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SUMMARY During1980s, Manville Corporation was on top of the list of North American manufacturer that producing fibreglasses.

Within the industry of fiberglass, theres a lot of other substitute product that compete with the fiberglass such as mineral wool and wood based cellulose which was being promoted as Gods natural insulation also corrugated board, foam and synthetic fiber. Before this, they were well-known as the asbestos manufacturer. Later, scientific journals began to publish the studies of asbestos-related to morbid and mortality. The workers sued the U.S government and asbestos manufacturers thatimpaired their health. McKinney did not want to responsible and forces the government to handle these problems. When Manville face bankruptcy, McKinney resolved these problems by cutting the salary overhead by 20 percent and reduced the number of their staffs from 25,000 to 20,000 people. Subsequently Sir Richard, an epidemiologists, said that fiberglass could be dangerous as asbestos. Anderson called Bill Sells to inform about Sir Richards assumption. Bob Anderson had graduated from medical school and had received training on the public health. He has faced several financial problems within a month working in that company as the company are filed for bankruptcy. Whereas, Bill Sells have been work with Manville since the company product was asbestos. In 1986, he watches one by one the person he knew in Manville died caused by the asbestos-related cancer. However, he still believes that he is needed by Manville. Manvilles latest CEO, Tom Stephens with the other Manvilles corporate counselgathered in managing and overcoming the crisis. They concern on Manvilles employees, union distributors, stakeholder and customer but did not mention about fiberglasss study with a far more critical eye. Actually, there were three in-house researches that were conducted to study about fiberglass. The first research is the Enterlines research which had been discussed at the Copenhagen. Second studywas conducted by WHO which found no death of fiberglass workers related to lung cancer. However, the study found that there was death among the slag and rock wool worker related to cancer. Another study is the animal study which was conducted in two ways. Firstly, by exposing the animal to the fiberglass and results show that there is no sign of

cancer risk and scar could occur. Second is by embedded the animal with the fiberglass and its shows that smaller size of fiberglass which is 1.5 microns will leave scar and cancers. Therewas enforcement of regulation for fiberglass worker started in 1986. The limitation of exposure to fiberglass as recommended by NIOSH is 3 fibers per cubic centimeterand OSHA had classified it as a Nuisance Dust. The EPA required Manville to inform them on the new acquired information about hazard to the workers health within 15 days. Manville also provide the consumer with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) other than the itch- scratch label on the products as following the regulation by HAZCOM. IARC is one of the well known agency in the reviewing and classification the classes of cancer. There is one standard classification that is used to categorize the substances. The IARC rules in classifying the substances are easy to be followed. They take two years to finalize and classify the group of substances. In certain country, the classifications of the substances had initiated the product labeling. When management changes from McKinney to Tom Stephens, there were many changes occurred as mention below; (Evaluation on Current Management in Organization Situation) 1. Downsizing Tom Stephens managed to downsize and reorganize Manville during his operation. Stephens sold the plants which do not provide income to save the cost of restructuring and for investing in the future. Besides that, strategy of downsize and layoff the employees can small the business structure and ease him to monitor. Even though, this will lead to unemployment. Many workers will lose their job and pressure the society. Furthermore, through downsizing they may lose experience and competent workers. 2. Decentralized Stephens delegated authority to his divisions and gained a reputation through strict follow up. He delivers his power to the head of each company and let them do the decision. By doing so, he can increase the motivation of employees and make them feel

they are part of the company. They will put more effort to contribute to work and increase the participation and involvement of employees. 3. Build relationship Stephens rebuild good alliances with investors, customers, and the media. That will improve image and reputation of Manville Company. Building good relationship with investors can make them supply the capital financial to company. Besides that, the good relationship with customers can let them continue to purchase their products and assist the company to make more profits. Having the good relationship with media can let media broadcast good reputation and promote society standard. 4. People oriented Stephens using open up strategies such as talking and listening to employees. As presented, he visited 20% of his factories and offices. Managers have good rapport with employees so that employees would like to work with him in a harmony relationship. 5. Trust Manville set up the personal injury settlement trust and property damage trust which are health trust for their employees. This strategy used to generate money to pay back the compensation claim. However, if the plan is fail, stakeholder would loss of trust. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS i. What did Andersons news mean? The Andersons news is about there is probability that fiberglass cause cancer based on Enterlines research on fiberglass. ii. How should Manville respond? Based on our discussion, Manville can control the risk by substituting, isolating and using appropriate PPE. Substitution meansusing the mineral wool, wood based cellulose, corrugated board and other synthetic fibers to substitute the fiberglass.

Moreover, Manville can isolate the workplace that expose to fiberglass. Hence, it needs to be isolate from the workers to avoid them from getting exposure from fiberglass since fiberglass is dangerous. If the workplace is safe from dangerous of fiberglass, employees will have more motivation to work without worrying about the dangerous of fiberglass. In addition, Manville can provide appropriatePersonal Protective Equipment for everyworker. For those workers that work in place that have high exposure on fiberglass should get a stringent PPE to prevent the dangerous. Those PPE should customize to different expose level of fiberglass because every workers have different level of task and different level of exposure. Those PPE areincluding glove, mask, goggle and others. Besides that, Manville can also form a safety and health committee. This safety and health committee should consist of OHDand OHN. It is important to take care of the workers health and do the medical check-up for worker constantly. Besides that, the committee can also consistently do hazard analysis on the workplace regarding the fiberglass danger. iii. What would a label say? Label is very important especially for consumers whom are health conscious because it can influence their perception to use the product. They will not take and use product that can jeopardize their health. iv. Should the companys response be the same in all its markets? Manville should not give the same response in all its markets because the products of fiberglass are different with others sales products such as specialty products and forest product. The specialty products and forest product are not affected by the issue. v. Cultural difference Manville had places cautionary labels on fiberglass products. However, this procedure has particular effect and hurt sales in Japan. In Japan cultural, they do not want to take risk for any products that may endanger their nations. Thus, they refuse to import any packages or product with cancer warnings into their country. It becomes a challenge for Manville in U.S to adapt to Japan culture.

There are different fiberglass regulation between US and Canada. For instance, OSHA Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) regulation at 29 CFR 1910, 1200 are required to comply for the product used among employees in US workplace. They were required to include a warning label and disclose on the Material Safety Data Sheet information relating to fiberglass products. The 1994 NTP decision is based on old 1987 IARC decision. However, Canadian WHMIS regulation is required to comply for the products used among employees in Canada workplace. The fiberglass products not required have the cancer warning label which sold and used in Canada due to fiberglass removed from list of possible carcinogens. Otherwise, thedifferent management approaches between McKinney and Tom Stephen. McKinney more focused on profit-oriented, greedy, centralized, and there are no precaution steps to handle the asbestos issue, in other hand Stephen who a leader more focused on peopleoriented, concern with employee welfare, decentralized, and alert for any research done. vi. What if research and studies led to a Group 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans) classification? Manville cannot stop the business of fiberglass immediately since it is their core product line and contribute major profit to the company. They may find a proper solution as prevention. In this case, the company may provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to their employees to ensure their safety. Moreover, Manville may consider substitutingfiberglass with other products such as Mineral wool and wood-based cellulose if the fiberglass products has been prohibited or banned.

CONCLUSION In a nutshell, even though the fiberglass was not yet confirm as carcinogenic, Manville should take appropriate prevention in order to protect their employees and the other stakeholdersfrom any possibility that can harm their health condition. By doing this, Manville can minimize the bad effect of fiberglass and any court action in the future if Sir Richards assumption on fiberglass is truthful.

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