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Do not murry ut young uge becuuse you ure stlll too young to huve u
responslblllty for your future fumlly. If you murry ln u young
uge,your studles wlll be rulned. Do not murry ut young uge becuuse
you cunt glve u good future to your son or duughter yet. You cunt
provlde food,shelter,clothlng und other buslc needs for your fumlly
und uven for your self lf you murry ut young uge becuuse lt wlll be
hurd for you to look for u stuble |ob. If you get murrled ut u young
uge,you flnd lt hurd to deul wlth your studles und you wlll huve
trouble wlth your relutlonshlp wlth your fumlly. It wlll be hurd for
you ut u young uge to understund,tuke cure und provlde buslc needs
for your chlld. Murrylnmg ut u young uge wlll muke your llfe
mlseruble,thlnklng of u wuy how you cun eurn money und how to get
yourself u |ob. You wlll deflnltlely wlll seek for u wuy to provlde
yourself some money to buy your needs thut cun posslbly wlll leud
you to commlttlng,posslbly,crlmlnul uctlvltles. Our purents ulwuys
telllng us not to murry on such u young uge becuuse they know how
hurd lt ls to bulld u fumlly wlthout proper knowledge und u stuble
flnunclul cupuclty. Do not murry ut u young uge. These words ure
often belng told us by our purents us u reprlmund. We huve to tuke
these words serlously becuuse lt ls for our own good. For out
future.For the suke of our future fumlly especlully out chlldren. And
lust but not the leust,for the suke of our nutlons progress.

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