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A Knowledge-Based Analysis and Modelling of Dells Supply Chain Strategies

Areti Manataki

Master of Science Artificial Intelligence School of Informatics University of Edinburgh 2007

Supply Chain Management is becoming more and more important for the success of todays business world. Dell has realized this trend from its very first steps and has become one of the most successful PC companies in the world by putting emphasis on its supply chain, orchestrating its build-to-order and direct sales strategies. While most of the literature that covers Dells business and supply chain strategies is too theoretical, we suggest an analysis of a lower level using knowledge-based techniques. So, we have developed a business process model for Dell that captures its supply chain strategies, and which is strategic, business-goal-oriented and executable. In order to make this BPM executable we have designed and implemented a workflow engine that simulates BPM execution and calculates the related total time and cost. Using the workflow engine we have then run experiments on Dells BPM improvement and on its comparison with a traditional PC company, thus providing a useful framework for supply chain strategies comparison. This work is expected to provide a good insight into the successful supply chain of Dell on the one hand, and demonstrate whether knowledge-based techniques can provide good analysis of business and supply chain strategies in general on the other hand.

I would first of all like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Jessica Chen-Burger, for her guidance and help throughout this project, as well as for the support in difficult moments of the project period. I would also like to thank Dimtrios Mavroeidis and Ioanna Manataki for their participation in the evaluation procedure of the developed business process model.


I declare that this thesis was composed by myself, that the work contained herein is my own except where explicitly stated otherwise in the text, and that this work has not been submitted for any other degree or professional qualification except as specified.

(Areti Manataki)


Table of Contents
1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Motivation.................................................................................................... 1 Gap, Aim and Objectives ............................................................................. 1 Thesis Outline .............................................................................................. 2

2 Background Information........................................................................................ 3 2.1 Supply Chain Management .......................................................................... 3 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 2.6 2.5.1 Importance of Supply Chain Management ...................................... 6 Supply Chain Management Approaches.......................................... 7 Hot topics in Supply Chain Management..................................... 8 General Information about Dell ..................................................... 10 Directs Sales................................................................................... 11 Build-to-order and integration with suppliers................................ 12 Other interesting approaches.......................................................... 14 General Information about BPM.................................................... 15 BPM Methods and Tools ............................................................... 17 Definition and General Information............................................... 18 Different Approaches and Trends in Workflow Management....... 19 Notation in FBPML ....................................................................... 20

Dells Supply Chain Strategies .................................................................. 10

Business Process Modelling....................................................................... 15

Workflow Management ............................................................................. 18

Fundamental Business Process Modelling Language (FBPML) ............... 20 Three-Layered Business Process Modelling Approach ............................. 24

3 Dells Business Process Model ............................................................................. 25 3.1 3.2 Dell BPM The MIT Process Handbook version ..................................... 28 Dell BPM The sequenced MIT Process Handbook version ................... 32 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 Weaknesses of Dells BPM based on MIT Process Handbook ..... 32 The sequenced MIT Process Handbook version of Dells BPM ... 33

Dell BPM The enriched version.............................................................. 41


3.3.1 3.3.2

Weaknesses of Dells BPM sequenced version ............................. 41 Enriched-MIT Process Handbook version of Dells BPM ............ 42

4 Workflow Engine .................................................................................................. 56 4.1 Workflow engine design and assumptions................................................. 57 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.4 Aim & Objectives .......................................................................... 57 Design conceptualisation & Requirements .................................... 57 Design decisions & Assumptions .................................................. 61 Junction representation .................................................................. 66 Process representation.................................................................... 68 World state representation ............................................................. 69 Event representation....................................................................... 69 Workflow engine algorithm ........................................................... 70 Interpretation of workflow engine interesting code ....................... 76

Logical representation of executable BPM ................................................ 65

Workflow engine creation.......................................................................... 70

Discussion and conclusions ....................................................................... 77

5 Experiments ........................................................................................................... 80 5.1 Dells BPM simulation............................................................................... 80 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.3 Dells BPM specification and representation................................. 81 Dells BPM simulation results ....................................................... 88 Discussion of Dells BPM simulation results ................................ 89 Experiment 1: Improve the actual BPM ........................................ 91 Experiment 2: Compare Dell with a traditional computer company 95 Discussion and conclusions ..................................................................... 103

Experiments & Results............................................................................... 90

6 Evaluation ............................................................................................................ 107 6.1 6.2 Evaluation Framework ............................................................................. 107 Evaluation of developed BPM ................................................................. 107 6.2.1 6.2.2 Soundness evaluation................................................................... 108 Realism evaluation....................................................................... 108

6.2.3 6.2.4 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4

Completeness evaluation.............................................................. 109 Evaluation of the level of detail ................................................... 110 Soundness evaluation................................................................... 111 Completeness evaluation.............................................................. 112 Coverage evaluation..................................................................... 113 Ease of use ................................................................................... 113

Evaluation of developed workflow engine .............................................. 111

7 Conclusions and Future Work........................................................................... 114 7.1 7.2 7.3 Overview.................................................................................................. 114 Conclusions.............................................................................................. 114 Future Work ............................................................................................. 115

Bibliography ........................................................................................................... 117 A Workflow Engine Decisions .............................................................................. 122 B Workflow Engine Code...................................................................................... 129 C Demo For Workflow Engine ............................................................................. 138 D Experiments Code............................................................................................. 147


