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BSC 250 LAB REQUIRED JOURNAL ENTRY: CHICKEN EXPERIMENT The human skeleton is composed of 206 formally recognized

bones. Bone is a type of connective tissue. Collagen, ligaments and tendons are also types of connective tissue. The skeleton is the framework of the human body. It holds up our body, protects our organs and movement. Because of this our bones need to be healthy and strong. The outside of our bones are made up of crystallized salt crystals composed of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. About two thirds of the weight of the bone is made of these salt crystals. These crystals are strong but brittle. The other portion of the bone is composed of collagen. Inner areas of a bone have marrow. The yellow marrow stores lipids and the red bone marrow produces blood cells. EXPERIMENT: This experiment will demonstrate the effects of removing either calcium or collagen from bones. Calcium is removed by soaking the bones in vinegar. Collagen is removed by heating the bones in a drying oven. PROCEDURES FOLLOWED: Two cooked chicken bones (clean of any tissue) were used. One of the bones was placed in a pint jar containing vinegar (5% acidity approximately 8 ounces). The jar was closed with a lid and left for one week. The second bone was placed in a drying oven at a temperature @200 degrees F or 93.3 degrees C for one week. QUESTION: What do you think will happen to the chicken bone in the vinegar over the week? Why? What did vinegar remove from the bone?

QUESTION: What do you think will happen to the chicken bone in the drying oven over the week? Why? What did the drying process remove from the bone?

CRITICAL THINKING PROBLEM: Relate these results to common disorders in humans such as rickets and scurvy. How do the above treatments relate to rickets and scurvy? In other words what happens to a person if they have either rickets or scurvy?

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