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C4302 Road and Transport Engineering






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SYNOPSIS ROAD AND TRANSPORT ENGINEERING provides knowledge regarding the analysis, method and design involved in road and transport engineering. The emphasis of the module is on the method, procedure and simple economic analysis in the transport planning system. This module also provides knowledge in designing junctions, designing geometrical alignments, traffic management aspect and road laws as well as acts in Malaysia.

OBJECTIVES At the end of this module, the student will be able to: 1. identify the functions and planning, general policy and criteria in selecting a good transport plan. make transport economy analysis. design vertical and horizontal alignment. calculate optimal two-phase circulation time and normal roundabout design. explain the function of traffic management and the road laws as well as acts in Malaysia.

2. 3. 4. 5.




C4302 Road and Transport Engineering


1.0 TRANSPORT PLANNING This topic covers regarding the function of transport, transport planning, policy and transport system execution. 2.0 TRANSPORT ECONOMY This topic covers regarding the importance and purpose, economic basis simple method of transport economy analysis. 3.0 ALIGNMENT GEOMETRY DESIGN This topic covers regarding vertical and horizontal geometry alignment design, cross-section design. 4.0 JUNCTION DESIGN This topic covers regarding the types of at-grade intersection, traffic light junction design, priority junction design and roundabout design. 5.0 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT This topic covers regarding the function and purpose of traffic management, traffic management techniques, vehicle parking space system and road accidents. 6.0 ROAD LAWS AND ACTS This topic covers regarding the history of road legislation in Malaysia, Road Transport Act and Environmental Quality Act.

(6 hours)

(3 hours)

(7 hours)

(7 hours)

(5 hours)

(2 hours)




C4302 Road and Transport Engineering

TRANSPORT PLANNING 1.1 Defining transport engineering, road and traffic engineering. 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Explaining the relation between transport, humans and goods. Explaining the importance of transport. Stating the function of transport. Explaining the types of transport. 1.5.1 Land transport. 1.5.2 Water transport. 1.5.3 Air transport. 1.5.4 Pipe transport. Explaining the classification of land transport system. 1.6.1 Private transport. 1.6.2 Public transport. 1.6.3 Trade transport. Explaining the purpose of transport planning. Explaining the importance of transport planning. Sketching the transport planning cycle. Stating the duration of transport planning. 1.10.1 Short term planning. 1.10.2 Medium term planning. 1.10.3 Long term planning. Explaining the characteristics that a good transport planning must have. Stating the elements of transport planning: 1.12.1 Planning process a. Study stage b. Demand prediction and proposal plans preparation stage. c. Proposal plans evaluation stage. 1.12.2 Execution of selected plan. 1.12.3 Monitoring and rechecking. Stating the transport study conducted in the planning process 1.13.1 Origin-purpose study 1.13.2 Volume study 1.13.3 Local speed study 1.13.4 Course speed and delay study 1.13.5 Vehicle parking study


1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10

1.11 1.12





C4302 Road and Transport Engineering

Explaining the work involved in the origin-purpose study 1.14.1 Zoning 1.14.2 Data gathering 1.14.3 Data analysis a. Course generation b. Course distribution c. Modal split d. Traffic assignment Stating the general policies that must be considered in transport planning 1.15.1 Social aspect 1.15.2 Economic aspect 1.15.3 Physical aspect Identifying specific policies of transport planning in Malaysia Explaining the evaluation factor in the determination of the proposal plan. Explaining the general criteria of transport plan selection. Explaining the steps that must be taken in the transport plan execution stage. Explaining the study of land usage, urban and territory as well as its relation with transport as practiced in Malaysia. Discussing issues related with transport development 1.21.1 Public transport-based urban development 1.21.2 Societys involvement in transport planning.