List of Figures
Figure 1: Types of channel relations and flows across a supply chain ........................ 4 Figure 2: Analysis of SCM System [53] ...................................................................... 5 Figure 3: Cost-Responsiveness Efficient Frontier and Zone of Strategic Fit [10]....... 8 Figure 4: Distribution channel of Dell vs. a traditional company [31] ...................... 11 Figure 5: FBPML notation......................................................................................... 20 Figure 6: FBPML joint and split junctions ................................................................ 22 Figure 7: Combinations of FBPML junctions............................................................ 23 Figure 8: Three-layered BPM approach..................................................................... 24 Figure 9: Sample entry of the MIT Process Handbook for buy ............................. 27 Figure 10: Sample entry of the MIT Process Handbook for Identify potential customers in custom channel {Dell}................................................................ 27 Figure 11: Decomposition of Create computers to order (MIT Process Handbook) ............................................................................................................................ 28 Figure 12: Decomposition of Design product and process (MIT Process Handbook).......................................................................................................... 29 Figure 13: Decomposition of Buy standard item to stock (MIT Process Handbook) ............................................................................................................................ 29 Figure 14: Decomposition of Sell using customized sales channel {Dell} (MIT Process Handbook) ............................................................................................ 31 Figure 15: Decomposition of manage as a creator (MIT Process Handbook) ....... 32 Figure 16: Decomposition of Create computers to order (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version) ............................................................................................. 34 Figure 17: Decomposition of Design product and process (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version) ............................................................................................. 35 Figure 18: Decomposition of Develop product and process design (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)................................................................................ 35 Figure 19: Decomposition of Buy standard item to stock (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version) ............................................................................................. 36 Figure 20: Decomposition of Manage suppliers (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version) ............................................................................................. 36 Figure 21: Decomposition of Sell using customized sales channel (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)................................................................................ 37 Figure 22: Decomposition of Identify potential customers in custom channel (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version).................................................... 38 Figure 23: Decomposition of Manage as a creator (Sequenced MIT Process........ 38 Figure 24: Decomposition of Manage resources by type of resource (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version) ....................................................................... 39 Figure 25: Decomposition of Manage other external relationships (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)................................................................................ 39 Figure 26: Decomposition of Manage regulatory relationships (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)................................................................................ 40 Figure 27: Decomposition of Create computers to order (Enriched version) ........ 43 Figure 28: Decomposition of Develop product and process .................................. 44 Figure 29: Decomposition of Develop product and process design (Enriched version)............................................................................................................... 44


Figure 30: Decomposition of Buy standard item to order (Enriched version) ....... 45 Figure 31: Decomposition of Share info with supplier (Enriched version) ........... 46 Figure 32: Decomposition of Share real-time info via Value Chain (Enriched version)............................................................................................................... 46 Figure 33: Decomposition of Get inventory from supplier (Enriched version) ..... 47 Figure 34: Decomposition of Manage supplier (Enriched version) ....................... 47 Figure 35: Decomposition of Build to order (Enriched version)............................ 48 Figure 36: Decomposition of Sell directly (Enriched version) .............................. 49 Figure 37: Decomposition of Sell directly to home and small business customers (Enriched version).............................................................................................. 49 Figure 38: Decomposition of Manage home and small business customers (Enriched version).............................................................................................. 50 Figure 39: Decomposition of Support home and small business customers (Enriched version).............................................................................................. 50 Figure 40: Decomposition of Get feedback from home and small business customer (Enriched version) ............................................................................ 51 Figure 41: Decomposition of Sell directly to large business and public sector customers (Enriched version)........................................................................... 51 Figure 42: Decomposition of Identify potential corporate customers (Enriched version)............................................................................................................... 52 Figure 43: Decomposition of Manage large business and public sector customers (Enriched version).............................................................................................. 52 Figure 44: Decomposition of Support large business and public sector customers (Enriched version).............................................................................................. 53 Figure 45: Decomposition of Support large business and public sector customers (Enriched version).............................................................................................. 53 Figure 46: Decomposition of Manage as a creator (Enriched version).................. 54 Figure 47: Decomposition of Manage resources by type of resource (Enriched version)............................................................................................................... 54 Figure 48: Decomposition of Manage other external relationships (Enriched version)............................................................................................................... 55 Figure 49: Decomposition of Manage regulatory relationships (Enriched version) ............................................................................................................................ 55 Figure 50: Relation between workflow engine mission, conceptualisation and requirements, design decisions and assumptions ............................................... 60 Figure 51: Example BPM with a process branch ................................................... 64 Figure 52: An example BPM for the workflow engine ............................................. 66 Figure 53: Relation of workflow engine with model, process and entity specification ............................................................................................................................ 70 Figure 54: Flowchart of our workflow engine ........................................................... 72 Figure 55: Flow state of the execution of a simple BPM using our workflow engine ............................................................................................................................ 73 Figure 56: Graphical representation of workflow engine use.................................... 78 Figure 57: Decomposition of Buy standard item to order (Enriched version) ....... 81 Figure 58: Decomposition of Sell directly to large business and public sector customers (Enriched version)........................................................................... 85 Figure 59: Original (sequenced) and parallelized part of Buy standard item to order for experiment 1, version 1 ................................................................................ 92


Figure 60: Original (sequenced) and parallelized part of Buy standard item to order for experiment 1, version 2 ................................................................................ 93 Figure 61: myCompanys BPM for Buy standard item to stock ............................ 96 Figure 62: Comparison of simulation results of time between Dells Buy standard item to order and myCompanys Buy standard item to stock ...................... 98 Figure 63: Comparison of simulation results of cost between Dells Buy standard item to order and myCompanys Buy standard item to stock ...................... 98 Figure 64: myCompanys BPM for Sell via intermediary to business customers . 99 Figure 65: Comparison of simulation results of time between Dells Sell directly to large business and corporate customers and myCompanys Sell via intermediary to business customers................................................................ 102 Figure 66: Comparison of simulation results of cost between Dells Sell directly to large business and corporate customers and myCompanys Sell via intermediary to business customers................................................................ 102 Figure 67: Comparison of simulation results of time between Dells and myCompanys processes.................................................................................. 104 Figure 68: Comparison of simulation results of cost between Dells and myCompanys processes.................................................................................. 105 Figure 69: Level of detail of Dells BPM ................................................................ 111 Figure 70: Example BPM to illustrate that backward chaining is inappropriate for start time estimation ......................................................................................... 122 Figure 71: Execution times of processes of Figure 70............................................. 122 Figure 72: Example BPMs to illustrate sophisticated treatment of process waiting time................................................................................................................... 123 Figure 73: Example BPM to illustrate the need for prior knowledge of events occurrence ........................................................................................................ 125 Figure 74: Example BPM with a process branch..................................................... 126 Figure 75: Example BPMs to illustrate the need for conditions iii) and iv) of execution completion ....................................................................................... 127 Figure 76: Example BPMs for a transforming a BPM containing a loop................ 128 Figure 77: Example BPM for simulation................................................................. 138 Figure 78: Graphical representation of workflow engine use framework ............... 139 Figure 79: Screenshot of 140 Figure 80: Screenshot of 141 Figure 81: Screenshot of 143 Figure 82: Screenshot of .......................................................... 144 Figure 83: Screenshot of Sicstus Prolog environment in Windows......................... 145 Figure 84: Screenshot of run command of workflow engine in Sicstus Prolog ...... 145 Figure 85: Screenshot of BPM simulation output.................................................... 146


