joy of j oys here you enj oy.
370. _;a 6atu _oaLGGu _iLuaCa
Ct;a 6atu o.
@dmmo1m mam cmomo 1m)mo om mmam mu, mmomo @mmo @dmmo1m
Off wi th desi re i nsati ate
You gai n the nati ve bl i ssful state.
m mm m1ad
mm mm mm mm - -- - Destiny
37J . _qa Coau _uoouuu uGGta
Ctaqa Coau uq.
oJmomm @mo mu 1om!m ou omcmo moo Oom1m. moJm
1momm @momu 1ommmu mmm1m.
Eff orts succeed by waxi ng star
Weal th-l osi ng bri ngs wani ng star.
B72. CtuoG t5i 6qq _6ot
_ mti ut.
1momm @mo mu, mm cmcmm, om omm @mo mu, om1omm
m m1mmm.
Loss-fate makes a dul l f ool of us
Gai n-f ate makes us prosperous, wi se!
373. +uua ta tGu utiou
nuuu a6Co u.
o1 m mmmo o mdo smm! ommmo 1mmJqm m) @mo 1m
1m1ummJ mmm.
What matters subtl e study deep?
Level s of i nnate wi sdom-keep.
374. 6Co aJ 1atu 1Co
Goaa ;aoa Co.
cuJm @mo mu @m 1m_mcomm. smm! Oodmacm)momm, smm!
mcm)momm @mm1o mo 1m_mmcmm.
Two natures i n the worl d obtai n
Some weal th and others wi sdom gai n.
375. +auo Gaaa_i !aoai !ao
+aoam Goom Goat.
mdu Oodo mm amm1m1mm m md 1mm amm1mm, Oodo
mc amm1mm m mdumomo am m1mm @mo mu mmm1m.
In maki ng weal th f ate changes mood;
The good as bad and bad as good.
37. t1au _aoa taaa naJoJ
Goa1au Ctaa ou.
om c1mdumommm mmmmomm mmommmo momqm m omommd 1mmmc
o1m, c1mmmm mm1o Oomm1 1mm 1mmcmqm m mmm 1mmommcm.
Thi ngs not thi ne never remai n
Thi ngs desti ned are surel y thi ne.
377. oJoau oJo ouaaat Caq
GoaJoa1ii oaJo a1o.
m amm1J mmmo Om s mcom mcmd 1om Ommm momqm,
om mm mmm mmm 11omm.
Who crores amass enjoy but what
The Di spenser' s decrees al l ot.
378. oGta1uu oG:; oaa1 nttaa
n:ta qa Guuu.
mo!mom1 mmmdu mmm c_Jmmd, omm mmoo cm!mo mm
mmommd mmJm1mmmmd mmmm 1mmOomm!.
The desti tute desi re wi l l qui t
If f ate wi th i l l s vi si t them not.
370. +ua+a +aoai auto1 _ua+a
_at t5o Goou.
mmmm mm mmmod mm mm mmm. mmm om1 mJmJmm!o, m
mm1mm m1m mmm oumm mm7
Who good i n ti me of good percei ve
In evi l ti me why shoul d they gri eve?
380. nqt Gtod aaoa utGau
aqui oaumi o.
@mo mu mmm mmOmmm Oomo mu mJc ammomqm, @mo mu1
aommmo mm mmmomd omc mummmmmo 1m_ mm @mJmmm7
What power surpasses fate? Its wi l l
Persi sts agai nst the human ski l l .

@mmmJ @mmmJ @mmmJ @mmmJ - -- - The Grandeur of Monarchy

38J . tutq quuJa +:t;u _
nutaau _;o Ca.
mmdm mc, mm!mo mo, mm mm, mmm mo, a1mcmo mu,
1mmJ1o amo )m J _ Jmuom cc1o )ooJc1 m Jmom
1mmmm )omm.
Peopl e, troops, weal th, f orts, counci l , f ri ends
Who owns these si x i s l i on of ki ngs.
382. _moauu =. u _6i 6i+au
amoauu Coiot 1a:.
mm, @)o Jmo, mmmmd, c!mo 1om
m1m amJ J mmm mmuom )o1 oJomm.
Courage, gi vi ng, knowl edge and zeal
Are f our fai l l ess f eatures royal .

383. o+auu o ououtuu _mu
L+a Laua tot.
omum ommomo m)mmm mcmoom, mcmm, mmm mmcmJmmm!o
1ommmmm, mmommd muJmo 1mmmmmm mmuomm.
Al ertness, l earni ng bravery
Are adj uncts three of monarchy.
384. _umia oauo Li1 uumia
uau muta o;a.
mOm ommmmqm, mm1mm @mommqm, m)cm, mmmcm J mcmm!o1
A brave nobl e ki ng ref rai ns f rom vi ce
Ful l of vi rtue and enterpri se.
385. 6ata =. :ta+ aJoa+ aJo
oJoa oa o;a.
ammo mJ om)mo m, )ommo ommuJmomm mmmm OmmJ, o
mmom Jcm1 Ooum1momm Jmmmm mdumJ @uommmm.
The abl e ki ng gets, stores and guards
And spends them f or peopl e' s saf eguards.
38. a:1 Gaau 5mGoaau _aCu
ui uuuu La.
omJ mmm, o1+Oomd ommo @m mmmm1m cc )oomm cuom uoam.
That l and prospers where the ki ng i s
Easy to see, not harsh of words.
387. 6uGoaaa =Joai oaatJ ouGoaaa
oauu tuuJ1d oa.
mmJd @mmm, mm! mmmJ omJ1m ommm Oommcm! @mmo1m
The worl d commends and acts hi s phrase
Who sweetl y speaks and gi ves wi th grace.
388. muGoao aGtat uuuou ui:
1uGau uoiG t5.
mJOmcm )o mcJ, mo ommmm_m Jmmomm mo oumm mm
He i s the Lord of men who does
Sound justi ce and saves hi s race.
BSB. GoouGtJ GoatGtai tu:ut Coiou
ouiiqJ o+ ma.
omo co o1+Oommom Omm_ OomJm mmmm1m )oomm
mocm mJu @mm.
Under hi s shel ter thri ves the worl d
Who bears remarks bi tter and bol d.
300. Gautaa Go+Ca qCaat +au
nutaaua Coio1i Gaa.
mummmm 1mmmmm mmmJm, mum!m omm omm, m1mu ommmmd
J mcJm, mo 1mm omm1o s! )o uoOmm 1o!momm.
He i s the Li ght of Ki ngs who has
Bounty, justi ce, care and grace.

odm odm odm odm - -- - Educati on
30J . t oti ttuo tGu
Lt _otJ o.
mm @dumommm om mo mmmm om_Oom 1mm1m. omm mm
omm mco1mm1m.
Lore worth l earni ng, l earn fl awl essl y
Li ve by that l earni ng thoroughl y.
302. auGuut auu GamJGout 6do;u5+
uGuut oam na1i.
mmmm mam mmm1m m omo Ommmm!o1, c! mmm1mm! mm
Letter, number, art and sci ence
Of l i vi ng ki nd both are the eyes.
303. uuuta G;uto1 tCa1 mJ1;u5
:uuuta1 aa oo1.
ommdummm m! ommm)mo @mmm ommcm)mo1m omom1mm!.
odumomm om @mmm um mm1m omom1m.
The l earned al one have eyes on face
The i gnorant two sores of di sgrace.
304. noGtJ ouaiq naG G1o
_uuJCo :ao1 Goaq.
mJmJ OmmmJc 1o!m mmmm, m1mJc 1mmm 1mm mmmoummm mm Jmm1om!
To meet wi th j oy and part wi th thought
Of l earned men thi s i s the art.
305. nutaa1mu 6aa1Cta ait+ ta1
utaC; aa oo1.
mcm! am mdumom! 1mmd ommm mm_, 1mqm om_Oommm!om !mo
om_ Oommom!o ocmu mmmo)mo omom1mm!o.
Li ke poor bef ore ri ch they yearn:
For knowl edge: the l ow never l earn.
30. Goa:tuuJ o uutCu uaio1ii
tuuJ o _6o.
1ommc 1ommc mm_m! Jcm 1mmu Oomc!m mo mo m OmmJ Oomm1c
As deep you di g the sand spri ng fl ows
As deep you l earn the knowl edge grows.
307. aaoau tataua n;aua auGuaou
oaiouua+ aao oa.
om1mm! mdum mm1oqm mdum m!oqm Jmu mmJm1mm, smmm omm m)d
omommd omum o1m m1mm7
Al l l ands and towns are l earner' s own
Why not ti l l death l earni ng go on!
308. uuiu oauut o ot
Gmuua auaG :utJo.
sm ouamd Om_m odm mmm, m1ma ouamm mmommmo mm.
The j oy of l earni ng i n one bi rth
Exal ts man upto hi s seventh.
300. oauu :o oa1u :iu5
amo1 t6i oa1.
om @mmm omJmm odmm cuoommm @mmm ommo om1, !o 1mqm
1mqm mummm omc mmmumm!o.
The l earned f oster l earni ng more
On seei ng the worl d enj oy thei r l ore.
400. Cq omJ Goo+ o Gaaot
uata utu auo.
odm sm1m 1mmm Oodmmmm. omOommmm Jmmo Oodmm 1m_ mmm @du.
Learni ng i s weal th none coul d destroy
Nothi ng el se gi ves genui ne j oy.
odumm odumm odumm odumm - -- - Non-Learning
40J . _;+1u6 o:taq atC L;Ga
du6i Ca:q Gaa.
mmmo mmmmd @dummd md 1mom 1momomm ocm 1mm1 Oommm1u
Oomocmm mm1mo 1mmmmomm.
Li ke pl ay of chess on squarel ess board
Vai n i s i mperf ect l orel ess word.

402. aaoau Goata mou muaa;u5
6aaoa Gtuamt t.
odumommm Oomd1oo mmmum, mm!mom @dumo Omm1 md Oommom smmm.
Unl earned man aspi ri ng speech
Is breastl ess l ady' s l ove-approach.
403. aa oo +u+a1 ta1mu
Goaaa 1iG Gt6u.
ommm!om ammud mmm 1mommd @mo ommmomd odm omomom!ooc
mdum!omo1m omom1mm!o.
Ev' n unread men are good and wi se
If before the wi se, they hol d thei r peace.
404. aaoau :t+ qa+u aau+
Gaaa1 _6out aa1.
odm omomom @momo1m m @mmomqmoc, mm odmd Jmm1omm mm_
mc1m! su Oom mmcm!o.
The unread' s wi t though excel l ent
Is not val ued by the savant.
405. aa ou ouuu ouaGGtao
GoaaatJ Coa1o t5.
odmmdumom!o omo Om1 1moo 1mmd om Oomm 1mmu 1mcm,
om_ 1o!mo !ocm m!o c)m1m1mm oum 1mmm1m.
A man untaught when speech he vaunts
Sadl y fai l s bef ore savants.
40. naG;uu uaJ1u;a ;aa taoai
a;uua1 aa oo1.
odumom!o o!mu sm1m1o Ommmommm. om)mm m!o Om_m
mcmmmomo1m omom1mm!o.
Peopl e speak of untaught mi nds
"They just exi st l i ke barren l ands".
407. +uuau +uq:a uaau aqua
uuuau :uutauo at.
momm 1ommmm m11m @mm, mm Oomo mdummd @mmm!o, omm ommm
mm Ommmm 1mmmmm!omo1m mJom1mm!o.
Li ke pai nted cl ay-dol l i s hi s show
Grand subtl e l ore who f ai l s to know.
408. +aa1u t:t ouuau 6uuaCo
aa1u t:t 1.
acmocm mm Oodmm, mdum!o mm1m m_mmc Jo mmo omm.
Weal th i n the hand of f ool s i s worse
Than a l earned man' s empty purse.
400. CutGioa ;aau+ aaoa1 iqGGio+
ta ;uuJ1a1 ta5.
ommm! mmm Ommm, c!mom! ommmom! mmm 1m_mmc 1mmJm1m.
Lower are f ool s of hi gher bi rth
Than l ow-born men of l earni ng' s worth.
4J0. oa+Ga5 ui auua1 6a+
taC;a Ctuu ao1.
mmo!om mumomc1 mmm 1mm_m1m, 1o m 1mm_m m
mdo mom!om, mo mdo momom!om @c1 cm1.
Li ke beasts bef ore men, dunces are
Bef ore schol ars of shi ni ng l ore.

1om 1om 1om 1om - -- - Listening
4JJ. GooJo: Goom GooJGoo _JGoom
GooJo Gaaai oua.
Ooammm omo Oomm1mo Om_m Oodm1m mdum Oodmmom oum
Weal th of weal ths i s l i steni ng' s weal th
It i s the best of weal ths on earth.
12. Gooiu oaao Ctaqo 16o
oati =
Oom m1mo @mmm omm cmm @dumo1mm1o Jom cmm mm_ omm mu
Some f ood f or the stomach i s brought
When the ear gets no f ood for thought.
4J3. Gooauot Co autaa1 _oauou
_uaC;a GtaGt1 LaJo.
mmo cmmmmJ mmmo mcm mmm m1mm! smmo 1om mmm mm
Oommm mm1mm! mmmm1m!.
Whose ears get l ots of wi sdom-f ood
Equal gods on obl ati ons f ed.
4J4. t6a uaau+ C: _.Goaot
GatJ1u ntai ouu.
mdo omommcmqm, ommm1cm 1o1 Oo1m Oommcmd, mc o!mom
com1m mm_1omu 1mmu mmo mm.
Though not l earned, hear and heed
That serves a staff and stay i n need.
4J5. 6mi autaq ntiCa atC
mi mutaa1oaaJ Goa.
ma muJd mcmom mm_1omd comm 1mmd saom ccm!om m)mm
Vi rtuous men' s wi sdom i s f ound
A strong staff on sl i ppery ground.
4J. auuJoau +auo C: _uuJoau
_u Gtuu o.
mdummm mmo m 1oJ1mm1mm mo m Ommm Jcm mmm
mmmocm @mo 1mm1m.
Lend ear to good words however f ew
That much wi l l hi ghl y exal t you.
4J7. GuqJou1io Ctuouu Goaaa 1uqJou1i
!uqa Co ao1.
mom mmJ )mmcm 1om mm ccm!o, Jummm mm ommmo
cm!mJmmomqm oc, 1mmm mmm amd 1mommcm!o.
Who l i sten wel l and l earn sharpl y
Not ev' n by sl i p speak f ool i shl y.
4J8. C:Gu+ CaaJ ouaCo Coaa
Coa:G ttao Goo.
@momo1m 1ooo omomo @mmomqm m md1um! c)o 1oo m_omd
Oom1 omo mm1m omm1m.
That ear though heari ng i s dul l ed
Whi ch i s not by wi sdom dri l l ed.
4J0. +u+1a Coa ;aa1 ou+1a
oaau ;ao a1o.
Oommm 1omm @dumom!o, commo 1mom mJmm mmucm!omo @mo
A modest mouth i s hard f or those
Who care l i ttl e to counsel s wi se.
420. Gooat auoau;a oaau1ou uai
_oau oaqu Guu.
Oomom cm)mmd mmm omomo m11m mmam mo c1)m1 @mmm sm_omm
@dummm 1mmmm sm_omm.
Who taste by mouth and not by ear
What i f they fare i l l or wel l here?

mcm mcm mcm mcm - -- - Possession of Wi sdom
42J . _6ot+ ai+ o Gooa1i
naqi aaa _;u.
momd 1m mm)mmd mmomm )m, m sm_omm.
Wi sdom' s weapon wards of f al l woes
It i s a f ort def yi ng f oes.
422. Gou 6tJoat Goaota !Goa16
+u6uta aaGt o6o.
mmm 1mmm m1Odumm 1mmo mcmmd m1o om1, mdm1 1o!m Oom1o
Wi sdom checks the strayi ng senses
Expel s evi l s, i mpel s goodness.
423. aGGta aa1aa1oaai C:Gu _GGta
GuaGGta aut o6o.
mmoOmmm Ommm mm! mo Oommmmqm, o m1 mmm mm_ Oommmd
cmm m mmmo )mm Oomomm mcmmm.
To grasp the Truth f rom everywhere
From everyone i s wi sdom fai r.
424. auGtaa oaJ GoaJGoadJ oauG1oaa
+uGta aut o6o.
mmm Oomdu 1mmmo m amd 1o1mm1m @oJd mJmm_ Oomdu mm!
Oomdqm mmmmm omom )mm Oom1o mcmmm.
Speaki ng out thoughts i n cl ear trends
Wi sdom subtl e sense comprehends.
425. nai o6a Goa:t ua1oa+
ta ua o6o.
c!m1om1) cu1om! mmm1momd m!ocm mu Oomm1 @mmm mmm J
@)mcm s1) mumo omm1o mcmmm.
The wi se-worl d the wi se bef ri end
They bl oom nor gl oom, equal i n mi nd.
42. ado ouo oa maJCoa
tdo ouo o6o.
c!m1om! m1d cuom mmmm_ mcOm_Jmm1om om1omm mcm Oomm1o mmm.
As moves the worl d so move the wi se
In tune wi th changi ng ti mes and ways.
427. _6outaa1 _o o6oa1 _6oaa1
_.o6 aa oo1.
sm mm mJ! mm mmmOmm mcm!oomm JmJmm!o,
mdumom!o JmJo mmcm!o.
The wi se f oresee what i s to come
The unwi se l ack i n that wi sdom.
428. _mao omoauu Ctuouu _mao
omo _6oa1 Goaq.
mdumom!oomm +o 1mmom +o mmcm!o. !o m11m +o
1mmom +omm!o.
Fear the f ri ghtful and act wi sel y
Not to f ear the f ri ghtful ' s f ol l y.
420. a1;oai ai _6oua1i 1ua
_1; ooCoa1 C+aa.
mmam m omOomm Jmcm!o J!J o)o mmm mmmcm.
No f ri ghtful evi l shocks the wi se
Who guard themsel ves agai nst surpri se.
430. _6outaa1 aaa mutaa1 _6oaa1
auuuta C;u ua1.
m @dumom!o 1m_ m @mmomqm Ommmdu, m cm!o 1m_ m
@dummcmqm J_m @du.
Who have wi sdom they are al l ful l
Whatev' r they own, mi sfi ts are ni l .

mmmood mmmood mmmood mmmood - -- - Avoi di ng Faults
43J . Goim 1umm 1uua 6aa1
Gti Gtuo L1Jo.
@_mmu, J)m, @1mmm mco @mo @dumom!oc Oodmmomm mJo
Pl enty i s thei r prosperi ty
Who' re free f rom wrath pri de l ust petty.
432. 6oa uauGio uaum uaua
noua ao 6ui.
mmJd 1m)mo, mmm cm!md mmm, mmomm Oodod mJmJ Jm
oum1 oJ1o Ommm1o1omm.
Mean pri de, l ow pl easure, avari ce
These add bl emi shes to a pri nce.
433. 1uuJouuaa+ t o1u tuuJouuaai
Gao1 tq+au oa1.
m1 mmmJmmm!o, Jmm mmom mmmmo omJ, o Oommd,
omo om Oommm!o.
Though mi l l et-smal l thei r f aul ts mi ght seem
Men f eari ng di sgrace, Pal m-tal l deem.
434. tCu ai Gtaaai tCu
_ti on tu.
mmm u1m 1m cmcmo o momo mm_momd mmm u1mmd @mm
mmmo1 1mmommo Oom 1mm1m.
Watch l i ke treasure f reedom f rom faul t
Our f atal f oe i s that defaul t.
435. omuu1i aoaoau oaqiu a1muu1
uoJo Ctaai G5.
amo1 mo1omo @mm sm ommmm Oou om! Oommommc
mmmomm Ommmm ammmd c m1omd 1mm! 1mmu omJm1m.
Who fai l s to guard hi msel f f rom fl aw
Loses hi s l i fe l i ke fl ame-l i t straw.
43. out Li1G G1t+ au1tGu
aut ua 6ui.
aoud om m mJ Oomm1 om mmm! mm! m om1 Oomdqm
oum mmm m 1mmm7
What faul t can be the ki ng' s who cures
Fi rst hi s f aul ts, then scans others.
437. Goattaa Goaaa 1o6aau Goo
nattaa ou6i G5.
mmmmo Oommd 1om mom1m ommm Oodmm mm mmm mmmmJm1m.
That mi ser' s weal th shal l waste and end
Who woul d not f or a good cause spend.
438. tta Guuu 6ouuu atm
auuG t5oGoau u.
mdum mmmommc omOmmm mmmmo omom1m Ommm 1o!mJd
mm_Oomm1 mmmm mmm +. mmd mmmmomm.
The gri ppi ng greed of mi ser' s heart
Is more than faul t the worst apart.
430. oaot ammaui ouuu +aot
+u6 taoa ouu.
mmoOmmm omuocJqm ommom1m c!mmo mmm1m omOmmmOomm1 mmm
o)mo Oodod +. 1mc ocm.
Never boast yoursel f i n any mood
Nor do a deed that does no good.
440. aoa ao _6aauu nai1tGu
a1a a1aa1 .
om mmmo mom! m Oom ammd mm1mm_mm1cm mo mom1m
mmmm muommm 1mmm1m.
Al l desi gns of the f oes shal l fai l
If one hi s wi shes guards i n vei l .
Om1m) m1omcd Om1m) m1omcd Om1m) m1omcd Om1m) m1omcd - -- - Gai ni ng Great Men' s Help
44J . _u6io mJo _6outaa1 Cuuu
1u6io Co1io Gaa.
mam!mo mo!om mm Om_m mo m, om 1o!mOo1 Oom
Wei gh thei r worth and fri endshi p gai n
Of men of vi rtue and mature brai n.
442. ntC+aa Li1 na_uu mtai
Gtt6aa1G Ctui Gaa.
mm mmo 1mmJ, 1mqm mmm 1m)mmd omomdu Om11m!o mmo
Oom 1mm1m.
Cheri sh the hel p of men of ski l l
Who ward and saf e-guard you f rom i l l .
443. _1aot Gaaa _1Co Gt1aau;G
CtuJ ou;ai Gaa.
Om1m!o 1mmm mm)m m!ocm cmmm1od mdum 1m_om mc Ommm
Honour and have the great your own
Is rarest of the rare thi ngs known.
444. out Gt1aa1 ou;a mo
ouuua Gaaai oua.
m mmd Jmmd omm omqm Jmmo Om1m)m @mmm1)m1 cmmOomm1
m!m1 mcm moOmmm mummo mm.
To have betters as i nti mates
Power of al l powers promotes.
445. aqoa1u ua maau uuuou
aqoau;J aqio Gaa.
ommmo @mm momm omcm o_m ! Ommmo mm m
Oommmm1o Jm! mmm mm.
Mi ni sters are the monarch' s eyes
Round hi m shoul d be the ri ght and wi se.
44. oia 1uJouaaJ oaGuam oaauuJ
Gota1 Goai1tio 1.
mm, mmqm Oommc smmm, omm mmmm oo1m)1 Oommmmomd
mom!omd mmo mom mmo am.
To move wi th worthy f ri ends who knows
Has none to f ear f rom f ri ghtful f oes.
447. 6qii ouuaau; aaoau; aaC;
G5ii ouuu ao1.
@) mdm1 om1mm1m m Omm_ mcmm!o Oo1m mmd mm
No f oe can f oi l hi s powers
whose fri ends reprove hi m when he errs.
448. 6qGtau; 6aao au;a uuuu
G5Gta 1aau+ G5.
m cm!1mm! @dumo )o ommmo1m Oo1m.
The carel ess ki ng whom none reproves
Rui ns hi msel f sans harmful f oes.
440. modaa1i 1a uua uouaaam
oa1Gaa1i 1ua Lua.
occo ommm m 1mmu omm ommJ mmo o mdumom!om mu,
aou1 Oomo mmmmJd mmmm @dumo mu 1mmmm1omm.
No capi tal , no gai n i n trade
No prop secure sans good comrade.
450. taa1 tuGaadt tJo5Jo !uuJCo
+aa1 Goat1u ot.
mdum!om Oomc!m om1m mmm mumc mo 1o Oommo mc 1o1
mmo oomm.
To gi ve up good fri ends i s ten ti mes worse
Than bei ng hated by countl ess foes.

Jmmm 1o)mm Jmmm 1o)mm Jmmm 1o)mm Jmmm 1o)mm - -- - Avoi ding Mean Company
45J . 1t6u _ma Gtuu 1uuoau
atuaJ aqio o5.
Om11m!, mmom oc1om1 1o) mmcm!o. mmd J1m!o1m @mm @m1om1
1omOmmm1mmd mo m mo occm 1o!m Oommm!o.
The i gnobl e the nobl e f ear
The mean hol d them as ki nsmen dear.
452. LaJ1atau L111i ota uaio1i
1uJ1at oa _6o.
1o!mo muJm ommmd m)mm 1m_m1 mo muJm omm cmm1m
1mmu mom mm, ommo 1o!mo @mJm omm OmmmomJm1m.
Wi th soi l changes water' s taste
Wi th mates changes the mental state.
453. uuJoaua uaio1i u1J1 6uJoaua
6uua GuuGt5m Goa.
smm1m cm!J, mmo Ommm mm. m! @mmcm! mm_ m Oomdm
m! 1o!mJ1m oco Ommm mm.
Wi sdom depends upon the mi nd
The worth of man upon hi s f ri end.
454. uuJo aoCtaai a:q ot
1uJoa oa _6o.
smm1m m m) mmJm @du mmm 1mmd 1ommmmqm, m! 1o!mo
ocom1m Oomc!mmd Omm1m1omm.
Wi sdom seems to come f rom mi nd
But i t trul y fl ows f rom the ki nd.
455. uuioauu Goaouu oauu 6;u5
6uioauu ooa o.
smmm Oomm1 Oomc!u mmmomo @mmomdomm mc mmam Ooqm
mmmmmo @mm.
Puri ty of the thought and deed
Comes f rom good company i ndeed.
45. uuioaa1i GJo+u a 6uioaa1i
1ua+u aa ouu.
mmJm mmd uoam, 1o!mo @mJm mmd mmOodom mm.
Pure-hearted get good progeny
Pure f ri endshi p acts wi th vi ctory.
457. uu+a uuua1i ai 6u+a
aaaG :mi o.
mmJm mum cm ommo mmm @mJm mu1mm mdum uomm mmmm.
Goodness of mi nd i ncreases gai n
Good f ri endshi p f osters fame agai n.
458. uu+a +uuta ;aaum oauCa1i
1u+a auaG :utJo.
mmmm mo omm1mm)mo @mmm m! 1o!m ocJm) Ommm1o mum mm
Men of wi sdom, though good i n mi nd
In f ri ends of worth a new strength fi nd.
450. uu+aJ1 ua uuuut .o
6u+aJ1 CuuaG :utJo.
mdu c_Jmm cm mco c!m1om)mo @mmomqm m! om!mo @mJm c_Jm
mm mummm mmo m oomm.
Good mi nd deci des the future bl i ss
Good company gai ns strength to thi s.
40. +duJ1 u+i ouuaua !auJ1u
_at t5Gton u.
mdu @mo omqm mmo @mmm, @mo omqm mmm o)om
mm1m @du.
No hel p good company exeeds;
The bad to untol d angui sh l eads.

Oo1m Oodmo Oo1m Oodmo Oo1m Oodmo Oo1m Oodmo - -- - Del i berati on before acti on
4J . _qoon _oon _1 oqtai
n1amm aqio Goa.
mmo m mmm Jcm du m mmm1m mm_ mmo om mm!o
mm1o sm Ooud @mmo 1mm1m.
Wei gh wel l output the l oss and gai n
And proper acti on ascertai n.
42. Go1io 6uJGoa5 Co1iGouuJ Goaoa1i
Gta aaGoau u.
Oom 1o!mo mmm!ocm, 1o!m, mm 1mm Oou )mm, omam mm
JmJ Ooomd omo sm_mdu.
Nothi ng i s hard f or hi m who acts
Wi th worthy counsel s wei ghi ng f acts.
43. _i+ 1 modqim Goaouu
nia ;6out aa1.
Ommm omm J1Omm_ mJ!mm! o aoum @mm mco om1o
mcm!o Oommcm!o.
The wi se ri sk not thei r capi tal
In doubtf ul gai ns and l ose thei r al l .
44. Goao aouuJ Goat+a1 6aGouu
aoGta tma to1.
omo mmc om!oomm mmo mmm mm! mo omom omm
om1Jd @mmommd @mmm!o.
They who scornful reproach f ear
Commence no work not made cl ear.
45. ouaJ aqa Gomo tuou;G
taJ1G t5GtCoa ;a.
am1mmmm1o aammo )mm Oommd mom) s1o amm mo mom1m
mum mumo m!m m1mo Jm1m.
Who marches wi thout pl ans and ways
Hi s fi el d i s sure to f oster f oes.
4. Goaoi _a GoaiG5m Goaoi
Goaaauu aau+ G5.
Oo ocmoo Oomomd 1o1 mmm1m, Oo 1mmo Oommd mcmqm 1o1
Doi ng unfi t acti on rui ns
Fai l i ng fi t-act al so rui ns.
47. auuJ ou ui ouioGu
auuo Guut 1mi.
mmmmo JmJo mm1o Ooud @mmo 1mm1m, @mmJ mm JmJoumm mmm om_.
Thi nk and dare a proper deed
Dare and thi nk i s bad i n need.
48. _t6u oioa oJo ta1Lu
Ctat6u GtaJoG t5.
mom 1m!omm mmo @mmomqm ammo Oomcmo amJ @_Jd acmJ
Toi l wi thout a pl an ahead
Is doomed to fal l though supported.
40. +uat ami oou to;o1
tut6i oatai ut.
smmmc @dm u1m Oomm1omm mmm oc Oo 1mm1m. @dummcmd
1m mmo Jmm omm.
Attune the deeds to habi tude
Or ev' n good l eads to evi l f eud.
470. aaao auuJ GoaCou5i oGua5
Gaaao Gaaa oa.
omac mum mmmmm Oodo c!m1om! mm)mcmmcm!o mmmomd, m!o
m1)omo Oodo1 OoJcd 1mm1m.
Do deeds above reproachful ness
The worl d refutes uncomel y mess.
muod muod muod muod - -- - Judgi ng Strength
47J . ouuodai ouoda uatau oda
ouuodai oi1J Goa.
Ooum mum, om mum, mom1m mum, @mom)mmm mmo @m1mm1m
mum Jmmm )mmom1o mo Ooud +. 1mc 1mm1m.
Judge act and mi ght and f oeman' s strength
The al l i es' strength and go at l ength.
472. o o6o o6ioou uo+1J
Gooa1iJ Goaao 1.
sm Ooud +. 1m1m1mm Oou mm mom )mmom amJ
1mmOommcmd amo mmmdu.
Nothi ng hampers the fi rm who know
What they can and how to go.
473. nutJo oda6aa1 niJ1u ni1
6utiu m1ioa1 ta1.
omac mumm m mmd cm!J mm1 sm Oou OomcmJ @cd
Oo1 1mmmm!o mu! cm1.
Many know not thei r meagre mi ght
Thei r pri de breaks up i n boastful fi ght.
474. _uuioa+ Gamau _ao6aau ouuu
oaioau ou;io G5.
mmmm!o mJommqm, om mum cm!m Oommmqm, omm om1m Om1omo
mmm) m1J Oommmmm!o m)md Oo1 Oomumm!o.
Who adapts not, outsteps measure
And brags hi msel f-hi s f al l i s sure.
475. OdGta oaa5 _J1 _Gtutm
oaa uJoG Gtau.
md @momo @mmomqmoc Jommo mmmmcmd mmm o a1Jmm m om
mum mm m1m.
Even the gentl e peacock' s pl ume
Cart' s axl e breaks by gross vol ume.
47. +uiGat1 a6ua1 _.1i oi1u
na1i11 _1 o5.
ommmm Jommo om 1mm1 Oomm1, mdu 1 1mmJm smm!, mm
Jd mm! om 1mqm mc amJ Ooomd mmm mm1)m mo oJ mmm!.
Beyond the branches' ti p who ski ps
Ends the l i fe as hi s body ri ps.
477. _t6u _ao6i ! _oGta
Ctat6 oq+ G+6.
mmmm m m, om m mmmm1o Ommm )mo om mmam m1mm.
Know the l i mi t; grant wi th measure
Thi s way gi ve and guard your treasure.
478. _a ao:q oaau+ Cqua
Ctaa aai ut.
mdu ocmo Ooum @dummd @m1mmmmd m)m, mmmo @mmomd 1o1 mmm
The outfl ow must not be excess
No matter how smal l i ncome i s.
470. _ao6io oaqaoau oaqiu naCtaa
6aa1J Coauai G5.
@mm, @mmo, @mm +co Jmmm m m Ood Jcmo
m Oommmcmd, mum1m du m1mm @mm1mmd 1ommmmqmoc
@dummd mmm 1mmm1m.
Who does not know to l i ve i n bounds
Hi s l i fe seems ri ch but thi ns and ends.
480. naou; oiao G:; oauuu
oaou; ouai G5.
ommca Ommmm m )mm mm!ommd mm Oom1
Oomm1cmmomd mm mm m)md Oo1m.
Weal th amassed qui ckl y vani shes
Sans l evel i f one l avi shes.

omu omu omu omumod mod mod mod - -- - Knowi ng the Proper Ti me

48J . tGoa+ uuai aiu 6Goa
Coio1i Cou5 Gtamo.
mod 1m)mmo @mmomd 1omcmm omoOmm_ m1m. mm1m mJ1 mmmom mmm
omuo 1o!mOo1o 1mm1m.
By day the crow def eats the owl
Ki ngs need ri ght ti me thei r f oes to quel l .
482. toJCoa Gta:t m 1ouuJ
!;auu _1i+ a.
omum cm!m om1omm Oodm1od, mo mmOoum Omm mammcmmd
ommm ommo mm.
Wel l -ordered seasoned act i s cord
That f ortune bi nds i n bon accord.
483. _ouu Gaut naCoa oaat
aa u6io Goau.
1ommm omommocm c1 1m)om m Oodmcmd amom mm_ mm1m
What i s hard f or hi m who acts
Wi th proper means and ti me and tacts?
484. maa+ 1u+ u5+ aa
1 6tJoat Goau.
c1 omuom @com mom Oodmcmd cuo1moc o mmm1m.
Choose proper ti me and act and pl ace
Even the worl d you wi n wi th ease.
485. aa+ 1 6Gt1 a+ao
maa+ o to1.
ouo @cm o)mmd c1 omuo mJ!mm! Omm_mmo @mmm!o @mo
cuoo1oc Omm_ om1mm!o.
Who want to wi n the worl d subl i me
Wai t unruf fl ed bi di ng thei r ti me.
48. ni mutaau 5i Gtao1
oaitG Cti ouJo.
Oom1mo om1moc c_J mcom!o mJmo @mm oJmmd du,
1ocm sm_ om mo ommom om omdo mm mmmmo
By sel f -restrai nt stal warts keep fi t
Li ke rams retreati ng but to butt.
487. GtaGau _+C :Co;a1 aata1J
oCo1Gt1 a ao1.
mo mmJc oJd JmmOommcmqm om Omm1ommd @cm omum @)m1m
omJmm1o mcm! Ood.
The wi se jut not thei r vi tal fi re
They watch thei r ti me wi th hi dden i re.
488. Go+u;i aut aui 6ou;
aut 1qiai oua.
mom! am mmm1 m!o ommmo1m oummo ommmJ1m c1 1m)m mmm m)d
omom mom!m Omm_mcm ommJ Oom 1mm1m.
Bear wi th hosti l es when you meet them
Fel l down thei r head i n f ateful ti me.
480. aaot 1a 1uaioia _iLuaCa
Goaot 1a Goa.
Jcmom 1 omum mmm1mm o mmm1J Oomm1 1mm1o Oomo1
Oo ao 1mm1m.
When comes the season ri pe and rare
Dare and do hard thi ngs then and there.
400. GaiGai : toJo utou
JGoai !1Jo 6tJo.
omum oo1m m)d Oom1mmd Omm_mmo omJmo1mm1m. omum mmmmo
Jcom ommmmd m 1mmd Oo ao 1mm1m.
In wai ti ng ti me f ei gn peace l i ke stork
In fi ghti ng ti me stri ke l i ke i ts peck.

@cmod @cmod @cmod @cmod - -- - Judgi ng the Pl ace
40J . Goat+t adouua aat mt
6t+ut Guu ao.
+. 1m1m Ood sm_m Om1odu mm @omJmo omommd, amqm o1mm @co
1o!mOo1 Ooud @mmo 1mm1m.
No acti on take, no f oe despi se
Unti l you have surveyed the pl ace.
402. m;uCo1io GuaaG uo1i _;uCo1ioa
_i taoi o.
mmmmo mJ!m mum @mmm, cm )m om!m 1mm11m mmum
@mmmmmd Ommmmm J1m.
Many are gai ns of f ortresses
Ev' n to ki ngs of power and prowess.
403. _ta _t6 _5t 6tu6io
Ctata1u Ctat6J Goau.
omod mcmom1 @com 1o!m, ommm omOomm1 mommcm
1mmJmmd mumdumom!m mum mmm1 Omm J1m.
Weakl i ngs too wi thstand f oe' s off ence
In proper fi el ds of strong def ence.
404. auuaa1 auu 6qGt1 6tu6io
ouuaa1 ouuJ Goau.
mmm @cmm Oomc!m omJmmd mom!o, Omm mmmo mmoc mm!o
If fi ghters fi ght i n vantage fi el d
The pl ans of f oes shal l be baffl ed.
405. G+5:ua Goa moua _5:udu
L+1u _ouuG G.
omm1d @mm m)domm aou mum, omm)m1 Om1 mm mcmd sm
omom)m c!oc om m) m1m.
In water crocodi l e prevai l s
In l and before others i t fai l s.
40. tCaata ao G+5iCo1 tCaa5
+aoaa ta LaJo.
sm Ooq1 @co 1o!mOo1mm! ' 1o! ocu1u scm' ' omd muJd 1mmom'
mmmomm Oo1mom)mo @mo 1mm1m.
Sea-goi ng shi p goes not on shore
Nor on sea the strong-wheel ed car.
407. _moauu aaa ouuCouta amoauu
auu atJoat Goau.
sm Ooq1 m1 amo mm JmJ Oomc, +omm smm
om), 1m_ m 1omdu.
No ai d but dari ng dash they need
When fi el d i s chosen ri ght for deed.
408. 1tutaau Godtm Co1u ntutaau
ni _qio o5.
J mc mmmmqm om1 @cJd @mm 1mm1cmd Om1 mc Omm_ mc
Though f orce i s smal l , i f pl ace i s ri ght
One quel l s a f oe of wel l -armed mi ght.
400. 1u+aum ! 6aG;uu uaio1
nuLaJCoa Gta:t a1o.
mmomuomm 1omcm, mm_m mu mc Jmuom @dumJmmm, mom! mmam
mumm @cJm mcO1 Oom_ omm momm Ood du.
To face a f oe at home i s vai n
Though f ort and status are not fi ne.
500. aaaq a1u +1a5+ uumoa
Coaa mJo a.
1m1umJ m)!o mmJmm mmd mco mm, 1omd JJ mcmd om m1o
oc Oomm_ m1m.
A fox can ki l l a war tusker
Fearl ess wi th f eet i n deep quagmi re.