1.16 1.17

1.18 1.19




TRANSPORT ECONOMY 2.1 Explaining the importance of economic evaluation. 2.2 2.3 Explaining the purpose of economic evaluation. Explaining the economic components whether cost or benefits in road transport 2.3.1 Cost/benefit during construction and maintenance 2.3.2 Cost/benefit during operation 2.3.3 Cost to the environment Explaining the basic concept of engineering economy 2.4.1 Money and interest (interest rate) 2.4.2 Types of interest 2.4.3 Cash flow equity Making economic analysis using 2.5.1 Yearly Rate of Return a. First Year Rate of Return b. Single Year Rate of Return





2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4 Cost Benefit Analysis Ratio Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return

C4302 Road and Transport Engineering


ALIGNMENT GEOMETRY DESIGN 3.1 Stating the components of geometric design. 3.1.1 Horizontal alignment design. 3.1.2 Vertical alignment design. 3.1.3 Cross-sectional design. 3.1.4 At-grade intersection design. 3.1.5 Tiered intersection design. 3.2 3.3 Stating the purpose of geometric design. Stating the criteria considered in formulating the geometric design standard. Defining sight distance. Explaining the stopping sight distance. Explaining the passing sight distance. Stating the horizontal alignment elements. Stating the purpose of horizontal alignment. Defining a straight road. Explaining the things that limit the length of a straight road. Stating with the aid of sketches, the types of round curve. Stating with the aid of sketches, the characteristics of round curves. Deriving the minimum radius formula of a round curve. Conducting design calculations of a round curve to acquire the curve length sight distance radius or the flat relief distance. Stating the vertical alignment elements. Stating the purpose of vertical alignment. Explaining grade and gradient. Stating with the aid of sketches, the types of vertical curve. Stating with the aid of sketches, the characteristics of parabolic curves. Conducting design calculations of a sag and peak curve by considering the sight distance requirement to acquire minimum curve length, highest or lowest level on the curve.

3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14

3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20



3.21 3.22 Stating the road cross-section elements.

C4302 Road and Transport Engineering

Explaining the purpose of road cross-section elements. 3.22.1 Cross slope and pavement peak. 3.22.2 Pass limit width and pavement width. 3.22.3 Traffic isolator or median. 3.22.4 Road side and road curb. 3.22.5 Guard rail. 3.22.6 Embankment and cutting slope.


JUNCTION DESIGN 4.1 Defining junction. 4.2 4.3 Stating the factors that affect junction load. Stating with the aid of sketches, the types of junction. 4.3.1 Junction without signage/control. 4.3.2 Priority junction. 4.3.3 Priority junction with routing. 4.3.4 Roundabout with or without traffic light. 4.3.5 Traffic light controlled junction. 4.3.6 Tiered junction. Stating the types of movement at a junction. Explaining and sketching the conflict point and the conflict area at a junction. Explaining the ways to reduce conflict at a junction. Stating the selection factors of junction type. Stating the selection factors of traffic lights. Defining the term traffic light circulation time design. 4.9.1 Green time. 4.9.2 Effective green time. 4.9.3 Red time. 4.9.4 Amber/yellow time. 4.9.5 Circulation time. 4.9.6 Lost time. Conducting design calculation of optimal circulation time for two-phase. Defining priority junction. Stating the types of priority junction. 4.12.4 Tee junction. 4.12.1 Cross junction. 4.12.2 Staggered junction.

4.4 4.5

4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9

4.10 4.11 4.12




C4302 Road and Transport Engineering

Explaining the sight distance required at a junction. 4.13.1 Sight triangle. 4.13.2 Approach sight distance. 4.13.3 Departure sight distance. Conducting design calculations to acquire sight distance and design speed at a junction. Explaining the meaning and characteristics of a roundabout. Stating the types of roundabout. 4.16.1 Normal roundabout. 4.16.2 Small roundabout. 4.16.3 Mini roundabout. 4.16.4 Twin roundabout. 4.16.5 Tiered roundabout. 4.16.6 Roundabout with traffic light. Conducting calculations for a normal roundabout design.


4.15 4.16



TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT 5.1 Explaining the functions of traffic management. 5.2 5.3 Explaining the purpose of traffic management. Identifying traffic management techniques. 5.3.1. Physical management of road system. a. Traffic movement isolation b. Junction improvement c. Local area geometry improvement d. Physical retention of traffic movement e. Change of level, surface texture and alignment for vehicle speed control purposes f. Introduction of traffic control phase coordination g. Traffic sign and road signage modification h. Preparation of pedestrian and bicycle rider facilities i. Preparation of public transport facilities j. Improvement and changes of landscape and road equipment k. Vehicle parking control l. Metered ramp 5.3.2 Instruction form and traffic regulation management. a. Traffic control b. Cornering movement obstruction c. One-way road d. Vehicle speed barrier e. Tidal flow method f. Road signage 5.3.3 Management of information to road users. a. Traffic direction sign b. Traffic passage control c. HOV multiple passenger vehicle program campaign i. Vehicle sharing ii. Public transport prioritization