List of Tables
Table 1: Dells appropriate coupling of supply chain capabilities with processes and people ................................................................................................................. 15 Table 2: Key principles for Dells business model according to Pearlson et al [41]. 15 Table 3: Common characteristics of Business Process definitions............................ 16 Table 4: Contribution of Business Process Modelling, according to Luo et al [33].. 17 Table 5: Model specification of junction-followed-by-junction in our workflow engine ................................................................................................................. 67 Table 6: Process specification of Buy standard item to order ................................ 82 Table 7: Process specification of Sell directly to large business and public sector customers.......................................................................................................... 86 Table 8: Simulation results of Dells Buy standard item to order .......................... 88 Table 9: Simulation results of Dells Sell directly to large business and public sector customers.......................................................................................................... 89 Table 10: Simulation results of myCompanys Buy standard item to stock .......... 97 Table 11: Simulation results of myCompanys Sell via intermediary to business customers........................................................................................................ 101 Table 12: Results of experiment 2 for Dell and myCompany ................................. 104 Table 13: Completeness Evaluation Checklist for Dells BPM............................... 109 Table 14: Completeness Evaluation Checklist for the developed workflow engine 112

Chapter 1 Introduction



The role of Supply Chain Management (SCM) is becoming more and more important in todays business world. From a purely operational approach to SCM of the 1960s we have moved to a more integrated and strategic approach. Hence, supply chain management is today considered as a source of competence and innovation. In the modern business world, companies are competing not only through their product range and customer relations, but also through their supply chains. In this, Dell has been held as the golden example of Supply Chain Management. Dell has achieved to become one of the most successful PC companies in the world, by emphasizing and aligning its strategies with the design of its supply chain (SC). The innovative ideas of its founder, Michael Dell, and their successful implementation have turned Dell into the most quoted example of the Supply Chain research community. Therefore, the interest in investigating Dells SC strategies is great, as it is expected to highlight more general and innovative issues of SCM.


Gap, Aim and Objectives

Even though several research efforts have examined Dells supply chain strategies, most of the adopted approaches fall into the category of strategic and theoretical, abstract view of the subject. On the other hand, the business world is starving for examples and practical, realistic advice for strategies and operations. So, there seems

to be some gap between academia and the business world concerning the treatment of the subject of SCM. Our aim is to fill this gap by providing an analysis of a lower level, thus use knowledge-based techniques to analyze and model Dells business and SC strategies. After examining these strategies, we will develop a business process model (BPM) for Dell that is strategic, business-goal-oriented and executable. To make the BPM executable we will create a workflow engine for BPM simulation and calculation of the total execution time and cost. So, the primary objective of our work is to have an insight into Dells supply chain strategies. The secondary objectives include: i) the development of a BPM for Dell that illustrates its SC strategies, ii) the creation of a workflow engine for BPM simulation that is business context sensitive, and iii) the simulation of the developed BPM using the workflow engine for further analysis of Dells strategies.


Thesis Outline

The thesis has been divided into 7 chapters, starting from this introductory one. The remaining chapters are organised as follows: Chapter 2 gives an overview of literature that is related to our work, and hence covers Supply Chain Management, Dells Supply Chain Strategies, Business Process Modelling and Workflow Management Chapter 3 describes the developed Business Process model for Dell and explains the relevant decisions Chapter 4 covers the development of the workflow engine and illustrates its mission and objectives, some design decisions and assumptions we have made Chapter 5 presents the experiments we have conducted on Dells BPM using our workflow engine and illustrates the relevant conclusions Chapter 6 covers the evaluation of our work Chapter 7 summarizes the work done, presents interesting conclusions and suggests future extensions of this work

Chapter 2 Background Information

In this chapter we will review literature that is relevant to our work and that will be helpful to the reader to bear in mind throughout the report. Since our work combines a business-oriented subject with a computer science methodology, it is meaningful to review literature of both sciences. So, we will first present some general background information about supply chain management, and then we will review literature that handles Dells supply chain strategies. In the second half of this chapter we will give an introduction to business process modelling and workflow management, and then we will explain some topics that we will base our work on, thus FBPML and the three-layered business process modelling approach.


Supply Chain Management

A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request [10]. In other words, a supply chain (SC) includes all organizations that collaborate in order to produce and deliver a finished product to the final customer, as well as the customer himself. An example of a simple, direct SC would be the one for a bakery in Edinburgh, which contains one supplier, a distributor of the materials, the bakery and a customer. Supply chains can differ in size, complexity of relations between the members and distribution of physical presence. In the following figure two different types of channel relations can be seen: direct, where the SC consists of one supplier and one customer of an organisation, and extended, where apart from the above, a suppliers supplier, a customers customer, etc. are included. In general, supply chains are

dynamic, and involve the flow of information, products and funds between different stages [30], as shown in the following figure.

