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Presented by: Omer Mushtaq Chakoo Roll No.: 34 Aqueel Hussain Qadri Roll No.: 01 Adnan Majeed Qureshi Roll No.: 09 Wajid Ah. Khan Roll No.: 10 Owais Karne Roll No.:49

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Conflict Conflict Resolution Conflict Management Strategies What can individuals do to Manage Conflict Personality Conflicts Negotiation Bargaining Strategies How to Negotiate Case Study Queries and Questions

Presented By Omer Mushtaq Chakoo Roll No.: 34

We can define conflict, as a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about. Reasons of conflict might be incompatibility of goals, differences over interpretations of facts, disagreements based on behavioral expectations, and the like

Some conflicts support the goals of the group and improve its performance; these are functional, or constructive, forms of conflict. There are conflicts that hinder group performance; these are dysfunctional, or destructive, forms of conflict.

Presented By: Aqueel Hussain Qadri Roll No.: 01

Conflict in the workplace can affect the effectiveness of individuals, teams, and the entire organization. One study found 20 percent of managers time is spent managing conflict. Individual attitudes toward a conflict are important, because attitudes typically define the set of possible settlements.

Conflict researchers often use dual concern theory to describe peoples conflict management strategies.

Dual concern theory considers how ones degree of cooperativeness and assertiveness determine how a conflict is handled.

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The theory has identified five conflict-handling strategies Forcing Problem Solving Avoiding Yielding Compromising

Choosing a particular strategy for resolving conflict depends on a variety of factors.

Research shows that while people may choose among the strategies, they have an underlying disposition to handle conflicts in certain ways.

Also, some situations call for particular strategies.

Presented By: Owais Karne Roll No.: 49

Problem solving Developing superordinate goals. Smoothing. Compromising. Avoidance.

Expansion of resources. Authoritative command. Altering the human variable. Altering the structural variables.

Supervisors in the United States spend about 18 percent of their time handling personality conflicts among employees. A variety of factors leads to personality conflicts, including the following:
Misunderstandings based on age, race, or cultural differences Intolerance, prejudice, discrimination, or bigotry Perceived inequities Misunderstandings, rumors, or falsehoods about an individual or group x Blaming for mistakes or mishaps (finger-pointing) x x x x

Personality conflicts can result in lowered productivity when people find it difficult to work together. The individuals experiencing the conflict may seek sympathy from other colleagues causing them to take sides. The ideal solution would be for the two people in conflict to work it out between themselves, without involving others, but this does not always happen.

Presented By: Wajid Ah. Khan Roll No.: 10

We can define negotiation as a process in which two or more parties try to agree on the exchange rate for goods or services they are trading.

Within a negotiation, one should be aware that individuals have issues, positions, and interests.

Issues Positions Interests When parties are potentially in conflict, they may choose to negotiate a resolution.

There are two general approaches to negotiation. Distributive Bargaining Integrative Bargaining



` 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Negotiation process is made up of five steps. Developing a Strategy Defining Ground Rules Clarification and Justification Bargaining and Problem Solving Closure and Implementation

Presented By: Adnan Majeed Qureshi Roll No.: 09

The case is about two neighbors Bob Bell and Michael Sharpe. Bell was an engineer and Sharpe a former computer software sales manager and career manager. They thought they had a good idea for a new business venture-A bicycle Trailer. Bell invented the bicycle trailer. It was proposed that Bell would take on R&D and Sharpe would focus on Marketing.

Before the deal could be finalized, it fell apart because of a Conflict. The major point of Conflict between the two was royalties. Bell did not see any grounds for Negotiation. Both parties hired lawyers and Bell demanded Intellectual Property Rights. The Great Canadian Buggy War began. Bell planned a slow, steady campaign, working from the basement of his home with one employee. He started selling his cargo trailer, The WIKE, at local farmers market.

Sharpe on the other hand had his own grand plan. He established his new company, Greenways, mortgaged his home, took a bank loan, rented a factory and hired five employees.

Sharpe began mass production of his version of the trailer, The Wonder Wagon, which accommodated small children.

Sharpe was selling to big specialty retailers, Torontos largest sporting goods store and two national retailers were also selling his wagon.

In the end Bell won the Patent Infringement Case against Sharpe.

Bells company has expanded to six different versions of the bicycle trailer and has a licensed manufacturer in China, from whom Bell collects royalties.

Sharpe eventually abandoned the whole buggy idea and switched careers to fitness industry.

The main sources of conflict between Bell and Sharpe were:

The demand for Royalty by Bell. Sharpes proposal that Bell invest more in the venture and share the financial risk.

Both Bell and Sharpe preferred Forcing as a technique in handling the conflict. They could have used Problem Solving technique in handling the conflict and create a win-win solution.

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