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Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD " PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313, Israel; ; 91313 " 04413,

Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@, c=US Date: 2011.08.22 04:16:50 +03'00'

11-08-22 Dr Zerniks notice to State Ombudsman Lindenstrauss in re: Dr Joseph Zernik v State of Israel (6041/11) in the Supreme Court Appeal of Clerk of the Supreme Court August 14, 2011 Decision in Moshe Katzav v State of Israel (3372/11) To: From: joseph zernik <> Subject: Joseph Zernik v State of Israel (6041/11): Appeal of Clerk Guy Shani's Decision in re: Request for Clarification regarding Validity of Court Papers in Moshe Katzav v State of Israel (3372/11) August 22, 2011 The Honorable Micha Lindenstrauss State Comptroller and Ombudsman PO Box 1081, Jerusalem 91010 Tel: 02-666-5000, Fax: 02-666-5204 Email: By email RE: Your letter dated August 14, 2011, in re: Request for investigation of the legality of the electronic record systems of the Supreme Court, in general, and records in Moshe Katzav v State of Israel (3372/11), in particular. Dear Justice Lindenstrauss: Please notice the attached appeal (also linked below), filed August 21, 2011 under Dr Joseph Zernik v State of Israel (6041/11), originating from the August 14, 2011 Decision by Clerk of the Supreme Court Guy Shani, who effectively refused to decide on my August 14, 2011 Request for Clarification: Which of the papers, which had been presented to me as decisions in Moshe Katzav v State of Israel (3372/11) were indeed valid and effectual court decisions. Truly, Joseph Zernik, PhD Human Rights Alert (NGO) LINKS:
[1] 11-08-21 Zernik v State of Israel (6041/11) Appeal of Clerk's Decision in re: Request for Clarification regarding Validity of Papers in Moshe Katzav v State of Israel (3372/11) and Request for Waiver of Fees s

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