Oo1m Oood Oo1m Oood Oo1m Oood Oo1m Oood - -- - Testi ng of Men for Confi dence
50J . _Gta 6ut na;Jo +au1u
1iGo1io CoG t5.
mm1d c_Jmmmmmomm, Ommm mod mmmmmmmmmomm, @mmm 1o
mmomommmomm, omm +omommmomm @mmmm1 mom sm mm
m!o 1mm1m.
Pl easure, gol d, f ear of l i fe Vi rtue-
Test by these f our and trust the true.
502. qGGio tJ1u L+1 o5Gt1a
+auutaau :Ct Goao.
mmmmmmmmomm, m1Ood u1mJc +J mmmJmmmmmomm @mmmm1 c!d
mmmomm mm Oom Oom 1mm1m.
Spotl ess name of nobl e bi rth
Shamed of stai n-that choi ce i s worth.
503. _1at aota1 uui Go1a+a
6uuu _1Co Goa.
1 mdo mu ommm! mm_m, mmm mmm! mm_m uomm11mm)oc mmmo
)mm mm!m1mm m1cm mm mmm m1m @du mm ommc @um.
Though deep schol ars of stai nl ess sense
Rare i s f reedom f rom i gnorance.
504. u+aqi tm +aq _ot
uu+aq ui Gaa.
smm1m mmom, m) mom )mm mm! mmd mJmo @mmm
mm mmmo Oo1m om mm m) mm sm Oommm am m)1mm1m.
Good and evi l i n man wei gh wel l
Judge hi m by vi rtues whi ch prevai l .
505. Gtuui auuJ 1uuii oJo+
uCu :tuai .
smm! Oom om1mo1 c)odumo Oomm1, m! o)mmmm)m du o)mOocm)m
mmmo u1m Oomumm.
By the touchstone of deeds i s seen
If any one i s great or mean.
50. _tau;J Coo : uto1
tt6a1 +aua1 tq.
Ommmm!o sm mm 1o!m Oom ocm. m!o cuoo mm
omumcmmd, m1 mmmmmd Oodm1mm!o.
Choose not those men wi thout ki nsmen
Wi thout af fi ne or shame of si n.
507. aouuu ioa _6o6aa1J Coo
Ctuouu aaai o.
mdumom) mu om)mmmo 1o!m Oom mm m1mdu, ommd mmmm
Oodo1 mm.
On f avour l eani ng f ool s you choose;
Fol l y i n al l i ts forms ensues.
508. Co;au GuuJ Goaioau oqmu
!;a 65ut o.
)mm mm!ommd smm) mmo 1o!m Oo, m!J Oommcmd m)md
mmmomu ouamm!m mmomo mmm mm.
To trust an untri ed stranger bri ngs
Endl ess troubl es on al l our ki ns.
500. Cot aau;ai Co;ao Co1ioGu
Co Co Gta.
mm )mm Oomo mm smm1cm mmmo mo 1mm1m. )mm mm)mmd m)m
mmmmc ocm.
Trust not wi thout testi ng and then
Fi nd proper work for trusted men.
5J0. Co;au Goaoi Goaioauu pao
!;a 65ut o.
)mmmd smm) 1o!m Oo mm_ Oommm, )mm 1o!m Oo mm_Oommcmm
m) om1oom1mm )mo mmo omm.
Trust wi thout test; The trusted doubt;
Both entai l troubl es i n and out.
Oo1m mmmcd Oo1m mmmcd Oo1m mmmcd Oo1m mmmcd - -- - Testing and Entrusti ng
5JJ. +uuua !uua +aq +a:1io
ouuuaau _aG t5.
mmm m m m mm )mm mo, mmOoud m11m mmcm Oommcm!o
mmmm mcmm oJ Ommmm)mmm!o.
Empl oy the wi se who wi l l di scern
The good and bad and do good turn.
5J2. oa1 Gti1 oat5J otuo
_;aaoau Goa ouu.
mmmmmm m)o m1o m1mmJ, mmom OmmJ, @c_om )mm
mJc mdum1m Ooumm_m Jmcmm.
Let hi m act who resource swel l s;
Fosters weal th and prevents i l l s.
5J3. _ut6o Cot _oaouuu 6i+au
+uutaau :Ct Goao.
mu, m, Ooumm_m Jmm, 1m)mo mcmo mm J mmm mmuom mumo
Ommmmm) 1o!m Oom1o mum.
Trust hi m i n whom these f our you see:
Love, wi t, non-cravi ng, cl ari ty.
5J4. auuouaau Co6ai uu ouuouaau
Coa uaio1 ta1.
mmmmomm m1amo )mm Oom 1o!mOo1omqm Oodm1m Omma
1m_m1Jmm!o mu! @mm!.
Though tri ed and f ound fi t, yet we see
Many di ff er bef ore duty.
5J5. _6ioat6J Goa1ttat aa ouuoau
1ioaGuu Cottat u.
mom Oo am mmd cm!o dummd 1mOmmmm) Jmmom! mm omJ
sm Ooud +. 1m1o ocm.
Wi se abl e men wi th power i nvest
Not by fondness but by hard test.
5J. Goaoauu +aq ouu+aqi aaJCoa
Gtao nu1io Goa.
Ooummm mdumm 1o!m, Oomc 1mm Ooum )mmo, omuam!m
om Oodm1o1mm1m.
Di scern the agent and the deed
And just i n proper ti me proceed.
5J7. 6ouu 6oua 6oumqi auaai
oouu _ouu ot.
sm om1o smm! mm Oo amm! mmmo )mm mm!, om mm mo
om1o m1cm smco 1mm1m.
Thi s work, by thi s, thi s man can do
Li ke thi s entrust the duty due.
5J8. ouui1uu +aqa Guu _ouu
_ot1a uaJ Goa.
sm Ooud +. 1m1mom mmmmmm mmmo )mm mo mm1o, mm mo Ooud
+. 1m1o 1mm1m.
Hi s fi tness f or the duty scan
Leave hi m to do the best he can.
5J0. ouuiu ouuautaau CuuuCo a
LuuGtauu L+i 1.
m1o om1o amJd ommm ommmo @mmm1m cmm ommmo mmmmm)
m1 Ommm om_ m1m.
Who do duty f or duty' s sake
Doubt them; and f ortune departs qui ck.
520. +aCta +a5 uuuu ouuGoaoau
Catauu Cata oa.
cm1mm! cm mmcmmd @mm m)d cuJm Oo1um mmcmmd @mm. mm1m
cm1mm! mu smOmmm mmm )Jm! om mm Oo 1mm1m.
Worker strai ght the worl d i s strai ght
The ki ng must l ook to thi s ari ght

ommm ommd ommm ommd ommm ommd ommm ommd - -- - Cheri shni ng Kinsmen
52J . ttt uu tuquuta ;a:5o
atJoa1 uCu na.
smmm m_m mmo 1m)Jqm m1cm mm cmm mm)m1m mmu ccm!o1
ommom! mm!o.
Let f ortunes go; yet ki nsmen know
The ol d accustomed l ove to show.
522. oGtaJ at 6uaau _Gta
_i taoi o.
mmo mumqm mu mmo ommm smmm Jcomd mm oam,
m!Jm o oomo mm.
The gi ft of l ovi ng Ki ns bestows
Fadel ess f ortune' s f resh fl owers.
523. _aoaa oaaoau oaqiu aoaai
Caqu6 L1Lui ot.
cmmm! cmmm! mm mm @m1mmmcm mu oum mJmm mmomomc mmmomm,
o)dumo Jd m! mmmoo 1mmu mmmmomJ m1m.
A ki nl ess weal th i s l i ke a tank
Whi ch overfl ows wi thout a bank.
524. atJoat atG ttGoam Gooioau
GttJoat Gtt tau.
om @mom!, mucm omm mmm mmo mmam mmmo1 smmm Ommm OodmJmmd
JcJ1m mmmm.
The f rui t of growi ng weal th i s gai ned
When ki th and ki n are happy f ound.
525. Ga5Joa 6uGoaa _t6u _5i1a
atJoat atG t5.
md ommm, mm+om Oomdqm ccmm 1o1 ommom! mmm
Lovi ng words and l i beral hand
Enci rcl e ki th and ki n around.
52. Gt+Gautaau Ctuau Goa _ouu
u+utaa1 uaLaJ 1.
Om1 Oomcm Oommcmmmomm, Omm1 mam mmo muJmmmomm smmm
@mmomd mm 1mmd ommm mm @m1mm! cuJd mmm @du mmumm.
Large gi ver and wrathl ess man
Commands on earth countl ess ki nsmen.
527. aiu ;oa u;iouu _im
_uuL ;a1iC na.
om Jcoo mmommd om ommo om m omo cmmm. mo
mm ccm!o m11m cuJd c!m cm1.
The crows hi de not; thy cal l and eat
Wel fare abi des a man of heart.
528. GtaoC+aiau Coiou o1uoaa C+ai1u
_oC+ai1 oaqoa1 ta1.
m mom omm mmm, m)m!1 mmq1omm m!o mmm1J
Oommcmd, mo )o mmmm )mmo mmm mmm!.
From publ i c gaze when ki ngs percei ve
Each one' s meri ts so many thri ve.
520. ou;a1J otioa1 at _u;auui
a;u uu6 o.
cmmm)mo @mm m1om sm om)mm o m1m Oommm!o, mo om)mm Ommmmom
mm_ cmmm1mm 1m1m cmm Oom mmmm!o.
Forsaken f ri ends wi l l come and stay
When cause f or di scord goes away.
530. nuqGG1io a;uJ1u oioauu Coiou
6uqJ1i Gouui Gaa.
m1om om)mm omm m1m 1mm, 1m1m oummcm oo om)mJmmd mmom), mm
)mm mm_ Oomd 1mm1m.
Who l eaves and returns wi th moti ve
The ki ng shoul d test hi m and recei ve.

Ommommmm Ommommmm Ommommmm Ommommmm - -- - Unforgetfull ness
53J . 6io Goaau !Co 1io
nou u1qJ1at Coa1o.
omJmJmmd mmm1m mmJ, cmomo JmJmmd mmm1m mm mc mmm.
Worse than wrath i n excess i s
Forgetful ness i n joy-excess.
532. GtaJoaG:i Gaa :uq _6ouu
LJo L;G:iGau a+.
mmm Oomc!m mm1Jmm m_m, m 1m 1mmu mmJ, uom 1 m1m.
Negl i gence ki l l s renown just as
Ceasel ess want wi sdom destroys.
533. GtaJoaGta1i 1ua :quu aooaJ
GoGtau Caa1ii ouo.
mmJ ccm!o, mmom uom @du mmm1o mm om_m!mo !om
ammm omomm.
Forgetful nature fai l s of f ame
Al l school s of thi nkers say the same.
534. _Jo mutaa1i ;uua _+1ua
GtaJoaG :utaa1i +u.
mJmmd m1mJmm!o omm om mmomuomm )m ocmmmomqm
mmo mmdu. o 1mmu1m mmmomm c!mo mud @mmomqm mmJ
ccm!o mo mummd mmo mmdu.
The f earful fi nd no f ortress here
The f orgetful fi nd good never.
535. muui aoa 1mi1aau ouGuq
Guu 6;+1 o5.
amo1 JmJ omm om Oom ommm, mmm mmomm om mm
mmm omumc 1m11m.
Fai l i ng f oresi ght the guardl ess man
Shal l rue hi s f ol l y l ater on.
53. 6miauu aa1ua:5 au omiauu
oaau _oGoaGt 1.
smm1cm, mmmmm mmm mmu ommmmd OmmmmJm1mmmmd, omc mm
mmm o)o 1m_ mmm @mo am.
Forget none; watch wi th wakeful care
Mi ss none; the gai n i s sans compare.
537. _1aGou aao 6uaGtaJ oaoai
oaat Ctat6J Goau.
mmJdummqm, omcm Oodmcmd, amo mm_ mm1m @du.
Wi th cauti ous care pursue a thi ng
Impossi bl e there i s nothi ng.
538. :qiouo Ctat6J GoaCou5m Goaaa
1qioa1i Gmuua 6.
uoa1 ocmo 1mmm OoJcd 1mm1m. m Oommd
umomomm!o mmmod c!1m @du.
Do what the wi se commend as worth
If not, f or seven bi rths no mi rth.
530. 6qJ1at G:tau; nm oaio
u1qJ1au uuio Ctaqo.
mmomd _11mm ocmo mmmJmmm!o, m mmm1mm 1m
1mmmm!o mm mm! JmmJ Oom 1mm1m.
When joy del udes, thei r f ate recal l
Whom negl i gence has made to fal l .
540. naa Goao aaouu utioau
naa oaG Gt6u.
Oommc 1omd mocm @mm Jd Omm ommmJ1u1 mmcacm!o
mo 1om cm mommomm.
Easy i t i s a thi ng to get
When the mi nd on i t i s set.

Oom1ommm Oom1ommm Oom1ommm Oom1ommm - -- - Just Government
54J . 1iou Cuata 1u:1i 1aa1ua:5
Co1ioGoa o.Co mu.
mmm @mmOom_ )mm mmo moam ommmd m1mmum ommmmd mmmom1m1o
Test and attest i mparti al l y
Consul t and act the l aws justl y.
542. oaCuai1 oam naGaa uuuou
CaCuai1 oam+ q.
cuJd c c!o mmmmom mm 1omm1m 1mmu sm mmm mo mmmmom
mdumJ 1omm1Jm.
The earth l ooks up to sky and thri ves
And manki nd to ki ng' s rod of justi ce.
543. _iou1 t _J1t _1aaa
Luo uuuou Ca.
s! )Jm Oom1ommmomm m1mm! mdom mm1 Oodom mcmo
The Sage' s scri pture and vi rtue spri ng
From the sceptre of a statel y ki ng.
544. qo6i CaCaaJa uaLa uuuu
_qo6 Lt na.
mo )mm J mcm mdu)Jm omc mmmu1m 1mmm mmm.
The worl d cl i ngs to the rul er' s f eet
Whose sceptre cl asps the peopl e' s heart.
545. 6a:ai CaCaaJa uuuo ua:t
Gtaa ouaami Goai.
mJ mammmd s! )o mmd @m1mmmmd , mmmomuJd ommmmd Omm
mmmmd mmmm mod Jcmom smmmomm.
Ful l rai ns and yi el ds enri ch the l and
Whi ch i s rul ed by a ri ghteous hand.
54. Coau Gou6 ooo uuuou
Caaon+ Cata Gouu.
s! )o Omm omm mom) mmm 1mudu, mo mmmmm mmo
Not the spear but the sceptre strai ght
That bri ngs success to monarch' s mi ght.
547. 6uai uoa aaa _ouu
muai m:taJ Goau.
mJ mammmd s! )o mcOmmmmd mo )o mo mJ1 ommmm_m.
The ki ng protects the enti re earth
And justi ce protects hi s royal worth.
548. autoJoau ;a m;Goaaa uuuou
outoJoau oaCu G5.
cmm)mmomm, )mm mJ mmmommqm mcOm_Jm )o ommmo mucm ommmo1m
OoOcm1m m1m.
Hard of access, the unjust ki ng
He shal l hi msel f hi s rui n bri ng.
540. q:+ aJCoaGi t+ qo
o5ou Coiou Goaq.
mo mmom m mmmm, mmm Ooom!o m)mm om @a mmm
mm_ omommd ommm )Jm ocmmm.
Save hi s subj ects and chi de the wrong
Is fl awl ess duty of a ki ng.
550. Gauaat Gaqaau; CoiGoaJo ut+q
ua: toGua5 C+1.
Oomu aou Oom1mo u11mm), s! )o omcmmm m1m
Oo1uomo o m1m 1mmmmomm.
Ki l l i ng ki l l ers, the ki ng, behol d
Weeds removes f rom cropf ul fi el d.

Oom1m1ommm Oom1m1ommm Oom1m1ommm Oom1m1ommm - -- - Cruel Tyranny
55J . GauaCutGau ta1t GaqCo _uaCutGau
tauo GoaGoam Coio.
mm1 1 mo mu_m )o, Oomu Oom1umo Oommcm)mc
The unjust tyrant oppressor
Is worse than cruel murderer.
552. CoGaa5 Luau 65Gou oCtaa
CaGaa5 Luau 6;o.
J1omd mmJmmm!o om mocm Jom)o om Ommm mm,
1md mmJ Oomom)mm m)cu 1mmmm.
Sceptered tyrant exacti ng gol d
Is "gi ve" of l anced robber bol d.
553. +aGta +aq muGoaaa uuuou
+aGta +a5 G5.
Jmmd mm mmm mo mm 1om_m )mm mm oomm_ mcm
Oommo )o mmo mm1 !um 1mmm1m.
Spy wrongs dai l y and do justi ce
Or day by day the real m decays.
554. m+ qa +1qi CaCaqJ
aqao Goaa _;a.
mm1mu )mmmd Oom1m1omd u1m )o, mJ om)om mom mJmm
The ki ng shal l weal th and subj ects l ose
If hi s sceptre he dares abuse.
555. _att: tata omou u;uC
GooJuoJ Coai tut.
Oom1m Omm_o ammd mo Jmm omm! J 1m mcommmm.
Groani ng tears caused by tyrant' s sway
Fi l e the royal weal th away.
55. uuua1i uuuo Go+Cauuu _.1uC
uuuaoa uuu1i Gaa.
mJOm ommmo Oom1ommmomm s! )o uom omm. @du1d mo )Jm uom
mum_ o1m 1mmm.
Gl ory endures by sceptre ri ght
Wi thout i t wanes the royal l i ght.
557. oaauuu maaJ1t GttC Coiou
_aauuu oam na1i.
mmdummd mma_m cuoo 1mmd m @dumo )Jmmd mo
Dry l i ke the earth wi thout rai nfal l
Is gracel ess ki ng to creatures al l .
558. 6uuuau 6uua outuu muGoaaa
uuuou CatiqG tqu.
m_mm mmmmomdoc mo mmmo Oom1m1omd Jm m mmmcmd
m_m mmo mc Jo mmm o) o.
To have i s worse than havi ng not
If rul er i s unjust despot.
550. muCaq uuuou Goaau nuCaq
aao oau Gta.
am om Oodm1m Jd m)1oJ mmm @cmo mmmm1 1mmmmoumd,
mmm mmmm mm 1oJ m mm Ommmm @um.
The sky wi thdraws season' s shower
If the ki ng mi suses hi s power.
50. _tau u _GoaqCaa1 uGt1
aoau aoau auu.
s! )o mmc amm omo ommmd ommo mmm mcom, aJmmm
Oom1dom 1om m1m.
The *si x-functi oned f orget thei r l ore
Cows gi ve l ess i f ki ngs guard no more.
* the si x functi ons are: l earni ng, teachi ng, gi vi ng,
getti ng, sacri fi ci ng, ki ndl i ng sacri fi ce.
These are duti es of Vedi c savants.

Ommmmo Oomm Ommmmo Oomm Ommmmo Oomm Ommmmo Oomm - -- - Avoi di ng Terrori sm
5J . oia+ +aqJ ouaJGoaa ouuJoa
Joa+ GaGto Coio.
mcOmmm mmmo m1mu ommmmd )mmom, 1m1m m momm mmmm
mmmo1omm omcm Jco Oom1o )Jm ocmmm.
A ki ng enqui res and gi ves sentence
Just to prevent future of f ence.
52. qCoaJ1 Gua Go6 G+qoai
L+auu Cou5 to1.
mmmo mommmd @mo omm1mm o1m om, omm 1mm Ommm
om1Jmm!om Oodmmomm Oommm Om1mm mm.
Wi el d fast the rod but gentl y l ay
Thi s stri ct mi l dness prol ongs the sway.
53. Gooio GoaGoam Go+Caa uaau
oio uai G5.
mo +ommmo Oom1m1omd mcm )o mommo m)md 1m.
Hi s cruel rod of dreadful deed
Bri ngs ki ng' s rui n qui ck i ndeed.
54. 6uqau auu;i 6uuaJGoa Coiou
nu51 uai G5.
o1+Oomd c)m Oom1m1omd mm_ momd omom1m )o, om Ommm
m)md @mm.
As men the ki ng a tyrant cal l
Hi s days dwi ndl ed, hasten hi s f al l .
55. _mGodo 6uua mJoau GtmGoo
Ctaau tuu outJo.
mmm mJd omm amommmomm, o1o1o aocm @mmmmcm mm Ommm
Oodmm 1m 1ommmm mmm1m +oom 1ommm1mmm.
Whose si ght i s scarce, whose face i s f oul
Hi s weal th seems watched by a ghoul .
5. 5mGoaau uuau _au G+5mGoo
Lqu6 _+C G5.
o1+Oomdqm, ommmm cam Oommcm!om Omm+Oodmm muommd
Whose word i s harsh, whose si ght i s rude
Hi s weal th and power qui ckl y fade.
57. 5Guaqa+ uaio outm Coiou
_5m;u Coai _;.
o1+Oomdqm, amocmo omcmm s! )Jm mum 1o Omu Oom )m
mm ommmo mm.
Reproof s rough and puni shments rude
Li ke fi l es conqueri ng power corrode.
58. 6uJoat6 auuao Coiou 1uJoat6J
!6t 1i 1.
ocmocm oum 1mommd JmJm mJ 1ommd m1 mcm )o ommmo1m
mmm m1m.
The ki ng who woul d not take counsel s
Rages wi th wrath-hi s f ortune f ai l s.
50. Gooio Ctaq1t 1uGoaaa Coiou
Gooio Goao G5.
amo1 c1 mmomu @dummd @mm 1mmom, 1mm! mmmcmd om +J
m)md mm 1m11m.
The ki ng who bui l ds not f ort beti mes
Fears hi s f oes i n wars and di es.
570. aa1G Gui+ 5+Ca _ooa
1ua LaiG Gtau.
Oom1m1omd )o momom!o om momummJ Oomm. o1mmu _m
mm)m 1m_ mmmdu.
The crushi ng burden borne by earth
Is tyrants bound to f ool s uncouth.
om1mmcm om1mmcm om1mmcm om1mmcm - -- - Bei gn Looks
57J . uCua:t auu+ qGt+ a1u
nuuuaau nuqd oa.
@mo cuom, mum @)oam @mmo om1mmcm mmm1Jm Ommm mo
Oommcm!o @mmomdomm Ommm cJm.
Li vi ng i n the worl d i mpl i es
The bounteous dame of beni gn eyes.
572. uCua:tJ oa oa1a _.1aa1
nuuu LaiG Gtau.
mucm )mm @)om om1m om1mmcm mmm1m cuJq, mmmmo
@mmm!o @mo _m ommmm!o.
Worl d l i ves by l ooks of l ovel y worth
Who l ack them are burdens of earth.
573. tuGuuua tatt 1uaGuCt uGuuua+
uCua:t 6aao u.
@)o cm!m, mu mm om1mmccm OmmmmJ m)mo ommm, mmcqcm OmmmmJ
m)mo @om mm o)mommm.
Of tunel ess song what i s the use?
Wi thout graci ous l ooks what are eyes?
57. naCta mJGoou Goaa _aouat
uCua:t 6aao u.
oJd mmm @)oom o)o Oomo omo aoJd cm1mmd
1omm_mo om), 1m_ mmomm @dumomomm.
Except that they are on the face
What f or are eyes sans measured grace.
575. uut ua+ uCua:t _.1uCt
:uGuu u;G t5.
ommm Oommcmmc om1m om mm_ omm1m. @dummmd om du,
Ki nd l ooks are j ewel s f or eyes to wear
Wi thout them they are f el t as sore.
57. uuCua quaio u;Jouua1 uCua
quatiou Cuata oo1.
smm! om @mmmoc mo omm1 mum @)oam @dummcmd m!
m) smmmm1) mm!.
Li ke trees on i nert earth they grow
Who don' t eye to eye ki ndness show.
577. uCua:t 6ao1 uua1 uuutaa1
uCua:t 6uuua 6.
omm mmm Oommcm! @mm1o omo mmm1m, ommm1mm! ommm1mm! mm1m
Ungraci ous men l ack real eyes
Men of real eyes show beni gn grace.
578. um 1uoaaut uCuat oaa1i
1uu nutJ1d oa.
ocm ommmmqm, omm Omm1mJqm aommmo @m1mmm @mo cuo1m
Who graci ous are but duti ful
Have ri ght f or thi s earth beauti ful .
570. Joat tuGua1 uu+u CuaqG
GtaJoat tuCt oua.
1o mmJ1m @ducm1cJqm Omm_m om1m mo c!mo mmmmm.
To be beni gn and bear wi th f oes
Who vex us i s true vi rtue' s phase.
580. Gtaiu5 +mau tuuo1 +aJoi
+a1 Cou5 to1.
omm cam mmmm1m cm!o, omacm mmJm!o m+o Oom1omqm o
mmJ omcmm!o.
Men of graceful courtesy
Take heml ock and l ook cheerf ul l y.

smmmcd smmmcd smmmcd smmmcd - -- - Espi onage
58J . t nu;oau a 6uoa;u5
GotGu uuuou u.
1m!mm Jmm Oommc smmmm, mJ)m mmqm s! )Jm omomo omomc
A ki ng shoul d treat these two as eyes 581
The code of l aws and careful spi es.
582. aaa1i aaa Lqtuo ammau
oa6o Coiou Goaq.
mmm!, mom!, m1mum! J mdum1cJqm moam mdum mommom, mdum
omumoqm smm) Oomm1 m)mmo m Oomm )o1 ocmmm.
Al l that happens, al ways, to al l 582
The ki ng shoul d know i n ful l detai l .
583. t6uau t6G GtaGo1aa uuuou
Gat+ Gaai1tio 1.
mm1 mum)o smm!o Oomm1 m om mmo )mm mcmJcmo )Jm
Oommmm omJc m11 @du.
Conquests are not f or the monarch 583
Who cares not f or the Spy' s remark.
584. ouuGoaoa1 omat Coutaoa G;ua+
uuou;a _;aao Goat.
s! )Jd cmm smm! 1mu mm!mm!o, 1mmm!, 1mmcmom!, ommom!
mmOmdumm mmmm1 omommd mmu1momdomm m!o 1m!mmm smm!o mm om
Hi s of fi cers, ki nsmen and f oes 584
Who watch keenl y are worthy spi es.
585. ta_ nGoa5 uumoa 1aau5
na_uu oaCo t.
om1oomc amo 1ommmcm m om1oom1 mm!mm!o +ommqm, mmm
1m!momqm mmJd co Omm1ommqm cm!o1 smm!omo mmmmm am.
Fearl ess gaze, suspectl ess gui se 585
Guardi ng secrets mark the spi es.
58. oioa1 tqoJo ;a1 6ioa;aai
GouGoaum Coa1oa Goat.
)mmJc mmo mommd Oomc!mmmm) 1mmu omOomm1, om ) )mm,
Jd mm mmm m1m ommJ Oomm1, omm mO)m_ Omm1J
Oommom1) Jmmo smm!.
Gui sed as monks they gather secrets 586
They betray them not under threats.
587. uuiouo C:ot a1 _6iouo
paGta qaCo t.
mmmm!o mmmmo oOom om1mo, m!ocm @mmm! mmumo 1ocm
mmm cmm Oommo Oo1m Oomm1o cmm Jmmmm.
A spy draws out other' s secrets 587
Beyond a doubt he cl ears hi s f acts.
588. tGat6J oio Gtauaa utCua1
t6ua t6i Gaa.
s! cmm, om Jmmmmd m Oomdqm OoJ oc mm1mm! cmm
mmumomm m m) Oo, @m OoJom sm1 mm!o mm1o , cmmm
dumm mmm am m)1mm1m.
The reports gi ven by one spy 588
By another spy veri f y.
580. tGat u;auu aa ntumo1
GoatGai CoG t5.
s! smm) mm1mm! smm! amom mm_ smm!o @mom mmmmm Oomdm
sJmmomd cmmOm Oomumm.
Engage the spi es al one, apart 589
When three agree confi rm report.
500. 1Gt6a t6uu Goaat Goaat
:Gt5Joau _ uu.
s! smm1m Jmm mm mm! Jmu Ooomd, sm mmmmo @mo1mm
OoJ, Omm1JomJm1m.
Gi ve not the spy open reward 590
It woul d di vul ge the secret heard!

mom ccm mom ccm mom ccm mom ccm - -- - Energy
50J . nuta1 auGt5o oiu. 1aa1
nuta outaC;a ut.
mom ccm1) ccm! mmm1m!. mmdumom! 1m_ mo ccm)mo @mmomqm m!
ccm! o mmcm!.
To own i s to own energy 591
Al l others own but l ethargy.
502. na mutuu nutuu Gtamutuu
Laao L+1 o5.
mom mm sm Ommm om), 1m_ momm mumm ccm mm_ om @um.
Psychi c heart i s weal th i ndeed 592
Worl dl y weal th departs i n speed.
503. _i 6qiCoGuu aaoa1 ni
oio+ uJout aa1.
moo c_Jmo Oommmmm!o, om @mo 1m!momqm 1mmoc moo
@mm oumo mmcm!o.
The strong i n wi l l do not compl ai n 593
The l oss of worl dl y weal th and gai n.
504. _i _o1ouaaJ Goa _uooaa
ni mutaa uuq.
c!m, c_Jmm moacm!o 1o om1m m!ocm 1mm 1omm.
Fortune enqui res, enters wi th boom 594
Where ti rel ess stri vers have thei r home.
505. GoaJ ouua ua1L:t uaio1o
naJ ouua oa1o.
omm1m momm Jd mu!m omm) omm mm @mm. 1mmu mmo1m
mmmom c!m m! mmJd Oomm1 moJm 1m @mm.
Water depth i s l otus hei ght 595
Mental strength i s men' s meri t.
50. nmo Goaa na1oa uto
oaui oaauu L1Jo.
mmmOodumm c!mo mmmmo1m @mo1mm1m. oocmmcmqm omomo mo
mmm mcocm.
Let thoughts be al ways great and grand 596
Though they fai l thei r vi rtues stand.
507. 1uootJ Goaa1 n;Coa1 :uoaGt
t:5Gta Tu+ a.
ccd aam muomd omcmqm mmmm c_J o)mmd @mm1mmu,
moacm!o, 11m mmomqm omomo omumcmmcm!o.
El ephants are fi rm when arrows hi t 597
Great mi nds keep fi t ev' n i n def eat.
508. na 6aaoo1 aaoa1 naJo
oaa auum Goi.
mmmm !mm @dumo smm! omm md mm Ommmm1 Oom m11
Heartl ess persons cannot boast 598
"We are l i beral to our best".
500. t1ao 1+Ca:t oaau aauu
Gon :doai 6u.
cmmomc mo1m mummm mmmom m1om1. Oomao ccmum o!mmm
OommuomOommc mm, omm omo mmm uu om1 +J m1mm omm.
Huge el ephant sharp i n tusk quai l s 599
When ti ger, l ess i n f orm, assai l s.

00. n;Guaot a Goiua. 1aa1
u;ui aaoCa Co.
mmJd c_Jmm momdumom!o cmmJd mmo!omo ommmcmqm m)mom
m!om 1m_mm1 @du.
Mental courage i s true manhood 600
Lacki ng that man i s l i ke a wood.

m @mm m @mm m @mm m @mm - -- - Freedom from Sloth
0J . qGauu+ ua oai uqGauu
uaa; uaaio G5.
mmmo Ommm mmmomm smmmo @mmomqm, 1ommmd Oommcmd mmJ 1mm
@mm1 m1m.
Quenchl ess l amp of ancestry goes 601
When f oul i dl eness encl oses.
02. uqua uqaa m quai
qaa Cou5 to1.
um Jmo 1mm1mmmmd, 1ommmu s1, mocm amJo 1mmOom 1mm1m.
To make your home an i deal home 602
Loath sl oth as sl oth; refuse i t room.
03. uquqi GauGtam Ctuo Gio
quqai ouuu mio.
mm ommdumo 1omm1m mmmo , m am 1m 1mm m1m.
The f ool who f osters sl uggi shness 603
Bef ore he di es rui ns hi s house.
04. quqio t Gt uquqio
uaut nmt6 ao1i.
1omm1mommmmm!om mmmod mmmom OmmJm1m, 1mm Ommmm )1m
Who stri ve not hi gh, sunk deep i n sl oth 604
Rui n thei r house by evi l growth.
05. G+5L1 uo uqoa +au
G5L;a1 aui au.
omum ommod, mmJ, 1ommmd, m 1 om J mmmm, Oo1Jmm smm!
mmmm1_m 1ommommJ
To l ag, f orget, i dl e and doze 605
These f our are pl easure boats of l oss.
0. tqautaa1 ttuuioi uu uqautaa1
uautau aao _1o.
oJcm1m mu mmJ)mmmm)mo @mmm 1ommmqcm!o Ommm mm
mm cmOomm 1omm.
Wi th al l the weal th of l ords of earth 606
The sl othful gai n nothi ng of worth.
07. 6q:1i GommGoat C:t1 uq:1io
uaut nmt6 ao1.
amJ OomJd omm 1omm1mom mmmmm!o @omJ mmm!o.
The sl othful l acki ng nobl e deeds 607
Subj ect themsel ves to scornful words.
08. uquu quuiu o+1tu Guuua1i
quu :J1 o5.
Ommmmo d mmmom)mm, m1cm 1ommmd 1 mcmd 1m m)
mom!o mmJm1m.
If sl oth i nvades a nobl e house 608
It wi l l become a sl ave of f oes.
00. qaauuu aoio t ou
uqaauuu uati G5.
omm Oomm1 1ommmu smmm ommcmd, mm Ommmm,
mmm Jmu om1m mm 1omm.
The bl ots on race and rul e shal l cease 609
When one f rom sl oth gets hi s rel ease.
J0. uqaaa uuuou aao _qaaioau
oa_a Goaa +.
1ommmd @dumom! cm mm, 1om!mdumo sm mmmm, mm Oomm @cmmom
om omu mdu Oomm1 mmoo 1mmmmomm.
The sl othl ess ki ng shal l gai n en masse 610
*Al l regi ons trod by Lord apace.
* Hi ndu mythol ogy hol ds that Lord Vi shnu
measured wi th hi s f eet the three worl ds.

mm ccm mm ccm mm ccm mm ccm - -- - Manly Effort
JJ. _uu nutJGou oaoauu Cou5
Gtuu mat1 o.
mmmmd amm mm_ mmo!J cmmd, am mmm mmmocm amJ Ooomd
1m Om1 mummo mm.
Feel not f rustrate sayi ng "Ti s hard". 611
Who tri es attai ns stri vi ng' s reward.
J2. ouuiu ouuGt t ouuiu
!1ioa1u !1iou a.
mmo Ooud +. 1mcmqm om aammo Oo ao 1mm1m. @du1d
)Jm_ omm oomJ m1m.
In doi ng work don' t break and shi rk 612
The worl d wi l l qui t who qui ts hi s work.
J3. oaaauuu auui ouuuiu o+1tC
Coaauuu auum Goi.
mmm com u1m Ommmo cm!m, mcm amJ 1mmOomo c!mo
@ducm!ocm mu Ommmm.
On excel l ence of i ndustry 613
Depends magnani mous bounty.
J4. oaaauuu 6aaoau Coaauuu Ctqu
oaaauuu Ctaai G5.
momdumom! comm)mo @mmomm, sm 1m, o1u mmJ momomm 1m_mm1
Bounty of man who never stri ves 614
Li ke sword i n eunuch' s hand i t f ai l s.
J5. 6ut ouqaau ouuouqoau ouCa1
out outJou ou.
ommum mmmmmmd, omm 1mmOommc Oou mm1mmm mmmuJmmmm omm
mmm ommom!, mmm!o, mm1 mo J mm1m mmm c, m!o
ommJm mmmmm.
Work who l i kes and not pl easure 615
Wi pes gri ef of f ri ends, pi l l ar secure
J. mat1 1ouu _i mat6uuu
6uuu :J1 o5.
amJ @dummd mmm @du. amJomm Jmmmm Oodmm1o om)mmmo mm.
Industry adds prosperi ty 616
Indol ence bri ngs but poverty.
J7. uqaaa uamq aut uqaaau
oamaa oauu;a ua.
Jmmo, m1om mmm1m Oommo am1 amJd moacm)m, amJd
mommm 1omm1mm o om mmm1mmmmm.
Il l uck abi des wi th sl oth they say 617
*Laxmi ' s gi fts wi th l abourers stay.
*Laxmi the Goddes of weal th and prosperi ty
J8. Gta6auuu aa1i tqau 6o6i
oaouu 6uuu tq.
mJmmmd m1 mmm1m mmm om_, 1mmmmm m Oodmcmmd @mm1o
Mi sf ortune i s di sgrace to none 618
The shame i s nothi ng l earnt or done.
J0. GoaoJoau _a Gouu mat1ou
GuaoJoi d o.
ocm1 mm_ om mmomd mcomo om1m smm! amJcm cmm 1mm mo
cmu 1omm Omm omm.
Though f ate i s agai nst ful fi l ment 619
Hard l abour has ready payment.
20. nuqa nGti+ aut1 nuaou6J
oaqa omt to1.
' ' mm' ' mmm Omdu amo sm_ mmmm!o. 1om!mdummd amJ 1mmOommm!o mo
mmm 1omdm c Oomm!o.
Ti rel ess Toi l er' s stri vi ng hand 620
Shal l l eave even the f ate behi nd.

