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Two Robots were chatting on the computer. One is male and another is female. The male robot wanted to meet her. The female robot declined the offer as she had loads of work in the factory next day.

Finally he was able to convince her to meet on a Sunday. The male robot danced in joy. On Sunday the two robots recharged their batteries and were ready for the date. The female robot was waiting at the restaurant on time. The male robot was late and asked for mercy. They were both excited to meet for the first time. The male robot tried to touch the female robots hand. The female robot gave him a shy glance and holds his hand. He wanted to gift something to the female robot. But due to nervousness the gift fell down from his archive box. The female robot noticed that and the male robot tried to hide it. Finally the male robot fetches that box and placed it on the table. The female robot expected some jewelry but to her surprise it contained a heart shaped mother-circuit.

The female robot was disappointed and scared; she refused to accept the gift. This refusal made the male robot angry and his hard disk started to heat up and grew red hot. This scared the female robot and she had to accept this new circuit. The male robot destroyed the previous circuit.

This new heart-shaped circuit totally changed the female robot. Now she was almost a servant to the male robot, she did whatever the male robot ordered her. Mechanically the female robot existed but somewhere the feelings were lost. Now whenever the male robot asked to hold his hand, then only she did that. This made the male robot upset, and he realized his mistake.

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