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Types of Appraisals

Individual Evaluation Methods Confidential report Essay evaluation Critical incidents Checklists Graphic rating scale Behaviorally anchored rating scale MBO

Critical Incident method

Critical-incident appraisal: Written record of incidents that show positive and negative ways an employee has acted
Ex: A fire, sudden breakdown, accident Workers A reaction informed the supervisor immediately B C D E Become anxious on loss of output tried to repair the machine Complained for poor maintenance was happy to forced test scale 5

4 3 2 1

Checklist appraisal: Contains a series of questions about an employee s performance Drawbacks: can be difficult to prepare and a supervisor has no way to adjust the answers for any special circumstances that affect performance

Weighted checklist method

weights Regularity Loyalty Willing to help Quality of work Relationship 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 performance rating (scale 1 to 5 )

Forced choice method

Criteria 1.Regularity on the job Most Always regular Inform in advance for delay Never regular Remain absent Neither regular nor irregular Rating Least

Graphic Rating Scale

Continuous Rating Scale Discontinuous Rating Scale Employee name_________ Rater s name___________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------Exc. Good Acceptable 5 4 3 Dependability Initiative Overall output Attendance Cooperation Total Score

Deptt_______ Date________ Fair 2 Poor 1

Continuous Rating Scale


No Interest




Very enthusiastic

Discontinuous Rating Scale

BARS( behaviorally Anchored rating scale)

Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Identify critical incidents Select performance dimension Retranslate the incidents Assign scales to incidents Develop final instrumen

Group Appraisal
Ranking Paired comparison Forced distribution Performance tests Field review technique

Ranking method
Employee A B C D Rank 2 1 3 5

Paired comparison method

A B C D E Final Rank


x x -

x -

x x x -

x x x x -

3 2 1 4 5

Forced Distribution method

Number of Employees Poor - 10% Average 40% Below Average 20% Good 20% Excellent 10%

Field review method

Performance Dimension Leadership Communication Interpersonal skills Decision making Technical skills Motivation x x x x x x x x subordinate peers superior customer x x x x x

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