@1om 1mm @1om 1mm @1om 1mm @1om 1mm - -- - Hope in Mi shap
2J . 65iu o+a + _ouu
_5Jo1o o.GoaGt 1.
1omomo mJ! Omdu o, mo 1omomo om1 oumommd mJmmcm
@mm mmmomm.
Laugh away troubl es; there i s 621
No other way to conquer woes.
22. GoaJ ouua 65ut _6outaau
naJ1u nai G5.
Omm1mmd mmm mmomqm om Omdqm m1 m mmmo mcm!o mmo
mmJ)J1u1 mmm muJ s m1m.
Del ugi ng sorrows come to nought 622
When wi se men f ace them wi th fi rm thought.
23. 65uti 15ut t5Gt1 65uti
15ut tta_ oo1.
mmm mam 1mm, mm1 1mmomom!o mo mmo1 mmJd mJ om
1omdmm Oomm!o.
Gri ef they f ace and put to gri ef 623
Who gri eve not gri ef by mi nd' s rel i ef.
24. u5Jooa Gaaa ttuuau nt
65iu 6t1Gta 5utJo.
ocmod mmmo o)1a)cmm mmod Ommm mm)o mm @a Oomm1 1mmm 1mmu,
mcm amJcm Oodmcmd mmmo am mmm1 Omm J1m.
Who pul l s l i ke bul l s pati entl y on 624
Causes gri ef to gri eve anon.
25. _5i1 o1u _qoaau nt
65iu 65i: t5.
mmmo om1 oumomomm, mcmmd Oomcmm mmmo, mmm1 1m m1m.
Bef ore the brave gri ef gri eves and goes 625
Who dare a host of pressi ng woes.
2. _tCGuu at t5tCoa GttCGuu
Ca:o Cota oo1.
@om mom Omm_1m1m Om_ mJmm o omJc 1mm1Omm_
omomom!o mo mo @mo 1m11m 1mm m1m omomo mm1 1mm
The wi se that never gl oat i n gai n 626
Do not fret i n fateful rui n.
27. 6ai ntG5uti Gu aiJuoi
uaaai Gaaaoa Cu.
mmm mmm cmm ccqm @dmmm1o mmmo cm!mo Om11m!, mmm mmm
1mm om mmmmo1m omo mmcm!o.
The wi se worry no more of woes 627
Knowi ng body' s butt of sorrows.
28. 6ut ouqaau 65ut 6aGtutau
out mo 6au.
@mmo 1o ummd, mmm mmomqm o @dmmo omJOommmm mo
mmJmmd mm1 1mmmJdu.
Who seek not j oy, deem gri ef norm 628
By sorrows do not come to harm.
20. 6utJo 6ut ouqaaoau outJo
out mo 6au.
@mmm mmm Omma omomo cm 1mmcmom!o, mmm mmm Ommam omomo mmcm
Oom mmcm!o. @)mcm sm_1mmd omm c_J @ m1om1.
In j oy to j oy who i s not bound 629
In gri ef he gri eves not dual round!
630. 6uuauu 6ut auiGaau _iou
uua1 ouqam 1G:.
mmo @mmmmo omm mmc_J Oommcm!o, m!o mom!om mm)m1Jm
Ommm mm 1omm.
Hi s gl ory i s esteemed by f oes 630
Who sees weal i n wanton woes!

= 8| 0 = 8| 0 = 8| 0 = 8| 0 O 0 0| 0 0 O 0 0| 0 0 O 0 0| 0 0 O 0 0| 0 0

2. ML m L L 0 ML m L L 0 ML m L L 0 ML m L L 0
2. 2. =Ou 8 8| 0 =Ou 8 8| 0 =Ou 8 8| 0 =Ou 8 8| 0 - State Cabi net
mo mo mo mo - -- - Mini sters
3J . oa aam Goaua Goaa
_ouua uaut ouuJa.
c1 omm, cmm omum, m_m mo, m1m mm Jmmm momo Oodm1mm1m
Jmmo mom.
He i s mi ni ster who chooses 631
Ri ght means, ti me, mode and rare ventures.
32. ouu qaJo t6o _ouuCaa
utiotu uaut ouuJa.
mo)m mmm, mmcm Oodm1od, o mmomod, mmdo ommd,
mm OoJc od, )mo amJ J qmm Oommcomo mmo 1mm1m.
Wi th these he guards peopl e, - by hi s 632
Knowl edge, fi rmness and manl i ness.
33. G1Joa Ctui Gaaa G1ioa1G
GtaJoa oa ouuJa.
mom1 mmd mmm | mmm muomo| mom! mmmm!o m1od,
mm1 mmo @m1mm1m mum omod, m1m Oom_ mmm! JmmJm!o
1o! Oomd mm Oodod ommm1momm.
A mi ni ster cheri shes f ri ends 633
Di vi des f oes and the parted bl ends.
34. Go1oai Co1io Goaa ouaaaJ
Goaaa oa ouuJa.
sm Oou 1o!mOo1omqm, om mm1mmc m1moo )mm +. 1m1oqm,
am mmmm om c_Jmc Oomdqm mmd mcJmoqm mom1
A mi ni ster must si ft refl ect 634
Sel ect and say surel y one fact.
35. _u6i oauuuio GoaaaGum maui
1u6ioau Co1J1J ouu.
mOm cm!mom)momm, Oomdummmd Oommcm)momm, OodJmm mcom)momm
@mmm1) 1umomo omo mmo mmo am.
Have hi m for hel p who vi rtue knows 635
Ri ght wi sdom speaks, ever apt i n acts.
3. u1+:t Caa 5utaa1i 1+:t
aaoa muut tuo.
mumcm @momm mJ mmam cm!o ammmd mmo mmJomm mJ! mmo
am7 am.
Whi ch subtl er brai n can stand bef ore 636
The keen i n brai n wi th l earned l ove?
37. Goatu _6ioi utJo maJ
1atu _6io Goa.
Ooummmd mm mum Ommmmomqm, cuo mcamo cm!m mm!1o
om1ommmm_ Oodo mm1mmm 1mm1m.
Al bei t you know to act from books 637
Act after knowi ng worl d' s outl ooks.
38. _6Gau 6aau auu n1
nuqaioau tu.
Oommmom 1oommd, Oommo mm @dummd @m1mm!, mJq mo!oomm
m1mm1 mdu 1momo om 1mm1m.
The man i n pl ace must tel l the f acts 638
Though the i gnorant ki ng refutes.
30. tmGouu ui11at tiJo GodCoa1
amto Caq n.
ommmm m1amo1 JmJ Oodm1Jm mo! smm! mJummo mc mam
1om mJ1o moJd @mm mmm1mm 1mumm.
Seventy crores of f oes are better 639
Than a mi ni ster wi th mi nd bi tter.
40. muGttJ aqio mqoaCo Goao1
1Gta qaa_ oo1.
amm cm1m Jcmooc Ood Jmm @dumom!ocm JJmmd aammommd
acmJomm Jcm.
The unresol ved, though wel l desi gned 640
To ful fi l an act they have no mi nd.
Oomdmmm Oomdmmm Oomdmmm Oomdmmm - -- - POWER OF SPEECH
4J . +a+a Guuu +auutuu _i+a
aa+aJ oaon _u.
Oomdmmm c Jmu 1m_ mommdu. mm1m Oodmmod mdumm Jmmo
The goodness cal l ed goodness of speech 641
Is goodness whi ch nothi ng can reach.
42. _im+ C5 _oua ooaat
aJCoat Goadu: Coa1o.
oam 1mm Oomdumd mmm1m mmmomd, mmoOmmm Oomduqm mmm1 1m)mmd
ommmmo @mo 1mm1m.
Si nce gai n or rui n speeches bri ng 642
Guard agai nst the sl i ps of tongue.
43. C:ta1G Gui ouaoaai Caa
Co:t Guaqooa Goa.
1o1mm) ommm ommcomomm, 1oomommm 1omm mmmm 1oo oomomm
mm1o Oomdmmm mmm1m.
A speech i s speech that hol ds ears 643
And attracts ev' n those that are averse.
44. 1u6io Goaa Goaua _u
Gtam _ouun+ 1.
om)mo Oommo m smm Oomdu 1mm1m. mo Oomd mmm 1mmmm
mam, cmm Ommmm 1mOmmm @du.
Wei gh thy words and speak; because 644
No weal th or vi rtue words surpass.
45. Goaa GoauaG G6Coa1Goa _JGoaua
GoamGoa 6uuu _6io.
@mo Oomdu @mOmmm Oomd Omdum mm_ cm!mo mm1o mo Oomdu mmm1o
Speak out thy worl d so that no word 645
Can wi n i t and say untoward.
4. Co:tJoam GoadG G1Goat tauCat
ua:1au uaota1 Ca.
mmmm!o mmmm 1o1 cmmmmmo omo Oomdmm, mmmm!o o_m
Oommom mm )mm mm_ Oommm mcm! Ooumm.
Spotl ess men speak what i s sweet 646
And grasp i n others what i s meet.
47. Goaaoau Coa1oau _moa uouu
6Goa aa1i _1o.
Oomdummmd mcommmomm, 1om!m mommmomm, +om Om+om Oommcmmmomm
@mmmm mJ! mm)mqm Omdu am.
No f oe defi es the speaker cl ear 647
Fl awl ess, pui ssant, and f ree f rom f ear.
48. ou;io GoaqC: maa L;i1uo
Goaao oaa1G Gt6u.
mom1Jm, ommomm omo Oomdqm mdumc1m! oom1m
mm, cuoom! ccmmo mm1mmm ammm!o.
The worl d wi l l qui ckl y carry out 648
The words of counsel l ors astute.
40. taGoaai amo1 uuua ot
1aGoaa Cota oo1.
mdumo Ju Oommo Oomm1 Oommm mom omJc @umom!oomm mu
Oommo Jmmm Jmmm o Oommmmm!o.
They overspeak who do not seek 649
A f ew and fl awl ess words to speak.
50. 6uqJo +aa ua;uua1 t
ou; o1iou;aa oa1.
ommo mm! cm!m Oomm mod mJ Oomdu amom!, Oomomo
mu!mJmmomqm mmm ommmo mu) 1mmmmm!.
Who can' t express what they have l earnt 650
Are bunch of fl owers not f ragrant.

mm m mm m mm m mm m - -- - Puri ty of Acti on
5J . ouu+a _ii on ouu+a
Couqa aaai o.
smmm Jcm mm!omd mum Ommm, m!ocm o m1m
mmOodomd mdum mumom J1m.
Fri endshi p bri ngs gai n; but acti on pure 651
Does every good thi ng we desi re.
52. au oo Cou5 :Gqa5
+u6 taoa ouu.
uomm, mmmm o)mo mmm Oodo mmo muqm Oommd mmm
mOcm1o 1mm1m.
Eschew al ways acts that do not 652
Bri ng good nor gl ory on thei r part.
53. o Cou5 auaqm Goaouu
__o Guuu uo1.
1mm1mqm c!mJc 1mm1Omm mmmuJmmm!o, omac Oodomd om uom
Oocmmd ommmmo @mmJc 1mm1m.
Those i n the worl d desi re f or f ame 653
Shoul d shun the deed that di ms thei r name.
54. 65iu tqu 6aoio Goaaa1
+5it a:1 ao1.
Oommm mm c_Jm Oommcm!o mmJumm m1m1momomooc @1mmm
Ooud +. 1mc mmcm!o.
Though peri l s press the f aul tl ess wi se 654
Shun deeds of mean, shameful devi ce.
55. atGu 6;+o Goaat GoaoaCu
utuu Goaaauu +u.
' mmm om_ Oom1cmm' mm mm omum1mom1 om1mo Ooocm.
smomd m Oo mcmqm Oou 1m1m Oomc)mJmm1o mm_.
Do not wrong act and gri eve, "Al as" 655
If done, do not repeat i t twi ce.
5. =. ua t1autau _aum Goaat
oauCa1 tqi ouu.
mJmd m om omm 1mom ommomomooc @1mmm Ooud
+. 1mcocm.
Though she who begot thee hungers 656
Shun acts denounced by anci ent seers.
57. tquuai Goa1a _iJ1t oauCa1
q+ ;Co oua.
m1 +ommd @1mmm Oodo u1m Oodmmo)mo mmmmomc, Oom m_m
omJmmqm omumcmmd 1m!mm)mo mmmm1o 1mummomm.
Pi nchi ng poverty of the wi se 657
Is more than weal th hoarded by Vi ce.
58. qio qiGoa;a1 Goaoa1i uooa
mqioaa Ouq o.
oomom mm somc Oodo sJmcmmd Oomm!o sm 1m Oodo
mm1mmmqm mm1m mmm1m.
Those who dare a f orbi dden deed 658
Suf f er troubl es though they succeed.
50. _qiGaut aaa _qGCta 6qGGu
Gttai +tta auo.
mm! m J) Oodmm m m 1mmm1m. mdm1d mmo OodmOmmmmd om
@mmomqm 1m1m mm mm omm.
Gai ns f rom weepi ng, weepi ng go 659
Though l ost, f rom good deeds bl essi ngs fl ow.
0. oaJoat GtaGoaCo ua1Jo tauu
aJou1 Gta116 at.
ommmm m1od Ommm 1o! o ommmmm mmm, mo mmmmd Oomc
mmJ)Jd m) mm, o mmomo mmmo 1mmmmomm.
The weal th gathered i n gui l ty ways 660
Is water poured i n wet cl ay vase.

mmJmm mmJmm mmJmm mmJmm - -- - Powerful Acts
J . ouuJ1:t aut Goaou uuJ1:t
utua aaa G.
mmmm mdumm @mmm smm) mmJd c_J m1m @dummcmd m) Oouqm c_J
A powerful mi nd does powerful act 661
And al l the rest are i mperf ect.
2. nGa;a ntGu auu 6do;uqu
_Gut1 _aioo1 Ca.
@c_ mmmom am1m om mJc amm, 1 mm m11mmmmd mmm o)m
@mm J @)m1 m1o1m mc1m! Oomomm.
Shun fai l i ng fuss; f ai l not purpose 662
These two are maxi ms of the wi se.
3. utiGa:J Goaoi oauuu 6utiGa:1u
ata omui o.
Oo am m)d sm Ooumm Omm1ommumm1o Ooumm_m c_J
mmm1m. @cd Om1 Oo1mmcmd Oou mm1mmm amo m @c_
The strong achi eve and then di spl ay 663
Woe unto work di spl ayed mi dway.
4. Goaao aa1i aaa _1aoa
Goada ouu Goa.
Oomdqm md1ummm m, Oomduo Oo amomm omm.
Easy i t i s to tel l a f act 664
But hard i t i s to know and act.
5. oGa1 uauta1 ouuJ1:t Coiouu
nGa1 naG t5.
Ood Jmmmd Jmumm mmmucm1m mm Jmmmm, Jm)m om!m Om1m
mJ 1mmmmm1m.
Dynami c deeds of a doughty soul 665
Shal l wi n the prai se of ki ng and al l .
. auua auuaa+ Gaot auuaa1
1uua1 _G Gt6u.
mmmo Oodm1mJd c_J ccm!omo @mmomd m!o mmmmm1m Omm
The wi l l -to-do achi eves the deed 666
When mi nd that wi l l s i s strong i ndeed.
7. nou Gtaauu Cou5 nGtiCo1i
Joau auua1 nutJo.
cmmomd Jm!o mmmomomo m)m 1ou Oo uJm1o ocm. Om1 1o!
s1mom om)mmmm omm cmmomd Jomm mmmo cm) 1mm1m.
Scorn not the f orm: f or men there are 667
Li ke l i nchpi n of bi g rol l i ng car.
8. a+ao ut ouuiu oa+ao
oi+ qio Goa.
mm mmmm Oommo am Oomc sm Oou o!Jm, ommoam @c1
mmmcmmd m)m mm1mmm 1mm1m.
Waver not; do wakeful l y 668
The deed resol ved purposeful l y.
0. out no1u Goa ouoat6
6ut tai ouu.
@mmm o)o Ood mmm, mmm mmomqm om Ommmm1ommd mmcm
mm1mm ao o1omm.
Do wi th fi rm wi l l though pai ns beset 669
The deed that bri ngs del i ght at l ast.
70. auuJ1:t Gua1ai uu ouuJ1:t
Coutau; Couta oa.
mmmmomm mumcm)mo @mmm m! 1mmOomm Ooud c_Jdumom)mo
@mmomd, m) cuom mJom.
The worl d meri ts no other strength 670
But strength of wi l l -to-do at l ength.

mm Oodmo mm Oodmo mm Oodmo mm Oodmo- -- - Modes of Acti on

7J . aqJ1 mqo ouGoao _Jouo
oaqJ1a o+o !o.
sm Ooud +. 1mc aOm1m1mm Ooumd mm omoo mmoomo mm
)mJm amcmJmo 1mm1m. aOm1o mm omumommm omo am.
When counsel takes a resol ve strong 671
Weak del ay of acti on i s wrong.
72. o+ o+1J Goattaa o+t
o+ao Goaa ouu.
mommmmo Oo 1mm om1mo ommJ Ooumm, mmd m)mmo Oo
1mm om1mod ommom ocm.
Del ay such acts as need del ay 672
Del ay not acts that need di spl ay.
73. aoa Gaaa ouu+uC aaia
Goaoaa C+ai1J Goa.
@qm @cmod mdumm Ood am mum omm. @umo @cmmm om1omm m1
m mo Oou ao 1mm1m.
It' s best to act when f easi bl e 673
If not see what i s possi bl e.
74. ouutu Gau6;uqu aJo Luua+a
!GaJo CtaaJ Go.
mmm Oou1m, mJ!Oommc mo1m ammmo aommd m1mcmd Ommm
) mmo mo 1mmu 1o1 mmm.
Work or f oe l eft unfi ni shed 674
Fl are up l i ke fi re unexti ngui shed.
75. Gtao aa ouuatGua utio
6!; auuJ Goa.
sm om1Jd +. 1m1mom amu, om 1ommm Ommm, mmm omm, omum,
1mmOom 1mmm Oodam, como @cm J qmom mdummd mm! Oom
Money and means, ti me, pl ace and deed 675
Deci de these fi ve and then proceed.
7. mqo 6ut mt6aa+ Gao
t5tau ta1JoJ Goa.
+. 1mco sm Ooumd mJ!mm!om1m mm, omomm amJ @c1 mmm oco,
Ooumm_ommomm am J mom aoud )mm m Oom 1mm1m.
Wei gh wel l the end, hi ndrance, profi t 676
And then pursue a fi tti ng act.
77. Goaouu Goaoau Goaumu _douu
na6oau na+ Gaa.
sm Ooud +. 1m1Jmmm, Ood aammo cm!mommm omJm aoud
m Oom 1mm1m.
Know fi rst the secret f rom experts 677
That i s the way of f rui tful acts.
78. ouuaau ouuaai1i Cat +uuo
aauuaa aauuaaJ ot.
sm Ooud +. 1m1m1mm, Ooum Oomc!mmo mmOmmm Ooum a Oomm sm
mm mmm1J mmOmmm mm mm 1mmmmomm.
Lure a tusker by a tusker 678
Achi eve a deed by deed better.
70. +:ta1i +a Goadu ou;ioCo
:tau; :qi Gaa.
mmmm mdqom Oomo omqm mom)mmmm) omacm Ommmmmm_ 1o!
Oomod m)m Oo ooomm.
Than doi ng good to f ri ends i t i s 679
More urgent to bef ri end the f oes.
80. nu16aa1 nuu5+ _m1i uGt6t
Gao1 Gt1aa1G tuio
ommmc mummmm!o mJ!mom omacm @mmm!o1 +om1mm omm
mJ!mm!m mum J1mmmmd m!o mu1m) mmmJ mm_ Oommm!o.
Smal l statesmen f eari ng peopl e' s f ear 680
Submi t to f oes superi or.
- -- - Embassy
8J . _u:utuu _u qGGJo Coiooa
tu:utuu oou;Gtau tu:.
mmmm mam, uommmmo mmum, )Jm! mm)mco mdu mmmm1m Ommmm1o
om1 oJomm.
Love, nobl e bi rth, good courtesy 681
Pl easi ng ki ngs mark true embassy.
82. _ut6 oa;aaio Goaouuu oou;Gta1i
1u6 auuaao mu.
Oodmmm 1omm1m mm_ aJmmm mmuo mu, m, )mm 1mom
Envoys must bear l ove f or thei r pri nce 682
Knowl edge and l earned el oquence.
83. aa oau _o Coaa
Gou6 ouuau;Gtau tu:.
1mm_ mmcm1cm, om mm1 Omm mmm1m mmmm OoJ c)J1m mm,
mumm mom!o1u1 mdummmo @mod 1mm1m.
Savant among savants, he pl eads 683
Bef ore l anced ki ng, tri umphant words.
84. _6o oa;aaio oa muu
Go6outaau Go ouui.
c)m Oou 1mmOommm! m, 1ommm Ommum, m Oomo odm J
mm_m mmmom)mo @mod 1mm1m.
Who has these three: good f orm, sense, l ore 684
Can act as bol d ambassador.
85. GoaJGoadJ ooao Li1 +JGoad
+u6 taGtoai oo.
Jmo mcmmd mJmoo m OoJo Oomm, 1ommm OoJo
sJm, mdu mmm mommo Oomdqm1o Jmmo om momm.
Not harsh, the envoy' s wi nsome ways 685
Does good by pl easant words conci se.
8. tiu _moau GoaJGoadi aaJoa
oi o6ooai oo.
ommmmmmomm, mom1m omdom mm!m +omommmomm, cJd mJmm_
c)mmmmomm, c1 1m)Jd cm)1mmo cm!m Oommmmmomm @mmm1m
Jmmo ommmmm.
Learned; f earl ess, the envoy tends 686
Convi nci ng words whi ch ti me demands
87. tu6io aa+ 1 6tu6i
Gouu nu;Gtau oua.
mm1mm ocm m, om1 omuom @com 1o!m, Oomdu
1mmo Oommo JmJ Oomdmm1m Jmmo ommmmm.
Knowi ng duty ti me and pl ace 687
The envoy empl oys mature phrase.
88. oauu ouuuu ououtuu 6mu6u
oaauu oqau;Gtau tu:.
mm, m, saom J @mmm_m m! 1ommmmomm.
The true envoy of three vi rtues 688
Is pure hel pful and bol d i n vi ews.
80. o5uat Coio1i u;Gtau o5uat
oaaCoa;a ou uou.
s! )Jm omo mm1mm! )o m1)m om, mmomoc, mmm 1ommo
Oommo ocmo c_J mcommmo @mod 1mm1m.
The envoy who ports the ki ng' s message 689
Has fl awl ess words and heart' s courage.
00. 61 taGGu amoa 1uot
1 taGtoa oo.
om 11m ommomo @mmomqm, o mmm mm mcmmd c_Jcm
ocmmm_Jmm1m omc oum mmmomm ommmmm.
Bravi ng death the bol d envoy 690
Assures hi s ki ng' s saf ety and j oy.

mmm) 1o!m mmm) 1o!m mmm) 1o!m mmm) 1o!m saod saod saod saod - -- - Walk with Ki ngs
0J . _aa ouao !iaaoa1 Cta
6Coio1J Co1iGoam oa1.
ammmmcm mm1mm! Ommmd ! omm1mmu Jommo OmmmJmcmmqm, Jommo
mmJmcmmqm @mmm!o.
Move wi th hosti l e ki ngs as wi th fi re 691
Not comi ng cl ose nor goi ng far.
02. uuu1 ouqt ouqaauu uuu;au
uuua _ii o.
mmm! mmmuJmmmo om 1mm1Omm omam mmmmmmumomd m! mo
mmm! mmumo mumm oo m.
Crave not for thi ngs whi ch ki ngs desi re 692
Thi s bri ngs thee thei r f rui tful favour.
03. Ctat6u _1auo Ctat 5JoGu
Coto aa1i _1o.
om 1m1um!ocJumm omm om Oom mmmuJmm!o. Omm_
Oom amo mmmo Oommd @mo1mm1m. m Oomcmd om mm om
1 mmmc om1ooo mm momm om1mdu.
Guard thysel f f rom petty excess 693
Suspected l east, there' s no redress.
04. GooJGoaam Co1io +ua _oJGoam
_u Gt1aa ;Jo.
mmd mmmo Om1m!o am1m, mmmm!o om 1momom, m!ocm 1o!m
J1mom om!, coOmm mmm omJcd 1mm1m.
Whi sper not; nor smi l e exchange 694
Ami dst august men' s assembl age.
05. aGGtam ;a1 Goat;a1ut GGtaua
o:tiat C: uu.
mmmcm mmmmo 1mJ Oommmm1mm o s1 1oomm ocm, mmmOmm_
mmmcmm ocm. m!o1 mm Oommmmd m11m 1o1Oom 1mm1m.
Hear not, ask not the ki ng' s secret 695
Hear onl y when he l ets i t out.
0. 6Gt6io aa+ 1 GoGGa
Cou5t Co:tJ Goaa.
smm1m mmmu mmmm_ c mmmo m, oo omuo 1o!mOo1,
Om_u1mo muJ, mmmm ooo m11m, m! mmmum mmmm Oomdu
Di scern hi s mood and ti me and tel l 696
No di sl i kes but what ki ng l i kes wel l .
07. Co:tu Goad ouuaa ammau
C:Gu Goaaa ot.
mmmm 1ocmqm oc, mmmm m11m Oomdu mmmmmo Oomdummd
m1mc 1mm1m.
Tel l pl easi ng thi ngs; and never tel l 697
Even i f pressed what i s futi l e.
08. 6uaa1 6umua1 au6qa1 Lu
aCaa GtamG t5.
mm @m!omm, @mm amd cmmcm! omm mm_ J Omm_md @m1mm)
@omm)ommd, m!o cm Ommm1omm mmucm mcm Oom 1mm1m.
As young and ki nsman do not sl i ght; 698
Look wi th awe ki ng' s l i ght and mi ght.
00. GaaGt:Ct auGuui Gaaao Goaaa1
oait a:1 ao1.
Jmd mmm mm_ Oommcm)mm1m mmm mmd, mm_Oom amo
om1mo Oomo mcm!o Oo mmcm!o.
The cl ear-vi si oned do nothi ng base 699
Deemi ng they have the monarch' s grace.
700. tuqa aui1G tuta Goaa
Gmouuu C5 o.
Om1momummo OmmmJ mmJm om)mJmm1u1 oomo Oodo OoJc c1m
m1Oomm 1ocmo1m am.
Worthl ess acts based on f ri endshi p ol d 700
Shal l spel l rui n and woe untol d.
mod mod mod mod - -- - Divini ng the Mi nd
70J . auu C+ai1i 6Gt6oau ammau
uaaL1 uoai u.
smm! mmm 1mommumm 1mm1o m! mmm mmJmm! mmmo aommd
cmmJmmm cuoJm1o mmmmm.
Who reads the mi nd by l ook, untol d 701
Adorns the changel ess sea-gi rt worl d.
702. paG tta_ oJo ou1oauuJ
GoaoJCoa GtaGti Gaa.
smmm mmJd co, Oommo cm!m Oomo oJ OomJm1o cm1
mm_ ommd, mo Jmm mco mmomm Oom1om1 smcumm.
Take hi m as God who reads the thought 702
Of another man wi th wi thout a doubt.
703. 6GGt 6G:u1 oau; nGGu
aao Ga5Jo+ Gaa.
smm1m ao m Oomm1c m) c m m Oomo
mmqcm), mmo Omm_m Oom1omm mmJ Oom1mm1m.
By si gn who scans the si gn admi t 703
At any cost i n cabi net.
704. 6Joo auui GaoaC;a Ctuu
nGCta ;uua;a Co.
c_uomd 1m_mcmo 1ommmacm)mo @mmm, smm! mmJd co, m! ommm1u
cm)ommm, cm) amommm mmmd 1m_mcm!o1mmm!o.
Untol d, he who di vi nes the thought 704
Though same i n f orm i s qui te apart.
705. 6GGt 6G:u;a oaau nGGu
auu taJoCoa u.
smm) aou, m) cJd @mmo om m1m mmJm1mm, mo m
cm!m Oom amo omo @mmm mmm mm7

Among senses what f or i s eye 705
If thought by thought one can' t descry?
70. _5Joo a:5 ta+Cta G+mo
5Joo a:5 m.
ommm, om co om1m1mmu smm) mmJd cJd m) aom om
What throbs i n mi nd the f ace refl ects 706
Just as mi rror nearby obj ects.
707. mJ1u moiuio ouCta noGGu
aau oaumi o.
cJd c mmu Om_uo amJ Oomm1 Om1mJd aoo 1mmu m
mo 1mOmmmdu.
Than f ace what i s subtl er to tel l 707
Fi rst i f the mi nd f eel s wel l or i l l .
708. mC+ai1 Lt _uua _C+ai1
nt ou1oa1G Gt6u.
oJd co cm!m Oomm Jmmmmm, m! smm1m ao mJ1d
mmmm1u 1mmmmm.
Just standi ng i n f ront woul d suf fi ce 708
For those who read the mi nd on face.
700. tuuua Cuuua uuu;i uuu
ouuu nu1oa1G Gt6u.
mm!mm 1m_mm1o u1mOom om!o, smm1m omo mm!1o m!
mmJd @mm mmm, mom mmmo om1mm!o.
Fri end or f oe the eyes wi l l show 709
To those who changi ng outl ooks know.
7J0. +uua auta1 _ai+Ca au+at
uua 1ua G.
mmmmm! mmm11mm! mm1m mmJd co mom 1omumo mmm1m
m) om dummd 1m_ mmmdu.
The scal e of keen di scerni ng mi nds 710
Is eye and eye that secrets fi nds.

m od m od m od m od - -- - JUDGING THE AUDIENCE
7JJ . _uoa6i oa;aaio Goaa Goadu
Goaua6io oauu ao1.
smOmmm Oomdum ommm cm!m mdu !o, md om1mm1m
ommm cm!m om1omm )mm 1momm!o.
The pure i n thought and el oquence 711
Adapt thei r words to audi ence.
7J2. 6utGo1io +uu1io Goaa Goadu
+utGo1io +uuu ao1.
Oommom m1ammo mdumm!o mm 1m)om, mumm cm!m
c)mmm 1mm1m.
Who know the art of speech shal l sui t 712
Thei r chosen words to ti me i n fact.
7J3. _uoa6aa1 GoaaCut Gato1 Goadu
oua6aa1 oaon 6.
mm omm mmd Oommo mmm1Jmm!o mo Oommom mom
Oo1m, 1mom Jmmm Jcm.
They speak i n vai n at l ength who tal k 713
Words unversed whi ch ears don' t take.
7J4. aaa1mu aa ;ao Goaaa1mu
oauauo ouu+ Gaa.
mmo ammmd m!oOmo mmum mcm mmm !o,
mdumom!o ammmd Ommommmmu 1mmd ommm mmmm!om om
Oom 1mm1m.
Bef ore the bri ght be bri l l i ant l i ght 714
Bef ore the muf f be mortar whi te.
7J5. +uGu otm +uC moo
mio 1aoaJ Go6o.
mmo omm @cJd amJ1 Oomc 1mmd 1mommd @mJm commm
mdum mumoqm Jmmo mummm.
Modest restrai nt al l good excel s 715
Whi ch argues not bef ore el ders.
7J. _t6u Luaoa1i otC oau:a
atu1oa1 muu1 6mi.
mJmmmd Ommm Omm1mm! ammud m1m c)d mmm mmm1mmmmd,
sao Omumm o!m mmm mcom smmmomm.
Tongue-sl i p bef ore the tal ented wi se 716
Is l i ke sl i ppi ng f rom ri ghteous ways.
7J 7. t6ioa1 o oa+ otJ
GoatG1o muu1 6mi.
mmomm Oommo 1o!mOo1 c) mom1mm1c1m m! om_ 1o!mo odmm
Ommm mmm.
The l earni ng of the l earned shi nes 717
Val ued by fl awl ess schol ar-mi nds.
7J8. nu1o outaa1mu Goaa oa1oou
taJ1a L1Goa1i ot.
cm!m Oomo mmd cm!om ammud 1mood, m)o m! c
mmJd m! mmom 1mmu mm mm.
To address understandi ng ones 718
Is to water beds of growi ng grai ns.
7J0. :auoa GtaJoaio Goaat +auoa
+u GoaJGoaa oa1.
md1um! mmmo md mmJd mJmm omo Oomdqm mdum Ommmm!o,
mmm Ommdum1om! c md m1m 1mommmumm1o mum.
O ye who speak bef ore the keen 719
Forgetful , address not the mean.
720. _+uJo ni _uqota o+uJo1
_aa1mu Ca:q Gaa.
mm!o, mdumom!om md 1mom, mdumo ammJd JmJ1m
mmom1mmd mmmJm1m.
To hosti l es who wi se words utters 720
Pours ambrosi a i nto gutters.

=OO k 8 Ou =OO k 8 Ou =OO k 8 Ou =OO k 8 Ou - rage before Counci l s
72J . oua6io oauo oaaCoa;a1 Goadu
Goaua6io oauu ao1.
Oommo mm c)J1m m!o mum1mm1m mom mmd
ccm)mmmm mm 1mmmm_ 1mo mmcm!o.
The pure fai l not i n power of words 721
Knowi ng grand counci l ' s moods and modes.
722. ta ta1 auGt5o1 ta1mu
t GoaJGoaa oa1.
ommm1m am omm ommmmm mmc mmJd mJmm_ Oomdu mdum!, ommm!
mdum1m 1mummm)mo mJ Oomdum1mm!.
Among schol ars he i s schol ar 722
Who hol ds schol ars wi th l earned l ore.
723. tuaJoJ oaoa1 aaa1 _1a1
_uoaJ omoa oo1.
m!oJd ommm +ommd 1mm11m mumm momm Ood, mc1m! mmmo
moJd +ommd 1moom! Ju1)mm!.
Many brave f oes and di e i n fi el ds 723
The f earl ess f ew face wi se counci l s.
724. ta1mu t GoaJGoadJ oa+t
uia ui Gaa.
!om md mmm ommmo m!o mm_ Oomm m m1 Oomdu
mmmmc Jom ommm1cmmm 1mqm mummm mmm m Oom 1mm1m.
Impress the l earned wi th your l ore 724
From greater savants l earn sti l l more.
725. _t6u _ao6io t _uoamoa
uat+ Ga5Jot Gta:5.
md 1mom1mma _1o +ommd m_Omm1 Oomdmom mmm mod
@uomam, omoOmmm1m m Jmam ommo 1mm1m.
Grammar and l ogi c l earn so that 725
Foes you can bol dl y retort.
72. oaGaaGtu ouuu ;aa1i GaaGtu
+uuuo _ma to1i.
1ommo od mm @mmm mmdu, md 1mJc +o1mm! mumd om_m
To cowards what can sword avai l 726
And books to those who counci l s f ai l ?
727. tuaJoG Ctqu oa _uoaJ
oma uout .
m m1md 1mo mm1Jmmm, mmmomm 1 mdo mJmmomqm mo mdo
mm 1mm!oJd sm 1mm od c o!mmm mm 1mmu1m
mmmmmomJ m1m.
Li ke eunuch' s sword i n fi el d, i s vai n 727
Hi s l ore who f ears men of brai n.
728. tauo t tauaC; +auoa
+u GoaJGoaaa oa1.
mc1m! mmmo md, m!o mmJd mJm m omo Oomdu
@ummm, mmmomm mdo ommmomqm mm @du.
Though l earned much hi s l ore i s dead 728
Who says no good bef ore the good.
720. aa oo1t utGaut t6io
+aa ;uoama oa1.
m1mm! mmmo md 1momom +oJmmm!o, mom mdo ommmo
1mmJqm, m!o odumom!ommc @1mmmm!omo1m omom1mm!o.
Who f ear to f ace good assembl y 729
Are l earned i di ots, certai nl y.
730. naG;uu 6aaG;a GtaGt1 aum1i
t GoaJGoaaa oa1.
omm ommmo 1o1mm) ommm mmmm om @ummd m +o1mm!, c1)m1
@mmomqmoc @mmomm ommmmm)mo1m omom1mm!o.
They are breathi ng dead who dare not 730
Empress before the wi se thei r art.
=Ou 8 8| 0 =Ou 8 8| 0 =Ou 8 8| 0 =Ou 8 8| 0 O 0 0| 0 0 O 0 0| 0 0 O 0 0| 0 0 O 0 0| 0 0

mm1 mm1 mm1 mm1 - -- - The Country
73J . oaa ouaam oia oaqoaaJ
Goom Co1oo +a5.
Oo1u mmo mOmmmom, Jmmo Ommmom, Oodmo m1d
Ooumcmom!om mOmmm1o mdu mmcmm.
It' s country whi ch has soul s of worth 731
Unfai l i ng yi el ds and ampl e weal th.
732. GtGtaaat Gt:ti oa1 _+C:ta
_t ouaoo +a5.
Ommm mm mmmoomomm, mm! 1mmmm ooomomm, 1ocmmomomm, mdu mod
Oommcomomm mm1o Jmmo mmcmm.
The Land has l arge l uri ng treasure 732
Where pests are ni l and yi el ds are sure.
733. GtauGaa+ Cuo+a oa+1 6uot
1uGaa+ C+1oo +a5.
uJ omo sm_m)m1 mmm 1mmm mmm ommJ Oomm1, )o1 m1
moo Ooqmm mm mco1o Jmmo mmcmm.
It' s l and that bears pressi ng burdens 733
And pays i ts tax whi ch ki ng demands.
734. nt1a oaG Gua Gotua
Co;a 1aoo +a5.
mJm, mmm, mommm mm1omm Jmmo mm1 mm mm)mcm1m.
It i s country whi ch i s f ree f rom 734
Fi erce f ami ne, pl ague and f oemen' s harm.
735. tmo taqGoaa n:tua Coiouai
Ga: 6ao +a5.
mu aomo m1m mmmm1m cmom, )Jd Jom Ooqm Oomuom)!omd
mm Ommdummm @dumo1o Jmmo mmcmm.
Sects and rui nous f oes are ni l 735
No trai tors i n a l and tranqui l .
73. Ct6aai G:t 6tJo oa+ua
+aGtut +a:qu oua.
mmo moqm Oo1ou mmd, sm1m Oo1od mmmm om ! Oomm
mmmmm mud c mm1omm, mm1o1u1 ouJmmoomm.
The l and of l ands no rui n knows 736
Even i n gri ef i ts weal th yet grows.
737. 6:ua oaaio uuaa o:ua
oa;u +a:qt G:.
_, ocd mm @mumqm, m!m1ommJ mmcmmo mu Oomcmm, mmumumm mmm,
mumm )mm, sm mmm Jmmo c_uomm.
Waters up and down, hi l l s and streams 737
Wi th strong f orts as l i mbs country beams.
738. Guauuu Goo ouaout au
_uGaut +a:qt1d uoio.
mo 1mmmm mmmm, mod mJ, Ommmmom) mm, @mm mu, c1 mmomu
J qmm sm mm1 m mm omm1mmomm.
Ri ch yi el d, del i ght, def ence and weal th 738
Are j ewel s of l ands wi th bl oomi ng heal th.
730. +aGtut +ata oaJou +ata
+at oaio +a5.
@cmcmmd amJ 1mmOomm1 mm Om_m mm1omc, @mo1u1 mdum
mmom cc mm1o Jmmo mm1omm.
A l and i s l and whi ch yi el ds unsought 739
Needi ng hard work the l and i s nought.
740. _+uu Goa1ai uu tauuC
Coiouu oaao +a5.
mdu )o mmo mmd mdummo mmom @mmomqm mmo mm @dummm 1mmm.
Though a l and has thus every thi ng 740
It i s worthl ess wi thout a ki ng.