C4302 Road and Transport Engineering

Management of payment for traffic facilities. a. Vehicle parking management b. Additional license method c. Road appreciation system d. Cordon appreciation e. Physical barrier

5.4 5.5 5.6

Explaining the car park necessity for various types of user. Knowing the effects of car park areas on traffic flow. Explaining the method of preparing inventory, car park area as well as the types of car park area. Explaining the method of car park area usage study. Explaining administrative ways and car park area control method. Explaining the factors that affect demand, design principles and layout of car park area space. Explaining road accidents as a daily occurring disaster. Identifying the causing factors of accidents 5.11.1 Human factor 5.11.2 Road condition factor 5.11.3 Vehicle factor Explaining how traffic management can help reduce road accidents.

5.7 5.8 5.9

5.10 5.11



ROAD LAWS AND ACTS 6.1 Explaining the importance of act enforcement aspects that are related with roads and road laws. 6.2 6.3 Explaining the purpose of the introduction of acts related with roads. Listing acts related with roads 6.3.1 Road Transport Act 1976 6.3.2 Environmental Quality Act 1974 6.3.3 Urban and Rural Planning Act 1976 6.3.4 Local Government Act 1976 and Federal Territory Act 1973 Explaining the history of road laws in Malaysia Stating the purpose of the drafting of the Road Transport Act 1976. Stating the general content of the Road Transport Act 1976. Explaining the KEJARA and KESARA systems. Stating the purpose of the drafting of the Environmental Quality Act 1974.

6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8




C4302 Road and Transport Engineering

Explaining the Environmental Quality Act 1974 from the aspect of air pollution resulting from motorized vehicles. Explaining the Environmental Quality Act 1974 from the aspect of sound pollution resulting from motorized vehicles. Explaining the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report requirement on transport projects.






C4302 Road and Transport Engineering

Assessment of the module is as follows: i. ii. Continuous Evaluation (CE) Final Examination (FE) 60% 40%

CONTINUOUS EVALUATION (CE): (CE breakdown is based on 100%) Continuous evaluation is carried out throughout the semester and consists of the following parts: a. Quizzes minimum of 5 b. c. Assignment/Tutorial minimum of 4 Tests minimum of 3


20% 30% 50%

FINAL EXAMINATION (FE): Final examination is held at the end of the semester.





C4302 Road and Transport Engineering

Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 8/86, A Guide On Geometric Design Of Roads, Cawangan Jalan Ibu Jejabat JKR. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 11/87, A Guide To The Design Of At Grade Intersection, Cawangan Jalan Ibu Pejabat JKR, Kuala Lumpur Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 5/85, Manual On Pavement Design, Cawangan Jalan Ibu Pejabat JKR, Kuala Lumpur Ibrahim Wahab, (1990). Teknik Sistem Lalulintas Dan Pengangkutan. DBP, Kuala Lumpur Ibrahim Wahab. (1991). Pengangkutan Bandar Di Malaysia. DBP, Kuala Lumpur Ir Hj. Riza Atiq Abdullah O.K.Rahmat, (94). Model Pengangkutan Bandar: Pendekatan Secara Teori dan Amali. DBP. Meor Othman Hamzah. (1989). Rekabentuk Geometri Jalan Dan Lebuh Raya. USM. Meor Othman Hamzah. (1990). Pengenalan Sistem Kawalan Lalu Lintas Berlampu Isyarat. DBP. Meor Othman Hamzah. (1992). Rekabentuk Jalan Raya Untuk Jurutera. DBP. Mohamad Rehan Karim. (1991). Pengenalan Pembinaan Jalan Raya Berbitumen. DBP. Oflaherty, C.A. & Arnold, E. (1983). Highway And Traffic Vol. 1 & 2. Salter, R.J., Highway Traffic Analysis And Design. Salter, R.J. Terjemahan Ahmad Helmi Abd. Hamid, (1990). Kejuruteraan Lalu Lintas. DBP, Kuala Lumpur Wright, P.H. (1987). Highway Engineering. John Wiley & Son.



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