Direct Supply Chain




Extended Supply Chain Suppliers Supplier




Customers Customer

Products Information Fund

Figure 1: Types of channel relations and flows across a supply chain

Supply chain management has the objective to have the right products in the right quantities at the right time at minimal cost [13], a situation that would guarantee optimal service levels for the customer and optimal performance for the organizations as a whole and separately. So, SCM involves the management of flows between and among members of the supply chain in order to maximize total supply chain profitability [10], hence maximize the total value generated throughout the SC. Even though the term Supply Chain Management is popular in both academia and business world, its meaning seems to be ambiguous, as Mentzer et al. [38] suggest. Some authors view SCM as a management philosophy (with systems approach, strategic orientation and customer focus as key features), others use the term to refer to the set of activities to implement a management philosophy (with integrated behaviour, mutually sharing information, risks and awards, cooperation and integration of processes being the most important ones), while a third approach is in terms of a set of management processes (the definition given above by Chopra et al. [10] adopts this approach). In our work we will adopt the last definition of SCM,

while recognizing the existence and importance of the others an organization needs first to decide about its supply chain strategy and then translate it into actions and processes that fulfil it. Apart from this, there seems to be a confusion between the term of Supply Chain Management and Logistics. In fact, the two terms are very closely related, and they are sometimes used alternatively. However, logistics involves the management of order processing, inventory, transportation and warehousing and the challenge within a firm is to coordinate functional competency into an integrated operation focused on servicing customers, while in the broader supply chain context, operational synchronization is essential with customers and suppliers in order to link internal and external operations as one integrated process [4]. This is made clear by the following figure by Zografos [53]: Logistics involves the operations of a single enterprise, while supply chain management involves the interoperations between the different supply chain members.
Supply Chain Management




Transportation system

Logistics Operation

Figure 2: Analysis of SCM System [53]

Bearing in mind the different dimensions of SCM, there are three types of SCM decisions: strategic, tactical and operational [39]. Strategic SCM decisions involve the design and configuration of the supply chain, capacity planning and facility location; tactical decisions include supplier selection and evaluation, bidding and

contracts; operational decisions include inventory management, production planning and scheduling, and replenishment policy. The research concerning SCM decisions is wide, and it includes the five illustrative decision models by Narasimhan et al. [39], thus buyer-supplier behaviour, sourcing, integrated operations and marketing and logistics models.


Importance of Supply Chain Management

As we have already mentioned in Chapter 1, supply chain management is becoming more and more important in todays business world. As Harrison suggests [21], enterprises are currently competing through supply chains, while Gattorna [18] claims that supply chains are the business. But what is it that makes supply chains so important? To answer this question one has to consider the modern business environment and Porters value chain model [42]. What characterizes todays business environment is globalization and rapid rhythms of change, leading to a high degree of uncertainty and a need for flexibility. The market is more demanding than in the past and companies compete more on the basis of time and quality. Since logistics-related decisions have a great impact on time, logistics has become important for a companys competitive advantage. This is also supported by Porters value chain analysis [42], which suggests that the primary value chain activities of a firm are inbound and outbound logistics, marketing and sales, service, and operations; if a firm succeeds to implement these activities in an effective and efficient way, it can gain a considerable competitive advantage. Additionally, globalization has led to closer relationships among suppliers and customers, thus leading to a tightening of supply chains. A systems thinking is gradually being adopted by companies, as they recognize the need for supply chain cooperation and the importance of the success of the whole supply chain rather than only their own. After all, this agrees with Porters value system [42], which suggests that a firms value chain is part of a larger value system (including suppliers and customers value chains), and as such, a firms success depends not only on its own value chain but also on the success of the values system it belongs to.

Finally, we should take into account the emergence of Internet and E-Commerce. Internet and new technologies, such as ERP, have facilitated the sharing of information between firms, thus highlighting how much a company can benefit from cooperation with other members of its supply chain. As Lawton et al. [29] suggest, Internet has extended the benefits of ERP from the value chain of an individual firm to the entire value system of firms and their suppliers and customers. Relevant literature [11] deals with the other side of the same coin, i.e. how different companies can use the strengths of Internet in order to improve their supply chain performance.


Supply Chain Management Approaches

Given the increasing importance of SCM for business success, there is a growing interest in SCM in both academia and business world. Different approaches are adopted in the analysis of the phenomenon and the problems to seek the best choice of supply chain strategy. One can tackle this problem through modelling models of successful supply chains are expected to give insight into SC theory and extend it. Beamon [2] provides us with a focused review of multi-stage supply chain modelling, differentiating four types of SC models: deterministic analytical, stochastic analytical, economic models and simulation models. In the same article an analysis is given on the different SC performance measures being used, divided into qualitative and quantitative categories. It is also common practice to examine and analyse important issues of supply chain management. For example, it has been argued [10] that competitiveness and supply chain strategies must have the same goal, in other words a company should achieve a strategic fit by aligning its SC strategies with the customer priorities. Towards this, three steps should be followed: understand the customer and supply chain uncertainty, understand the supply chain capabilities and achieve the responsiveness efficient frontier, which can be seen in the figure below. strategic fit. As far as the second step is concerned, one should bare in mind the so-called cost-


Zone of strategic fit


Low High Low

Cost Figure 3: Cost-Responsiveness Efficient Frontier and Zone of Strategic Fit [10]

Many researchers are also concerned with the strategic dimension of SCM. Cohen et al. [12] propose five disciplines for top performance: view your supply chain as a strategic asset, develop an end-to-end process architecture, design your organization for performance, build the right collaborative model and use metrics to drive business success.


Hot topics in Supply Chain Management

A term that is very popular in the last years is the one of the extended enterprise, which means that each member of the supply chain drops the single company thinking and adopts a systems thinking focusing on the performance of the whole supply chain, aiming at the satisfaction of the customer [21]. Such a situation involves the close cooperation of the members of the SC, their coordination and integration, facilitated by information sharing. All these issues are often addressed in SCM literature, illustrating the importance of the extended enterprise (sometimes also called virtual enterprise). For instance, Lee [30] investigates the significance of integration in modern supply chains and how value can be created, suggesting that supply chain integration is neither an easy nor a simple task but the payoff can be handsome. Similarly, Gattorna [18] takes us from firms alignment and alignment in the supply chain to dynamic alignment, introducing a four-level framework to achieve this: marketplace-, strategy-, cultureand leadership-related. Thomas et al. [50] argue that firms are moving from decoupled decision making process toward more coordinated and integrated design