)m )m )m )m- -- - Fortress
74J . _t to1i _;uGta _m1Jot
Ctat to1i Gta.
mom! 1 mcO1 Oodmm!m 1omc mmm1m, mom! +J omm
mmom Oom am1mm!m 1omc mmm1m.
The f ort i s vi tal f or off ence 741
Who f ear the f oes has i ts def ence.
742. uuL uuu uuaa _uLqt
a5 nuta o;u.
mam ouam Oommc om, m)mo mum, c!m mmm muOomc!, c!mJmm om1
Jmmm cc1o )mmm.
A crystal f ount, a space a mount 742
Thi ck woods f orm a f ort paramount.
743. na1oai 1uuu _uuai +au1u
_uuo;u auu;i .
c)m, oum, c_J, mom)md 1o @umo mu J mmmm mmJmm1o
)m1 @uommmm.
An i deal f ort' s so says sci ence: 743
Hi gh, broad, strong and hard f or access.
744. 1aGGt Ct1tJo oa1 ntu
ni _qGt o;u.
cmJ m)mo @cmmo mm, mmomo mc1mm mJ J @cmmo mm, o1m
mom mmu 1o o1o )m mmm1m.
Ampl e i n space, easy to hol d 744
The f ort f oi l s enemi es bol d.
745. Gaat1oaai GautqJ oa1 _Joa1
LuaiGaoa L; o;u.
am_o1 ommm ammd, c1mm mcm!m mom 1mm
cmmcm, mJ1ocm 1mm! u1mom mommomo mom11o )m m.
Impregnabl e wi th stores of f ood 745
Cosy to l i ve-That f ort i s good.
74. aaaG Gtam nutJoa atJooo
+aa muta o;u.
1mmm 1ommm mdum Ommmom Oommcomomm, oJd Jm mum mo
m)!o ccomomm @mm1o )m m.
A fort i s ful l of stores and arms 746
And brave heroes to meet al arms.
747. mt6a mta Go6io _uGt5Jo
ttt 1a o;u.
am_o1cm, amocmm1um du m+om mmJm1um mom)md ommmmc
amo mumc1o )m mmm1m.
Besi egi ng f oes a f ort wi thstands 747
Darts and mi nes of treacherous hands.
748. mtat6 mt6 aou;a ttat6G
tt6aa1 Goo o;u.
am_o1m mummo mc mJ!, c1mm Oomm1c 1mm! Oo Omdmom
mmm mod mmo1o )m m.
A fort hol ds i tsel f and defi es 748
The attacks of enci rcl i ng f oes.
740. muumJo uata1 oaa ouumJo
oGa1 uaut o;u.
1mm! amd mom) mmmm c1mm Oomm1c omod mcm mmmm
omJmu Omm_ Jomm1o )m m.
A fort i t i s that f el l s the f oes 749
And gai ns by deeds a name gl ori ous.
750. auuua:1J oa1ai uu ouuua:1
6aa1u 6a o;u.
1omc 1ommm mdummo Jmuom @mmomqmoc cmm Oodm11mm!
Jmmmmm!omo @mmomd mmo mm Jcm.
But a f ort however grand 750
Is ni l i f heroes do not stand.
Ommm Oodmo Ommm Oodmo Ommm Oodmo Ommm Oodmo - -- - Ways of Maki ng Weal th
75J . Gtaa aou;G GtaaaJ Goaa
Gtaaa 1ua Gta.
mJo oomom!om mJoo m c!Jm1m m!ocm mm
mmo om) 1m_ mmm @du.
Naught exi sts that can, save weal th 751
Make the worthl ess as men of worth.
752. 6aau; aaa amo1 Goou;
aaa Goao1 1G:.
Ommm cm!o uomm 1mmm_mm @dumom!o @omm m_mmomm @mo cuo
mcmmo c.
The have-nothi ng poor al l despi se 752
The men of weal th al l rai se and prai se.
753. GtaGauu Gtaaaa oai 6ai
auua CoaJoJ Gou.
Ommm mmm mm m m1m od @mmmcmd mmo @c Oom_
@m mmm mmo )J mc aJm.
Wanel ess weal th i s l i ght that goes 753
To every l and and gl oom removes.
754. _u 6utm =. u 1u6io
!1u6 oio Gta.
m1 1mmOomm1 J)cmcmo Oodmmomm smmm mOm m1om,
mm @mmom omm.
The bl amel ess weal th f rom fai rest means 754
Bri ngs good vi rtue and al so bl i ss.
755. _Gaa5 _uGta5 oa;aG Gtaaai
:aa1 :;a ot.
Ommm Oodmmmo @mmm m Om1um mu m11um m)mo1mm om
umommc 1mm1m.
Ri ches devoi d of l ove and grace 755
Off wi th i t; i t i s di sgrace!
75. nGtam n Gtamiou uua1J
GoGtam Coiou Gta.
m1m, omoam, Omm Oommc mo mm1 Ooqm omam )o1 Ommmmm.
Escheats, derel i cts; spoi l s of war 756
Taxes duti es are ki ng' s treasure.
757. _Gauu _uOu qo GtaGauu
GooJ Goodaa nu5.
mu mmJm mm OmmOm1m m mmJm mmo, Ommm mmJm Oomu ommd
m) oomm.
Grace the chi l d of l ove i s nouri shed 757
By the wet-nurse of weal th cheri shed.
758. uC6 aauuGCta1 utta ouuJGoau
utaJ Goaoau ouu.
om oOmmmOomm1 sm Oom1d Oom mmm mmo sm1mmOcmm_ 1mm11m
1mm @cd JJ Oommmd mo 1mm) sm mm 1 mm_ ommmo 1mmm_
Treasures i n hand f ul fi l al l thi ngs 758
Li ke hi l l -tuskers the wars of ki ngs.
750. Goa GtauaJ Go+1 Goii
a.out 1a 1.
mom1m Oomo 1m oJmm omm Ommm om) 1mOmmm_m @dumoomd
om 1omo 1mm.
Make weal th; there i s no sharper steel 759
The i nsol ence of f oes to quel l .
70. uGta aqGt 6at6aa1i GuGta
auu 6;u5 +.
mm Ommm @mmm mm mm Ommmmm m1d Ommm mJmo +. m!o
mm @)m1m smmmo1m mJd mm 1omm.
They have j oy and vi rtue at hand 760
Who acqui re treasures abundant.

mc mmJ mc mmJ mc mmJ mc mmJ - -- - The Glory of the Army
7J . nGtuui omoa Gotut Coiou
Goiua aaa oua.
mdum moom mmmoomomm, @c_o +ommd 1mm1coomomm c mc
s! )Jm moJmmo Oodmmmm.
The dari ng wel l -armed wi nni ng force 761
Is ki ng' s treasure and mai n resource.
72. nuaotJ omoa ouu GoauaotJoJ
Goatuti aa _1o.
1mm1d 1ooam_ mum m1mmm, mmmo @c_om +omo Om+o_J,
mmmOmmm Oommc mc dummd 1m_ mmo mcm @mo am.
Through shots and wounds brave heroes hol d 762
Quai l i ng not i n f al l , the fi el d.
73. dJoia auua no1 adGtu
+a na1Gti G5.
muo o ocd1mmd ammJ, mo oJmmqm, mmoJm mOomu ammmd mmo
amm7 1mmuomm m)m Omm1 mamomd mm!o mmmm1mm!o.
Sea-l i ke ratf oes roar ... What i f ? 763
They peri sh at a cobra' s whi ff .
74. _qou uCtaa oa1 oqoio
ou uoCo tut.
mmo muqm 1mom, mmJ @)moom, m)mm)mo1m mmmm c_J
ccmomm cmmmm mc mmm1m.
The army guards i ts geni al fl ame 764
Not crushed, routed nor marred i n name.
75. ttu Cuo1u q a11Lt
_t aoCo tut.
c) mm omm mJ!Oomm1 mmomqm +ommd sm_m1 mJ! mmm mmd
ccom1o mc mmm Om! Ommmmm.
The real army wi th ral l i ed f orce 765
Resi sts even Death-God fi erce.
7. uuau uaut oqJGoao Cot
au+auC au tuti.
m)m, mmm cm!m, am1mm! Oomm m1 mcod, oummm mmmo Om_od J
mmmm mc mmomm mmuomm.
Manl y army has meri ts f our:- 766
Statel y-march, f ai th, honour, val our.
77. oa1oa+1J Gooo oauu ouaoio
Cta1oa+ ouuu _6io.
oJd, aoud mJ!Oomm 1mm) ommJ oo!m mmu mJmmm, 1m
Omm mmu ommJ Ooduo Jmmo mcmm.
Army sets on to f ace to f oes 767
Knowi ng how the trend of war goes.
78. _toua _ta 6Gauu oauu
tutJouaa ta5 Gt.
1mm! u1m m)m, mJ! mmm mdum J @)mcm mc sm mcm mmu
1ommmm Jmucomo m 1mm1m.
Army gai ns f orce by grand array 768
Lacki ng i n stay or dash i n f ray.
70. 1uua GoaaJ oua ouua
6aaau Goa tut.
J_mcmmqm, oumm Om_ mcmmqm, mmmcmo mu @dummqm c mcomm
Omm Omm am.
Army shal l wi n i f i t i s f ree 769
From weakness, aversi on, poverty.
770. Luaui oaa nutJGouu oauu
ouaui 6oq 6.
c_Jmmmo m)!o Jom ccomo @mmomqm oum ommm oum!o
@dummcmd mo mc mu mmo am.
Wi th troops i n l arge numbers on rol l s 770
Army can' t march mi ssi ng gen' ral s.

mc Oom mc Oom mc Oom mc Oom - -- - Mil i tary Pri de
77J. auuumu Lauuu Godo1 taG;uuu
muuu Lu o1.
1mm!o m)m smmm, ' ' mom!o1 mm oumm mJ! mmom!, mm mJ!
m1odum 1mmmm!o mu!' ' mm ammJmmm.
Stand not bef ore my chi ef , O f oes! 771
Many who stood, i n stones repose.
772. au maGaao _Gu aauu
GuqJoCo aio 6uo.
mum mmo mm m, mo ommmqmoc , mummm aq
m om mmmo omqm Jmuc.
To l i ft a l ance that mi ssed a tusker 772
Is prouder than shaft that hi t a hare.
773. Ct;auuu aut oGuau tia
n;auuu utou a..
mom! +omo m)m Ommm mm mm_ 1mmmmm1m. mo mom! sm mmm
mmm1mm o !o com1m mmm com mm uomm1m.
Val our i s fi ght wi th fi erce courage 773
Mercy to the fal l en i s i ts edge.
774. uCo atGa5 Ctai1 otou
GuaCo t6aa +.
oummo 1mum mmm 1 mJ mcomd oJd 1mm1m Oomc) 1m_ 1md
1o1Jm m)m, om mm!mm11o sm 1md mmmJmm om1 mJmm om m mo
At the tusker he fl i ngs hi s l ance 774
One i n body smi l es another chance.
775. oqJou CoGau Gt6a _qJ1uuGGu
:tuCa ou uo1i.
oJd mom! mJ1m 1md mmm1mm m1o @m mcmdoc umaom
When l ances dart i f heroes wi nk 775
"It i s a rout" the worl d wi l l thi nk.
77. omG:u ttao+a aaa omi1u
uoiiou +aua a5Jo.
sm m)m, omm mmmmo mmo om mm! mo mmod omcud maummcmo
mmoOdumm mmmm mmo mm_ Om_ smmm.
The brave shal l deem the days as vai n 776
Whi ch di d not battl e-wounds sustai n.
777. aqa 6uoCouq Couta na;a1
qaaG:i a1u L1Jo.
mmm m)m1m uom m11m mmmm c) mm omumcmo m)!om omud ocm1m
m)omd om Ommm ccomm.
Thei r ankl ets al oud ji ngl e thei r name 777
Who sacri fi ce thei r l i fe f or f ame.
778. n6ua1 _moa uo1 6uou
Go6um!1 u 6a1.
oumm Jmmomqm Jmu mmmd ocm m_mm!oomm, 1mm!oJd c) mm
oumomo m) mmm!o mm 1mmmmm1m!.
The ki ng may chi de, they pursue stri fe; 778
They f ear l oss of gl ory; not l i fe.
770. 6uqJo 1oauuJ oaoau; aaC;
GuqJo Goai1t to1.
omom Ooomm_ oJd ommom mmo m)m m)mm @1 1mo amm7 am.
Who wi l l bl ame the heroes that l ose 779
Thei r l i ves i n war to keep thei r vows?
780. :;ioa1u L1uJ oa1tGu oaia
q;ioCa: ti outJo.
omm omo oumc omod m! Ommmm_ m)m)mm cmomd, oo
m)mo mJomm Omm_ OommJd Ommm cm1.
Such a death shal l be prayed f or 780
Whi ch draws the the tears of the rul er.
mu mu mu mu - -- - Fri endshi p
78J . Goat1a aaoa +:Gu _oCta
ouui1a aaoa aG:.
mu Oomm 1mmmm 1 Ood @du. 1mmd mmomu mmm Ooqm
Li ke f ri endshi p what' s so hard to gai n? 781
That guards one agai nst acts vi l l ai n?
782. LuL; L;o1 Cuuu Guu1G
Gu; Ctuoaa1 +::.
mm!ocm Oomm mu mmmummo OomcmJ aamummo mmm,
mdumom!ocm Oomm m1mm aamJ1mmd a mmm! 1ommmo mm
mmm 1mmm.
Good f ri endshi p shi nes l i ke waxi ng moon, 782
The bad wi thers l i ke wani ng moon.
783. +oGoa ua Ctaa taGoa
tu:ut aaa1 Goat1:.
mo mo @mmm omm mum Jmm 1mmd mmo mmo @mmm o)o
mmucm!om mu.
Li ke taste i n books good f ri endshi p grows 783
The more one moves the more he knows.
784. +ot Gta:tu +:t u1iu
CutGou 6qJot Gta:5.
mu mmm J1 mJmmomomo du, mmm!o mdm1 om OodqmOmma @)
Not to l augh i s f ri endshi p made 784
But to hi t when faul ts exceed.
785. :u1J1 tqo Couta nu1J1oau
+:ta+ 1quu o.
@mmmJc1 mu1m aJmmom mmom1m Oomc!um mmoam 1mm1OmmmJdu.
@mm1m so mm cm!1m 1mmmmm.
No cl ose l i vi ng nor cl aspi ng gri p 785
Fri endshi p' s f eel i ng heart' s f el l owshi p.
78. m+ +:to +:tu G+moJ
o+ +:to +::.
@maom om1m m1m mu cmmdu, @omm) 1mJm1o cmmmm mmmm.
Fri endshi p i s not more smi l e on face 786
It i s the smi l i ng heart' s embrace.
787. _qo uuoLi1 _aJ oqouu
_a nqGtoa +::.
mmmm m1 Oom_ Oo1mcmmd o1, mm mdm1d mco Oo, m
m mmmomuJd mo mJm mmo mJ!m Oomm1o cmmmm mmmm.
From rui n fri endshi p saves and shares 787
The l oad of pai n and ri ght path shows.
788. n5iu 6qioou uCtaa _+C
65iu uaooa +::.
mmJmm cc ccum1 mamm1mm mm oo ccmmo Oodm1 om
o1Oo comJmmm1mm o1mmu mmm mmm mmo 1mmo Oodm1o
mu @uommmm.
Fri endshi p hastens hel p i n mi shaps 788
Li ke hands pi cki ng up dress that sl i ps.
780. +:Gt ot6iu aaGout Ga:Gu6
aoaa nu Lua.
mm1m_mm1 Oommmd ommmd @qm m1oOudumm mmm_ mmmm ommm
omm mmm Jmmmm.
Fri endshi p i s enthroned on the strength 789
That al ways hel ps wi th utmost warmth.
700. 6uua1 6oG;ui 1uuaa au
:uuau :Gauu +::.
mmm!o smmmOommm! ' ' @m! mm @ommcm!, mm @mm
@ommc1mm' ' mm_ Oomomo uomm 1mJmmqm mo mmm Ommm
"Such we are and such they are!" 790
Ev' n thi s boast wi l l f ri endshi p mar.

mmm)mod mmm)mod mmm)mod mmm)mod - -- - Testi ng Friendship
70J . +atao +:tdt Cqua +:tGu
oqua +:ta to1i.
)mm mm)mmd Oomm1m mu, mo mmumm m1mc amo m 1o1o
Than testl ess f ri endshi p nought i s worse 791
For contacts f ormed wi l l scarcel y cease.
702. _aioaaio Gaaaoau Cuuu utmu
oauoa oa; o.
Jmmm Jmmm )mm mm!ommd mmm1J OomJm mu, ocJmo smm! omm
om)mmmJm m )o cmcmJ m1m.
Fri endshi p made wi thout frequent test 792
Shal l end i n gri ef and death at l ast.
703. uu quua tm ua
6uu _6i1aai +::.
mOmmm7 mmu moo7 mmmo mm7 mmo @duo mm7 mm_
mom m1o smmmcm mu Oom 1mm1m.
Temper, descent, def ects and ki ns 793
Trace wel l and take compani ons.
704. qGGio ouu tq+au oauui
Ga5Jo GaaCou5 +::.
m1mm 1o) ocm mmm o cm!mcm mcm mmmm!mo d mmmommc mm
mmo moumm Ommmm Ommm Jmu1omm.
Take as good f ri end at any pri ce 794
The nobl y born who shun di sgrace.
705. _qJGoad _a 1qJo oqi6a
oaa1+: taaio Gaa.
om_ OoJmmm! omm! m1mm om, m) mmmo o mmqcm1m
mm1 Oommm mmmo mmm 1mm1m.
Who make you weep and chi de wrong trends 795
And l ead you ri ght are worthy f ri ends.
70. C:qu nuCta1 n1 1uamu;
L:q _aGtCoa1 Ca.
m mmomd Jqm sm mmm cm1. mo momm mmm!o mmmcm!o mm_
m om1m ommmJm.
Is there a test l i ke mi sf ortune 796
A rod to measure out ki nsmen?
707. n1a aut GoaotG Ctuoaa1
Cuuu 16 ot.
smmm Jco mmmm mmm m! mdumo smmmcm Oommmmo mm mm
Keep of f contacts wi th fool s; that i s 797
The greatest gai n so say the wi se.
708. nat nam 1o Gaat
_atu _tGta1 +::.
moo Jooo Oodom, mmm mmm1mm muJmco mmm!om
mm mm!oomm1u @mm mc 1mm1m.
Off wi th thoughts that depress the heart 798
Off wi th f ri ends that i n woe depart.
700. G5+auai uo5oa1 Cuuu _5+aua
nau nam a5.
smm! Oomu mm 1mm oc, om 1o1 mmo 1m)m om1 smJ smc
mmm!o mm mcmd mo mmu m) Om+oo o1 Ommom.
Fri ends who betray at rui n' s bri nk 799
Burn our mi nd ev' n at death to thi nk.
800. uo uaota1 CuuuGaau Jou
o GGaa1 +::.
mmJd mmo @dumom!o1 mmm!omo Omm 1mm1m. mmo cm!om mm, mu
Oom1omm muJc 1mm1m.
The bl amel ess ones as f ri ends embarace; 800
Gi ve somethi ng and gi ve up the base.
mmm mmm mmm mmm - -- - Intimacy
80J . tuquu auGt5o 1aaGouu aao
1quuuai iqi1ta +::.
mmm mm)m1m mmmOmmmmd, mmJ mmm!o, omom cmm 1mmd
That fri endshi p i s good ami ty 801
Whi ch restrai ns not one' s l i berty.
802. +:Gt G:i Gmouuu utot
Gtao oauCa1 tu.
mmmmm mmm!om c1m mm)m1Jm omm1mm!1 ocmomm cmmmm
mu cmmmm.
Fri endshi p' s heart i s f reedom cl ose; 802
Wi se men' s duty i s such to pl ease.
803. tq1a +:Gtou Goaa+ Gmouuu
Goaoa+ uuaai ut.
mm mmm!o c1m1m1 Ooo om1moom1m Ooo1mmu ccmm1
@mommcmd, m) mmJ mu mmm_1mmm.
Of l ong f ri endshi p what i s the use 803
Ri ghteous f reedom i f men refuse?
804. ouqouaau Couq 6Gt1 Gmouaat
Caao +:ta1 Goau.
mmJ mmm c1m om)mmmo om mmm! omm 1omm1u sm Ood u1m mcmqmoc
mdu mmm)mmmm! om mm_ Oom1m Oomm!.
Thi ngs done unasked by l ovi ng f ri ends 804
Pl ease the wi se as f ami l i ar trends!
805. Ctuouu uCa Gt+1quu auu1
C+aoi +:ta1 Goau.
mmmo o Oou mmm!o Ooomd mmmm1um du c1mm
om)mmmo1mm Oomc mm_omm m1 Oom 1mm1m.
Off ence of f ri ends f eel i t easy 805
As f ol l oy or cl ose i nti macy.
80. auaiu Lua1 ooa1 GouaotJo
Goauaiu Lua1 Goat1:.
mmcomu mmm!o om 1o1 ommomo @mmomdoc mmm @uomm cm!mom!o
m!o mm mo mmcm!o.
They f orsake not but conti nue 806
In f ri endshi p' s bounds though l oss ensue.
807. _qoio Goaau _uta1 _uGu
oqoio Cuuu ao1.
omacm mmJm!o om1o mJ)mo 1momm om1o Ooomqmoc mmm
mcd mu Oommcm! omomo mo mm muJ Oom mmcm!.
Comrades establ i shed i n fi rm l ove 807
Though rui n comes wai ve not thei r vow.
808. Cami+ Caai Gmouuu oaa1i
+aami +:ta1 Goau.
mmm!o Oom mmo mm!o om mm_ Oommo m mmmomm
mu1m Oommcm1cJ1u1 mo mmm!o ommmo mcm Oommcmd m!ocm mu
Oommmmo mmOdumm mmmm mmmm.
Fast f ri ends who l i st not tal es of i l l 808
Though wronged they say "that day i s wel l ".
800. Gta_ oqoio Cuuuaa1 Cuuu
ota_1 ouqa na.
Oomm_Oom1 c1mcm mmJ mumm omcmmd @mmm) cuom 1mmm_m.
To l ove such fri ends the worl d desi res 809
Whose f ri endshi p has unbroken ti es.
8J0. ouqaa1 ouqaG t5t tuqaa1u
tuGu ouaGG1aa oa1.
mmmmm mmm!o om_ Ooo 1mmJqm, m!ocm om mm mJ
Oommom!o mommm mmmm mm)m1mm!o.
Even f oes l ove f or better ends 810
Those who l eave not l ong-standi ng f ri ends.

mu mu mu mu - -- - Bad Fri endshi p

8JJ. toa1 Ctadu tuGaa1 Cuuu
Gtdt u 6uo.
mdu mmu @dumom!o mu OmJd mmm mmom1mmd 1ommmmqm m!o
mm, 1mqm m! Oommmd m Oomm1o mdu.
Swal l owi ng l ove of soul l ess men 811
Had better wane than wax anon.
8J2. n6u: t6Guan GGaa1 Cuuu
Gt6u 6qGGu au.
om mmJcm1mm mmm)mo @mmm1 mmdumo1mm m1m m1Jmmm!om
mu, @mmomd mmm7 @mmomdomm mmm7
Who fawn i n weal th and fai l i n dearth 812
Gai n or l ose; such f ri ends have no worth.
8J3. noo !1oi +:: Gtoo
Gaoa o C+1.
mm mmmmm! omomo1m mu Oommmmm, mumomm, ommm J @mo
mmmm s1) mmJ1mmm!o1 mm!o.
Cunni ng fri ends who cal cul ate 813
Are l i ke thi eves and whores wi cked.
8J4. _u;J oati aaua _uua1
ou1u ouuu oua.
1mm!oJd 1m o m1 om s1mmm J) 1mmmmm!om mm
Om_mo omqm om @mm mmm1mm Jmucomm.
Better be al one than trust i n those 814
That throw i n fi el d l i ke fai thl ess horse.
8J5. GoaCoum oa;aJ 16ao1 :uCuuu
aaodu aaoauu +u.
mmom mu, mmommmo mmo omm Oommc mmmommd, m!ocm mu
mmm1momc, mmmcmmd @mm1o mum.

Fri ends l ow and mean that gi ve no hel p- 815
Leave them i s better than to keep.
8J. Ctuo Gt+G6 +:Gu _6outaa1
a1uuu Caq n.
mdumommcm OmmmJ mu Oommmmo mc, mc smm1cm mo
Oommmm 1om mcm 1mummomm.
Mi l l i on ti mes the wi se man' s hate 816
Is better than a f ool i nti mate.
8J7. +uoua ;a1a +:Gu tuo;a
tJo5Jo Caq n.
J1 1mJ mmm!om mm omqm mom!omd mmm1m mmm m1om mcm
mmmmm mm_ omom1m.
Ten-fol d crore you gai n f rom f oes 817
Than f rom f ri ends who are vai n l aughers.
8J8. a u ntt to1Cuuu
Goaaata1 Coa; ot.
mm1mmm o Oou, mm1mmm ammd Oo1mm1m cmm, mm
Oo1mm1u1 Omdu Omdu m1 mc 1mm1m.
Wi thout a word those f ri ends eschew 818
Who spoi l deeds whi ch they can do.
8J0. uou 6uuao uuCua ouuCo
GoaCo t:ta1 Goat1:.
Oomdqm Ooqm Oomc!mdumom1m mu omm1uoc mmoomm Oom1m.
Even i n dreams the ti e i s bad 819
Wi th those whose deed i s far f rom word.
820. auuJo+ o t uuuiG6
uu6t tqGta1 Goat1:.
ommo JmJm 1mmo @mmmo mmJm1 Omm mmmJd m1 1momm1m mu
omm mommd muJ Oommc1mm1m.
Keep al oof f rom those that smi l e 820
At home and i n publ i c revi l e.

ocm mu ocm mu ocm mu ocm mu - -- - Fal se Fri endshi p
82J . !1t+ auu a6otG t:tut
C+;a L;ioo1 +::.
mmom) @dummd OmuJm mmm)1mmd mmm1m mmmm, sm 1o1 Oomom
o1mm omo!mm Jcm1mm @mmm mcmo omm muo 1mmd @mm mcc
odq smmm.
The f ri endshi p by an enemy shown 821
Is anvi l i n ti me, to stri ke you down.
822. 6uCtau 6uuaa1 Cuuu ua1
uuCtaa Co t5.
cmmm)mo @dummd cmmm!1mmu mmm!om mu, mom1 mmmmu @dummd mmu
cm! 1mmu mm mu mo1m mmm1mmu cOmm_m umOmmm_mmo @mm.
Who pretend ki nshi p but are not 822
Thei r f ri endshi p' s fi ckl e l i ke woman' s heart.
823. ta+a ti utJo uu+a1
_o uaua1i 1o.
1 mdo mummm ommmo 1mmJqm, mom!m mc1om! mmm JmmJ
mcmOomm 1omm om1mmm.
They may be vast i n good studi es 823
But heartf el t-l ove i s hard for f oes.
824. mJ1u 6ua +a_ _J1uua
omou; _moG t5.
J1 1mJ mmm )1o mmm m+oo1m mu +J smJc 1mm1m.
Fear f oes whose face has wi nni ng smi l es 824
Whose heart i s f ul l of cunni ng gui l es.
825. uuJ1u _uuaa oou; auuJGoau
Goadua Cottat u.
mmm 1m_ Ood 1mmmo @mmm!om mm!oo mmm mmoOmmm Oommm amm
m1o @um.
Do not trust i n what they tel l 825
Whose mi nd wi th your mi nd goes i l l .
82. +:ta1Cta +auo Goadu :ta1Goa
ua nu;G t5.
mom!, mmm)1mmu @mmmo 1mJmmqm mo Oommod Jcm J_m mm
Omm1c mm.
The words of f oes i s qui ckl y seen 826
Though they speak l i ke f ri ends i n fi ne.
827. Goaoui uua1u Gaat ooui
!+ 6Jouu aau.
mom1cm ommm1m Oomd mmom mmm mdum mmoo 1mmd m mmo
o mmmomd, om mmm ocm.
Trust not the humbl e words of f oes 827
Danger darts from bendi ng bows.
828. Goamou am tutGaa5+ uua1
_mou u _uuJo.
mom!o mmmJmm 1mmoc m!om o1 Oomuomm mmmJmm
1mmu1m, m!o, omm! Oom aJ1m 1mmm oJOo1u m!om Om+Jd
Adori ng hands of foes hi de arms 828
Thei r sobbi ng tears have l urki ng harms.
820. uJGoao oGum oau; +JGoao
+:Gu: oaG:at tat.
Om1ommmJm mmm)1mmd moaom om mJmm, c mom!mcm
@ommm1m mm, mumcmm_ OoJc mmam 1o am ocmo 1mm1m.
In open who prai se, at heart despi se 829
Caj ol e and crush them i n fri endl y gui se.
830. tu+:ta+ aa o+a m+:
t+: Gta16 ot.
mommcm mmJ1m omum mm1mmmmd oomd @dummd aoomd m1m mu
Oo mmm! mmm m1mc 1mm1m.
When f oes, i n ti me, pl ay f ri endshi p' s part 830
Fei gn l ove on face but not i n heart.

1mom 1mom 1mom 1mom - -- - Fol l y
83J . Ctuouu autGoau 6aaGouu ao+Gau
T1a Cta ot.
1o1 mmm m7 mmm omm m7 mm_ Oomcmmd mmm m1 m
mm1m1o 1mom mmmomomm m1omcmm.
Thi s i s fol l y' s promi nent vei n 831
To favour l oss and f orego gai n.
832. Ctuouua aaa Ctuouu aouuu
uaa ouu Goa.
ommmd @umo Oodo mmmm, mmd ou1m, mmm 1momod mdumm
moOm1 1mommm.
Fol l y of f ol l i es i s to l ead 832
A l ewd and l awl ess l i fe so bad.
833. +auauu +atauu +a1uuu aaGoau
Ctuauu Ctuo Goaq.
Omomc 1mmom Omomcmmqm, 1oc1mmo 1o Ommmmqm, muomc
1mmm1cJd mu omcmmqm, 1mm mmomomc 1mmmmm mmomommqm
@mm 1moom @dmmm.
Shamel ess, ai ml ess, cal l ous, l i stl ess 833
Such are the marks of f ool i shness.
834. 1 nu1io G1iu;Jo oaut+aG
Ctuoat Ctuoaa1 6.
mm, moo cm!mm, cm!moo mum cm!Jcmm om!o, ommo m1m
mmm_ mcommummomd m!omc 1moo mmm @mo am.
No f ool equal s the f ool who l earns 834
Knows, teaches, but sel f-control spurns.
835. uuJ Goaaat Ctuo amuua
oau:i mio _a.
ommomo Oodm1m 1mo, momuJqm mmOmm ooJd amJ Jco 1m11m.
The f ool suf f ers seven f ol d hel l s 835
In si ngl e bi rth of hel l i sh i l l s.
83. Gtaat5 Ca :uutu ua6aaG
Ctuo ouuCut Gaau.
1m!m m1 mo mc!, 1mmOommc Oou Oomc) ammd, ommd Ooqm
Oo1 ommm om Oomm!.
A know-nothi ng f ool dari ng a deed 836
Not onl y fai l s but f eel s f ettered.
837. a1aa1 _;J ou1t1Gt1 Ctuo
GtmGoo nti ut.
mdum 1moocm mm Oodmm, um! om Oom mmm11mdummd
mJJmm mmoa ommomm mmmcm.
Strangers f east and ki nsmen f ast 837
When f ool s mi shandl e f ortunes vast.
838. uua ou aJotat Ctuoou
uGaau utuu Gt6u.
mdu Ooc Oo1momm 1mo, mo 1mom od sm Ommmm Jcmcmd
m mom!o om mc oomo Jm1m.
Fool s possessi ng somethi ng on hand 838
Li ke dazed and drunken stupi ds stand.
830. Gt11uo Ctuoaa1 Cuuu G1ouu
Ouq ooGoau 6.
mmm 1moocm Oomm mu momm @mmmm, mOmmmmd m!ocmmm
u1m1mm mmo mmam mmm1mJdu.
Fri endshi p wi th f ool s i s hi ghl y sweet 839
For wi thout a groan we part.
840. qa_ia taa uoJotat oauCa1
qa_JoG Ctuo :.
!o o mmmJd sm acm mmm mmm, ooo mJo omu
oammm1u m1od mmo 1mmmm.
Entrance of f ool s where Savants meet 840
Looks l i ke couch trod by uncl ean f eet.
udummmm udummmm udummmm udummmm - -- - Petty Conceit
84J . _6ouuu _uuua 6uuu G61uuu
6uuuaa uoaa oa.
m m+omomm mo Oom1mmm m+ommm. mmm m+omooc cuom mmmmo
Want of wi sdom i s want of wants 841
Want of aught el se the worl d nev' r counts.
842. _6oaau G+maoi !o G61aao
6ua Gtoau oo.
mdumo smmm mu1mmu sm Ommm mJmJcm mmmmom om)mm
1mOmmm_mdu, Ommm Om_Jmmm Ommm1m_ mm_omm omo1mm1m.
When f ool bestows wi th gl ee a gi ft 842
It comes but by getter' s meri t.
843. _6oaa1 oaiouuG Oqi Ouq
Gooa1i Goao _1o.
mJ1omdoc mmmo amo 1mom, mdumom!o omo ommo1 mmmJ
The sel f-torments of f ool s exceed 843
Ev' n tortures of thei r f oes i ndeed.
844. Gouuu auGt5o 1aaGouu uuu
nutaaa auu Goi.
smmm ommom1m mcmmmo mJ Oomm mmJm Om!omm
mm mmm1m.
Stupi di ty i s vani ty 844
That cri es "We have sagaci ty"
845. aao CutGau Gtam ot
oaon pa o.
m Oommomom mom! 1mmu smm! 1mmuommmo om Oomm 1mm,
m! mmom1m mmo md Jmmcm)mo @mJmm1)m o mm om1ooam
mmmm!o cmmmm.
Fei gni ng knowl edge that one has not 845
Leads to doubt ev' n that he has got.
84. _t uuJoCaa :a6o ooau
t uuaa oq.
mm mmo cm!m o mommd ccu mmo m1m cc mm mcmmm.
Fool s thei r nakedness conceal 846
And yet thei r gl ari ng faul ts reveal .
847. _uu Coa _6oaau Goaa
Gtuu oaCu oui.
mdm1omm m)o 1mmm mm1 mcomo muo, om om1m
Ommmmmo 1o Oommm!o.
The f ool that sl i ghts sacred counsel s 847
Upon hi msel f great harm entai l s.
848. aoom Goaaau oauCoau _doa1
Cta _aoCua1 C+aa.
Oommo uJm @dummd Oomd uJm 1oomomm 1m m! mmmmm aam m)
m1 mmomo 1mmmm.
He l i stens not nor hi msel f knows 848
Pl ague i s hi s l i fe unti l i t goes.
840. auaoau a:5oau oauauau auaoau
utaua oauut oa.
mmm smmm, omm moo m1m m Oomm1, omm mcmmmo om
Oommmm. mm cmm1u1 mcmmmo amJ Oommm omm1 mmm
mu mJ Oommmm.
Sans Sel f-si ght i n vai n one opens Si ght 849
To the bl i nd who bet thei r si ght as ri ght.
850. naJoa1 nuGtut 1Gautau uoaJ
oauaa uoiG t5.
om)mo om @omm cmm mm_ Oommo omm1Jm smm, 1mm1Omm1m
@du mm m_)mm) ' ' 1m' ' om mumomm mo 1mm1m.
To peopl e' s "Yes" who prof f er "No" 850
Deemed as ghoul s on earth they go.

