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Assessment of Blood Pressure 1. Assessment of signs of hypertension and hypotension and factors affecting blood pressure. 2. Assembly of equipment.

3. Introduction of self and verification of clients identity. Explanation of procedure. 4. Performance of hand hygiene and observance of infection control procedures. 5. Positioning of client. 6. Wrapping deflated cuff around the upper arm. Locating of brachial artery. Application of center of the bladder over the artery. 7. Performance of preliminary palpatory determination of systolic pressure. 8. Positioning of stethoscope. 9. Auscultation of clients blood pressure. 10. Repetition of procedure on the clients other arm. 11. Removal of cuff. 12. Wiping of cuff with disinfectant. 13. Documentation and reporting pertinent assessment data according to agency policy. Average Weighted Mean

26 142 125 118 135 123 100 147 135 119 167 114 136 2.56

65 48 53 52 55 67 78 43 45 59 23 46 52 Good

99 0 12 20 0 0 12 0 10 12 0 30 2

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