and control of their components in order to provide goods and services to the customer at low cost and high service levels and present three categories of operational coordination (buy-vendor, production-distribution and inventorydistribution), as well as strategic planning models that support SC coordination. A related hot topic is the so-called bullwhip effect in supply chains. Bullwhip effect is the phenomenon of the amplification of demand order variability as we move up in the supply chain [31], which has as consequence excessive inventories, poor forecasts and poor customer service. Even though different suggestions have been made on how to deal with this problem, there are still many companies suffering from bullwhip effect symptoms. Important research is also done in the field of different SCM trends and strategies. Mass production techniques, pioneered by Ford in the 1920s [29], have been common practice in the twentieth century and are still seen as the most popular rule for doing business. A challenge to this model has been the just-in-time (JIT) scheme introduced by Toyota in the 1960s, which facilitated rapid product innovation, flexible production and cost saving through lower level of inventory [29]. The term JIT refers broadly to a philosophy where the entire supply channel is synchronized to respond to the requirements of operations or customers [16], and it involves manufacturing (with small lot sizes and short lead times) and purchasing (with frequent deliveries of small lot sizes as central point). Build-to-order (sometimes also referred as make-to-order) is another popular operations paradigm, which leads to a flexible and responsive supply chain [19]. What is also common in todays supply chains is the vertical disintegration of production, meaning that companies tend to focus on their core competence and outsource their logistics and secondary operations (3PL) in order to save money. Postponement is another common practice, where there is a delay in decision making and especially in manufacturing of a product, resulting in better predictions about the end product demand over time [44].


Dells Supply Chain Strategies

General Information about Dell

Dell was founded by Michael Dell in 1984, while he was still a student at the University of Texas in Austin. From its very first steps, the direct sales model was adopted: At the beginning computers were sold over the phone and they were built according to the customers specifications [28]. After a short break of using the retail channel from 1990 to 1994, Dell returned to its direct model and grew rapidly in the mid 1990s, thus becoming in 1999 the number one PC seller in the United States and number two worldwide [28]. Dells success was phenomenal: from a students personal company selling no more than 100 computers in its first years of existence, it became a big company of more than 35.000 employees and over 25.000 million dollars sales in 2000 [26], competing giants such as IBM and HP. No wonder that Dell was the most admired company of US and third most admired company worldwide in 2005 [58]. Dells success remained for the following years, however could not entirely avoid the general crisis of the PC industry of the new millennium; Dells growth rate has fallen, resulting in a fall in its stock price. However, Dell has managed to remain a successful company, as its growth rate continues to outpace the industry as a whole [28]. Apart from this, Dell has decided to enter new markets and, thus, expand its product portfolio: servers, workstations, printers and PDAs, as well as flat-screen TVs and digital cameras are the new challenge for the company. Under this scope, Dell changed its name in 2003 from Dell Computer Corporation into Dell Inc., in order to reflect the evolution of the company from a computer manufacturer to a company that provides a wide array of technology-related services [45]. Michael Dells strategic choices and his effective way of realizing them have played a significant role in Dells success story. The key element of his successful business model of the company is its supply chain management; hence, many theorists of Supply Chain Management have tried to investigate Dells SC strategies, and several companies have attempted to copy Dells business model, without success however. This fact shows the complexity of Dells SC strategies and its unique way


of putting them into practice. The core elements of Dells business model are its direct sales model, usually referred as direct model, and the build-to-order strategy.


Directs Sales

The direct model refers to the fact that Dell does not use the retails channel, but sells its PCs directly to customers through its website,, as Figure 4 shows. This way the intermediary steps that may add time and cost are eliminated, and Dell is directly linked to its customers.
PC maker Retailers Resellers Integrators



Final Customer

Indirect Distribution Channel of the PC Industry


Dell Dells Direct Distribution Channel

Figure 4: Distribution channel of Dell vs. a traditional company [31]

Final Customer

In fact, Dell sells directly to all its customers, from home-PC users to the worlds largest corporations [54]. This way it creates a direct relationship with each individual customer, which turns out to be a great source of competitive advantage. As Michael Dell has stated, this direct relationship creates valuable information about the customer, thus Dell knows who the end users are, what they have bought from Dell and what their preferences are, a fact that allows Dell to offer add-on products and services, and stay, in general, closer to the customer [27]. As Lawton et al [29] suggest, this provides Dell with a wealth of marketing and product development information. Dell distinguishes three rough customer segments: large organizations (large companies or government institutions), small and medium businesses, and personal consumers; the mix of customers served is wide (no customer represents more than 1-2% of Dells revenues) and there is a focus on large customers (70% of Dells sales corresponds to them) [34]. It is also worth mentioning that segmentation is getting


finer and finer in order to better approach the customers. This fact, in combination with the direct model, leads to the ability to better forecast demand [34]. Especially in the case of large customers, the above-mentioned direct relationship is upgraded to virtual integration. With the help of information technology and traditional face-to-face human contact, customers work with Dell as partners; this means that Dell is not going to be just their PC vendor anymore, but their IT department for PCs, as Michael Dell claims [34]. There are two main facilities that bring Dell and its customers closer: Premier Pages and Platinum Councils. Premier Pages, now called, are customised IT procurement and support sites for big clients, which let them decide and manage their purchases from Dell, thus leaving to salespeople a more consultative role. represents a customised sales channel and as Dell has realised how beneficiary that is, it has increased the number of Premier Pages from 1000 in 1998 to 50,000 in 2000 [36]. Platinum Councils are regional meetings of Dells largest customers, where executives, salespeople and technicians discuss their experience with Dell and their needs and expectations from technology. Additionally, Dells Customer Experience Initiative, Dell Forums [55], the Direct2Dell blog [57] and the IdeaStorm [56] illustrate the importance that Dell places on its customer relationships.