@od @od @od @od - -- - Hatred
85J . 6Gaut aaa na1i tGauu
tuGuuu ta1i C+aa.
mmmm_mm1 om)mmmo mmm1Jm mom!m mo sm_ 1o!m mmm ammd OoJm
Hatred i s a pl ague that di vi des 851
And rouses i l l wi l l on al l si des.
852. t1G tta Goau 61
6uuaGoa aauu oua.
1mm_m omJ Om_mmm Oodod smmm +. 1m1Jmmm mmmmqm m1mm1 Oomm1
mm_mm1 om)mmmo m mmm omm momm OomJmm1o Jmmo mmmmm.
Rouse not hatred and confusi on 852
Though f oes provoke di suni on.
853. 6Gauu adoC+aa Li1u oodaaJ
oao oai o.
mmmm_mm1 mm_m 1mm m! omo mmo m1 omm1Jmm!o1m m!o
mmomm mo uom cmcmm.
Shun the pl ague of enmi ty 853
And wi n everl asti ng gl ory.
854. 6utJo 6ut tai 6Gauu
outJo out+ Gqu.
mmJ1u1 Ommmmmm mom!momm. mo cm!m smmm om m1mm1mmmmd,
@mmJ1u1 Ommm @mmmmm.
Hate-the woe of woes destroy; 854
Then j oy of j oys you can enjoy.
855. 6Ga11 oaaiGoam oaau; aaC;
ui ouuu ao1.
mmJd mm_mmcmm mmmm cmmmmmd om @cm o)mmd mcoo mmqcm!o
Omduom!o mmmdu.
Who can overcome them i n gl ory 855
That are f ree f rom enmi ty?
85. 6du udu Goutou oaqiu
ooa Gta +uJo.
mm_mm1 Oomm1 mJ!momd Omm Om_m m mm mmm Oodm1mm1m mmmo
m)md ocmu)m1 OoOcm1m.
Hi s f al l and rui n are qui te near 856
Who hol ds enmi ty sweet and dear.
857. uCuo GuaGGta aua1 6Cuo
6uua _6o uo1.
mo cm!m Oomm mcm!o Omm m1om1m cmm Ommm
They cannot see the supreme Truth 857
Who hate and i njure wi thout ruth.
858. 6dt G11oaao _i _ouu
ui1u niua+ C5.
mmJd 1omm_m mm_mmc mJ!Oomm1 mJ Oommcmd mmmm, om mmmmo
om mJmo mom1J m! Oommcmd mm mm.
To turn f rom enmi ty i s gai n 858
Fomenti ng i t bri ngs fast rui n.
850. 6auau _i o+a _ouu
uau C5 o;t.
smmm om mmm mmm1mm mm_mmc mmomm1u @mmmm. mmd om om1m
1o1 1o OommOommmd mo mm_mmc Om1m1J Oommmm.
Fortune favours when hate recedes 859
Hatred exceedi ng rui n breeds.
80. 6aaua 6uuao aaa +aaua
+uua auu Goi.
mmmm_mm1 Oomm1 mom!m om11mm) mmmo Oomcmm mum!1mm1
Oodm11mm! OmmmJmJ mm mmmm mm.
Al l evi l s come f rom enmi ty 860
Al l goodness fl ow f rom ami ty.
mo mmJ mo mmJ mo mmJ mo mmJ - -- - Nobl e Hosti l ity
8J . odaa1i uaCt : ta
Gudaa1Cu Cu tu.
Omu1m) m1, mu1m) mJ! 1mm1c mmmum1o mommJ mm 1mmmmm1m.
Turn f rom stri fe wi th f oes too strong 861
Wi th the f eebl e f or battl e l ong.
82. _uGau _u ouuaau oaudoau
aut1a a1aau oG:.
ccmm1mm1cm mu @dummd, mummm mmdummd, omm mummmm1mm
mo mm Omdu am7
Lovel ess, ai dl ess, powerl ess ki ng 862
Can he wi thstand an enemy strong?
83. _ma _6aau _uuoau =. aau
omo aaau tui.
oam, mcmm ccmmmomm, @mm mmam @dum, @)o Jmom
@dumommmomm smmm @mmomd, mm mom)md mJd Omdum1mmm.
Unski l l ed, ti mi d, mi ser, mi sfi t 863
He i s easy f or f oes to hi t.
84. L+au Goa Luaau ammau
aa+u aa1i aao.
Jmom mmom o1m1o amom!o, mm! 1mm1mmmmqm, m1mm
1mm1mmmmqm, mm 1mm1mmmmqm mJd 1ommo mcumm.
The wrathful resti ve man i s prey 864
To any, anywhere any day.
85. oqC+aiau oaaGtu Goaaau tqC+aiau
tuGau tta1i 1uo.
mdm1 mmcmmd, Ommmommmo Oommd, m1 +ommd, mmum @dummd smmm
@mmomd mm mom)md mJd Omdum1mmm.
Crooked, cruel , tactl ess and base 865
Any f oe can f el l hi m wi th ease.
8. auaJ 1uJoau qGt+ auJoau
Ctuauu CtuG t5.
JmJomm1u Jmm Oommmmomm, 1m)moom)mmomm @mmmmm mo mm_ mJ!
Bl i nd i n rage and mad i n l ust 866
To have hi s hatred i s but just.
87. Ga5Jo+ GaaCou5 uu _5J1io
uauao Goaoau tu.
om1mm1 @mmOomm1c om Ommmmomo om1mo Oo Oommmmmm
Ommm Oom1omm mommmJ Oom 1mm1m.
Pay and buy hi s enmi ty 867
Who muddl es chance wi th oddi ty.
88. uuauaai t taoaau uata1i
1uuaua auaG :utJo.
m1oc)momm, mmmo mumom)momm smm! @mmomd, m! mo mo @mm
mom)md momo mmom1mm!.
Wi th no vi rtue but f ul l of vi ce 868
He l oses f ri ends and del i ghts f oes.
80. Gooa1iJ Couoa 6ut _6oaa
_ma tuo1G Gt6u.
+J1m 1ommomomm, mdum 1ommomomm mom!o @mmm m!o
mJ!1mm) m1 OmmOm @mmm muomm1u mu mmm.
The j oy of heroes knows no bounds 869
When ti mi d f ool s are opponents.
870. aau Gom 1Gta ammau
aauu aa Goaa.
1mm!am omcmo mom!ooc mJ!mom oom om1Jmm!o, cmmmm
m)!o mm mJ!Oommm!o mm 1ou u1m, uom m!o momm1u muJ
Gl ory' s l i ght he wi l l not gai n 870
Who fai l s to fi ght a f ool and wi n.

moJmm Oo1od moJmm Oo1od moJmm Oo1od moJmm Oo1od - -- - Apprai si ng Enemies
87J . tuGauu tuG aouu ou
+uCaa Coutttat u.
mo cm!m mmm mmu mm_mmcmm mmmomd om 1mo mmcmooc
smmm Oomocm.
Let not one even as a sport 871
The i l l -natured enmi ty court.
872. oCa1 nqo1 tuGaau Gaat
GoaCa1 nqo1 tu.
mcoumo cc m)!ocm oc mo Oomumm. mmd Oomdummmd mo !
Ommmocm mo Oom ocm.
Incur the hate of bow-pl oughers 872
But not the hate of word-pl oughers.
873. amt o1u auq ouauaaG
taa1 tuGa tou.
ommo mm_ mu1m mo 1o Oommmm mmm momm mmmomc mu
mmm1o Ommmommm.
Forl orn, who rouses many f oes 873
The worst i nsani ty betrays.
874. tu+:tai GauGtam tu:ut aaau
ouuuiu o+1t a.
mom!om mmm!omo omJ mmJmm Ommmommmm mmm @mo cuo1m
1mmm uoam.
Thi s worl d goes saf el y i n hi s grace 874
Whose heart makes f ri ends even of foes.
875. ouuu 6ua tua;uta oaGuaou
6uuuaai Gaot6u u.
om mom!o @m m1mm)mo @mm mud om mmo mmmm ommo
@mmm!, mo mom!od smm) mmo Oom 1mm1m.
Al one, i f two f oes you oppose 875
Make one of them your al l y cl ose.
87. Co6ui Coa oqu _qouu
Coau ta_u ot.
mom)mm )mm OomcmJmmomqm, @dummcmqm omJc1 sm 1o1
mmm1mm mo mommcm Jom Ommmommd mu omm m!o m1m
mcmm1u1 mo Oomm1m @mm1o mummm.
Trust or di strust; duri ng di stress 876
Keep al oof; don' t mi x wi th foes.
877. C+aot G+aio o6aa1i Cuot
Guuuu tuo1 _Jo.
om mmo mm om mmd @mm mmm!ocm Oomduocm. om
mummo mom1cm Omm1Jmc ocm.
To those who know not, tel l not your pai n 877
Nor your weakness to f oes expl ai n.
878. oua6io otGoao otaGt uaa
tuo1u t:t Goi.
m1mo cm!m, ommm mumm1J Oomm1, omomum 1o Oommcm1m
ammmd mom mmm ommmo1m s1mJ m1m.
Know how and act and def end wel l 878
The pri de of enemi es shal l fal l .
870. 6uaoa mu; Ga uaa+1
uGaa aqJo 6tJo.
am)o, J ommmo @mm1mm1o J mm 1mmu, mom, am_mom
am1m mmJc 1mm1m.
Cut of f thorn-trees when young they are; 879
Grown hard, they cut your hands beware.
880. na1Gt na;a1 uu Goa1Gto1
Gou 1uoiaa oa1.
mom1m mmo uo amom!o, ommJJm om)mJmm1u1,
c1)mmmomo mommo Oomdu am.
To breathe on earth they are not fi t 880
Def yi ng f oes who don' t def eat.
cmo cmo cmo cmo - -- - Secret Foe
88J . LqL 6uuao 6uua ou1L
6uuaoa 6uua Goau.
@mmmo Oo1m mmqm mmmoc 1o1 mmo ommo @mmomd m
momo1m omom1m. 1mmu1momm cmmm! cmmm)mo cm!om cmom
Trai torous ki nsmen wi l l make you sad 881
As water and shade do harm when bad.
882. oaCta tuou; _mot _ma
CCta tuo1 Goat1:.
Ommcmo mJ1) mmm mom!omc cmmm Oo1o mmmm!ocmomm
mo1omo @mo 1mm1m.
You need not sword-l i ke ki nsmen f ear 882
Fear f oes who f ei gn as ki nsmen dear.
883. n:tu _m1Jot ai nuaotJo
u:tuau uauJ Go.
cmo +J smmm omm mmom Oom 1mm1m. @dummcmd sm
1omommm 1m)Jd mo mmmco _m omm1mmu mo cmo 1m
The secret f oe i n days evi l 883
Wi l l cut you, beware, l i ke potters' steel .
884. uuuaua n:tu Coau6u 6uuaua
ao tao o.
mmm Jmmomo m cmo mmm cm!m smm mmm1m1mmmmd,
mm 1o!mom!o1 mom)mm 1om cmcmJ m1m.
The evi l -mi nded f oe wi thi n 884
Foments troubl e, spoi l s ki nsmen!
885. nmuaau n:tu Coau6u 6muaau
ao tao o.
OmmmJ cmmmmJc1 1omm_m cmomm m!o 1o1 mmo o
mu mmmo cmcmm.
A trai tor among ki nsmen wi l l 885
Bri ng l i fe-endangeri ng evi l .
88. uauu u6aa1 :tqu ammau
Gtauauu u _1o.
sm @mmom!oc1 cmo 1omm m1mmmmd, ommd mmm1m 1m o1m
mmm mmo omuJqm 1omm Ooumm.
Di scord i n ki ngs' ci rcl e entai l s 886
Li f e-destroyi ng deadl y evi l s.
887. GoGGu :u1J1Ctat qu taCo
n:tu nt q.
Oou mmm1m Jm1d om m OmmmmJmm 1mmu Om1ommm m11m Oo1m
mmm1m cmom!o cmm) OmmmmJmo mmcm!o.
A house hi di ng hosti l es i n core 887
Just seems on l i ke the l i d i n jar.
888. _;Gtao GtauCtaaJ Coa n;Gta
o:tu nt q.
)Jmmd 1oom1m @mmmm mmam mumm mmo 1mmu, cmo cmcmm
uJm mumm 1om mm m1m.
By secret spi te the house wears out 888
Li ke gol d crumbl i ng by fi l e' s contact.
880. a:t ouu 1uuJCo _au
n:tu naoa+ C5.
mm mm1mmm_ Jomo @mmomqm cmomd Ommm1o1 mm.
Rui n l urks i n enmi ty 889
As sl i t i n sesame though i t be.
800. ntta qaaoo1 oaqiu t+
taCta 5tuui ot.
comd sm_mcmom!o ommmm mmm sm J q mmmucm @mm 1mmm_
smOmmm Ommm om ommomm.
Dwel l wi th trai tors that hate i n heart 890
Is dwel l i ng wi th snake i n sel f same hut.
Om1m) mmmm Om1m) mmmm Om1m) mmmm Om1m) mmmm - -- - Offend Not the Great
80J . _toa1 _t 6qauu Ctatoa1
Ctata aaa oua.
sm Oou Oo ao mdum1m mmu @omm @mmomd, 1m omm omJ1m
ommdo mom mc Jmmo ommumo mm.
Not to spi te the mi ghty ones 891
Saf est saf eguard to l i vi ng bri ngs.
802. Gt1aau;G Ctua Goam1t Gt1aa;at
Ct;a 65ut o.
Om11m!o mJommd mcm Oommcmd mmomo Ommmmmo c 1m11m.
To wal k unmi ndful of the great 892
Shal l great troubl es ceasel ess create.
803. GtCouqt Caao Goa _tCouqu
_t to1u 6mi.
smmm, ommom1m Oo1 Oom mmmmmmd mo mmo mmJ)Jd 1o
o mmqcm!o m! 1mom 1oomm1u @1 1moumm.
Heed not and do, i f rui n you want 893
Off ence agai nst the mi ghty great.
804. tJuoi uaa oaJota _toa1i
ataoa1 6uua Goa.
mmo mmom ommo o mmd mcom!ocm, J_ mmom ommo
amom!o 1mmJmmd m!o1 omom amomuo oo om1Jmm!o
mm_omm Ommm.
The weak who i nsul t men of mi ght 894
Death wi th thei r own hands i nvi te.
805. aau5JGou 6aau5 na;aa1 GoioGGu
Coio GoGt: to1.
mo mum OmmmmJ )Jm 1ommJm mmm!o om mm1o Oommmqm m
m!omd c! mmm am.
Where can they go and thri ve where 895
Pursued by powerful monarch' s i re?
80. a1aat atGtqu naouta naaa1
Gt1aa1G GuqJGoam oa1.
Ommu mmm ocmqmoc smm! mm Oom am, mmd mmd mmo
Om11m1cm omm1mm! om mmm am.
One can escape i n fi re caught 896
The great who of f ends escapes not.
807. ouuaut oaqiua oauGtam auua
ouuaut oia1 Go6u.
Omm+Oodmm mOomm1 mmmomm momomm mmmo oomo
mmomqm, oJ mmmo Om11m1m 1omm ammmd mmm mmm_
If hol y mi ghty sages f rown 897
Statel y gi fts and stores who can own?
808. uuua1 u u1GGt qGaa5
Luuua1 uaao1 LaJo.
mu 1mmmmm!om Ommm umom mmmm!o, muo Ommm
Oodmacm!omo @mmm 1m1 1m 1mm m1mm!o.
When hi l l -l i ke sages are hel d smal l 898
The fi rm on earth l ose home and al l .
800. ai1a Gauaa1 !6u 6utm1io
Coiou Coio G5.
c!mo Oomo c_J Oomcmm!o mamomd, cam J mu um
Bef ore the hol y sage' s rage 899
Ev' n Indra' s empi re meets damage.
000. 6iouuio oa1:uta1 _au naaa1
1iouuio !;a1 Go6u.
mmmomm mdumm moJmmuo, mummm mo ccm)mo @mmm, oJm
Jmmo omm1mm1m Jmo mJ! om mmo am.
Even mi ghty ai ded men shal l quai l 900
If the enraged hol y seers wi l l .
Ommm1 1omd Ommm1 1omd Ommm1 1omd Ommm1 1omd - -- - Bei ng Led by Women
00J . uuuouqoa1 uautau aaoa1 ouuouqoa1
CoutaG Gtam _o.
ocmcm o Oodu1 Jmmm!o @dum ooo Om1Oom omJmmd Jmmmm
uom Omm mmcm!o.
Who dote on wi ves l ose mi ghty gai n 901
That l ust, dynami c men di sdai n.
002. Ctuao Gtuouqoau _i Gt1aCoa1
+aua +auJ o.
mm_Oommc Oomom 1mm omJcmmd Ommm mm m mmmmd
J1mmc mu OmJ oum 1mmomo Jm1m.
Who dotes, unmanl y, on hi s dame 902
Hi s weal th to hi m and al l i s shame.
003. 6aau oaqio 6aGuuu ammau
+aa +auJ o.
mmmmdumo mmm Jmo ammmd mmm 1mmJm ommm, md1um! ammud
mmmam_ mmm mu mo 1m11m.
Who' s servi l e to hi s wi fe al ways 903
Shy he f eel s bef ore the wi se.
004. uuuaaua ama uuua aaau
ouuaauuu oGao du.
mmm u1m ummmmm mm cmmd 1mmm mco +oJmmmmm Ooummmd
Jmmmo mmJdu.
Feari ng hi s wi f e sal vati onl ess 904
The weakl i ngs' acti on has no grace.
005. 6aaua amaoa umaut Gmmau
+aa1i +a Goa.
m1mm1m md1um! mmm OomJd om_ mmm1mc ocm1o mm_ +oJmmm om_
1m)mmd omommm mmm +J mcmmm.
Who f ears hi s wi f e f ears al ways 905
Good to do to the good and wi se.
00. 6uuaa1u oaqu taqaC; aaa
_uuaa1Coa ama to1.
mm mmum @dumo mmm, momo @mJmm mmmomomo m1m m cmJ
mcmm!o, omo 1ommmom mcom!o mm_ ommmmo om Oommcmqm
m!o cmmd mmo Ommmm Jcm.
Who f ear douce arms of thei r wi ves 906
Look petty even wi th god-l i ke l i ves.
007. GtuCuo GoaGoam _uuuau +auutG
GtuCu Gtuu nutJo.
sm Ommmm omu om Oomm1 Jcm smmmm mm omqm, mmm
cm!m smJm Ommm1 Ommm1omm.
Esteemed more i s women bashful 907
Than man servi l e unto her wi l l .
008. +:ta1 umqaa1 +uata1 +uuoaa
Gt:ta+ Gam to1.
sm Ommmm momo1m mcm mmJ mmm mcmm!o, mmm!ommm
omumcmmcm!o, mmmmom mc mmcm!o.
By f ai r-browed wi ves who are governed 908
Hel p no f ri ends nor goodness tend.
000. _ouua _u Gtam Gouua
GtuCuo Goaoa1u 6.
mmmOommc Ommo @1Jmm mo cmJ @mJmm Ommmo!ocm
mOm Oodo1m Jmmo mmmmu1m mJ!mm!o am.
No vi rtue ri ches nor j oy i s seen 909
In those who submi t to women.
0J0. auCo1io G+moJ 1tuutaa1i Gmmau
GtuCo1ioa Ctuouu 6.
JmJm mmqm Om+o_Jm Oommcm!o ommmmoom)!omo Ommo1 om
Oomm1 Jco mmcm!o.
Thi nkers strong and broad of heart 910
By f ol l y on f ai r sex do not dote.
m)mm mo! m)mm mo! m)mm mo! m)mm mo! - -- - Wanton Women
0JJ. _uGu ouqaa1 Gtaouqa _aGoaqaa1
6uGoa 6miJ o.
m1m @dummd Ommm J)1mo1 1ommo Oommc Ommmo! @mmmo
1momo mmm mmm_Jmm!o @_Jd mm1m mm 1omm.
For gol d, not l ove thei r tongue caj ol es 911
Men are rui ned by bangl ed bel l es.
0J2. tauoi1G tu:u;i tuGu ua1
+auoi1 +aa ot.
omo omJ1 om1ommmm_ mmOmm11mom Ommmo! cmm sm1mmm mmm
Avoi d i l l -natured whores who f ei gn 912
Love onl y f or thei r sel fi sh gai n.
0J3. Gta:Gtuq1 Gtaauu mai 6:tua
a1 Guio6 _t.
mummo!o mmomo m11m smm) oam Ommmu om mm, @mcmd
s! mm mmo m Jcm 1mmmmomm.
The fal se embrace of whores i s l i ke 913
That of a damned corpse i n the dark.
0J4. Gta:Gtaaa1 :uuai Coaaa1 _:Gta
_a _6o uo1.
m mmmm )mmJ1m mcm!o Ommm m11m mmmum mumo1m
@mmo @1mmmomo ommm!o.
The wi se who seek the weal th of grace 914
Look not f or harl ots' l ow embrace.
0J5. Gtao+aJoa1 :uuai Coaaa1 u1+aJ1u
uaut _6o uo1.
@momm 1mqm om_m!mo mm Oommcm!o Ommmo! omm @mmJd
The l ofty wi se wi l l never covet 915
The open charms of a vi l e harl ot.
0J. oi+a ta1Gta1 Coaaa1 ouGoi1G
:uua ta1Gta1 Coa.
uomJ1 omm1mm! mmmm, @omJ1 @mmmduom 1omd omm Jco mmcm!.
Those who guard thei r worthy f ame 916
Shun the wanton' s vaunti ng charm.
0J7. LuG+mo 6ao1 Coaao1 GG+m1t
CtuG :u1to1 Coa.
cJd mu @dummd ommuomo ccqmm Oomm Ommmo! 1om, c_Jmm
mmm mc1om! m1m mmm Jcm!.
Hol l ow hearts al one desi re 917
The arms of whores wi th hearts el sewere.
0J8. _a _6ou1 _aa1i u+Gut
uaa ua1 mai.
m+oo mmmmOommc ' ' Ommmo' ' smJcm mmmo mdumom mmmc
' ' 1mmJm mom' ' mm_ o_mm!o.
Sensel ess f ool s are l ured away 918
By arms of si rens who l ead astray.
0J0. ou;oaa uauuqaa1 GuuCoa :u;aaaG
t1a1 _m _a.
mumo mmmm m mmmmd 1mmmomm ' ' m)om' ' mm Oomdum1m ooJd
mamomm 1m_mm1c @du.
The soft jewel l ed arms of whores are hel l 919
Into whi ch the degraded f al l .

020. 6uuG Gtuq m o
1LiG t:ta1 Goat1:.
@mmmm Oommc Ommmomcm, mmcm, momcJmcam Oomc!u Oomm1
cmd1mm)m1 mmmmd m 1mm Jmu om_m1m.
Doubl e-mi nded whores, wi ne and di ce 920
Are l ures of those whom f ortune fl i es.

ommmm ommmm ommmm ommmm - -- - Not Dri nki ng Li quor
02J . n:G tta_1 aaqGt1 ammau
:ao GauGtam oa1.
m mmoJm mmmm!o om Jmm @mm m1mdu, mmmmmmm m!o
om1 +o mmcm!o.
Foes f ear not who f or toddy craze 921
The addi cts dai l y thei r gl ory l ose.
022. nuut ua nuau oauCa;au
auuG ttCouta oa1.
m mmo ocm, omm1mm!om mm mJm Omm mmmmmom! 1mm1mmmmd mmoumm.
Dri nk not l i quor; but l et them dri nk 922
Whom wi th esteem the wi se won' t thi nk.
023. =. ua mJCoa 6uuaoa auutJ
oauCa1 mJoi a.
ommJ mmJm1m om mom, mm mmmo mmmo o om1 omm
oJommcm mmJm1mm mm omm1mm!o mm mm oJ Oommm!o.
The drunkard' s j oy pai ns ev' n mother' s face 923
How vi l e must i t l ook f or the wi se?
024. +aGuuu +aa :+Ga5i Gauu
CtuaG Gt+tJ oa1i.
m mom mm Om_ooo OmmmmmJm mJm1mm1m ammmd mmmm mm_
Oomdum1m mmmmu mmommd sm1m.
Good shame turns back f rom hi m ashamed 924
Who i s gui l ty of wi ne condemned.
025. ua6 aauu nutJCo GtaGa5Jo
Guaa6 aauu Gaa.
smmm ommu mmm mmJmmomomo, 1mmo Ommm mu Oom1 mmmod
mm1o1m amo mcommmm.
To pay and dri nk and l ose the sense 925
Is nothi ng but rank i gnorance.
02. om1ua1 GoJoa1u Coa1 ammau
+mauta1 mu to1.
m mm1mm!m m+o mm1mm!m 1m_mm1 Jcm mmmomd m!o
mmomm @mm Jcmommoc 1m_mm1 Jcm mm_ omumm.
They take poi son who take toddy 926
And doze ev' n l i ke a dead body.
027. nGaat6 n1 +Gt5o1 ammau
Gaat6i uoaa to1.
mmmJmm mmmmJmmqm mmo ammd m!o omo omm_ mmmo om1
m)m! m momcomm Oomm!o.
The secret drunkards' senses off 927
Make the pryi ng publ i c l augh.
028. aJo6Cau auto uo5 G+moJ
GoaaJoon _+C u.
m mmm1o @du mm_ smmm Omm Oomdu am, om)mm, mm m moJd
@mm 1mm mo cmm Oomdu m1mmm.
Don' t say "I' m not a drunkard hard" 928
The hi dden f raud i s known abroad.
020. aJoauui a;u a:5o iqL1i
aJoauuJ !Jo16 _t.
1mmo mmJ mcmm Jmo m) o_mm, ommm
mmJmcmm 1oom1mo mmom OomJ Oomm1 Oodmm sm_omm.
Can torch search one i n water sunk? 929
Can reason reach the ravi ng drunk?
030. muuaG Ctaq1t aJoauui au+a
naauGa nutou Coa1o.
sm om)m, omm ommd @mm1mm mmOmmm om)m m moJd om1mo
mm!o mmomm om 1om mmm mm!o mmcmmm7
The sober seei ng the drunkard' s pl i ght 930
On sel ves can' t they f eel same eff ect?

m m m m - -- - Gambl i ng
03J . Coutt Gou6qu a1uu Gouon
ouqtGtau uuom+1 _t.
Omm1 Om_momm mom1m @co mmcocm. mo Omm, mum @mmu ad
1omo @) m1m mammomo mm 1mo @mmu a1 Oom Oommc
Avoi d gambl i ng, al bei t you wi n 931
Gul pi ng bai t-hook what does fi sh gai n?
032. uGa1 6qi ao1i nuta+Ga
+uGa1 oaqoCoa1 _.
sm Omm Ommm mJmJd Oomc!m m_ 1omdmo oamOomm
momom mmmod mum mmmc m1 m7
Can gambl ers i n l i fe good obtai n 932
Who l ose a hundred one to gai n?
033. naaa oao 6t Gtaaaa
CtaaG :Cu t5.
mmm m @cmcmmd mom1mo smmm mmommo1m Oommm1mmmmd mm
Oodmam mo Oodmo +. 1m m1amm mmm1 mmJm1m.
If ki ngs i ndul ge i n casti ng di ce 933
Al l thei r f ortune wi l l fl ow to f oes.
034. 1uu taGoao !;qi a1u
ouu ooGoau 6.
mu mmmo mJ, uom Oo1o, m_mqm mmom momco
1mmmm mmm Ood 1mOmmm_m @du.
Nothi ng wi l l make you poor l i ke game 934
Whi ch adds to woes and rui ns fame.
035. o qm ua oi1
6o6aa1 6aa1 aa1.
mom1m @cm, omomm omm, om1 amJ Jmmm omc mmmdumom!o
mmm @dumom!omo1m Jm1mm!o.
The game, game-hal l and gambl er' s art 935
Who sought wi th gl ee have come to nought.
03. _ta;a1 _a nqGt1a Gouu
mqaau mtGt: ta1.
m mmm1m mm mud mamom!o mmm) cmmmm mmmmmmd mmJqm
cmm_ mmmmm!o.
Men swal l owed by the ogress, di ce 936
Suf f er gri ef and want by that vi ce.
037. tq1a Goom tu: G5i
qJoi aua :1u.
mom1m @cJ1u1 smm! om omuo o1mm1)mmmd, mmc momo!
1omo Oomom mmmmmm mmommJm1m.
If men thei r ti me i n game-den spend 937
Ancestral weal th and vi rtues end.
038. GtaG5JoG GtaaCut Gaa6 _G5J
oa nqGGi ao.
Ommm m Ommmmo J, m Om+oom mmm, mm @md smmm
cmu Oom m.
Game rui ns weal th and spoi l s grace 938
Leads to l i es and wretched woes.
030. nutGoo nGuaa oGau uio
_utaaoa _a+ Gaau.
momcJm mmJ mcm!o m1 uoam, odmm, Oodmam, cmmm, ccm
om_ smJ m1m.
Dress, weal th, f ood, f ame, l earni ng-these fi ve 939
In gambl er' s hand wi l l never thri ve.
040. 6qJGoan aodi aCoCta out
nqJGoan aot a1.
Ommm @mo @mo momcJm 1 mmm1Jm om, ccq mmm Oomc!m
m)m) c!1 OomJm om sm1momm.
Love for game grows wi th every l oss 940
As l ove f or l i fe wi th sorrows grows.

mmm mmm mmm mmm - -- - Medici ne
04J . u1u uau C+aaGoaa Caa1
oamoaa auua mu.
mmom, mom, J1umm mm_ mmm m1um! om mmd sm_ m
Jommmmqm mmomqm 1mm cmcmm.
Wi nd, bi l e and phl egm three cause di sease 941
So doctors deem i t more or l ess.
042. uiGou Coutaoa aaiui i1a
oto Ctat6 nuu.
cmc cmm Oo1momomm omu @cOm om, cmm mmJmm!om ccq 1m_
mmm1o 1omdu.
After di gesti on one who f eeds 942
Hi s body no medi ci ne needs.
043. _ta _ao6i ou _.ot:
Gtatau G+qoai _.
cmc cmm Oo1oom, cmmm cmmm mm m cmm mmc mm
mmmmom m1mm.
Eat f ood to di gesti ve measure 943
Li f e i n body l asts wi th pl easure.
044. _t o6io utGGqJo uaa
oai oo;G t1Jo.
cmc Oo1oom mmmo cm!m, mm mJO1o mm ccq s m)o cmm
mmo 1mm1m.
Know di gesti on; wi th keen appeti te 944
Eat what i s sui tabl e and ri ght.
045. uata qaao nuq uJouuu
nta qua na1i.
ccq sm)o cmmoc Jommm1mm m_ mcm cmcmd, c!
mmmmom Oomdu mmmdu.
Wi th f asti ng adjusted food ri ght 945
Cures i l l s of l i fe and makes you bri ght
04. 6qo6i outauu 6utCta Lt
qCt1 6u;aauu C+aa.
1mm1 cmmm! ccd muacm mmmmm Jom cmmm! 1mm mmom @mo.
Who eats wi th cl ean stomach gets heal th 946
Wi th greedy gl utton abi des i l l -heal th.
047. !aa ou6J Go1aau Gt1ouuu
C+aaa ou6G t5.
mJm m mmqm, )mmmqm Jom cmcmd 1mmom mm mmm.
who gl ut beyond the hunger' s fi re 947
Suf f er f rom untol d di seases here.
048. C+aa+aq C+aamo +aq _ooui
oaa+aq oaaGtJ Goa.
1mm mmm7 1mmomm om)mm mmm7 1mm !m m1 mmm7 @mmm ammo
)mm JJo Oo 1mm1m. | ccd 1mm m1mm oaom 1mmm @
Ommmmm| .
Test di sease, i ts cause and cure 948
And appl y remedy that i s sure.
040. ntau _ao Guaao aam
tau 1J Goa.
1mmmm m, 1mmm omm, mmmm Oomom1 1m)m mmmmmmm mdumm
mmmm ommm! mmm mm!1o Oodmc 1mm1m.
Let the ski l ful doctor note 949
The si ckmen, si ckness, season and treat.
050. ntou !1Gtau uiouqJ GooaGuu
Gtauat tC uio.
1mmm, mmm!, mmm, mJmm mu1mm! mm mmmam mmm momo
Pati ent, doctor, medi ci ne and nurse 950
Are f our-f ol d codes of treati ng course.
m m m m - -- - NOBILITY
05J . 6tGioa1 uua 1ua 6ataJ
GoGtm +au +.
m1mu ommmo mmum, )mm)mmm co cm!mm Oommcm!odummd mmmm!o
c!mo d mmmom!omo omo am.
Ri ght-sense and bashful ness adorn 951
By nature onl y the nobl e-born
052. mim oaauua +auu mu
6mia1 qGGi oa1.
saom, mmm, mmmm J @mo mmqm muom mcomom!o1 c!mo d
mmmom!omo omom1mm!o.
The nobl e-born l ack not these three: 952
Good conduct, truth and modesty.

053. +uu _uGoa 6qauu +au
ouGaut oaauui qi.
aomu!J, +. omm, @mOomd, mm) @ommo mmmm1 J mmm Jmuom
cm!o1 mmm mo mm_ mom1o am.
Smi l e, gi ft, sweet words and courtesy 953
These f our mark true nobi l i ty.
954. _5i1a Caq Gt6u qGGioa1
uo Goao 6a1.
mu1om Ommmo 1J Oom1omqm Jmmo d mmmom!o mo Jmu
Oo1momomm Oodo @cm o)mmcm!o.
Even f or crores, the nobl e mood 954
Cannot bend to degradi ng deed.
955. oq+o ooqioi uu tq+q
tuGu ouaGG1o 6u.
mmm Ommm mmmo d mmmom!o m_mmd ommc 1mmJqm, mmm mmmm
mmm @mo mmcm!o.
The means of gi ft may dwi ndl e; yet 955
Anci ent homes guard thei r nobl e trai t.
05. oatt6J oaGa Goaaa1ua ot
att6 oaqoGuu ta1.
mmomm mmucm mmmmomo omJOommmmm!o, m+oo mmmcm oomo om1mod
+. 1mcmmcm!o.
Who guard thei r f ami l y presti ge pure 956
Stoop not to acts of cunni ng l ure.
057. qGGioa1 uoa+ t oaGu
u1iu uGCta na1io.
mmmo Ommm 1o!mm1ca J mo, sm mmm mmm, mmm mumd
c m1mmu Ommcmo Oo1 oomm.
The faul ts of nobl y-born are seen 957
Li ke on the sky the spots of moon.

058. +aJ1uu +a1uuu Coau6u _ouui
aJ1uu paG t5.
mmmomm mm uoam ccmmmo @mmomqm mu mm sm mmu @dumommmo
@mmomd mm mmmo uo1 om1oJo 1mm mu mmm1m.
If manners of the good are rude 958
Peopl e deem thei r pedi gree crude.
050. LaJ1t 1tiouu aa:5 a:5
aJ1t Gioa1oaaJ Goa.
mmo m) mm!om1u @ mmo muJd mmo mm_ m Oomumm. 1o1mmd
smm1m mm Oomdu 1o1c m! moo d mmmom! mmmo cm!m
Soi l ' s nature i s seen i n sprout 959
The worth of bi rth f rom words fl ow out.
00. +aCouqu +auutuu Cou5 aCouqu
Cou5 aa1i tuo.
oomo Ood u1mJc +J mmmmm, md1um1cam mmmm mmmcm mcm Oommm
smm1m muom m! mmmo uom c!o omomm.
Al l gai n good name by modesty 960
Nobi l i ty by humi l i ty.
mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm - -- - HONOUR
0J . 6u6 _uuaaJ 1GGu _au
u ot ot.
ocmmmo Oo ) 1mm Oodo mmmmqmoc mmmmd om Ommm mmmmmd
mo Oodo om!Jcd 1mm1m.
Though needed for your l i fe i n mai n, 961
From mean degradi ng acts ref rai n.
02. !1u !;a GoaaaC; !G;a5
Ct;auuu Cou5 to1.
uommo m) mmmo mmmuJmm!, om mmm uom m)1mm1Ommmomomo mmm
cm!m ummmmm om1Jd +. 1mcmmcm!.
Who seek honour and manl y fame 962
Don' t do mean deeds even f or name.
03. GtiJo Cou5 tuo 16a
aiJo Cou5 na1o.
c!mo mu mmm1mm co cm!mm, mo mu mmmc mmud mmm mmo
cmJ mcomo mmm cm!mm 1mm1m.
Be humbl e i n prosperi ty 963
In decl i ne uphol d di gni ty.
04. ouaau 6qio ua;uua1 uaio1
Luaau 6qioi ut.
mom Om+oJd c!mo @cm Ommmmo smm! mmmmmm ommmJ1m1mm, ouumm
cJ!mo mm ommmo omom1mm!.
Li ke hai r fal l en f rom head are those 964
Who fal l down f rom thei r hi gh status.
05. u6u _uuaa uo1 uo
u6 _uua Goau.
mm 1mmd c!m omd)mmo mmmm!om sm mmm m @1mmm Ooud
+. 1mcmd ommm m 1mm m1mm!o.
Even hi l l -l i ke men wi l l si nk to nought 965
Wi th abrus-grai n-l i ke smal l defaul t.
0. :qua :JCoua: 5aaaoa auut
6qoa1Gu Gou Lua.
@ommom Omm_Oomm1, mmmo m1m1 smm! mm1m mmm Oodmomd mmm
uom Jcm7 @dumo Oom!omm Jcm7
Why fawn on men that scorn you here 966
It yi el ds no f ame, heaven' s bl i ss nei ther.
07. :ta1Gu GouGaou oaqodu _iLuaCa
G:tau auGt5o +u.
omm mJomom1m mmmmd Oom_ c! mmmmomc OoOom1m mmm1mm 1md.
Better i t i s to di e f orl orn 967
Than l i ve as sl aves of those who scorn.
08. uiCoaut Cua: oaqiu Gtiouuu
Otqa oio 6tJo.
omomm1u @mo mmm Jcm. m @mm1mm c)mc mumm mmmo
1mmmmmmd, mmmo 1mmmm1omo smm!, om Ommm m Oomm @1mmm
Is nursi ng body nectar sweet 968
Even when one' s honour i s l ost?
00. ua1LGGu oaqai o1ua _uua1
na1LGt1 uau o1u.
ccud c c1)mmm momcmd c! mmmm om1mmm mmmm!o. 1mmd mmmm 1
1m!momd c!mo mmo!o c)1 m1 m1mm!o.
Honour l ost, the nobl e expi re 969
Li ke a yak that l oses i ts hai r.
070. 6ao1u oaqao uau nutaa1
aGoam CoJo na.
mmmm 1oo @1m mmo1o mm_ c) mm Oom om!om uom cuom
momuam 1mmm mmm.
Thei r l i ght the worl d adores and hai l s 970
Who wi l l not l i ve when honour fai l s.
Ommm Ommm Ommm Ommm - -- - GREATNESS
07J . aGaaot a Goiu 6aGaaot
.1io oaqo au.
smm1m mmmo somm mo1mmm. momm c!mmmm @1m ommomm.
A heart of courage l i ves i n l i ght 971
Devoi d of that one' s l i fe i s ni ght.
072. GGGtai aaa na1i 1GGtadoa
GoaGoaq Cotuu aau.
mmmmmd mmmm omm. Oom Oom1ud om1Jm Jmmd m11m 1m_mm1 omm
Al l bei ngs are the same i n bi rth 972
But work deci des thei r vari ed worth.
073. CudioJ Cuaaa1 Cuaa1 iqio
iqaa1 iq ao1.
mmu @dumom!o c!mo momd @mmomqm c!m1om! du!, @1mmm om1mod
+. 1mcmom!o ommmo mud @mmomqm c!m1om1)mmm!o.
Ignobl e hi gh not hi gh they are 973
The nobl e l ow not l ow they f are.
074. uu uaC; CtaaG Gtuua
ouuuJoau GauGtam1u nu5.
ommu ommmmd smmm omm om1m omOomm1 mmmmm1mmmmd,
omuo)Jo Jcm uoam Ommmm m Jcm.
Greatness l i ke woman' s chasti ty 974
Is guarded by sel f-varaci ty.
075. Gtuu autao1 _toa1 _t6u
_uu auta Goa.
1 Oodo mm_ c1 ammm m1d Oo am Jmmcm!o
Great soul s when thei r wi l l i s acti ve 975
Do mi ghty deeds rare to achi eve.
07. 16aa1 nu1J1a 6ua Gt1aau;G
CtuiGa CoGuuu C+ai.
Om11m) 1mmm mm_Oomm 1mmom, mm J1m1m cm!Jd
The petty-natured ones have not 976
The mi nd to seek and bef ri end the great.
077. 6GCt :1io Goaqta 1G:oau
!; ao1u tqu.
Jmmmm mumoc om Ommmmomo m mo J1mmmmd, m!o m)mu1
Oodm1m @mo.
The base wi th power and opul ence 977
Wax wi th deeds of i nsol ence.
078. tuaua au Gtuu 1uu
_uaua ouuu oaio.
mmuc Om11m! md1um1cam mOmmam mmmcm mmmm!o, mmu @dumo J1m!,
omm om1m uomm Oomm1 @_mmm Jcmm!o.
Greatness bends wi th modesty 978
Meanness vaunts wi th vani ty.
070. Gtuu Gtuo 6uuu 1uu
Gtuo n1io ot.
mmmm commo @mm Ommm mmm1m. mmJm mdu1o Oom_ m1m
J_m mmm1m.
Greatness i s f ree f rom i nsol ence 979
Li ttl eness swel l s wi th that off ence.
080. _t uui Gtuu 1uuoau
tCu 6 o5.
mmmc mo mmm Ommm mmmmm. mmmc mmmo1
oOommmm J_m mmmm.
Weakness of others greatness screens 980
Smal l ness def ects al one procl ai ms.
ommmmmm ommmmmm ommmmmm ommmmmm - -- - SUBLIMITY
08J . tGuut +auo Gaaa tu6io
oauauuu CutGa to1i.
mm 1mm ocmo cm!m, mmm mmmm!mo amd mm1mmm
1mmOomm1m amJo mm mdu ocmo mm1m Oomm1m.
Al l goodness i s duty to them 981
Who are duti ful and subl i me.
082. u+am oauCa1 +aCu G+a
ai+aJ oaon uu.
mmmmu sm1m omm1mm!omm momm. 1m_ mmo mm modu.
Good i n the great i s character 982
Than that there i s nothi ng better.
083. _u:+au G:;o uCua:t oaauuGaa
utiooa tu6a ou.
mu Oomod, m1u1mJc mmmod, cuo saom 1mmm_od, @)o Ooumm_od, mmm
ocmod J qmm ommmmmm ommm momm.
Love, truth, regard, modesty, grace 983
These fi ve are vi rtue' s resti ng pl ace.
084. Gaaa +aJoo C+auuu G1!uu
Goaaa +aJoo oa:.
c) Oomdumo mo mcmo Oommc 1mmmu. mm! Oom m o
Oomdumo mmm m omdu.
Not to ki l l i s penance pure 984
Not to sl ander vi rtue sure.
085. _toa1 _t tuo _ooauCa1
uatau; uat tut.
mmmm mmmcm mco1u, mmum1m mmd mmmomd 1m mom
mmm_Jmm mcmo omm1mm! mmomm.
Humi l i ty i s val our' s strength 985
A force that averts f oes at l ength.
08. oaGti :tua aaGouu Coao
ouaaaa1 uu Gaa.
ommud @dumom!omd om mmm1m 1omdmoc su Oomm
mmmmmomm smm1m 1mmm c)odumm.
To bear repul se e' en f rom the mean 986
Is the touch-stone of worthy men.
087. 6uuaGoa oa1i 6uaCo Goaaaia
auu taJoCoa oa:.
om m Oomomm Jmmm mmm Oommd m1mcmd ommmmmm mm mdu
mmu @mmm ommd mmm mm7
Of perf ecti on what i s the gai n 987
If i t returns not j oy f or pai n?
088. 6uuu ot 1aou oaGtuu
1uuuau taG Gt6u.
omdu mmJm c_J OodmOmm Oommcmm m_m mmm @1m o) oodu.
No shame there i s i n poverty 988
To one strong i n good qual i ty.
080. nq Gta1u oaGta;a1 oauauuui
aq GauGt5 oa1.
om1 ocmo ommcm m_Jmm omm1mm! mdum ocdom ocm u)m1
mm_Jmm m1omum mmmcmqmoc, ommu mmmmo ocumo Jommm!o.
Aeons may change but not the seer 989
Who i s a sea of vi rtue pure.
000. oauo1 oauauuu u6u 6LaJoau
oa+ao uuCua Gtau.
omm1mm1m mmmm1m mOomcmJmmd om @mo cuom Omm_mcm ommJ
The worl d wi l l not more bear i ts wei ght 990
If f rom hi gh vi rtue f al l the great.
mmucm mmucm mmucm mmucm - -- - COURTESY
00J . autoJoa aao aaGout aa1ua:5
tu:utuu auu oqi.
m)mmmomqm m!ocJd mmmo mmJmmd, 1m mmucm mmJm Jmmo
saoo Om_mom momm m1mo mm.
To the pol i te f ree of access 991
Easi l y comes courteousness.
002. _u:utuu _u qGGJo 6do;u5
tu:utuu auu oqi.
mucm)mo @mmm, c!mo d mmmo @uom c1m)mo @mmmomm
mmucm mm omm1Jm Jmmo Ommm.
Humani ty and nobl e bi rth 992
Devel op courtesy and moral worth.
003. nGGtaJo uiGaaG tua GoJoi
tuGtaJo Gtoa G:.
mmmmu @dumom!o m!om ccd c_uo m11m sm1 mm! mo @mJd
1o! 1mom o1du, mmmmuomd sJmmm!o1 mo mmm1m!.
Li keness i n l i mbs i s not l i keness 993
It' s l i keness i n ki nd courteousness.
004. +aGua5 +u6 :1io tauutaa1
tu:a ;a:5 na.
mJ mammmd mmmo Oo mmm mmmc mmmm_Jmm!om mdu mmm
cuom mm)m1m.
The worl d appl auds those hel pful men 994
Whose acti ons are j ust and beni gn.
005. +uam 6uua 1qJ1 tuam
tu:a tat6oa1 ua:5.
mmcmooc smm) @omm 1momomd 1o1 cmcmm. m aJ!mom!o,
mom1cam mmuOocmmd mcm Oommm!o.
The courteous don' t even f oes detest 995
For contempt off ends even i n j est.
00. tu:utaa1G t:5u 5a _oouC
uu:i uaaoo uu.
cuo mcamo, mmmm!o om!m @mo 1mm1m. @du1d mo mcamo
The worl d rests wi th the mannered best 996
Or i t crumbl es and f al l s to dust.
007. _;Ctaa 1uua C;u u;Ctao1
ui:tu Gaa oo1.
)m 1mmmm o!mmm mc 1momo @mmomqm, mo1 mmu @dumom!
m) smmmm1)mmm!.
The mannerl ess though sharp l i ke fi l e 997
Are l i ke wooden bl ocks i ndoci l e.
008. +utata1 _1 +aua Goaoa1i
tutata1 _o ut.
mu mmmm)mo @dummd mo1 Oo Oommmmm1cm, mmm Omm_m om
mmucm)mo mcm Oommmcmd @1mmm Ooumo omom1m.
Di scourtesy i s mean i ndeed 998
E' en to a base unf ri endl y breed.
000. +oa1 _aa1i uaa maa
tatat t:tu 6.
mmm!ocm mmJ mJm Oo1mom!o cuom mmm moud oc @mcmoomm
To those bereft of smi l i ng l i ght 999
Even i n day the earth i s ni ght.
J000. tuGaau Gtt GtmGoo +uta
ai!uu aa11i ot.
mmJ)m omu mJmmomd, Jd mm mom1m mmd mm Oo1m11mm 1mmu
mmu @dumom!o Ommm Oodmam mmmmomJ m1m.
The weal th heaped by the churl i sh base 1000
Is pure mi l k soured by i mpure vase.

