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Names of group members:_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Colonial California Project

(40 points total) This project will be done in groups of five and will be mounted in poster format. Each member of the group will be responsible for providing 1 written portion and 1 picture for this poster. Please write in the names of which group members will be responsible for what written portions. See below for the specifics. Items for the poster Write 1 paragraph describing the land and sea routes taken to settle CA. What famous explorers came? Why did they come? p. 58-69 Write 1 paragraph: Who was Junipero Serra? What did he do? Why are the missions located along the coast? How would someone living in the 1800s get from one mission to the other? p. 72-74 Write 1 paragraph: What was daily life like on a mission? Describe it from an Indians perspective, a soldiers perspective, and a Padres perspective. p. 75-79 Write 1 paragraph: How did the Mexican War change Alta CA? Describe the changes that happened to the Missions. This should include the Ranchos and Pueblos. p. 90-99 Write 1 paragraph: Describe how the Mexican War forced the Californios into trade. Describe in detail the Hide and Tallow trade. Draw pictures giving details about this unit. Draw pictures describing your section. Everyone is responsible for at least 1 picture for the poster. Neatness Presentation - Everyone needs to present their part of the poster. Speak in a strong voice and give eye contact to the audience. Information should be on a 3x5 card to read. Whole Group Whole Group Student Researching Points ___/4





___/6 ___/7

Whole Group


Total Points: ___/40

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