Build-to-order and integration with suppliers

The new business model that Dell has pioneered within the computer industry has broken the we-have-to-develop-everything existing view of the world and has managed to highlight component assembly as a respectful core activity of a computer company, as Michael Dell states [34]. The build-to-order strategy takes this achievement one step further. Build-to-order SC as a strategy is defined as a value chain that manufactures quality products or services based on requirements of an individual customer or a group of customers at competitive prices, within a short span of time, by leveraging the core competencies of partnering firms or suppliers and information technologies, such as the Internet and WWW, to integrate such a value chain according to Gunasekaran et al. [19]. Thus, in the case of Dell, a computer is built only after a


customer has placed an order; then lean manufacturing and just-in-time production take place. This means that once an order is placed, configuration details are sent to the manufacturing floor and the assembly begins; once the computer is built and the requested software is downloaded, it is shipped by a 3PL to the customer. The choice of a build-to-order and JIT manufacturing procedure has several advantages for Dell. First, the level of inventories is very small, leading to low inventory costs and faster response to demand changes for instance, when a new microprocessor comes out in the market, Dell can immediately order it from its suppliers, as there is no excess inventory to get rid of first. Also, it is common that customers pay for an order before Dell pays its suppliers for the products components, thus letting Dell operate on a negative cash conversion cycle [27]. Not to forget the fact that this way customized products are offered, and instead of guessing, Dell knows exactly what its customers want before producing it. What is special in the case of Dell is its relationship to its suppliers, which also facilitates its build-to-order model. Dell fully adopts the approach of the extended enterprise by viewing its suppliers as an integral part of doing business and a key factor for its success. The supplier effectively becomes our partner, as Michael Dell states [15]. Dell selects suppliers that have expertise, experience and the ability to deliver value [51], and their performance is regularly evaluated against pre-agreed measures. In fact, every quarter Dell meets with its suppliers to provide direct feedback on performance and future expectations [17]. The performance is evaluated through a scorecard that compares each supplier with its competitors based on cost, quality, reliability and continuity of supply. As a reward, Dells well-performing suppliers are provided with training and support in order to improve their processes. Under the effort of minimizing its inventories, Dell demands from its suppliers to provide them with goods in a high speed so instead of orders such as deliver 5000 to this warehouse every two weeks, the form of orders is more like tomorrow morning we need 6.795 to be delivered at door A3 (of the warehouse) by 7 am [51]. A new notion that Dell has introduced is the one of inventory velocity, and it focuses


on minimizing inventory and maximizing speed. It is worth mentioning that Dell holds an average of less than 6 days of inventory, while the corresponding average of its competitors is 6 weeks [36]. (This fact will be later factored in our model design for simulation, in Chapter 5.) In order to deal with these high rhythms, the main suppliers are required to maintain inventory near or in Dells plants; they can either produce close or keep inventories in revolvers or supplier logistics centres (small warehouses close to Dells assembly plants, that are shared by suppliers who pay the corresponding rent) [24]. Of course, all the practices described above require close collaboration between Dell and its suppliers mutual trust and sophisticated data exchange are key factors to achieve it. This wouldnt have been possible without the use of Internet and IT: The most important facility towards information sharing is the website which operates as an extranet between Dell and its suppliers. Through Dells suppliers can get informed about the level of inventory in the supply chain, supply and demand data, component quality metrics and new part transitions [24]. This way, Dell shares demand and production forecasts with its suppliers, so they can themselves decide on production levels, avoiding the bullwhip effect.


Other interesting approaches

Apart from the direct model and build-to-order supply chain strategies, analysts have dealt with other issues that are said to contribute to Dells success. As Fugate et al. [17] indicate, Dells secret recipe concerning its supply chain is the appropriate coupling of process and people elements (See Table 1, which is taken from [17]). This is obvious from Michael Dells statements that our R&D focuses on process and quality improvements in manufacturing and that one of our biggest challenges is finding managers who can share and respond to rapid shifts [34]. The above also agrees with Cutlers suggestion that the key ingredient of supply chains is people, as they bring the SC into life [18].


SCM Capabilities



Maniacal about execution / Bias Demand Management Direct Model / Build-to-order for action Internal Collaboration Information Technology Culture of information sharing Linked partner planning and Value of personal/business Leverage Partners execution relationships Business Fundamentals Balance sheet and P&L Rewarded for decreasing costs Table 1: Dells appropriate coupling of supply chain capabilities with processes and people

According to Kraemer et al. [27], there are three central points in Dells value web model: Dells powerful role in coordination and control of the value network, its close physical integration with its suppliers and business partners, and the importance of information technology, the Internet and other electronic communications. Chopra et al. [11] have evaluated Dell by viewing it as an example of e-business that has used Internet to align it with its supply chain strategies. Pearlson et al. [41] view Dell as a zero-time organisation and identify four key principles apart from build-to-order and direct model, which can be seen in the following table and which we will not analyse any further.
Key principles for Dells business model Build-to-order Direct sales Exchange inventory for information Velocity, value and volume Constant change Criticality of coordination
Table 2: Key principles for Dells business model according to Pearlson et al [41]


Business Process Modelling

General Information about BPM

There is a wide range of definitions for a business process. According to Davenport [14], a process is a structured, measured set of activities designed to produce a specified output for a particular customer or market. Implying a strong emphasis on how work is done, it is a specific ordering of work activities across time and place, with a beginning, an end, and clearly identified inputs and outputs. This is the definition that we will adopt for a business process, emphasizing on the existence of some inputs and outputs, and the creation of value for the customer. However, as


Lindsay et al. [32] suggest, business processes are not adequately defined, a fact that leads to confusion in the academic and especially in the business sector. For example, there seems to be some confusion about whether a process description refers to the end product or not, and whether the analysis of a business process is appropriate for decision-making modelling. Even though there seems to be controversy concerning the definition of business processes, there are some common characteristics of BP definitions in literature, as Kavakli and Loucopoulos [25] suggest (see Table 3). Moreover, some important issues about business processes are decomposition, specialization, the existence of alternative processes and temporal relations between actors, objects and some process [8].
Common characteristics of BP definitions well identified products and customers goals several activities involved collaboration between organisational actors
Table 3: Common characteristics of Business Process definitions