mmd Oodmm mmd Oodmm mmd Oodmm mmd Oodmm - -- - FUTILE WEALTH
J00J . uoJoauoaa oau GtGta _.ouuau
GoJoau Goai1tio 1.
cmomo ommd m1 Oommo m Oodmo 1o! m om
mmommd Oo 1mmJmm, m 1o!omc OodmJmmd mmm mm7
Dead i s he wi th weal th i n pi l e 1001
Unenj oyed, i t i s futi l e.
J002. Gtaaaua aaaGuu aa 1o
uaaua uauaG GG:.
mmm mmm Oom1ommd, ommca Ommmmd mdumm Omm_, ommcmmd
mm Oommmmmm mmo Jmumdumo @1 mmmmmmm.
The ni ggard mi ser thi nks weal th i s al l 1002
He hoards, gi ves not i s born devi l .
J003. =. :t 6o6 6uoCouta _to1
Coat LaiG Gtau.
uom mmmmmmd Ommm 1o!m sm1u1 mo @mmm!o mmm mmmm1o @mo
_m Ommm ommm.
A burden he i s to earth i ndeed 1003
Who hoards wi thout a worthy deed.
J004. aJoGuu GuGuuu+ GaCaa o;a
+JoG tta_ oou.
m)mqm mmmmmcmo smmm, om m)mJm mm m+J mmo 1mmm mm_ mom
mmJc am7
What l egacy can he l eave behi nd 1004
Who i s for approach too unki nd.
J005. Ga5Gton oaGton 6aa1i 5i1a
Caqau taau 6.
Oom1 comm mmmmmd @mma_m @du @dumom1cm, 1om 1ommo Oodmm
mmomqm ommd mm mmmdu.
What i s the good of crores they hoard 1005
To gi ve and enj oy whose heart i s hard.
J00. ao GtmGoo oauodoau oia1iGau
o daGaa oau.
omm mmommd oom!o com1m @dum @dummd mmmJmmm, ommca
Omm+Oodmo OommOommc 1mmmmmm.
Great weal th unused for onesel f nor 1006
To worthy men i s but a sl ur.
J007. _ta1iGau ataoau Goo u+a
Gtta ouamJ ot.
mm! mmm mmmJ commomc Oodmm, mmo mJOmmJ, ommmommo1m
@mm amcmo 1mmmm.
Who l oaths to hel p have-nots, hi s gol d 1007
Is l i ke a spi nster-bel l e grown ol d.
J008. +JaG ttaoou Goo +5
+Ja u;tmJ ot.
Om_om1Jmm1cm mm Oodmam, m! m11m mo m)Jd om qmJmm
mmam Omm1mmmmmduJ
The i dl e weal th of unsought men 1008
Is poi son-f rui t-tree ami dst a town.
J000. _uGta16J otGot C+aia !:qa
uGta Gaoa1 G1.
mOmm mmm m1m mJ, ommm mmJ Oomm1, mm1 ummmmo 1o!
mJ1m Oodmo mm! Oom Oomm1 1mm m1m!.
Others usurp the shi ni ng gol d 1009
In l ovel ess, sti ngy, vi ci ous hol d.
J0J0. !utJ Goo1 1ou ua1
o+1i ouua outJo.
Jmmo cm Oommc Oodm!o1omm1m Jom m_mm mmdoc, mm Omm
mcom smmmomm.
The bri ef want of the ri ch beni gn 1010
Is l i ke rai ncl ouds growi ng thi n.

mmmcm mmmcm mmmcm mmmcm - -- - SENSITIVENESS TO SHAME
J0JJ . uJoa +auo +auJ 1+o
+ao1 +auG G.
smm! om oomo mcom om)mmmo mmmmomm, mdu Ommo @dmmo mmm1m
mmmm mmo 1m_mm1 cm1.
To shri nk f rom evi l deed i s shame 1011
The rest i s bl ush of fai r-faced dame.
J0J2. nuut aJo na1iGaa Coa
+auutuu uaio1 1G:.
cmm, cc 1mmmm mm md1ummm Ommmmm 1omomo mJmmm, mmd
Jmu1 1ommo @mm, mm)md m1om1m Oodo om! mmam
Food, dress and such are one f or al l 1012
Modesty marks the hi gher soul .
J0J3. nuui 6Jo naG;aa +aGuuu
+uuu 6Joo oa:.
ccqcm @mm1o c! @mm 1mmd, mmmu mmm mmm cm!mcm @mm
Al l l i ves have thei r l odge i n fl esh 1013
Perf ecti on has i ts home i n bl ush.
J0J4. _uauCa +auutuu oauCa1i .1uCt
GuauCa O5 +ut.
mcmo om_ om)mmmo om mmmJm mmmm mm cm!m, Om1m!o moum
o mmm. mo moum @dummd mmmomm Ommmommo mc1mmcmqm, mo mc
sm 1mm smmmomo1m omo am.
Shame i s the j ewel of di gni ty 1014
Shamel ess swagger i s vani ty.
J0J5. G1tqa otqa +auoa1 +aui
ut1 auu na.
om mmm m1omo m1mm mm! mmm m1omomm mmmJ mmmJmmm!, mmmm mm
mmmmomm cmmcmmmm!.
In them resi des the sense of shame 1015
Who bl ush f or thei r and other' s bl ame.
J0J. +auCod Gaaao uuCua oaumaa
Ctua1 Cuaa ao1.
m)mo @mo cuJd mmommmmc, mmmm mm 1muomm c!mo mmo!o, omom
mmommmo Oommm!o.
The great refuse the wonder-worl d 1016
Wi thout modesty' s hedge and shi el d.
J0J 7. +aua nau;J oGt1 na1GGta:ta
+auooa1 +aua to1.
mmm cm!mcm!o, mmmo ommmm Oom c)m m1mm!o. c)
ommmm Oommomomo mmmo mcmmcm!o.
For shame thei r l i fe the shame-sensed gi ve 1017
Loss of shame they won' t outl i ve.
J0J8. G1+auJ oio oauaua uaau
_+auJ oi outJo.
Omomc1mm m m1 mmm!o omomo Omomcmmd @mmomd
m!o m1 mOm Omom1 om_ mcomo omo 1mm1m.
Vi rtue i s much ashamed of hi m 1018
Who shamel ess does what others shame.
J0J0. ama5 Gau GuqGGu +ama5
+auuuu Lui ut.
Oommc Oomod ommmd u @a 1mmm. om mmmmmd mm! m1m
Ood u1momd mummm Oo1m.
Lapse i n manners i njures the race 1019
Want of shame harms every good grace.
J020. +auJ 1aa1 6ai u;Gtauo
+aua na1u:q _t.
c! @mm 1mmu o_Oomm1 mom1m m)Ommmmm, mmJd mmmOmm
s! cm!m @dummd cuJd mcmm1mmmm 1m_mm1 @du.
Movements of the shamel ess i n heart 1020
Are stri ng-l ed puppet show i n f act.

Ood mo Ood mo Ood mo Ood mo - -- - PROMOTING FAMILY WELFARE
J02J . u GoaGoaou uoCou auu
Gtuuat O5uta 1.
c1 ocm OomJd 1om!m ommmmd mmOmmmmm amJo mcmmd
1mmOomJmm1mm mo Ommm 1mumo 1mOmmm Ommm Jcm.
No greatness i s grander l i ke 1021
Sayi ng "I shal l work wi thout sl ack".
J022. _ouua _u _6o auo;uqu
Louuaau Lm q.
mmo mm, mcmamJm Oomm1 smmm )m mm1mcmd, mm 1o!m
mom Ommm cmm.
These two exal t a nobl e home 1022
Ardent ef fort and ri pe wi sdom.
J023. qGoao auu otJ Goao
uqotJ oaumi o.
omm 1o!mo mo c!mc OoJc sm cmmm Oom Ood
mmomm1m @mom mmd oc m1m oOomm1 mm mu1m.
When one resol ves to rai se hi s race 1023
Loi n gi rt up God l eads hi s ways.
J024. aqau oaCu mqGoao o+quaJ
oaqa omt to1i.
omm om!mo o c!m Oodod omum ommommd +. 1m1 aqJmm!o
ommmo1m Ommo mm mmm1m.
Who rai se thei r races wi th ceasel ess pai n 1024
No need f or pl an; thei r ends wi l l gai n.
J025. t 6auaai qGoao oaqoauuJ
atuaJ at na.
mmmmmmmmomm, mom muJm mm1m1mmmmomm @mmmm om cmmmmmo
omJ, mo mmm Oommm!o.
Who keeps hi s house wi thout a bl ame 1025
Peopl e around, hi s ki nshi p cl ai m.
J02. +aauuu aut GoaotJ oauGio
6aauuu _i1i Gaa.
mdu amd m Jmm Ommmm!, omm mmmo 1o Ommm 1o!mm)mmm!.
Who rai se thei r race whi ch gave them bi rth 1026
Are deemed as men of manl y worth.
J027. _u;Jo ouuu1 CtaaJ ou;Jo
_toa1 CutC Gtau.
1mm!oJd mJ!uo ommJ mc mcm Omm_u omomm mmd mcom!ocm
@mm 1mmuomm mo ommmm c!mc Oom Omm_um m!o 1o!mo
mmum!o1o cm1.
Li ke dauntl ess heroes i n battl e fi el d 1027
The home-burden rests on the bol d.
J028. qGoaoa1i 1ua to uqGoao
uau+ oi G5.
om1 mcom1m @1mmm omou om1 oumJmm1um, mmmmm omum m)1m mm_
1om!mcm oom ommm1um mom mum !um1m.
No season have they who rai se thei r race 1028
Sl oth and pri de wi l l honour ef face.
J020. 65utiC Gaa GaCaa 5tJuoi
t uuGtau nt:.
omm om!m o mmm m)mmd o1 Oomc!m o ommmmm
aqJm smmm, mmo ommJ Oom1m mmmommmo 1mmmmm1mmm.
Is not hi s f rame a vase f or woes 1029
Who f rom mi shaps shi el ds hi s house?
J030. 65iua Gau6t om _5Jou
+aa 6aao q.
mmm mmo mJ! mm_ ommo o mmqcm! @dumo mmm, Omm_ mm
A house wi l l fal l by a mi shap 1030
Wi th no good man to prop i t up.Jm1m.

cmm cmm cmm cmm - -- - FARMING
J03J . aqua1G Guu oa _oua
nqio nqCo oua.
mu Oom1do Oo omm_ Oommmm @mo cuom, m!Oom1um mm1momm omm
1mmmJm. mm1m mmmmomm mmm @mmm cmm Oom11u Jmmo.
Farmi ng though hard i s f oremost trade 1031
Men pl y at wi l l but pl oughmen l ead.
J032. nmoa1 naJoa1i aua. oata
Gomoau; aaa GtaJo.
md1m_ Oom1d u1Jmm mom mJ 1mmJ1m Oom1umo cmm Oom1d @mmomd 1m
cuoom) ommJ mmm omm mmm1m.
Ti l l ers are l i nch-pi n of manki nd 1032
Beari ng the rest who cannot tend.
J033. nmou5 oaqoaC; oaqoa1ut Gaa
Goamou5 GuGo to1.
cam1 mmmmm!o1 c!mo mmmmm!, mOmmmmd, mmmm!o m!o Oomam1
mmm 1mmmJm.
They l i ve who l i ve to pl ough and eat 1033
The rest behi nd them bow and eat.
J034. taut Lqa o+utiiqi aut1
_aut Lq ao1.
mu )oom mmdo om cmmum m Oomm1 mmm mum Ommmm!o cmm!o.
Who have the shade of cornful crest 1034
Under thei r umbra umbrel l as rest.
J035. 6;oa1 6;Gta1iGau o1 ;oao
uGoaou uaua ao1.
om1m Oom1d Oo mJm Omm_ cmmm @ducm!, mm1cm Oom_ o1mo mmcm!,
ommcm 1mm mmmm!m sommd mmmmm!.
Who ti l l and eat, beg not; nought hi de 1035
But gi ve to those who are i n need.
J03. nqoua1 uut+1u 6ua ouqoon
o:CtGuu ta1i Lua.
mdum mmmm m1mcomo o_m mmooc cmm1m o mJ!mm!omm mmm
Shoul d pl oughmen si t f ol di ng thei r hands 1036
Desi re-f ree monks too suf f er wants.
J037. GoaqG:m1 .oa nui1u GqJGoo
Coutao oaaG t5.
smmum uaJ, ommmum Jm m muam caom1u sm m mmmm 1omm m!
Oo1 mmm.
Moul ds dri ed to quarter-dust ensure 1037
Ri ch crops wi thout handful manure.
J038. a1u +ua ao5o :tGu
L1u +uou aG:.
camo omqm c)m @1od mdu, o m1mm, m! mmomm momm mdu,
omc mdu mo m) mmomm.
Better manure than pl ough; then weed; 1038
Than i rri gati ng, better guard.
J030. Goaau 1qou 6GGu La:ai
1aaau nq o5.
cmmm, om muo mm1om_m Oom_ ommommd @mmomd, mmmd Om_um_
muJmm mmm1mmu moum 1mmm1m.
If l andsmen si t sans movi ng about 1039
The fi el d l i ke wi f e wi l l sul k and pout.
J040. 6aGuu uo6 6Gtau;i auu
LaGuuu +aa +.
mmm m1du mm_ oOomm1 1ommmum @mmm) mm! _mom 1ou u1mm.
Fai r good earth wi l l l augh to see 1040
Idl ers pl eadi ng poverty.

md)m md)m md)m md)m
J04J . 6uuuau 6uuao 1aaGouu 6uuuau
6uuuCa 6uua oo.
m_m mm cmmmo om1mom m_m mmo om) 1m_ mmm
What gi ves more pai n than scarci ty? 1041
No pai n pi nches l i ke poverty.
J042. 6uuu auGoa tao uuua
6uua 6u6 o.
mmm mm @omm1Jmm m_m Oom1m smmm mmm1mcmd mm
momomuJqm, mmmomuJqm mmmJ mmm Jcm.
The si nner Want i s enemy di re 1042
Of j oys of earth and heaven there.
J043. Goao;o Coaa G5i Goauaa
+; Gouu +uo.
smm m_mm om)mmmo 1m)mo mmm11mmmmd, mc m)mm)
Ommmm, uomm sm 1o) Oo1m1m.
The cravi ng i tch of poverty 1043
Ki l l s graceful words and ancestry.
J044. 6tGioa1 uCua 6uuu 6aoio
GoatGi Coa1o o.
@dumm mm Oom1m, mdu d mmmom!ocm @1mo Oomd mmmomomm 1om!m
cmmmJ m1m.
Want makes even good f ami l ymen 1044
Utter words that are l ow and mean.
J045. +; Gouu 65uta tu;J
out+ Gou t5.
m_mOm mmJmmm md1m_ momm mmmo J!mOoam.
The pest of wanton poverty 1045
Bri ngs a trai n of mi sery.
J04. +tGta +uu1io Goadu +1ioa1
GoatGta Coa1o t5.
1 md mdom omom mm!m Oommmmqm, om Oomdmm! mm)mo
@mmm om m1mcmmm 1mmm.
The poor men' s words are thrown away 1046
Though f rom heart good thi ngs they say.
J047. _moa;a +; ouoa aau
GuCtaa C+aiG t5.
m_m mmo mmmomomo, mOmumm muJ mmmmm, mm omoc umm
1mmdomm ommm.
Even the mother l ooks as stranger 1047
The poor devoi d of character.
J048. 6u ooo GaCaa G++a
Gauo Ctaa L;G:.
Oomu Oom1mmu 1mm_ Oom1mm1J m_m, Oomc!m @mmm m)mmd @mo
1mm11m mm_ mmm mmmmm.
The ki l l i ng Want of yesterday 1048
Wi l l i t pester me even to-day?
J040. G+GGu omoa _ L;GGu
aaGoau uta t1o.
Ommu m1 mmooc sm mmommd am, mmd m_m m1m mmd
mm mmm @umo smmmm.
One may sl eep i n the mi dst of fi re 1049
In want a wi nk of sl eep i s rare.
J050. oG:; oaa1 oo;J ooauu
nGGt aqi t.
sammmmmomd m_mm1mm!, aammo omm mommd c!mmmm, cum
o+Jmomm 1o1.
Renounce thei r l i ves the poor must 1050
Or sal t and gruel go to waste.

@)m @)m @)m @)m - -- - ASKING
J05J . 6;i 6;Joia1i auu ;GGu
_o1tq otq _u.
Oom1oo oJ mcom1cJ1u smm 1o1, o m! @mmm @duOm_
Oommmmd, m Oommmmmomm m11 om) 1ocmm du.
Demand f rom those who can suppl y 1051
Def aul t i s thei rs when they deny.
J052. 6ut ot 1;Jo 6;iouo
out na_ o1u.
mmmmm!, mmmmm! J @mm! mmJmm mmm mmmm sm Ommm
Jcmmmmd, Ommm @)m Ommmomo @mmm ommd @mm1m cmcmm.
Even demand becomes a j oy 1052
When the thi ngs comes wi thout annoy.
J053. ;GGaa G+m1t tu6oa1 muuu
6;G:Cua1 aa1 nutJo.
co somo cam, ocmm!mm Oommcm1cJd om m_m om)mmmo @)m
1omm Ommmc1o mm.
Request has charm f orm open hearts 1053
Who know the duty on thei r part.
J054. 6;Joa =. oCa Ctaa ;Jo
uoa Cotaoa1 ua:5.
@mm1mm @duOm_ om1mo ommqm mmomom1cJd, @dumom! @)m
1om mmm +. m 1mmmm Ommmcomm.
Li ke gi vi ng even aski ng seems 1054
From those who hi de not even i n dreams.
J055. ;GGaa1 uoaJ ouuuaat uuu
6;Gto1 CutGa oo.
co @duOm_ mmommd mmmJ1m mmuc1m! cuJd @mmomdomm
@dumom!o, m!ocm Oom_ @)ou 1mmOomm1m!.
The needy demand f or hel p because 1055
The worl d has men who don' t ref use.

J05. ;GG5ut aaau;i auu L;GG5ut
Gaaa Gua+ G5.
@mmo Oom1o mmmm mmJ1m @1mu @dumom!o omcm1u, @)1mm1m
m_m mmm om_ m1m.
The pai n of poverty shal l di e 1056
Bef ore the f ree who don' t deny.
J057. 6qiGoaa !oau;i auu u1qioa
nm noGt outJo.
@1 1mommqm, mmm u1mmqm mmmJ1m md omm ccm!o ommm1mm,
@)1mm! cm mJmJmd @mma_m.
When gi vers wi thout scorn i mpart 1057
A thri l l of del i ght fi l l s the heart.
J058. 6;Gtau; aaaau =. 1+uua maa
u;Gtauo Gouoi ot.
m_mm om)mmmo mJmm!o, omm Ommmo ocm mmJm mmo!om, m)omd
Oom1 @om1m mmom 1m_mm1c @du.
Thi s grand cool worl d shal l move to and f ro 1058
Sans Askers l i ke a puppet show.
J050. =. oa1u auuuta Coat 6;ioCa
Cuoa1 6aa_i ut.
@)m Ommm Om_mm! @dumo mud, Ommm Oom1 uom Om_momomm mmu
@dummm 1mmm1m.
Where stands the gl ory of gi vers 1059
Wi thout obl i gati on seekers?
J00. 6;Gtau Goaauu Cou5 L;GG5ut
oaCua oaa 1.
@du mmmm1cm, @)mmm 1ommm Oomocm. omm 1mmu1m mm! mumm
@moumm mmmom om m_m1 ommmmo @mJm1o.
The needy shoul d not scowl at "No" 1060
Hi s need another' s need must show.
* Sai nt val l uvar tal ks of two ki nds of Aski ng:-
(1) Aski ng hel p f or publ i c causes or enterpri ses.
(2) Beggi ng when one i s abl e to work and thi s i s condemned.

@)mom @)mom @)mom @)mom - -- - DREAD OF BEGGARY
J0J . ;oa ooi!a uuuua1 uu
6;oauu Caq n.
@mmo sommd mmmJ1m @)oJmocm1cmoc, @)mmmd @mm 1om mcm
Not to beg i s bi l l i ons worth 1061
E' en f rom eye-l i ke f ri ends who gi ve wi th mi rth.
J02. 6;io na1oaqo Couqu t;io
G5 na1at6 aau.
moO1omm Ju! c!mmm 1mm1m mmm mummomd @mo cuoo
mcommmo Oomdum1mmm OoOcm1m J11m.
Let Worl d-Maker l oi ter and rot 1062
If "beg and l i ve" be human f ate.
J03. 6uuu 65ut 6;io!1 oaGuuu
ouuuau outa:t 1.
m_mOom1m mm1cm @)m 1mmJ Oomumm mm_ omm Oom1m 1mmd
1mOmmm Oom1m @du.
Nothi ng i s hard l i ke hard sayi ng 1063
"We end poverty by beggi ng".
J04. 6tGuaa GaaaJ ouJCo 6tuaai
aa 6;GoaaaJ oa:.
mmmmom sm m1m Jcomo muqm mm1cm o1mJc mmomo mmu, @mo
mo1m +. cmom.
Al l space i s smal l bef ore the great 1064
Who beg not e' en i n want acute.
J05. Gouu1 _5:tu _au oaoio
ouudu n+1ua 1.
omomm o1mm mu mmmmqm, om om1m cm ommmJ omd
omc @mmmm 1mOmmm_m @du.
Though gruel thi n, nothi ng i s sweet 1065
Li ke the f ood earned by l abour' s sweat.
J0. _ot LG;u 6;GGu +aot
1;ou 6aoio 1.
omom Oomm1 omm momomo omm! 1mm1Omm @)m 1ocmqmoc, m
1om mmm, omc @1mmm 1mOmmm_mdu.
It may be water f or the cow 1066
Beggi ng tongue i s mean anyhow.
J07. 6;Gtau 6;Gtau; aaa 6;GGt
;Gta1 6;ouuu au.
od co mm @du mm1mm1cm o1mo 1mmcmOmm_
o1mmm!oOdumm o1mJ1o1 OomJ1mm.
If beg they must I beg beggers 1067
Not to beg f rom shri nki ng mi sers.
J08. 6;Gouu auaGG Coau ;Gouu
ta1oaiG ti o5.
@mmo mm @duOm_ o_m od Om+Jm 1, @)od mmm1m mmommmm 1omm
1mmJmmd mm Omm_mJm1m.
The hapl ess bark of beggary spl i ts 1068
On the rock of refusi ng hi ts.
J00. 6;oa na n ;oa
naon 6u6i G5.
@)m mmm1mm! mu mmm 1mm cm cmJm, @mmo Oom1o mmmm
mm mmmmm) mmomd cmJcmm m1m c1m s1m m1Jm.
The heart at thought of beggars mel ts; 1069
It di es at repul si ng i nsul ts.
J070. ;Gto1i 1aa+Gaai GaCaa 6;Gto1
GoaaatG Cta na1.
@mmo sOomm1 ' @du' mmmm!om Oomdu 1ocmcm, @)1mm1m c1)
1mm m1Jm1o, m Oomdmm!om c! m1m mm1o smOomm1 @m1mm7
The word "No" ki l l s the begger' s l i fe 1070
Where can the ni ggard' s l i fe be saf e?

om om om om - -- - MEANNESS
J07J. uiCa Ctao1 ao1 _o;uu
Gta1 aa+ut 1.
mJd om)mo @mm!. mmd, mdum) 1mmu om Oommm!. mmo!ocm
m1momm @m @mmomm muo s1) cmmJd omm am.
The mean seem men onl y i n f orm 1071
We have never seen such a sham.
J072. +u6 oa1t ao1 1outa1
G+moJ ooa 6a1.
m1mmm mdum mm1 JmJ omum1 Oommmmm!omc mo mmm
omumcmmumm om!o sm mod mmJomuoommJ
The base seem ri cher than the good 1072
For no care enters thei r heart or head.
J073. Coo ;uua1 ao1 _oioa
Cuou GoaGoam aau.
u)mmmod mmm 1om!o 1mmd mmm mmmmoOdumm Ooom!o om!o
mmmomd, @mm)m ommmo omoumm.
The base are l i ke gods; f or they too 1073
As prompted by thei r desi re do.
J074. _Gt:q _oau;i auu _o1u
uGt:5J Gouai iq.
mmmm1 @dumo om!o, omm omqm @1mmm mac1m) omcmd,
m!omc omm Jmmom!o mmm o!mm Oommm!o.
When the base meets a rake so vi l e 1074
Hi m he wi l l exceed, exul t and smi l e.
J075. _JoCu iqa oaoa; aJo
_oaouCt nuta 16o.
ommo mmmum Jcm mmm mu1mm1m1mm mmo, omo saoacm!o
1mmu om Oommm!o. mmm ommod m!o mJm om)mmmo m11m s)m
saoam!omo mcm Oommm!o.
Fear f orms the conduct of the l ow 1075
Cravi ng avai l s a bi t bel ow.
J07. _utu _uu1 ao1oa C:t
uuG1i aJou;i aau.
mmomc 1mm @)oJm smm 1oc mmJ)Jd, s Oom_ mmm OomdqJm
om!o, oa mmm omm smcumm.
The base are l i ke the beaten drum 1076
Si nce other' s secrets they procl ai m.
J077. =. 1+u o1;a1 ao1 Gaquti+
uua1 _aa oo1i.
o mcJ ommJd sm m1Jmm a)c!o Oom1mm!o1dummd, +. o
mmdumo om!o mm m1mmomo om mJd oooc com mmcm!o.
The base thei r damp hand wi l l not shake 1077
But f or fi sts cl enched thei r jaws to break.
J078. GoaaG taut5o1 oauCa1 :Ctaa
GaaG taut5 iq.
mo Oommmmc1m omm1mm1cm 1om1 mm Omm am, mmd om1c1mm
ommm moJ m1m1mmd, 1mm)momm 1om1 mm Omm am.
The good by soft words profi ts yi el d 1078
The cane-l i ke base when crushed and ki l l ed.
J070. n5Gton nuton auu G1Cu
o5iau ota iq.
smm! c1mom cmmom om1oc Ommmmm1Jm omm, m!1 1mm1Omm1m
mmm o_mJd mdummmo @mmmm.
Faul ts i n others the mean wi l l guess 1079
On seei ng how they eat and dress.
J 080. J 080. J 080. J 080. at6t 1a1 aoG;au tia
ott 1a1 ou;io.
sm mmm mmm1mm Jumm om Oom, omm1 mm1cm mm_m1Jm oJomm
om!o1 oJmm.
The base hasten to sel l themsel ves 1080
From doom to fl i t and nothi ng el se.

ML m L L 0 ML m L L 0 ML m L L 0 ML m L L 0 O 0 0| 0 0 O 0 0| 0 0 O 0 0| 0 0 O 0 0| 0 0
3. d u g L L 0 d u g L L 0 d u g L L 0 d u g L L 0 - Nature of Love

oo mm_od oo mm_od oo mm_od oo mm_od - -- - Beauty' s Dart

J08J . _u+Ga _aua GaCaa u+uq
uao1Ga uaaGuu G+ma.
mm mm1m m1omJ mmm m1umJ @mo mmo om1 mmJm1o Om+om.
Is i t an angel ? A fai r peacock 1081
Or j ewel l ed bel l e? To my mi nd a shock!
J082. C+ai1ua C+aiG11 C+aio oaiu+
oauuiGau tuu outJo.
m mJ1m m11mq mJ)mo mmm m 1mmo, om1m m mmm Jmmm
1mmJ omOmmJ m1m omm 1mmomOom_, sm ommcm mm mmm omm
1mmm_ @mmo.
The counter gl ances of thi s bel l e 1082
Are armi ed dart of the Love-Angel .
J083. tut6Cau tGu touu 6ua6iCou
Gtutuaa Ct;u1i :5.
om_mm mmm1m Ommdumo mmm, mm amOmdumm Oo1m, @1mm Oo1m
Oomm1cm. mo mmm mmmmm OmmmmmJd mm 1mm! Oom1oo m1muo
ccmm mmm cmm.
Not known bef ore - I spy Demi se 1083
In woman' s gui se wi th battl i ng eyes.
J084. uta1 nauu CoatJoa GtutuG
Ctuoi u1Jou u.
Ommmm mm!mcmmo JoaJm @mo 1mom omo m1m c) mm1mmd
1omm_Jmmm1mJ mmmo mm_mm17
Thi s artl ess dame has darti ng eyes 1084
That dri nk the l i fe of men who gaze.
J085. tCua uCua GuuCaa uto;
C+aiu mu nutJo.
c!mm omm1mm7 cmmm1m m11m7 mmJOomm Ommmm1mm7 @m Ommmm
mm!m @mo mm_ 1omom mauJm1o.
Is i t death, eye or doe? Al l three 1085
In wi nsome woman' s l ook I see.
J08. Ga5:o Cata uuGGu +5+m1
Goaaa uuuo u.
ummmo mm 1ommmmd 1m)mo @mm mmmmmmd, @m omo, mmm
m1mmmmm mmo Oommcm.
If cruel brows unbent, woul d screen 1086
Her eyes won' t cause me trembl i ng pai n.
J087. ta_i at6uCut :tta uao1
tta_ muaCu o1.
momOommc mmm mooJm 1muc aomcmm om1cm, mmoOmmJm
ommo Oommo 1md omom1m c1mmd @mmo.
Vest on the buxom breast of her 1087
Looks l i ke rutti ng tusker' s eye-cover.
J088. uuot Ca nutioCo ma:Gu
+uua n:Guu O5.
oJd mom) oumomm mm mum @1om @mo omoum s OmmmmJ
Omm mm Oom1mc1oJ
Ah these f ai r brows shatter my mi ght 1088
Feared by foemen yet to meet.
J080. GuuCa1 utC+ai +au nutaa:
uGaoCua a1a oio.
Ommmmm 1mmmm @m m mm!mm, mmmom @momo1m
moumomo Oommc @1m)mJ Oomomm moumo momomo7
Whi ch j ewel can add to her beauty 1089
Wi th f awn-l i ke l ooks and modesty?
J000. nuta1 uao _5+ai auCta
uta1 u1qGoao 6u.
mm cmcmdomm mom mmm, mmd, omcm1u mom omm omodomm.
To the drunk al one i s wi ne del i ght 1090
Nothi ng del i ghts l i ke l ove at si ght.

mod mod mod mod - -- - Signs Speak the Heart
J00J . 6C+ai 1omuu na GoaC+ai
C+aaC+aiGau iC+aa uio.
omoum m omod @)m1 momm mm!mo @mJmmm, sm mm!m omod
1mm omm mm!m, mmOmmm mm!m mo 1mm mmmom mm!m.
Her pai nted eyes, two gl ances dart 1091
One hurts; the other heal s my heart.
J002. uao Gam 1C+ai auJ1
Gota _u Gt1o.
oommmm mo ocom mm!m, omm @mmJm mmJm omqm Om1J
Her furti ve l i ghtni ng gl ance i s more 1092
Than enj oyment of sexual l ore.
J003. C+ai1ua C+ai1 6um1ua _.oo
aaGGu _:qa L1.
ocommmd m mmm mm!o mm!md mmmm mmJmmo, mo Ood m
mm1 Oommc mu mm m)mo @mmo.
She l ooked; l ooki ng bowed her head 1093
And l ove-pl ant was wi th water f ed.
J004. aaCuai aua LaCuai C+aiaia
oaCuai1 Gua +.
mmm mm!m1mm mm muo mm!mm, mmm mm!omo 1mm mmm mm!
om mJmm ummo u1mm mm 1 Oomm1 omou mm mdumm7
I l ook; she droops to earth awhi l e 1094
I turn; she l ooks wi th gentl e smi l e.
J005. 6iGau5 C+aiauu _aa u
1iuJoa Ctaa +.
m mmm 1m)mo cm_ mm!omdu1 om), sm omm omJ m
Oommco 1mmu mmm 1mmJmm_ om mJmJmm.
No di rect gaze; a si de-l ong gl ance 1095
She darts at me and smi l es askance.
J00. na_ oo1Ctat Goadu Goa_1Goa
ua nu;G t5.
omou mm Oomm1, umJd um! 1mmu o1Omm1 ommqm, m oJd
1ommmm mu Oommmm m)md Omm1m1m.
Thei r words at fi rst seem an of f ence 1096
But qui ck we f eel them f ri endl y ones.
J007. Goa_J 1Goaa Gota1Cta C+ai
na_1Ctau ta1 6G:.
mom!m @dumo o1Omm1m, mom) 1mmm 1mmmm o1m1m, Omd um!
1mmu mOomm1 comd mu Oommmmm) cmm om1m uomm.
Harsh l i ttl e words; off ended l ooks, 1097
Are f ei gned consenti ng l ove-l orn tri cks.
J008. _uoaat utauCta1 aa1aau C+aiG
tuoau uta +.
mmm mm!m 1mm mm 1 m1m Oommcmmo Omdu J1mm, 1mm, mJmm mo
cm sm uJ Ommumcm 1omm_Jmm.
What a grace the sl i m mai d has! 1098
As I l ook she sl i ghtl y smi l es.
J000. a1aa1 CtaaG GtaoC+ai C+aio
aoaa1 uCu na.
omou!o s! @du cm1, omm, m!o Omm @cJd smm)Ommm! mm)
mm!m1mmu mm!Oomm!.
Between l overs we do di scern 1099
A stranger' s l ook of unconcern.
JJ00. uGua5 u6uu C+aiGai1u oaaJGoat
auu tau 6a.
so mucm omo1m1 omo oum sm_m1 m1mmmmd, mmOommo 1omm_
The words of mouth are of no use 1100
When eye to eye agrees the gaze.

