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Monitors Report Site Visit

December 2009 340 Visit ID: 1337 Site contact name Bob Reader/Simon Lucken

Company ID:

Company Bob Black Construction Ltd Company contact name Mr Bob Black Site location and description Score

Refurbishment & extension to vacant large detached residence located in the small Cambridgeshire village of Meldreth. The site is on the high street next door to a public house with residential properties close by & a school & railway line a bit further away.

Letter drop to all in area likely to be affected by the works. Letter contains job & contact details but no mention of CCS. Limited parking on site or by agreement in pub car park next door & if not parking in street [needs to be monitored to ensure that paths & driveways are unobstructed-good at time of visit]. No works/activities start until after 8am. Deliveries are pre-arranged & direct to site with a banksman to oversee all vehicle movements on & off site. Vehicles phone in advance of arrival & there is a single entrance to site. In term time deliveries are arranged to avoid busy school times.The access plan/layout is displayed & the cabins are easily accessible from the footpath as they are located right at the front of the site. There is no smoking on site except in a designated area of the compound which is out of public view. Visitors are recorded in the daily site diary & are escorted. Immediate neighbours are informed verbally of site progress/developments. There is a Company environmental policy& a site specific policy a copy of which is displayed. Waste is segregated to either timber. hardcore or mixed waste skips. The Skip Co provide feedback details at the end of month which currently record that over 90% of the waste here is recycled. There are no specific environmental issues. There are some existing trees to the boundary & they are protected with Heras mesh type fence panels. Any environmental issues are included within the main induction. There is good condition Heras mesh fencing panels to the boundary & compound area. There is no external lighting. Fuel is stored in cans with spill kit available-fuel stored should be bunded. There is no SWMP here. Majority of labour is local & vehicle sharing or use of public transport encouraged. Size of vehicles and type recently changed to more efficient & smaller model. The site looks very clean & tidy with operatives clearing up as work proceeds & at the end of every shift. The areas immediately outside of the site are fine. There are no mud on road issues & in addition to hand sweeping e road sweeper can be called in if needed. All ops are requested to keep the welfare areas clean & to clear up after breaks-Simon also cleans as may be necessary. Materials & plant are tidily stored-either within the property or the secure container. Site rules which are displayed & the details of the induction must be adhered to-failure to do so could result in disciplinary measures but there is no problems here. The appearance of Company vehicles are the responsibility of the driver & they must be regularly cleaned & serviced. The site is well presented & gives a good first impression. Bob & Simon pride themselves in having a clean & tidy site at all times & ensure that this ethos is transferred to all who work on the site. There is a formal procedure to record compliments, complaints & comments. This is sent to HO with details of the action taken. The Site Management have full responsibility to deal with & close out complaints with reference to the Directors as needed. Complainants are met in person by the SM. Advanced notice is given before any noidsy or disruptive work. Any breaking out commences after 9am & with frequent respite breaks. Site hours are 8 to 5 M to F & 8 to 1 on Sats but works/activities can be flexible within these times if needed. Security is lock & go with reliance on the vigilance of local neighbours to report/contact Bob or Simon if anything suspicious. Company is very heavily involved with setting up & subsequent running a disabled skiing charity. Single portaloo & welfare facilities are provided which are screened from public view. Mains toilet would be preferable but portaloo is regularly cleaned/serviced. Company branded work wear which is named & PPE as required. There is a cover up policy & ops are warned of the dangers of too much exposure to the sun. Bare tops are not allowed but shorts can be worn if appropriate for the task in hand. The use of sun cream is encouraged & provided. The induction & site rules remind ops what the expected behaviour on site should be & also that to have or to display potentially offensive material is not allowed. The use of ipods & radios is not permitted. Mobile phones are able to be used providing it is safe to do so. Ops are discouraged from taking breaks in public view & are asked to remove any dirty PPE first if leaving site to use local shops/facilities. There is a stock of clean PPE kept in the office for visitor use. There is a Company safety plan from which site specific plans are developed. There is prominent signage at the site entrance giving Bobs mobile no for contact & the office is only a short distance from the boundary. The works are segregated from neighbours by Heras type mesh fencing. Accidents & near misses are recirded & the details are sent to HO for review/action. There are no works outside of the boundary. There are H&S advisors who undertake site safety audits & provide info such as safety alerts, newsletters & TBTs as needed. No specific reward/incentive safety scheme initiatives to promote/improve safety. Scaffold has toe boards & looks to be in reasonable condition-maybe debris netting could be added to elevation close to the pub boundary. Ops understanding/ability to read English is established at induction & all ok here. All SMs are first aid trained & the address & route map to the nearest A&E is displayed. A fully stocked first aid box is kept in the office & any S/Cs who are first aid trained are known to the SMs. Ops skills & CSCS card details are recorded & medical information forms are requested to be completed at induction. These forms when completed are filed with the induction records & the SM would be aware of the details. Lock & go security & vigilance of neighbours to report anything suspicious. All have named PPE. Bob & his team are aware of the expectations of CCS registration. The code of conduct has been issued to all & CCS info is posted & displayed on site. CCS is mentioned in the induction. Training is arranged as needed & regular topical TBTs are delivered. The site rules reinforce the aims of CCS. Scheme info & activities are kept in a separate file. The Company contact details are well displayed on signage. Clients are informed of CCS involvement & will receive a copy of the report. CCS could be made better known to neighbours by inclusion of CCS in the original introductory letter & perhaps with the issue of CCS neighbourhood flyers.

1. Considerate

2. Environment

3. Cleanliness


4. A Good Neighbour


5. Respectful

6. Safe

7. Responsible


8. Accountable Total (out of 40):

4 33.5

Summary and conclusions

Well presented & organised site showing a good understanding of the aims & objectives of the CCS scheme. There are only a few items highlighted in the report that may be looked at for future reference. Generally though this is a site that those involved with can be suitably pleased with & I am sure that there will be a genuine intention to continue to make further improvements where possible on future projects.

Monitors name
Score per section 1 2 3

Michael Powell
Score references Major non-compliance Minor non-compliance Compliance Score per section 4 5

Date of visit SIGNED:

Score references High level beyond compliance Exceptional measures taken

5 August 2011


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