Business Process Modelling (BPM) has captured the attention of the business world in the mid 1990s and is becoming increasingly popular since then. As Aguilar-Savn suggests [46], business process models are mainly used either to learn, make decisions about the process or develop business process software. Kalpic et al. [23] emphasise the importance of process modelling as a tool that allows the capturing, externalisation, formalization and structuring of knowledge about enterprise processes, thus enabling knowledge management. In other words, even though business processes are nothing new to enterprises, their modelling makes their existence explicit and provides a common ground for relative discussion. On the other hand, it has been argued that process management has failed to fulfil its promises. In fact, Benner et al. [3] have shown that pressures towards process management stunt a firms dynamic capabilities and that process management activities are beneficial for organizations in stable contexts, but not in dynamic innovation and change. However, the contribution of business process modelling and management is still widely recognised for the reasons mentioned in Table 4. Not to forget that BPM is usually the first step towards Business Process Reengineering


(BPR), a very popular management approach aiming at the improvement of the performance of business processes with respect to cost, quality, service and speed.
Contribution of BPM Common process representation Common understanding of process Analysis of process behaviour and Basis for process improvement and performance management Process guidance and execution support Process control automation
Table 4: Contribution of Business Process Modelling, according to Luo et al [33]


BPM Methods and Tools

There are several BPM methods and tools used in academia and the business world. Popular methods can be found in Workflow Reference Model, PIF, IDEF3, UML and Petri-Nets. As far as tools are concerned, they fall in two categories, according to Chen-Burger and Robertson [8]. The first one deals with capturing and reportgenerating of specific modelling methods (e.g. RBPL, Paradigm Plus and BP WIN) and the second provides also simulation activities (e.g. BPSimulator, Simprocess and ProSim/ProCap). It is sometimes not clear which modelling method is appropriate for a project. Luo et al. [33] suggest a framework for selecting BPM methods based on BPM objectives. In this framework we start with the BPM objectives (communication, analysis or control) and continue with the required perspectives of modelling methods (object, activity or role) and their required characteristics (formality, scalability, enactability and ease of use). The latter two are matched to the different modelling methods, thus leading to the selection of the most appropriate one. Business process modelling is a complex procedure, as it is a knowledge and social activity: In the modern enterprises, different stakeholders have different views on the business operations and the analyst needs to take these into account [1]. Apart from the above mentioned BPM methods, it is worth mentioning Checklands soft systems methodology [5], which is a human activity-based formalism. In addition, there have been efforts towards a strategy-driven BPM approach, such as the article by Nurcan et al. [40]. In this work, a goal-driven approach is adopted in order to establish a close relationship between the whys and the whats and a relevant map


representation system is provided. Soffer et al. [49] also deal with the integration of goals into process modelling by distinguishing goals from soft-goals or business measures. Kavakli and Loucopoulos [25] suggest a different way of relating goals to business process modelling: Under the larger framework of Enterprise Knowledge Development, an enterprise goal submodel is created and this is linked to the enterprise process submodel. The connection between the two has as following: Goals related to a business process are presented in a hierarchical way, with the top business goal being realized by the process, and the leaf node goals being realized by some role (related to some actor of the process) of the business process.


Workflow Management
Definition and General Information

Workflow is concerned with the automation of procedures where documents, information or tasks are passed between participants according to a defined set of rules to achieve, or contribute to, an overall business goal [52]. Workflow technology is thus the technology that facilitates this automation. It is obvious that workflow management is closely related to BPM. According to Mentzas et al. [37], Workflow Management involves process modelling, process reengineering, and workflow optimization and automation. Workflow Management System (WfMS) is a system that completely defines, manages and executes workflows through the execution of software whose order of execution is driven by a computer representation of the workflow logic. Workflow Management Systems have been around since the early nineties and they have become very popular in both academia and business world, as they support the analysis and optimisation of business operations. It is a wide belief that the application of WfMS improves organizational performance; in fact, it has been found by Reijers and van der Aalst [43] that they decrease significantly the lead-, serviceand wait-time of business process execution, and increase the utilization of involved human resources. Recognizing their increasing importance and the need for standardisation, the Workflow Management Coalition was founded in 1993. Its


goal is to facilitate the use of workflow technologies across vendor products and to develop standard architectures for workflow specification to allow the interoperability by various WfMS [37].


Different Approaches and Trends in Workflow Management

According to Mentzas et al. [37], there are three basic categories of workflow techniques: a) communication-based, b) activity-based, and c) hybrid techniques. The first type is more human-oriented, and it assumes that the objective of the workflow is to improve customer satisfaction. Activity-based techniques focus on modelling the work instead of modelling the commitments among humans, and hence model the tasks involved in a process and their dependencies. A combination of the two is what we call hybrid techniques. Current research topics in workflow management include object-oriented WfMS, flexibility in workflow modelling and transactional WfMS. Furthermore, the application of Artificial Intelligence is a new trend in workflow management and it is believed that an intelligent WfMS with self-learning capability will be able to capture the information needed to construct or complete process definitions automatically during enacting [47]. The use of AI search techniques can also be found in the work of Jaeger et al. [22], where a framework for automatic improvement of workflows is suggested. Another hotspot in workflow management research is web-based WfMS. Such a topic can be found in Han and Park [20], where similarities between workflow and web services are addressed.


2.5 Fundamental Business Process Modelling Language (FBPML)

Fundamental Business Process Modelling Language (FBPML) is a visual modelling language which is a merger of two recognised process modelling languages, PSL and IDEF3. The combination of these two languages guarantees rich visual modelling methods on the one hand and formal semantics (e.g. description of business processes in logical sentences) on the other hand. This language is designed to support both software and workflow system development, and it is characterised as standard, accessible, collaborative, precise, executable and formal [7].


Notation in FBPML

Figure 5 depicts the notation of FBPML, as it is shown using KBST-EM (Knowledge Based Support Tool for Enterprise Models) [6].