um!J mJmod um!J mJmod um!J mJmod um!J mJmod - -- - Embrace-Bl i ss
JJ0J . u5C: 5u5a1J ot6a p:au
uGoaq uCu na.
md mmo @mo mmmJcm, om1 mJmmm, 1o1 mJmmm, Oom1 mJmmm,
ao!mm1 mJmmmmm qmuu @mmmom mmmm.
In thi s bangl ed beauty dwel l 1101
The j oys of si ght sound touch taste smel l .
JJ02. Gui uio Guu _uauq
ouCuaaiJ oaCu uio.
1mmo !m mmmo mu cm, mmd omod 1mm !m mmm mo
omou1 mm.
The cure f or ai l ment i s somewhere 1102
For f ai r mai d' s i l l she i s the cure.
JJ03. oaoqoa1 GuuCa oadu 6uoGa
oauu;i uuau na.
omm) ommmm cuom mmOmdumm OomdJmm!o1, mmmJ mu mmmo omoum
1omd omm dm 1mmu mmm @mm mmmoom7
Is l otus-eyed l ord' s heaven so sweet 1103
As sl eep i n l over' s arms so soft?
JJ04. L+1u Gon +a ouGuuu
!aau5G Gtta 6o.
mmJmmd ocom OmmmJmmd ) ommm ummm Ommm @mo mmo
mmJmm Ommmm.
Away i t burns and cool s anear 1104
Wheref rom di d she get thi s fi re?
JJ05. Co:t Gtam1u _uoauo CtaaCu
Coa:ta1 oGGua Coa.
mmmmmm Ommm sm_, mmmm OmmaOodumm mm @mmm mmmJmmd mmm1mm
o 1mmu1m _ ao _mm 1omo @mmm mmmJmmm.
The arms of my fl ower-tressed mai d 1105
Whatever I wi sh that that accord.
JJ0. nCoa a1oa1GtJ !utaat Ctuoi
uq1u 6auu Coa.
@mo @mmo oamm 1mmOodumm mmm u! Om_mom @mm mJ 1omo
mmoJmmd mm mmmomm om)mm 1mmqm.
My si mpl e mai d has nectar arms 1106
Each embrace bri ngs l i fe-thri l l i ng charms.
JJ07. ou 6io ouotaJ outta
_ua _1uo mai.
om1m cm 1o!oo mumm m mmmJ cm1 omJd mmm1m @mmm, om
aJ omod mmm oamJmm @mm smmm.
Ah the embrace of thi s f ai r dame 1107
Is l i ke shari ng one' s f ood at home.
JJ08. om 6o1i 1uCo oaaut
CtaqG tta_ mai.
omou! mo @mm omm, omm_oc @cd mm amo m @mmmm @_o
oam mJmmomm.
Joy i s the fast embrace that doth 1108
Not admi t e' en ai r between both.
JJ00. nt nu1o :u1o 6uoau
qaa1 Gtt tau.
mcd Oommm, ommd mm @mmm 1mmOmm cm!m omm 1mumm @mmm
omm um!m mmmm omod mmmmm! Omm1m mmomm.
Sul ki ng, f eel i ng and cl aspi ng fast 1109
These three are sweets of l over' s tryst.
JJJ0. _6Coa 6aauu utta au
Go6Coa Coauq ua:5.
mmmmm 1mmd mJ moumo _mc mmocm @mmm momm 1mmOodumm mmm1m
omoumm, @m) mommm uJuJomo m1mmd @mJm.
As knowl edge reveal s past i gnorance 1110
So i s the bel l e as l ove gets cl ose.

mum umm c)od mum umm c)od mum umm c)od mum umm c)od - -- - Beauty Extoll ed
JJJJ. +uu; oaq _uJoCu Luuu
Guu; aaoq to.
mo mu1m Ommm uomm mm)m1J1mm, mmd mo mu)mc Ommmmmm
mm omou.
Soft bl essed ani cha fl ower, hai l 1111
On whom I dote i s softer sti l l .
JJJ2. ua1auu uuaaJ1 G+mCo 6ou
ta1au tGoai au.
mu)om1 mmJmm Om+o1mJ @mc omm mm!, mumm om1 mm
mu)mo1m JomJm.
You can' t l i ken fl owers by many eyed, 1112
To her bri ght eyes, O mi nd di smayed.
JJJ3. m6Cuu mJo mo Go6+at
Coauu CoaJCoa ao:.
amd m1o, mmJum 1om, mmmo! 1mm, mom1m m_mmm, mOaJ
1mdm1, m1 mm omouJ
The bamboo-shoul dered has pearl -l i ke smi l es 1113
Fragrant breath and l ance-l i ke eyes.
JJJ4. auu oua oqio LaCuai
uauuq uGuadCo au.
mm omou m mu!o omm amomd, ' ' @m omo mmm smmo
amdu1J ' ' mm oumm mum 1mmm.
Li l y droops down to ground and says 1114
I can' t equal the j ewel l ed-one' s eyes.
JJJ5. _uJoGti auaaa Gtaoa +aGGt
+a tta_ tu.
momo mdumm suomdu, mOmmd m @c sm mmmmcm, om)mm,
m mo mu!o ommu mommd oud mOommcomm.
Ani cha fl ower wi th stem she wears 1115
To her breaki ng wai st sad-drum-bl ares!
JJJ. u1a utiuo mu _6aa
t1au a+1a uu.
mmom aom, mumm 1m_mm1 Oo1mmd mm1mo mmJ omJmmm.
Stars are confused to know whi ch i s 1116
The moon and whi ch i s woman' s f ace.
JJJ7. _oaa Luio _o1u1iG Ctaa
uouCta uao1 mJo.
1omm, m!mm sOmm1m mumd c J_omomoc, @mo mmo mdum aoJd
Are there spots on the l ady' s face 1117
Just as i n moon that changes phase?
JJJ8. uao1 mCta aot ouaCa
aoua oaq u1.
aamJ1J mm omoq1mmo mm o 1mm1Ommd, mm omoum aom 1mmu somm
m1 mmmmmmo.
Li ke my l ady' s f ace i f you shi ne 1118
Al l my l ove to you; hai l O moon!
JJJ0. ua;uu uua mGuaJ1 aaau
ta1auJ Coau u1.
mu1mJ au)m omoc mm omod mmom aoJm smmo mmmom
Ommmm1 Oom 1mm11mmmmd | mo 1mmd m 1omdmmmmd @mmJc| mumm
ommmmmo m 1ommmm @mm1o 1md.
Li ke the face of my fl ower-eyed one 1119
If you l ook, then shi ne al one O moon!
JJ20. _uJom _uuJ1u ooa uao1
_qi G+m1G tq.
mo mu)mm, mmmmm @momm @)m11m Omm+J a oo 1mmd
mu_o o m, mm omoum omuommm Ommmmmm.
The soft fl ower and the swan' s down are 1120
Li ke nettl es to the f eet of the f ai r.

omom Jmu)od omom Jmu)od omom Jmu)od omom Jmu)od - -- - Love' s Excell ence
I - _ __ _mm mm mm mm He
JJ2J . taGaa5 Couai otC tuGuaq
oaCaa 6a L1.
@mOmm1 1moJmm @mc Omma mmoc1 o)m mmm cmmm!, mmqm 1om
oumomm1mmd om ommomm.
Li ke mi l k and honey the dew i s sweet 1121
From her whi te teeth whose word i s sof t.
JJ22. ntGta 5a1ut auuut uu
utiuoGaa Gtuut +::.
cmm ccqm smmOmm_ m1m omommo @mmJdu, ooomm mm cmm.
Love between me and thi s l ady 1122
Is l i ke bond between soul and body.
JJ23. uuat taoaaL Ctaoaaa om
1+ot 1ua at.
mmm mmmuJmm mJ mm omm1u1 @cm Oom1momomo mm ommm ommmd
c mmm1J m @cm m1 m 1mmm1J
Depart i mage i n my pupi l 1123
Gi vi ng room to my f ai r-browed bel l e!
JJ24. oaqo na1iuu _auq oao
_otuu L+ 6tJo.
m 1o!mo 1 mmuo1 moumm _mc m mm1mm1 o1m1mm, c!
cc1um1 o1m 1mmumm, m mmmm1 mmm1mm mm! mmm 1mmumm
Li f e wi th my j ewel i s exi stence 1124
Death i t i s her severance.
JJ25. nmou uuaau uGGu uGt6Cau
au1i uua u.
s Oommmm m1oc omoum mmuo mmm1odu, om)mm mmm
mmmomd dumm mmmom.
Can I f orget? I recal l al ways 1125
The charms of her bri ght battl i ng eyes.
II - _ __ _m mm m She
JJ2. uuat Ctaa1 6uuGGt to;a1
+uua1a ao ao1.
omou!, ommmm mmm 1mmo mmcm!, omm m @momqm mmmo mmcm!,
om)mm, m! mmm mmmmmm!.
So subtl e i s my l over' s f orm 1126
Ever i n my eyes wi nki ng, no harm.
JJ27. uuaa1 ao ao;ai uu
amCo ;Gtai 6io.
omou! omm11 @mJm om)mJmmd, mmmd mm1o mmmmc
1mmJmm1)m mm mm m cmmd @mJ1mm.
My l over i n my eyes abi des 1127
I pai nt them not l est he hi des.
JJ28. G+moJoa1 ao ao;a Goaout
_mao Cotai 6io.
mcmm mmco ommcmd Om+o @mJmm omoum o1m1m mm_ +oJmm
m Om+1om1 Om+omo oumJmmm!o1 omou!ommm!o.
My l over abi des i n my heart 1128
I f ear hot f ood l est he f eel s hot.
JJ20. 6uuGGt ;Gtai 6o _uuJ1tC
a1a1 auuud 1.
omm @mm omou! mmmm! mm m omm @mommd @mJm1mm,
om1o @mo m! omdumo mmo mm omo mmduomm! mm_ m) o_m.
My eyes wi nk not l est he shoul d hi de 1129
And hi m as cruel the townsmen chi de.
JJ30. noiouo1 naJo au 6iouo1
a1a1 auuud 1.
omou!, m1mmm c1om1 cmm mmmm Oommmm1mm, o cm)mo m!mo
m!o smm)Ommm! m1m mmmmomo m1)m om_.
He abi des happy i n my heart 1130
But peopl e mi stake he i s apart.

mmm mm)od mmm mm)od mmm mm)od mmm mm)od - -- - Decorum Defi ed
I - _ __ _mm mm mm mm He
JJ3J . au nqio oi1ua1i Cu
utaa 1ua od.
omoumd mu_m omOmmm mmomu ammo mcq!ou om), mummm
m1m_ mmmdu.
Pangs of passi on fi nd no recourse 1131
Except ri di ng *`pal myra horse' .

* Pal myra horse or ' Madal ' i s a torture expressi ve of
the burni ng passi on of the l over to the bel oved.
The l over' s body i s l ai d on a rough pri cki ng pal myra
bed and he i s carri ed al ong the street wi th songs of
l ove pangs. The parents of the l overs fi rst reproach
them and then consent to thei r marri age.
JJ32. C+aua nt: na utCa
+auuu Li1 LJo.
mm cmm, ccqm omoum m1m ommo ammd ommomd, mmmo
ummom1 mcq!mom mm m1cm.
Pi ni ng body and mi nd l ose shame 1132
And take to ri di ng of the pal m.
JJ33. +aGua5 +aauuu tu5utCau 6uutCau
amta1 a ut.
mdu mmm, mmm cm!mm amu Oommmmo mmm, @m_ mmm mmm,
omoqomo mcq!mo 1mmOomm11m.
Once I was modest and manl y 1133
My l ove has now Madal onl y.
JJ34. aui 5:u naiCu +aGua5
+aauuu auu :uu.
omod OmmOmmmm mmmm, mdu mm mmm1m 1ommo Oomm1
1mmm1m mum mmmo.
Rushi ng fl ood of l ove sweeps away 1134
The raft of shame and fi rmness, aye!
JJ35. Goatuai iGoaq oioa utGaa5
uaua nqi oa1.
1moum Omdu mum mmo mmo mmu mumm 1mmmm omoum,
mcq!od mm 1mum mm om mcm.
Pal m-ri de and pangs of eventi de 1135
Are gi fts of wreath-l i ke bracel et mai d.

JJ3. ut1o aauJo nmCou uu
ttGaaaa CtuoiGu u.
omouomo mm omo cmmommd omJmmm, mm1m mcq!ou mm m)mqm mmm
c_Jmo mmm OommmJ1mm.
Madal I ri de at mi dni ght f or 1136
My eyes sl eep not seei ng thi s fai r.
JJ37. tauu au nqio utCaaG
Gtuut Gtioi 1.
Oommom ocumo omod 1mm mu_Jmmqmoc Omm_Oomm1, mc1ummmd
@mm Ommmm Ommm mo1du.
Her sea-l i ke l ust seeks not Madal ! 1137
Serene i s woman' s sel f control .
II - _ __ _m mm m She
JJ38. Lua1a1 uuuaa1 auuao au
uuaio uu t5.
mmmm, @m!, mmJd co so Oo1mom!, m1ommJm1m!, mmOmdumm
mm!ommd, m! Omm1 mco omod.
Lust betrays i tsel f i n haste 1138
Though women are hi ghl y sof t and chaste.
JJ30. _61aa1 aaa auCGau au
u1u u uu5.
mmm om) mmm mdu mmmomomo mm omod Oommd m)m mmJ J1Jmm
My perpl exed l ove roves publ i c street 1139
Bel i evi ng that none knows i ts secret.
JJ40. aauut au +t _6oaa1
aat:t oatta _.
omod 1mmmmd mm11mm1m mmo mmomom!oomm, mo 1mmmmd
mmm1mm) mm! momm!o.
Fool s l augh at me bef ore my eyes 1140
For they f eel not my pangs and si ghs.

u! m_od u! m_od u! m_od u! m_od - -- - Publ i c Cl amour
I - _ __ _mm mm mm mm He
JJ4J . _aG;q _a1 Lt _ouuG
ta;6aa1 tai1aJ oa.
mm omou mm m1m 1momomd 1m mm omod ooc mmmmo mm mmm
mmmod mm c! 1mmommd @mJm mmmo m)m! mmcm!o.
Rumour sustai ns my exi stence 1141
Good l uck! many know not i ts sense.
JJ42. ua;uu uua _uu _6aa
oaG;ui iio1d 1.
mo mu!m1mm mmmmm cm)mmd mmmc1 omod mm_ @mm)m! m1)o
mmao commo1m mm mmo.
Rumour gi ves me the fl ower-l i ke bel l e 1142
Peopl e know not what rare angel .
JJ43. na_Coa n;6io Gauo _ouuG
Gta_o Gttuu L1Jo.
mm omoumm m) 1mo mmmom7 mo 1mo, @mm mm Jcmo omod J
1mmm_ @mmo o)oomm1mJ
I profi t by thi s publ i c rumour 1143
Havi ng not, I f eel , I have her.
JJ44. duoaat doo au _oouC
odGouu ouuu 6qio.
m)m! u! m_momd mm omod m!Jm, @du1d @omodOom mmmm mm1mm
Rumour i nfl ames the l ove I seek 1144
Or el se i t becomes bl eak and weak.
JJ45. aJGoa mut Co:tta au
GoaGt5i Coa 6uo.
omod Ommc Ommc @mmmo @mm om1 mmo mmo o1
mmmum 1mmmmomm.
Dri nk del i ghts as l i quor fl ows 1145
Love del i ghts as rumour grows.
II - _ __ _m mm m She
JJ4. uto uuu +a _a1uuu
1+uaG ta:Gau tt.
omou! omJ Oommc smmmomm mmmmqm, omJ)m mmmu mammomo
ommmmo omm1m ' ' J)omm' ' mm momJ 1mmu mo omJu m! aamm
u)mo m)m.
One l asti ng day we met al one 1146
Lasti ng rumours ecl i pse our moon.
JJ47. n;o1 Gauo aoa _uuuGoa
L;a Lmui C+aa.
smm)Ommm! mmmm mu!mo omoumm m!mo 1mom m1Oommo mmmmomm
mmm o1+Oommo m)momm Oomm1 mm1m om) omJ 1mmmcm.
Scandal manures; mother' s ref rai n 1147
Waters the growth of thi s l ove-pai n.
JJ48. G+aaa a1+oGCt auta Gauoaa
au +oGCt au.
m)m! m1Oomdq mm omod cm!m cmm mmm, m1Jmm Om mm
mmom amJ Oomo 1mmmmomm.
To quench the l ust by rumour f ree 1148
Is to quench fi re by pouri ng ghee.
JJ40. _a1+au oCoa _moCaa Gtua1
ta1+au LJoi ut.
cmm m1 m11m +o 1mmcmm mm_ c_Jom! mumm mmmmmmo mmm
m1 m1m Oommm 1mm mmm m1m m)m! m_m umomo mmm amm7
Who sai d "f ear not" fl ared up rumour 1149
Why then shoul d I bl ush thi s cl amour?
JJ50. oaCouqu +o1 aoa1 aaCou5
Gauo a5iud 1.
mm mmmuJmmmm_ m)m! u! m_Jmmm!, omoumm mmmmmmd o su Oommm!.
Town rai si ng thi s cry, I desi re 1150
Consent i s easy f rom my si re.

m1m mmmm m1m mmmm m1m mmmm m1m mmmm - -- - Pangs of Separation
JJ5J . Goaauu nuCt auiu; utLu
oo;o oaqoa1i u;.
m1m OodmJduOmmmd mo mJmJmm OoJ mmmcm Oomd. m 1mmomm )
1mm1Ommmmd m Jmmm mmm1mm m! c1)m1 @mmm!o1m m!ocm @1mm
mcOmm_ Oom.
Tel l me i f you but do not l eave, 1151
Your qui ck return to those who l i ve.
JJ52. 6uu nutJoo1 ta1o G1oma
:uu nutJoa :u1o.
amOmdumm m) omomd oam Oommc1o @mmmmo @mmo, mmd, @1mm ccd
oam om 1mmoc m1m mmmm oomd mmmdumm mmJmJ
Hi s si ght i tsel f was pl easi ng, near 1152
Embrace pai ns now by parti ngs f ear.
JJ53. _1oC;a Cot _6outaa1 uu
G1Coa 1tJouuu aau.
m1m mmo m omoumm mmm m1mo Oodu 1m11momd, ' ' m1mJ1cm' ' mm
m! ommo c_J OoJc @um.
On whom shal l I l ay my trust hence 1153
Whi l e parti ng l urks i n knowi ng ones?
JJ54. _aJomo auo1 LGGu GoaJoGoa
Co6aa1i uCta oo.
m1mJ1cm, +om1o mm Oomdum! mmm1m Oodmm)mmmd, m! Oommmo
mmmJd mmm mmmmo am7
He parts whose l ove tol d me - f ear not 1154
Is my trust i n hi m at defaul t?
JJ55. Gu _uuioa1 G1Coat uto1
L+1u _1oa :u1o.
omou! m1m Oommmd 1m1m o1od modu mmmomd, m! m1m Oodummd aou11
om Oom 1mm1m.
Stop hi s parti ng - my l i fe to save 1155
Meeti ng i s rare i f he woul d l eave.
JJ5. G1ou;i ouuu1 _au _1oo1
+o1 auu +uo.
1mm mmJ1mm mm_ o m1Jm m od mmm Oommcm! Jmmm mm mu
om1mm! mm md Oomm mm.
Hi s hardness says, "I l eave you now" 1156
Is there hope of hi s renewed l ove?
JJ57. ouou oiouu otaGa muu
6u6oa Lu oua.
mmm m1 oumm m1m Oom_ OoJ mm amo mumm omm_ mam
md m) m Oo1m m11mJ
Wi l l not my gl i di ng bangl es' cry 1157
The parti ng of my l ord betray?
JJ58. 6uua 1uu61 oaqo _ouu
6uua 1uaa1G G1o.
mmm cm!m mu om1mm! @dumo m1d mmmm mmmmm, o omqm
mmmmm @m omou) m1m mmmm.
Bi tter i s l i fe i n f ri endl ess pl ace; 1158
Worse i s parti ng l ove' s embrace!
JJ50. Goaqtaqu _ao auC+aa Ctaa
oqtat _tCua !.
smm)Ommm! ommmmqm Oomcmmqm m1mJmm 1mm omod 1mm ccum
com o1m 1mmmm mu Ommu @du, Ommu Oomcmd o1m, @, m1md
Can fi re that burns by touch burn l i ke 1159
Parti ng of the hearts l ove-si ck?
JJ0. _1oat6 _aC+aa Li1G G1oat6G
Gu6io oaqoa1 ta1.
omou! m1m Oodmom suod , ommd mmm1m mmo 1mmJ Oomm1,
m1mo mmm Omm_Jmm c1)m1 mmmmm! mu! @moumm, mmd mmm7
Many survi ve pangs of parti ng 1160
Not I thi s sore so di stressi ng.

mc!Omum J)mod mc!Omum J)mod mc!Omum J)mod mc!Omum J)mod - -- - Wai li ng of Pini ng Love
JJJ . uuGCtuuu aau.Coa C+aua ouGto1i
tL1 Ctaa u.
@mo @mo Ommm mm_m! 1mmu, mm! mmd mmo mmo omod 1mmm
It swel l s out l i ke bal ed out spri ng 1161
How to bear thi s pai n so wri thi ng?
JJ2. ;Joa _tCu6i C+auaC+aa Goaoa1i
u;Joa +auJ o.
omod 1mm mmmmd mmomm amdu, @om om)mmmm omou1cm mmmomd
c)omm amdu.
I can' t conceal thi s nor compl ai n 1162
For shame to hi m who caused thi s pai n.
JJ3. aum +au na1aoaJ o+Guu
C+aua ntGu _Jo.
m1m ommoam c! m mm ccumm, smumm omod 1mmm m_umm om
Omc amo mmmam Oomm1 omm 1mmu mmJm.
In l i fe - pol es of thi s weari ed f rame 1163
Are poi sed the wei ghts of l ust and shame.
JJ4. aui tuuu nuCt _oLio
auG :uuuuu 6.
omod ocd1mmu mmmOomm1 mmJm. mmd o mmJ ocm Oodu mmommmm
1ommomm @du.
My l ust i s a sea; I do not see 1164
A raft to go across saf el y.
JJ5. oGGu aouao1 uuGa oa1o;o
+:Gu _t to1.
mmmo @mm1mm1o m1m) mm o)om!, mom 1ommmmd
mmmcm)m @mmm1)m7
What wi l t they prove when they are f oes 1165
Who i n f ri endshi p bri ng me woes!
JJ. 6ut tuti au _.o5+a
out _out Gt1o.
omod @mmm ocd 1mmmm. omou! m1m mmm1m mm1mm, ocumc Om1.
The pl easure i n l ove i s oceanful 1166
But i ts pangs are more pai nful .
JJ7. aui 5:u Li1i u;aCuu
aauJo aaCu nCau.
m)mqm mm mm mmm m11m @mJ1mm, ommd, omoumm o1m OmJd
mmJ, om o) omm @ummd oumJ1mm.
Wi l d waves of l ove I swi m shorel ess 1167
Pi ni ng al one i n mi dni ght hush.
JJ8. uuua1 aaa oat6 _aJ1;a
auua 1ua ouu.
' @)1mJ cuJd c mdum c!om m cmmo Oom1 mmmm @1mm mmmom)
1m_ mdummd @mJmm. '
Ni ght' s mercy l ul l s al l soul s to sl eep 1168
Keepi ng but me f or compani onshi p.
JJ0. Gaqaa1 Ga5uuau oaGaqa 6i+a
G+qa qa 6;a.
@mo @)mo mm1Oomm1c 1mmm1mmd 1omm_m Oom1m @mJm1o omou1m
m1mmd mmm1m Oom1mmc Om1omo c.
Cruel l er than that cruel he 1169
Are mi dni ght hours gl i di ng sl owl y.
JJ70. naCtau oqJ Go1tGu GoaL1
Lioa uuCuaGou u.
omou! @mmc mm Om+oo 1mmu Oodu ammmmd, mm omm1o, m)
ommmom omm! OmJd mmo 1mm mu mmmmom.
Li ke heart, i f my si ght reaches hi m 1170
It won' t i n fl oods of tears swi m!

om mm1od om mm1od om mm1od om mm1od - -- - Wasteful Look for Wi stful Love
JJ7J . uta aqo GoouGaCaa outaC+aa
oa+a:t aa+u to.
omo Ooo mmomdom1m omod 1mm mmmc7 1o omo mo omou)
om1mm_ 1o1 am mm7
The eye poi nted hi m to me; why then 1171
They weep wi th mal ady and pi ne?
JJ72. Go1iou;a C+ai1a nuu t1iou;aG
uto nqGt Goou.
mmo cm)mmd mmJ 1mmJ mm1o, @m_, omou) m1moomd mma_m
ommmd omm mm mmd omm mm7
Why shoul d these dyed eyes gri eve now sans 1172
Regrets f or thei r thoughtl ess gl ance?
JJ73. oGuuJ oaC+ai1J oaCu am
6o+J oi outJo.
ommmo1m mmm Oom_ m) mm! mJmmo omo, @m_ ommmo1m aJmmm. @
moooo smmmm.
Eyes darted eager gl ance that day 1173
It' s funny that they weep today.
JJ74. Gtaaata Laio nuu naaata
naoC+aa auu LJo.
om mmo amo, )mo omod 1mm mm ommom om)mmmm mm omo,
omam m ammd mm 1mmmcm.
These eyes l eft me to endl ess gri ef 1174
Cryi ng adry wi thout rel i ef.
JJ75. ttaata uto nqi taati
auC+aa GoaoGou u.
ocd Oommo m omod 1mm cmmmo om)mmmo @mmo mm omo, @1mm
mo ammd mmomd mm1Jmmm.
My eyes causi ng l ust more than sea 1175
Suf f er that torture sl eepl essl y.
JJ7. 6uCo aui1i C+aa Goaou
oa_ 6ott: to.
sJ mm omod 1mm om)mmmm omo, mmm 1mmu1m mm mmmJmmm. @ mm
Lo! eyes that wrought thi s l ove-si ckness 1176
Are vi cti ms of the same themsel ves.
JJ77. nqioqi oL1 _ ouqi1uqio
Couq _o1iut u.
m_, @mm mm ocm m) omc omo1J @m_ m1m Oom_ m)
mm mommqm, ommmm m_1mmm muqm mmm1mo.
Let tears dry up pi ni ng pi ni ng 1177
In eyes that eyed hi m l ongi ng l ongi ng.
JJ78. Ctuao Gt:ta1 na1uuCua uto1i
aua ouuoa u.
mmm )mmm mmmmm omouo smm! @mJmmm!, m) ommmmd mm
omo mJdu1J
Ther' s he whose l i ps l oved, not hi s heart 1178
Yet my eyes pi ne seei ng hi m not.
JJ70. oa;aia omoa o1uomoa _aut
_;m1 ntu u.
@mm m)mdu1 mmmomqm mmJdu, mmmcmqm mm mmJdu.
@mOmm mmo mmmm omou!om omomo om1m @mo am.
He comes; no sl eep; he goes; no sl eep 1179
Thi s i s the f ate of eyes that weep.
JJ80. uuGt n;aai 1oua aCta
_utu uua1 _Jo.
omod 1mom mmomm om Oom1o mm omo1mm1mm, mm mmmo
m Oomm m)m! ommdu.
Li ke drum beats eyes decl are my heart; 1180
From peopl e who coul d hi de hi s secret?
mou_ mmm)d mou_ mmm)d mou_ mmm)d mou_ mmm)d - -- - Wail i ng over Pal l or
JJ8J . +aioo1i +auu C+1iCou toioGou
tuGaa1i u;iCa G.
mmm m1m Oodmom mm omou! suod m1cm, mmd, @1mm m1m
mmomd mmcud mou mc!mo, m1cm 1mm Oomd1mm7
My l over' s parti ng, I al l owed 1181
Whom to compl ai n my hue pal l i d?
JJ82. _o1oioa1 auu ouaa 6o1oiGou
CuuCu n toG:.
m1m om)mmmo omou! cmcmJmm! mm Ommmom OmmmJc mou mmm mm ccud m
m!m m)mJmmJ
Cl ai mi ng i t i s begot through hi m 1182
Pal l or creeps and ri des over my f rame.
JJ83. oaaa +au _o1Gauta1 uuaa
C+aa touaa oio.
omod 1mmm, mou mmom ommmmmo Oom1 m1 m! mm mom,
mmmom m1 Oomm1 m1m Oom_ mcm!.
He sei zed my beauty and modesty 1183
Leavi ng pangs and Pal l or to me.
JJ84. nmou uuaau nu;Gt oo11ua
a GCoa toG:.
mm mmmm, c)mm m) 1m!m Jmm mmomo1m @mm1mm,
mmmmm1um 1m_ m11um @mou mmm mmo mm7
He i s my thought, hi s prai se my theme 1184
Yet thi s pal l or steal s over my f rame.
JJ85. noiaGu aoa1 Gooa1 6oiaGuu
Cuu toGt1 oo.
mmm m1m omou! J Oomumoc Oodumdu, ommo mm 1mmd mc!m
mc1o mou mmm.

My l over departed me there 1185
And pal l or usurped my body here.
JJ8. oait ta1i 6CaCta Gauu
mait ta1i toG:.
mJm smm omm mm! m)m1m @m1mmu, @_o oam omoumm, om_
omm1mm omoum ccud moummm mc!m m1Jm.
Just as darkness wai ts f or l i ght-of f 1186
Pal l or l ooks for l over' s arms-of f.
JJ87. :di 1tiCou :utGta1iCou _doao
_aiGa otC toG:.
oam Jcm1om, om_ o m11om, mmmomm, mmm Oomm1 mc1o
mou mmmJ
From hi s embrace I turned a nonce 1187
Thi s pal l or swal l owed me at once.
JJ88. toioa 6oGaut oaa 6ouaJ
oioa1 _oG;uta1 6.
@m ccud mou mmm mc!mo mm m1 o_Jmm!o1 dummd, @om om)mm,
omoum m1m Oommm omm mm_ Oomdmm! @du1.
On my pal l or they cast a sl ur 1188
But none says "l o he parted her".
JJ80. toiut t:ta+Gu Cuu +aGGJoa1
+uuuaa1 _o1 auu.
m1m Oomc mmm su Oommm_ Ooo omou! mummo @mmm! mmmmd mmcd
mou mc!m1o mmJ1mmoJ
Let al l my body become pal e 1189
If he who took my l eave f ares wel l .
JJ00. toGGtuG Ct1Gto +uC +aGGJoa1
+auu ota1 auu.
mmm m1m ccmm1mm_ Ooo omou) mmdumom! mm_ mmm mmmmcm!o
mmd, mou mc!mom mm mmm OmO)1m mdu ommJ
Let peopl e cal l me al l pal l i d 1190
But my l over l et them not deri de.

ommc! mJ ommc! mJ ommc! mJ ommc! mJ - -- - Pini ng Al one
JJ0J . oaoqoa1 ooqG Gtto1 GttaC;
auJoi aq u.
ommmd mmmmm1m omou!, omm mmmuJm 1m_ Ommmm! modumo mmo 1mmmm
omod mmmom mm Ommmm)mmm!.
Stonel ess f rui t of l ove they have 1191
Who are bel oved by those they l ove.
JJ02. oaqoa1i oau taiota oqoa1i
oqoa1 _ai _a.
omou!o smm)Ommm! c1 1m)Jd omJ mu Omm1m, mmmmom 1ommm
mmmmm Omm1m 1mmmmomm.
The l over-and-bel oved' s sel f-gi vi ngs 1192
Are l i ke rai ns to l i vi ng bei ngs.
JJ03. om+1 oqG t5oa1i uuaCu
oam+ auu Goi.
omoummd o1m1 m1mmd @mmJmmm!oomm @mum_ mmmJ1mmm mm
Ommmom mmm1m.
The pri de of l i vi ng i s f or those 1193
Whose l ove i s returned by l ove so cl ose.
JJ04. oqG t5oa1 G6aa1 oaoqoa1
oqG tta_1 auu.
mmmmmcmo mu mmmm, mo omou! mum!m @dumom)mo1m omom1mm!.
Whose l ove i s voi d of l ove i n turn 1194
Are l uckl ess wi th al l esteems they earn.
JJ05. +aao Gauta1 +uiGou GoatCoa
oaao Gaaai ut.
mmm mmmm omod Oomm 1mmm_ m! mmm mmmm omod Oommo mud
m)md mm mmm @mmm Jco 1mmJm7
What can our l over do us now 1195
If he does not requi te our l ove?
JJ0. ouaaau 6uuao au+aG Ctaa
6oua aau 6uo.
omm omm @)m1 momom s1) m ommmo @mm1mmd, omoqm m, Omm
mm @mm1cJqm mu) 1mm1m, sm mom m11m mmm1m omoumd mmdu, )am
One si ded pai ns; l ove i n both soul s 1196
Poi ses wel l l i ke shoul der pol es.
JJ07. to;a utoa auauGa auu
o1u LuGam oau.
ommm, sm mommo m1m @mmomd, mmm omod 1mm mmmom, mm 1mmd
mou mc!mom om1 Oommmcmm 1mmqmJ
Thi s cupi d ai ms at me al one; 1197
Knows he not my pal l or and pai n?
JJ08. oqoa1u 6uGoa Gta_ oaJo
oaqoa1u ouua1 6.
m1m Oomm omou1cmmm s! @m Oomdoc m)mo mud, cuJd mmmJmmm) 1mmd,
od Om+om ccm! mmm @mo am.
None i s so fi rm as she who l oves 1198
Wi thout ki nd words f rom whom she dotes.
JJ00. +uo6aa1 +a1 auu _o1ua:
quoa 6ua Gooi.
mm mu1m! mmmcm mu omcmom)mo m1m @mmm, m) mm uom c)
mm Oom Oom1ommm.
The l over accords not my desi res 1199
And yet hi s words sweeten my ears.
J200. na_1i C+aa nu;Gtaa tuaJ
Goa__a oaqa G+ma.
Om+o1mJ m mmmoJ cmmcm mu @dumom1cm cm mmo Oomdu _od
Om_mo omqm ocu !m momm 1mumm.
You tel l your gri ef to l i stl ess he 1200
Bl ess my heart! rather fi l l up sea!

mmmom! uummd mmmom! uummd mmmom! uummd mmmom! uummd - -- - Sad Memori es
J20J . nau !;aG Gtu1q Goaoaa
au au 6uo.
cmc1mm m1m mJmJ omm omc mmom1u Om+Jmo Oom omod
Love i s sweeter than wi ne; f or vast 1201
Is i ts del i ght at very thought.
J202. auuJGoau 6uCoau auioa oqoa1
LuuGt ooGoau 6.
mmmm @mmo omou) mmoumd, m1mm 1mm m)o mmm mmmJdu mm1m
mmo moqm omod @m1omm.
Pai ns are of f at the l over' s thought 1202
In al l aspects thi s l ove i s sweet.
J203. LuuGto1 Ctau Luuaa1Ga ou
1uuGto Ctau G5.
mmm 1mmumm m)mmd mm_ m1Jm1o mmd, 1mmu1m mm omoumm mmm
mmm 1mmumm, mmom m1Jmmm1)m7
To sneeze I tri ed hence but coul d not 1203
Me he tri ed to thi nk but di d not.
J204. aam nCa+Ga _o1G+moJ GoiG+moJ
Coa naC; _o1.
mm Om+om1 mmommd mm omou! @mm 1mmu, m! Om+o m1 mmommd mmm
Have I a pl ace wi thi n hi s heart? 1204
Ah f rom mi ne he wi l l never depart.
J205. oG+moJ Gouui qGauta1 +aua1Ga
aG+moJ Coaoa o;.
mmc Om+Jd mm @cm o)mmd @mmm!, mm Om+Jd m1m @cmcmmd mm um
Oommomomo Omomcmmcm! 1mmqm.
Shame! My heart of ten he enters 1205
Banni ng me entry i nto hi s.
J20. ut6aau auuCau uuCua _oG;a5aau
nt+a na nCau.
mmm m1)m1 1o!mJmmo mmo mm omm c1)m1 @mJ1mm, 1m_ mo
mm mmm c!mmm am7
Beyond the thought of l i fe wi th hi m 1206
What el se of l i fe can I presume?
J207. uGGu aouaou utGa uGt6Cau
nau na a5.
mmJ mmm1o @dummd mm Oommmm Omma1o m1mmmm o1 OmmoJm1oJ
mmommd mmmmcmd mmm 1mm7
What wi l l happen i f I f orget 1207
When hi s memory burns my heart?
J208. auuJo LuuGGu aaa1 _uuJouCa
aoa1 Goaa 1G:.
mmmm Jommo mmomqm, omomo omou! mm 1 Jmm Oommmcm!. m!
mm Oom Ommm com mdumm7
I bri ng hi m to ceasel ess memory 1208
He chi des not; and thus honours me.
J200. oaaGuu 6uua1 Coa auta1
_aauuu _t Luuio.
' ' mmm smm1), 1m_ 1m_ du!. ' ' mmo omou! @)omdumom)mo mmm m1m
Oom_o mm mmmmomd mm! Oom+om Oom+ommo 1mm OommmJm.
Dear l i fe ebbs away by thought 1209
Of hi m who sai d we are one heart.
J2J0. ota_o Gouau;i uuua auG
tta_1 oaq u1.
mu1mJ m mmmo, @mm1mmumm, m1m Oom_ omou) mmm mm omomd 1o
om1mJc mmo m mmmmd @mmmmo.
Hai l moon! Set not so that I fi nd 1210
Hi m who l eft me but not my mi nd.

