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Answering the phone

Answering the phone

Good morning/afternoon Ofce Yamada, This is ______ speaking. How can I help you? Who would you like to speak to? Im sorry to say but Mr. _____ is not available at the moment. If you give me your name and number, I will ask them to call you back as soon as possible. Hi Im ________ What do you want? Who do you want? Mr_______ isnt here. He will call you back.

Checking and Conrming

Sorry, could you repeat that? I didnt (quite) catch that. Would/Could you spell that, please? Can I read that back to you? Sorry, I dont follow you. Could you let me have more information? Sorry, its a bad line. Can I call you back? Could you speak up please? Could you say that again, please? What do you mean by ...? Sorry, Im not with you. Could you explain that in more detail? Could you clarify that? Let me just summarise...

What expressions can you use on the phone in the following situations? 1 You dont hear what the person says 2 The person speaks too fast or too quietly 3 You dont understand a word or expression 4 You want to check the spelling of something 5 You want more information about a subject 6 The connection is not very good 7 You want to check the key points

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