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2 Caius the Shadow Monarch 1 Cyber Dragon 1 Dark Armed Dragon 2 Dark Grepher 1 Darklord Zerato 3 Deep Sea

Diva 1 Destiny Hero - Dasher 1 Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude 2 Destiny Hero - Malicious 1 Elemental Hero Stratos 1 Genex Ally Birdman 1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness 1 Plaguespreader Zombie 1 Sangan 1 Allure of Darkness 1 Book of Moon 1 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation 1 Dark Hole 1 Destiny Draw 1 Foolish Burial 1 Giant Trunade 2 Gold Sarcophagus 1 Monster Reborn 1 My Body as a Shield 2 Mystical Space Typhoon 1 Reinforcement of the Army 2 Upstart Goblin 1 Call of the Haunted 1 Mirror Force 1 Return from the Different Dimension 1 Seven Tools of the Bandit 1 Solemn Judgment

2 Anti-Spell Fragrance 1 Ceasefire 1 Crevice Into the Different Dimension 2 D.D. Crow 2 Dark Simorgh 2 Divine Wrath 2 Intercept 1 Pulling the Rug 2 Thunder King Rai-Oh EXTRA DECK 2 Black Rose Dragon 1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier 1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon 2 Colossal Fighter 1 Iron Chain Dragon 1 Red Dragon Archfiend 2 Stardust Dragon 1 Thought Ruler Archfiend 1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

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