om om om ommmu c)od mmu c)od mmu c)od mmu c)od - -- - Dream Vi sions
J2JJ . aoa1 oGoa5 oio uoui
1aaoGoa CouGa oio.
mmo omm omou! m cm mmo1o, mo omm ommmmmo mmm mmm
mc mm)m1m7
How shal l I f east thi s dream-vi si on 1211
That bri ngs the bel oved' s l ove-mi ssi on?
J2J2. aauu aau;GtJ om1u aioa1i
aauuu oatCou uu.
mmm 1mm1mom @mmJ mm m maJ od m1o cmmJ1mmmmd, 1mm mm ommd
mmm omou! mmm @mmam c1)m1 @mmo Oomdq1mm.
I beg these fi sh-l i ke dark eyes sl eep 1212
To tel l my l over how l i fe I keep.
J2J3. +uouau +a oou;i uoua
autdu nuGtu na1.
mmmd mm mu omcmom) ommumm ommmomdomm @mm mm!
In wakeful hours who sees me not 1213
I meet i n dreams and l i nger yet.
J2J4. uouau nuta au +uouau
+au; +aqJ o;t.
1m1d mmmcm mm mu omcmo omou) 1o Oomm1 mm om1Jm ommmd mm
omod @mmm JcJm.
In dreams I enjoy hi s l ove-bl i ss 1214
Who i n wakef ul hours I mi ss.
J2J5. +uouat uton _+C uoioau
ut GtamCo 6uo.
omou) 1m1d omc @mmm 1mm @mm mmmJ 1mmu1m, @1mm m) ommd
ommm @mmam @mm mmmJmJ
Dream-si ght of hi m del i ghts at once 1215
Awake- What of seei ng hi m -hence.
J2J. +uGou u6ua _au uouat
aoa1 L+a1 uu.
mmm m1m JO)m mm Oo1ommd @mmomd, ommd omJo omou! m1mm1u @mo
If wakeful hours come to nought 1216
My l ov' r i n dreams woul d nev' r depart.
J2J 7. +uouau +ai Gaqaa1 uouau
auGuuuG OqG to.
1m1d mm mu omcmo Oom Om+oacm!, ommd mm m1m ) Om1omm
mmm om)momd7
Awake he throws my overtures 1217
Adream, ah cruel ! he tortures!
J2J8. oma+a CoaCua1 _1 oqi+a
G+moJoa1 _o1 ou;io.
oJd ommd mm mm 1om 1 omm @mmm omom!, m1o1mm mmm 1mm
mcmdu, mm Om+Jd omm m!m Oommcm!.
Asl eep he embraces me f ast; 1218
Awake he enters qui ck my heart.
J2J0. +uouau +au; C+ao1 uouau
aoa1i aua oo1.
ommd omou) ommmom!oomm m! 1m1d mm ommmdu1 mm_ Ommm Oomm!.
In dreams who don' t di scern l overs 1219
Rue thei r mi ssi ng i n wakeful hours.
J220. +uouau +LJoa1 aut1 uouau
aua1Ga 6d ;o1.
mm omou! mmm m1mJmmomo m) mmm om1Jmm!o1, @mo m)m!, m1m Oomm
om omoum ommd ommm Jcm1om7
The townsmen say he l ef t me thus 1220.
In dreams fai l i ng to see hi m cl ose.
Ommaom1 @)mod Ommaom1 @)mod Ommaom1 @)mod Ommaom1 @)mod - -- - Eventide Si gh
J22J . uauaCaa _ua uuioa1 nauu
CouaL oaq Gtamo.
m mmu Ommaomo @dummd omou) m1mJmm mo! c) m 1mumo
@mmomomo cm1om! mmmJ
Bl ess you! you are not eventi de 1221
But ki l l i ng dart to wedded bri de!
J222. :uuuu oaq uuaua a+CCta
ouuu CoaLu ouu.
mmm mmu Omma1oJ mm mmm 1mmd mmm1Jmmm1J mm omou! 1mmd cm
mm @)om mm1om7
Hai l sad eventi de di m and gri m 1222
Has your mate l i ke mi ne, cruel whi m!
J223. tuaGG utoGa uaua ouaGJ
out oa; o.
moJd mm omou! @mmo 1mm mm, mou mmcm mmo mmu Omma, @1mm mm
c) Om_mm mmo mJmo Oomm1 mmJm.
Wet eve came pal e and trembl i ng then 1223
Now i t makes bol d wi th growi ng pai n.
J224. aoa1 6oq uaua GauaiaJ
Co1a1 Ctaa o.
omou! m1mJmm1mm mmJm mmu Omma Oomu oJd mom! smJ moJm
mm1mmd mmJm.
Lover away, comes eventi de 1224
Li ke sl ayer to fi el d of homi ci de.
J225. auaiJ Goao+u GuGa aouGaaau
uauaiJ Goao tu.
mmu OmmaomJmcmd omod mmm Jommo mmJm. ommd m1mJmm omou!
cm ' ' omu 1m) mmm Ooo mmm mmm7 mmu 1m) Ooo momm
mmm7' ' mm_ uumuJm.
What good have I done to morni ng 1225
And what evi l to thi s eveni ng?
J22. uauaC+aa Goao uuioa1 _aao
aua _6io 1Cau.
mmuomum @mOdumm @mmd mmo o mmmo omou! mmm m1
m1mmd @mmo 1mm mmm mJmomdu.
Eveni ng pangs I have not known 1226
When my l ord nev' r l eft me al one.
J227. aua _GG tGaaa Ctaoa1
uaua uaui C+aa.
omod mmm omud mmmmJ, mod aam aJ!Jcm, mmud mumm sm
Buddi ng at dawn burgeoni ng al l day 1227
Thi s di sease bl ooms i n eveni ng gay.
J228. _qCtaa uauaii ooa1 _au
qCtaa Gaa tut.
omou! m1mmd mmm omumo o1Jmm mmuOmmao mm omo mmm 1mmu
mmm mm udummm1umo mmm Oomdqm mcommm so1mmd dumm omJd
A deadl y arm, thi s shepherd' s fl ute 1228
Hai l s fl ami ng eve and sl ays my heart.
J220. t1uu5 uto nqi u1uu5
uaua tt1o Ctaqo.
mm m mm mmu Omma, @mo m)1 mJ mmJd mm 1mmd
mm 1omm_Jm.
Del udi ng eve i f i t prol ongs 1229
The whol e town wi l l suf f er l ove-pangs.
J230. Gtauaua aaau; na uuaua
uaaGuu uaaa na1.
Ommm +1momo Oom_ omou) mmm mmm 1mmomo mm!, mm @mo
mmu OmmaJd mmm 1mmJmm.
Thi nki ng of hi m whose quest i s weal th 1230
My l i fe outl i ves the twi l i ght steal th.
c_umum 1od c_umum 1od c_umum 1od c_umum 1od - -- - Limbs Langui sh
J23J . 1uu +uiGaqaJ Co:Goua1 na
+ua1 +auu u.
m1m mmo mmom1 Om1mOomum Oom_ mcm1)Om_ mmmJ1m omoum
omo mJmm1mm, mu!o ammmd mmm JcJmmm.
To l i ft f rom want he l ef t me af ar 1231
Hi s thought makes my eyes bl ush the fl ower.
J232. +aioo1 +auu Goaao Ctaa
toio tuoa u.
mou mmm Oomm1 m! Omm1m omo, mmmm omou! mu omcmdu Ommo
Oomdu om1Jmmm.
My pal e tearful eyes betray 1232
The hardness of my husband, away.
12BB. ouiouu oaa _6oGt Ctaa
uuio+a o+1a Coa.
oam Jcmo 1mm _1Jmmo 1om, @1mm Omum ommm1m, omoum m1m
mmomomoomm 1mmqm.
These arms that swel l ed on nupti al day 1233
Now shrunk procl ai m "He i s away".
J234. tuuL+1G utiGoaq Coa ouuL+1J
Goaou oaqa Coa.
mmJmmo mmm 1omo mm m1d um, momOmmm mdom omm_ maJmmm
omoum m1m mm1mom om)mmmo.
Bracel ets sl i p off the arms that have 1234
Lost ol d beauty f or He took l eave.
J235. Gaqaa1 Ga5uu nu;i GoaqGaa5
Goaou oaqa Coa.
mdom omm_ mm, @mmo mom @mmo 1omo mmm m1mJmm omou1m
Oom1m mm c)Jmmm.
Bereft of bracel ets and ol d beauty 1235
Arms tel l the cruel ' s cruel ty.
J23. GoaqGaa5 CoaC+1q C+ao _ou;i
Gaqaa1 aui G+aio.
mm 1omo Omumom, mdo omm_ mamom omm1mm! mmcm!
@)ommmm! mm @mum 1o1 @om Ommm 1mmJ1mm.
Arms thi n, arml ets l oose make you cal l 1236
My si re cruel ; that pai ns my soul .
J237. ta5 Gt1Caa G+mCo Gaqaa1iGu
oa5Coa: to nu;Jo.
Om+1oJ @)omm_ mmm m1mJmm mmm mm momm mm 1omom mmo
c) Ommm c mmcm1m7
Go and tel l the cruel , O mi nd 1237
Brui t ov' r my arms and gl ory fi nd.
J238. ma+1a uua niG toioo
utiGoaqG Ctuo +o.
@_o oammmo oo Oom+om o!o1m mo J_ @cOmm Omm_
Oom ammd omoum Omm, moummm Oomm1 mc.
The f ront of thi s f ai r one O pal ed 1238
As my cl aspi ng arms l oosed thei r hol d.
J230. mai1utJ ouoa CtaqG toG:t
Ctuo Gtuuqi u.
@_o oammmo 1mm, @c1 !mo omm_ mmmoomd o1 sm m1m mm omJ
omoum om_ mmc omo mou mmm Oommcm.
Cool breeze crept between our embrace 1239
Her l arge rai n-cl oud-eyes pal ed at once.
J240. uuu toGCta to; aa1uC
uuo Goaoo u5.
m1m )md mmmod mou mmmcmoo om1 m omom moum
Ommmmmm cmmc.
Pal e eyes pai ned seei ng the pal l or 1240
Of the bri ght f orehead of thi s fai r.
Om+Oom1 Jod Om+Oom1 Jod Om+Oom1 Jod Om+Oom1 Jod - -- - Sol i l oquy
J24J . LuuJGoau GoaaaCaa G+mCo auuJGoau
adoC+aa !1i uio.
mmo mmmJmmqm )mo mm omod 1mm !mJc momm sm mmmo mm mm!,
Om+1oJ cmmmd Oomdu amm7
Thi nk of , O heart, some remedy 1241
To cure thi s chroni c mal ady.
J242. ao ao1a1 _L C+aoo
Ctouu oaqGau G+ma.
m! mm omou mJ mmmcm m)mo 1mm, Om+1oJ m m1m m) mm mmmm
mmmm, m mmmo.
Bl ess O mi nd! you pi ne i n vai n 1242
For me he has no l ove serene.
J243. 6ioa aut1o G+mCo t1ioa
utoC+aa Goaoa1u 6.
m1m mmm omo omoum mmmcm @)omdumo 1mm, Om+1oJ m m1m @mJmm
Oomm1 m) mmm oummomd mmm mm7
O mi nd, why pi ne and si t moody? 1243
Who made you so pal e l acks pi ty.
J244. uu GaaJCo6 G+mCo 6uoGauuuJ
1uu _o1iau nt.
Om+1oJ m omou1cm Oodqm 1mm omomoc mOomm1 1mm, @du1d
m) omm 1mm1Omm_ mmm1 m Jm_ m1m 1mmd @mJmmm.
Take these eyes and meet hi m, O heart 1244
Or thei r hunger wi l l eat me out.
J245. Gota1 auiu otauCta G+mCoaa
nta na_ oo1.
Om+1oJ mmm mmmmmmqm mmm mmmm m)mo m!, mmm Om_ mcm! mm mm
m! 1 Oommc omou om1 mc amm7

He spurns our l ove and yet, O mi nd, 1245
Can we desert hi m as unki nd?
J24. aiou1Jo aoa1i utat :aiou;aa
Gtaaiaao aa1Gau G+ma.
Om+1oJ o oum mcu mm omou) omcmd sm ocmoc mmmJmo m
@1mm m! 1 OomJm 1ommm Ommmm om1m7
Wrath i s f al se, O heart, f ace-to face. 1246
Sans huf f, you rush to hi s sweet embrace.
J247. au o5GoauCa +auo5 +uGumCo
aaCua GtaCud o;u5.
mdu Om+o1mJ sm_ omoumd momm m1 m1, du om mm Oomdu
ammd o1m mmmomm m1 m1. @mo @)m1 Oouom s1) 1m)Jd
ommJ Oom mmmmd am.
Off wi th l ove O mi nd, or shame 1247
I cannot endure both of them.
J248. t1ioo1 +aG;u C+1G G1ioo1
GuGooaa CtuoGau G+ma.
mm1 @)omm m1m mcm1)Om_ mmJ1m 1o 1md m1mom! mmmm1u1
Oom_ Oommmm mm Om+om s! mmm 1mo 1mmmmomm.
Wi thout pi ty he woul d depart! 1248
You si gh and seek hi s f avour, poor heart!
J240. naJoa1 ao ao;a naL
aauqJ Co6Gau G+ma.
cJ1u1 omou! Oommmm1mm, Om+o1mJ m m) mm Om1 mm1cm
1o uJmm7
The l over l i ves i n Sel f you know; 1249
Whom you thi nk, mi nd to whom you go?
J250. ouuaJ oioau; G+moJ outCaua
6uu 6qJo ou.
1o)mmd m1m Oomm omou) Jmod mJmmomd 1mqm 1mmO1d @mm Omum
1 1mm.
Wi thout a thought he deserted us 1250
To thi nk of hi m wi l l make us worse.
mm1od mm1od mm1od mm1od - -- - Reserve Lost!
J25J . aui uJ1 nuti LuGauu
+auJoaq oqJo oo.
omod 1mo @mJm1o, sm 1omc1mo mm, mmmm mm ommmm 1mmcmc mm
com mmJm oom1 ccOom m1Jmm.
Passi on' s axe shal l break the door 1251
Of reserve bol ted wi th my honour.
J252. au auGoauCa uuuGu G+moJuo
aauJo _m Goaq.
omod 1mo mmm1m sm_ @)o1m @dumo, mOmmd mm Om+Jd m)mqm
Jom OoqJ uo1Jm.
The thi ng cal l ed l ust i s a heartl ess power 1252
It sways my mi nd at mi dni ght hour.
J253. uuGCtuuu auJuo aaCua 6GGu6J
ouCta Coau6 o5.
mmmmomm co ammmqm o1mcmmd mmd mmmm 1 Omm1Jmodumm, o
1mmmmomm omod cm!Jm, mmmomm mmomqm om Oom1m1m.
How to hi de thi s l ust whi ch shows 1253
Itsel f whi l e I sneeze unawares!
J254. LuautCau auCtuuu aaCuaGou au
uuaio uu t5.
mm c_JOommcm mmm mmm1o mm mmmo, mmd mm omod, mmm mmmom
1Oomm1 mmmJ1u1 Omm1 m1Jm1o.
I was proud of my sex-reserve 1254
Lo l ust betrays what I preserve.
J255. Gota1Gu GoaaG Gtiouuu auC+aa
nta1 _6oGoau u.
omm m1m Oomm omou) momo omJ m) Oomc!m mm com, omod
1mmmmm! @mmJdu.
Di gni ty seeks not a deserter 1255
But Love-si ck i s i ts i nnovator.
J25. Goto1 GuCo Couq _aJoC;a
atGuuu nt oa1.
Om_ m1moom Omm_ Oomm1 m! mm1m Oodqm mu mm Om+o
mmm1J omod 1mmm ommomm mm1m.
O Gri ef , my deserter you seek 1256
Of your capri ce what shal l I speak!
J257. +aGuu uCa _6aa auJoa
Ctuaa1 Gt:t Goau.
mm mu1m! mm1 Oommc omoumd mm mmmmmmmmm Oom1mm, mmmm
mm sm mmu @mmo1 mmm mJdu.
When l over' s l ove does what i t desi res 1257
We f orget al l shame unawares.
J258. tuuaai ou tuGuaq _uCa+
Gtuuu nuti tut.
mmac Ommm mm c_J ccm mcoummo @mm, mu mmmod mdu
om)mm omou1m mmmmm mmOmm1m1mm7
The cheater of many wi l y arts 1258
Hi s tempti ng words break through women' s hearts.
J250. :aGt auJGouCu :dCuu G+mo
aJo noo u5.
mcd Oomm1 mmm1mmm mm mmomm Oom1mm, mmd mm Om+om mmm m1
mmcm o1mo om1 mm mmmoo mmm oam Oomm1cm.
In huf f I went and f el t at ease 1259
Heat to heart i n sweet embrace.
J20. Lui!a 6:tuu G+m1ua1i uCta
:u1ioq LtCt au.
Ommmuc Oomam 1mmd cmJ1m Om+om ccm!o, o oomm mcd Oomm1
Jd c_Jmo @mo amm7
To f ei gn di sl i ke i s i t not rare 1260
For mates who mel t l i ke fat i n fi re?

m! m! m! m!mm mmmd mm mmmd mm mmmd mm mmmd - -- - Mutual Yearni ng
J2J . oaatG :tGu uu _o1Gou
+aGaat6J Coaio o;.
mmmm! mmmm! mm m1 mm! mm! m1om smmom, m1m Oom_ mmo
om1d 1 mmm Oom1 Oom1 mmm mm! m)dom 1omom.
My eyes are di m l ustre-bereft 1261
Worn fi ngers count days si nce he l eft.
J22. 6a+1qaa 6u uGGGuu CoaCu
a+qa a1u LJo.
omou) m1mJmm mmm, m1m mmm mm)mJmo m) mmmJmo ammomd, mm
1omo m mmJ Omum 1mm mdom omm_ mam c_J mm 1om1.
Beauty pal es and my bracel ets sl i de; 1262
Why not forget hi m now, bri ght mai d?
J23. n;u+uo6 na ouuaaJ Goua1
o;+uo6 6uu nCau.
moo1 c_mmo Oomm1 Omm mmmm Oom_ omoum, Jmmm mmmmm
mmmomomo1m mmm c1)m1 @mJ1mm.
Wi l l as gui de he went to wi n 1263
Yet I l i ve-to see hi m agai n.
J24. qa au G1ioa1 o;oai
Ca5Ga CtGuu G+ma.
omod mm1 omm m1m Oommm! m1mm mmmm! mm_ mm Om+om, m)Jm
cJ Oommmd m mm!Jmm.
My heart i n rapture heaves to see 1264
Hi s retun wi th l ove to embrace me.
J25. auuu Gauuui uua;i utGu
L+Guu GuuCoa toG:.
ommm) mm ommm omm1mmmo, omcmm1o mm Omdu 1omd mc!m mou mmm
Let me but gaze and gaze my spouse 1265
sal l ow on my soft shoul ders fi l es.
J2. ouu Gauu +a: tou
utoC+aa aaa Gt.
mmm mmcm1 m1m omoum, smmm mmomm o1mm1m. mmomd mm mmm
aamm !mJc mmcm @mmm 1mm.
Let my spouse return just a day 1266
Joy-dri nk shal l dri ve my pai n away.
J27. :aGCtuGa :aCou GaCaa aGCtuGa
uuuu Ca1 o1u.
ommm mmmm mm omou! mmomcm, m1mJmmo 1m om)mmmo mmcm mcd,
Oom1m1mm7 du o oam Oom1m1mm7 du m1od o1od J @)mcm
@m Oo1m1mm7 sm_1m u1mdu1 mm, mo @mmo mmm1mm.
If my eye-l i ke l ord returneth 1267
Shal l I sul k or cl asp or do both?
J28. ouuaio Gou Coiou uuuaio
uaua _a1 oio.
oumm, omm 1mmOomm1 Ooud Omm Om_mmmmo, mm Ommmmd mm mmmcm
mm mmuOmmaJd @mm mmmomm.
May the ki ng fi ght and wi n and gi ve 1268
And wi th my wi f e I wi l l feast thi s eve!
J20. +a am+aCta GoaCou Goua1
o+auoJ Co+ to1i.
Om1mOomum Oomm omou! Jmmm mmm mm mJ!mm! mmmm! smOmmm mmm
smOmmm ommo 1omm_m.
One day seems as seven to those 1269
Who yearn return of di stant spouse.
J270. Gt6Guuua Gttia auua n6Guuua
na nutioii a.
mmo ommJ Oom ammd mmm mumm 1mmm1mmmmd, mm
smm)Ommm! Jmmm omJmomm1um, omJ ocmJmm1um, mmm mm7
When her heart i s broken, what i s 1270
The good of meeti ng and l ove-embrace?

mm_od mm_od mm_od mm_od - -- - Feel i ng Surmi sed
J27J. ;GGu+ uai GoaaaLu nuu
nu;i noGoau u5.
Omd Oomdummd mmo mm!omqm, mmommd ococm m1o Oomduo OoJ
sm_ cm1, omm m1m mmmmmo omod.
You hi de; but your pai nted eyes 1271
Restrai nt of f, report your surmi se.
J272. uuuio a1ui aCt1Coa: CtuoiG
GtuLuio L1uu Gt1o.
ommmmo mm mmJd 1mmmm 1omm Oommc mm omou Ommm mmu
mmmJmm1o 1m)momm.
Wi th seeml y grace and stem-l i ke arms 1272
The si mpl e she has ampl e charms.
J273. uua 1qo Cta utiuo
_ua 1qoGoau u5.
mmm)Jm mmmJmm mu1mmu @mo mcmom m1 mmm mm
u sm_ c.
Somethi ng shi nes through her j ewel l ed charm 1273
Li ke thread shi ni ng through wreathed gem.
J274. muGuai nao +atCta Ctuo
+uGuai naGoau u5.
mu)mo mmu m_mmm cmJmm 1mmuomm sm Ommmm ummoOmm
mmu m omoummm mmmm m)mmmJm.
Li ke scent i n bud secrets conceal 1274
In the bosom of her hal f smi l e.
J275. Go6Goaq Goa1io a noa1
!1i uiGoau utJo.
mmmm mdo mmo mm mmmJm _muommmm mm!md, mmm
Oo1m mmo !m mmmm @mJm.
The cl ose-bangl ed bel l e' s hi dden thought 1275
Has a cure f or my troubl ed heart.
J27. Gt1oat6G Gt:ti aJo _1oat6
_uGuuu aqo outJo.
) oam mmm mu om m! mmm o1momm 1m1m m! mmm m1m
Oodu 1mmJm m cm!m 1mmd @mJm1o.
Hi s over-ki nd cl ose embrace sooths; 1276
But makes me f eel , l ovel ess, he parts.
J277. ouui ouou ouiouu +uu
muu nu1io oua.
!mo m! m c1 omoum ccumd omm 1mm, comd m1m mmm
Oommco mm mdo mm amm1) cm!m ommmm 1mmqmJ
Qui ck, my bracel ets read bef ore 1277
The mi nd of my l ord of cool shore.
J278. G++tJ GouaG;+ aoa1 aam
am+aCa Cuu toio.
1mm_omm mm omou! m1m Oommm!, mmm, mu mmo o1mom mmm 1mmd mou mmm
mmm mm Oommc1o.
My l over parted but yesterday; 1278
Wi th sal l owness i t i s seventh day.
J270. GoaqC+ai1 GuuCoam C+ai1 _qC+ai1
_.oau toGoa oo.
m1m om)mmmo omu o mum, Omum 1mmo o Ommmmm 1omm
1mmJmm omoum Oomc!m OodmOomm am om o 1mmm mmd
She vi ews her arml ets, her tender arms 1279
And then her f eet; these are her norms.
J280. Gtuuuat Gtuuu nutJGout uuua
auC+aa Goad 6;o.
omod 1mo omomd cm!J omoucm 1mmmom @)m mmm1mm
Ommm Ommm 1o!omm 1mmm_ @mJmm.
To express l ove-pangs by eyes and pray 1280
Is womanhood' s womanl y way.

um!J mmmd um!J mmmd um!J mmmd um!J mmmd - -- - Longi ng for Reuni on
J28J . nai aJoa au u1qoa
mi1 auJ1t u5.
mm mmJmmdomm @mmm, mmd omod mdu, mmom1u @mmm, omou!o
smm)Ommm! omcm1u @mmm.
Rapture at thought and j oy when seen 1281
Bel ong to l ove and not to wi ne.
J282. 1uuJouua ntauu Cou5 tuuJouua
au Lua o1u.
mmmmo omod OmmJ1m 1mm Jmm mcqm Oommmd @mo 1mm1m.
When passi on grows pal myra-tal l 1282
Sul ki ng i s wrong though mi l l et-smal l .
J283. Ctuao Gt:tCo Goaau Gauuui
aua ouuaa u.
mmm )mmommd om mmmmmmmmm1 Oo Oommmmomqm, mm omo
m) ommmmd mJ cmJdu.
Though sl i ghti ng me he acts hi s wi l l 1283
My restl ess eyes woul d see hi m sti l l .
J284. nttu GouCuuu Coaq _ouio
ttu GouGou Guma.
m1momomo Oommmqmoc o Om+om mmm m1 o1mom @mmJ m1m1o
omoum Jmu.
Huff I woul d, mai d, but I f orget; 1284
And l eap to embrace hi m di rect.
J285. amo+a Caauai uCuCta Gauu
tqaCuu ut 6tJo.
ommd m Oomm Omma mo m 1m. 1omu ommmo 1mmu1m,
omoum ommmOmma mm mmm m1m Oomm mmo mmm m1J1mm.
When cl ose I see not l ord' s bl emi sh 1285
Li ke eyes that see not pai nter' s brush.
J28. au+a aCuu ooaa auaia
aCuu oo auo.
m) ommmOmma m! mmmo mmm ommmJdu, m) ommmoOmma m!
mmmo om) 1mOmmmmm mmm ommmJdu.
When he' s wi th me I see not faul t 1286
And nought but f aul t when he i s not.
J287. naJo _6io :utaa toC;Cta
GtaaJo _6iGou :aio.
Omm Oomm1 1mm m1Omm Oo1mJmmm m1d Jmm) 1mmu, Omm
Jcom mm u1mJmmm, mcd Oommomd mm mmm7
To l eap i n stream whi ch carri es off 1287
When l ord i s cl ose to f ei gn a huf f.
J288. 6aJoi 6uua Goau aJoa1ii
atC oLu ua1:.
mmm om!mo om1mJ @1m o)o mmo m mm omqm oc, o
cm1 oom! 1mqm 1mqm mo om 1 mmmm mmm1m 1mmu1m mmmm
mmo OoJm cm mm!u.
Li ke wi ne to addi cts that does di sgrace 1288
Your breast, O thi ef , i s for my embrace!
J280. ua1u Gudo au 1a;ou
Godo ouaGt5 oa1.
omod @mmm, mu)mc Ommmmm. om 1o Ommmcm mommm!o Ju1)
Fl ower-soft i s l ove; a f ew al one 1289
Know i ts del i cacy so fi ne.
J200. uuu ouJCo a+1ua :ao
auuu oauooG :t.
m1omd mcu Omcm, o oammJd mmm omqm m)m Oodm1
mm1mm1 oum mcm.
She f ei gned di sl i ke awhi l e but fl ew 1290
Faster f or embrace than I do.
Om+Oom1 uuod Om+Oom1 uuod Om+Oom1 uuod Om+Oom1 uuod - -- - Chidi ng the Heart
J20J . _o1G+m oo1iao u5 aouG+mCo
LGaui aa oo.
Om+1oJ mmm mmommd @mmom mmc Om+o mm mmo @mm1mm
m mm mmo @dummd m) mm cmm mm7
You see, hi s heart i s hi s al one; 1291
Why not my heart be al l my own?
J202. na_ oo1iut uu _ou;J
Goa_G;uJ Co6Gau G+ma.
Om+1oJ mmmcm mu omcmom! m! mm omc mmm, mmm Om_o mmcm! mm mmm
m1cm OodJmmm1.
O heart, you see how he sl i ghts me 1292
Yet you cl asp hi m as i f f ri endl y.
J203. G:ta1i +:ta1 autCoa G+mCoL
Gt:ta+ o1Gu Goa.
Om+1oJ m mm m1 m) mmmm mm Oomc!m Oodm, mmomd 1m1om!
mmm!o mmo mmcm!o mm_ Oomdm 1mmu1mm7
You f ol l ow hi m at wi l l . Is i t 1293
"The fal l en have no f ri ends" my heart?
J204. 6uauu LuGua5 aqoa1aa1 G+mCo
ouGoao odoaaau ut.
Om+1oJ aoud mcd Oo mm om mm ocud mo!1mmm mm mmo mmcm,
mm1m omm cmmcm m! 1mo 1mmJmm!o7 mmm 1momomo @du.
You won' t sul k fi rst and then submi t 1294
Who wi l l then consul t you, my heart?
J205. Gta_uu _ma Gt6uG1 oma
_a_ 65utJGou G+ma.
mm Om+o mmm Oomc! oomo1m @mJm. omou) ommmdu1 mm_
+om, m! mm mcm1um m1m Oodmm1) mm mm +om.
Frets to gai n and f ears l oss i n gai n 1295
O my heart suff ers ceasel ess pai n.
J20. ouCa 6io LuuJoia auuuJ
1ua 6ioGou G+ma.
omou! m1m om1 @mm mmo1mm mm Om+om mmm Jmm 1mmu
Oom1mmo @mmo.
My i tchi ng mi nd eats me anon 1296
As I muse on hi m al l al one.
J207. +au uiCou _o1ui aaGou
uaua utG+m1t t:5.
m) mmo ammd mm1m mmc Jmmdumo mc Om+ocm 1o!m mmo ocm
mmmom mmm m1cm.
I f orget shame but not hi s thought 1297
In mean f ool i sh mi nd I' m caught.
J208. aau 6aoaGuu Guu _o11
nm na1iao G+ma.
m1m Oomm omou) @omm om1o @1mmm mmmomd, mmc Ommm mm1
mm! omod Om+om mmm Oommmm.
My heart l i vi ng i n l ove of hi m 1298
Hai l s hi s gl ory i gnori ng bl ame.
J200. outJ1t 1aaC; ouuaaoa1 oamuta
G+moi ouua oq.
mmm mmm1mm om ommmom Om+o1m mmo @dummcmd mm m!
mmo @mmm!7
Who support a man i n gri ef 1299
If l over' s heart deni es rel i ef ?
J300. omo ou;a1 a1aa1 oamuta
G+mo ou; oq.
mm1 Om+o1m mmacm cmmmo @dumo 1mm, mmmm! cmmdumom)mo @mod mmm
Why wonder i f strangers di sown 1300
When one' s own heart i s not hi s own?

uum uum uum uum - -- - Bouderi e
J30J . :aa 1;a_G :aJuo _o
_aC+aa au 16o.
mcd Oommomd m! mm 1mmmmd mo J 1m)m ommmom m) oamc
omJ mmmmmmo.
Fei gn sul k; embrace hi m not so that 1301
We can see hi s di stress a bi t.
J302. nGtuui ota :ao _o16o
uita La ot.
mcqm ocqm @cd c omum cmmd @1m cu 1mmd s)mcm @mo
1mm1m. mo omu m momd cmmd cu mJmmom smmo Jm1m.
Sul ki ng i s the sal t of l ove; but 1302
Too much of i t spoi l s the taste.
J303. _aioau; _aC+aa Goaota ouuG
:aioau;G :aa ot.
mcd Oommcm1m mcd mJ oammmd m1od mmm, mmom1m mmomd mmm1mm)
1mqm mm1mm mJ mmmomm.
To l eave the sul ker unembraced 1303
Is to gri eve the one sorel y gri eved.
J304. nq aou; nu;auu oaqa
oa moa1i ot.
mcd u1m mmmJmmm1cm mu OoqJcmmd muJ1 @mmm, mmom1m
mm Oom om mmoJd _m 1mmmmomm.
To comf ort not l ady i n pout 1304
Is to cut the fadi ng pl ant at root.
J305. +aJou +ao1i Ca1 :aJou
touu uua1 _Jo.
mu! m1 mo! Om+Jd mm mc1u mmmm!mo mdu omou! m 1o!m.
Pouti ng of fl ower-eyed has 1305
To pure good mates a l ovel y grace.
J30. oua :aoa 6aaau au
ua iaa _t.
Ommmmmm, J_mmm mmm1 @mmm omm omod mmmo mmmcmd am
ma aJ mmm 1mmumm, ammmo @m m+o 1mmumm mmmmomo1m @mm.
Love devoi d of f rowns and pets 1306
Mi sses i ts ri pe and unri pe f rui ts.
J307. ntdu nuta+Ca1 out :u1oo
L5o ouGa au.
o mmJ oJmm @mmmmm omuJm m mm m11mm mm mmmmomd
mcuqm smmo mmm omou! cm1.
"Wi l l uni on take pl ace soon or l ate?" 1307
In l over' s pout thi s l eaves a doubt.
J308. C+ao aouut G+aioaG;u .o6a
aoa1 6aa oq.
mmm mmodu1mm mmmJmm! mmmo cm!mJ1m omou! @dumo 1mm mmmmomd
mmm mm7
What' s the good of gri evi ng l ament 1308
When conci ous l over i s not present?
J300. L Lqa 1uCo :aoa
om+1 uCu 6uo.
mmq mJd c m!omm !m @mmmo @mm, 1mmu mum!ocm
Oomm mcdomm @mmmmmomo @mm.
Water del i ghts i n a shady grove 1309
And sul ki ng i n soul s of psychi c l ove.
J3J0. nt nu+ o5oaC;a GtuGumo
5Co aut ooa.
mcu omommd mmcm1 1mo mm!mmmcm om1mmm mm_ mm Om+om
mom om cmomo o1 om)mm.
My heart athi rst woul d sti l l uni te 1310
Wi th her who me i n sul ki ng l eft!
uum mmom uum mmom uum mmom uum mmom - -- - Fei gned Anger
J3JJ . Gtuuaaa1 aaa uut Gtaoout1
+uCuu t;JoLu ua1:.
Ommmmo @m1mm! md1umm1m, Ommmmo mm omomd cmmomd omu OmOoc
cm m)mo mm!m mmm mmm oam mm1cm.
I shri nk to cl asp you bosom l ewd 1311
To the gaze of al l l adi es exposed.
J3J2. nq 6iCouaJ ouua1 aaouu
L5oaq Gutai 6io.
mcd Oommmmo1mm m! mmmm!, mcu m1 m) ' ' m1mmmo' ' mm mmm1mm
mm_ mm.
He sneezed whi l e we went on sul ki ng 1312
Expecti ng me to say "l i ve l ong".
J3J3. Ca:5GtJ aqu aa J1uai
a:qa aq1 au.
Jd mu!mo _o o mmm mm Oommmmomqm, 1mOmmmJ
om1momomo1m mmJmJm! mmo Jmm Oommm.
"For whi ch l ady?" she wi del y cri es 1313
Whi l e I adorn mysel f wi th fl owers.
J3J4. aa1u+ aoa auCua nqua
aa1u aa1u au.
' ' m) omqm cmmcm mmm omod mJmo Oomm11m' ' mm_ @dmmo
Oommmo oc omou ommmo m1 Oomm1 ' ' m)omqm m) omqm' ' mm
1o1 mcd u1 OomcmJ mcm.
"I l ove you more than al l " I sai d 1314
"Than whom, than whom?" she sul ked and chi d.
J3J5. 6uuG GGG G1aa auCuai
uLu L1Gau tu.
' ' @mmmd mm m1mm1cmm' ' mm_ mmm Oommmmcm ' ' mmmmd m_ mmu mm sm_
cm1cm7 1mm mmmc1 m1m mmm1Omm o_Jmmm7' ' mm 1o1 omoumJmm
I thi nk and gaze at her; she chi des: 1320
"On whom your thought just now abi des?"
1B1B. naCuu auCuut Guui!1 auGuuuG
:aa :aJoi u.
' ' cmm mm1om' ' mm_ omoucm Oommmomm ommom, ' ' mmmmd m! mmm
mmmJmmomdom1m mmJmo am7' ' mm1o1 ' ' mm mmm!7' ' mm_ m mcd
"In thi s l i fe we won' t part" I tol d 1315
Her eyes at once wi th tears were fi l l ed.
J3J 7. omJ1ua ouCuu _ _qJomoa
aaaJ ou1 au.
mm1mm, mmom m mmm mmmJmm. cc1m mmm om1oo1mm ' ' m! cmm
mmoomd mmm!' ' mm_ 1o1, aoud o mmm mmmmo m OomcmJmcm.
I sai d "I thought of you". She l eft 1316
Her embrace cryi ng "Oft you f orget".
J3J8. omJ GoGt _moa +ua
auu uuJ1C;a au.
mcd Oommm1m mm mm mmm mmu cJ Oommo mm!o m ' ' s' ' cm
OmmmJm! cmm mmmo mmm mom mmJm1)m7' ' mm 1o1 aom.
I sneezed; she bl essed; then changed and wept 1317
"You sneezed now at whi ch l ady' s thought?"
J3J0. ouuu nu1J1u aa G1iL1
6iL;1 _11 au.
mmm mmm 1mm m mcu mJ mJmmomqm, cc1m m ' ' sJ m! @momm mmm
Ommocam mcm Oomm1)m7' ' mm_ JmmOoamm.
I repressed sneeze; she wept cryi ng 1318
"Your thoughts f rom me you are hi di ng".
J320. LuuJ1io C+ai1u aa _uuJoL1
aaa C+ai11 au.
smmm mc mo mm m1 @m Oomcmmd mm! Oommmmomqm,
mmcm mmm sm1 cm_ mm!Jm! mm_ 1ommm Oommm.
I try to coax her and she remarks 1319
"Your coaxi ng others thus thi s marks".
mcqmo mcqmo mcqmo mcqmo - -- - Sulki ng Charm
J32J . 6ua ooo1i aau n5o
oa oo;ai _.
mmo om_m @dumo muqmoc omou!Jc1 1omm_m mcd, m!om mm
mJmo m!o o.
He i s fl awl ess; but I do pout. 1321
So that hi s l ovi ng ways show out.
J322. ntdu Coau 1ou +aa
oaqu ta5 Gt.
omou1c1 mu!m mdumu om_ mm1mom, m1od om)mmmo @mmomqm ommd
mJm J mmm Ommmc1omm.
Fadi ng fi rst, l ove bl ooms and outl i ves 1322
The petty pri cks that pouti ng gi ves.
J323. :aJodt :JCo+a 5uCta LaJGoa5
L1uai ouua1 _Jo.
mu1om1 m! oumo 1mmu mucm omm omou1cJd mcd Oommo mc uJ
cuom 1mOmmm_ @mo amm7
Is there a heaven l i ke sul k beneath 1323
Of hearts that joi n l i ke water and earth?
J324. :d ota_G :aoa CoauGuu
na nuti tut.
@_o oam @m m1mmd @mmom om)mmmo mcd mJm. mo mcudomm mm
c c_J um mcoum @mJm.
In l ong pout after embrace sweet 1324
A weapon i s up to break my heart.
J325. oo6a1 _au oaoqoa1 GuuCa
_du _+Gau utJo.
om1m Oomo muqmoc omm Oom Oommcmm mcq mJ m
Omdu 1omo m1mJmmJd s! @mmm @mJm.
Though f ree f orm faul ts, one f eel s the charms 1325
Of f ei gned rel ease f rom l over' s arms.
J32. nudu nut oduo au
:u1odu nt 6uo.
cmm mmmomc, mmJ cmm Oo1mJ1u sm oom. o1mmd ccqmmmc mcd
OommJ1u1 omou! sm oom.
Sweeter than meal i s di gesti on 1326
And sul k i n l ove than uni on.
J327. ntdu Coato1 Goua1 _ouuu
tdt auG t5.
mcd mmJm @m 1mm1d 1ommmm!omm Omm Ommmm)mmm!. @mo cmm mcd am
omJam 1mm cm)m1m.
The yi el der wi ns i n l over' s pout 1327
Reuni ted j oy bri ngs i t out.
J328. nqG Gto GaCaa +oGoa1Gti
td Coau6a nG:.
Ommd m!m mmmc o1momd mmm1m @mmo, 1m1m smam mcd
1ommmmd, om mmumo Omm amdumm7
Shal l not our pouti ng agai n gi ve 1328
The dew-browed j oy of j oi nt l ove?
J320. n5 uuCua aauq aau;Gt
L5 uuCua 6;a.
s aoomJ mcd u1mmmo, mo mcu !m Ommm1 mmm mcm @)m mmm
@mmo Om_momm @)mOmma @mm mmomo.
Sul k on O bel l e of shi ni ng jewel s! 1329
Prol ong O ni ght! our del i ght swel l s!
J330. n5o auJ1t 1ut _ot1ut
q ma+G Gt6u.
smmmOommm! Oodummo JmmOomm1 m1mJmm mmm1m mcd, @mmmm 1o!mo
mm omod @mmo Jommo mmJc comm. mm1m mcd Oomm1o sm @mmmmm
Bouderi e i s l overs' del i ght 1330
Its del i ght grows when they uni te.Oodomm.
olleled lron vrlou- weblle- olleled lron vrlou- weblle- olleled lron vrlou- weblle- olleled lron vrlou- weblle-
Hy Hy Hy Hy
Rjnnl1hlruvendn Rjnnl1hlruvendn Rjnnl1hlruvendn Rjnnl1hlruvendn

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