Figure 5: FBPML notation

The notation of FBPML consists of main nodes, junctions, links and annotations. We will now briefly describe each one of these points:


Main nodes: Activity: denotes the type of process that may be decomposed or specialised into subprocesses Primitive Activity: denotes a leaf node activity that may not be further decomposed or specialised Role: describes the role that an enabler plays on the context of described activities Time Point: indicates a particular point in time during the enactment of a process model Links: Precedence Link: places a temporal constraint on process execution (e.g. in Figure 5 activity b may not start execution before the execution of activity a is finished) Synchronisation Bar: places a temporal constraint between two time points (e.g. in Figure 5, the begin time of activity d should be synchronised with the end time of activity c) Junctions: Start and Finish junctions: indicate the logical starting and finishing points of a process And and Or junctions: these can be fan-in (many-to-one relationship) or fanout (one-to-many relationship), as Figure 6 shows, and they can be broken down to: o And Joint: indicates that all of the preceding activities that have been triggered must finish execution before the following activity can be executed. So, if from activities A, B and C of Figure 6-a, A and B are triggered, D can start execution once both A and B have finished execution. o Or Joint: indicates that only one of the preceding activities is required to be triggered and finished before the following activity can be executed. So, if from activities A, B and C of Figure 6-b, A completes execution first (e.g. at timepoint T), D can start execution at T.


o And Split: indicates that all of the following activities (e.g. all B, C and D of Figure 6-c) must be completed after the preceding activity (here, A) is finished o Or Split: indicates that at least one of the following activities (e.g. all B, C and D of Figure 6-d) must be completed after the preceding activity (here, A) is finished

Figure 6: FBPML joint and split junctions

To make the above clear, we will provide an explanation of the combinational use of branching junctions, as these are shown in Chen-Burger et al [7], and based on our experience with FBPML. The four different junction combinations can be seen in the following figure, where each process is assigned a symbol of type not) and the time its execution finishes (e.g. 3).



denotes whether the process has been triggered (i.e. if it has been triggered and x if

1 5 7

1 X


1 5 7

3 5 X

Figure 7: Combinations of FBPML junctions

In Figure 7-a an AND-AND junction can be seen, which means that all processes B, C, D must finish execution (because of the and-split junction), and E starts execution when all have finished execution (because of the andjoint junction). So, for the example provided where all B, C and D are triggered, and the maximum completion time is 7, E can start execution at 7. An OR-OR junction can be seen in 7-b, and it denotes that at least one of the processes B, C, D must finish execution (because of the or-split junction), and E starts execution at the minimum completion time of one of them (because of the or-joint junction). So, for the example provided where only B and D are triggered, and only B finishes execution at time 3, E can start execution at 3. Figure 7-c gives an example of AND-OR junction, which means that all B, C and D must finish execution (because of the and-joint junction), but E starts execution at their minimum completion time (because of the or-joint junction). So, for the example provided where the minimum completion time is 3, E can start execution at 3. An OR-AND junction can be seen in 7-d, and it denotes that at least one of the processes B, C, D must finish execution (because of the or-split junction), and E starts execution when all triggered processes among B, C and D have finished execution (because of the and-joint junction). So, for the example provided where only B and C are triggered, and the maximum completion time is 5, E can start execution at 5.


Annotations: Idea Note: records textual information that is relevant to, but beyond the scope of, a process model Navigation Note: records the relationships between diagrams in a model


Three-Layered Business Process Modelling Approach

The three-layered business modelling approach has been developed in the Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute of the University of Edinburgh, and it supports the development of workflow systems from business process models and provides the means to describe higher level business processes, objectives and policies [9]. The three layers of the approach that can be seen in Figure 8, are described as follows: The Business Layer describes business requirements of an organisation, processes that are to be carried out by the organisation and relevant needed information. The related documentation is higher-level descriptions that may be formal or informal. The Logical Layer expresses a logical description of business processes, so it is a semi-formal business process model that describes business operations in ordered activities. The Implementation Layer gives detailed step-by-step algorithmic procedure for software modules that implement processes described in the logical layer.
Business Requirements

Business Layer

Logical Requirements

Logical Layer

System Requirements

Implementation Layer

Figure 8: Three-layered BPM approach


Chapter 3 Dells Business Process Model

In this section we will move from the business layer of the Three-Layered Business Process Modelling Approach, thus the textual description of Dells SC strategies, to the logical layer; hence, we will illustrate the business process model (BPM) that we have developed for Dell and how we came up with this model. First we have to make clear that the BPM created involves Dell and does not show directly the business processes along the whole supply chain. However, one can easily identify some basic activities that involve cooperation with suppliers and customers, thus supply chain management activities. Our BPM it shows all activities basic and supporting ones that take place when Dell creates a computer for some customer, hence the whole process in which Dell does business in order to create and sell a computer. Note that we focus only on the creation of computers and not other Dell products such as PDAs or digital cameras. We have based our business process model on the MIT Process Handbook [60], which has provided us with a generic BPM for Dell, called: Dell Create computers to order [59]. The MIT Process Handbook was a challenging research project of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the 90s that took about 10 years to be completed. The projects basic aim was to develop a comprehensive framework for organizing large amounts of useful knowledge about business. With respect to this approach there are three primary kinds of entries in the Handbook: (1) generic models of typical business activities (e.g., buying, making, and selling) that occur in many different businesses, (2) specific case examples of interesting things particular companies have done, and (3) frameworks for classifying all this knowledge [35]. As stated by the project members [35], the result of this work is an on-line process handbook which can be used to help people: (1) redesign existing business processes, (2) invent new processes (especially those that take advantage of


information technology), and (3) organize and share knowledge about organizational practices. In our case, it is the last contribution of the Handbook that has been of use to us. As we have already mentioned, the MIT Process Handbook provides us with generic business processes, as well as with specific processes of companies such as Dell. In the figures below we can see a sample entry of a generic process, buy, as shown in the Handbook, and a process specific for Dell, Identify potential customers in custom channel {Dell}, respectively. As one can notice, every process entry in the handbook includes the following information about the process: name (or the title of the process) description: this can be short or long, depending on the importance of relevant information; it explains what the process involves as well as how some processes are being executed; especially in the case example processes, supplementary interesting information is included such as historical data, sources and links to other web pages. parts: the subprocesses are given, without however any defined sequence, hence as a list. These parts may include subparts, some of which may in turn include further subparts. The full decomposition can be extracted by navigating through the process handbook. properties: date of last modification of the process entry related processes: these include specializations and bundles (processes that show how a process can be done or what the object of the process is, respectively, hence all other ways that the same processes can be done), uses (all other processes that use the described process) and generalizations (all other processes that are like the described process)


Figure 9: Sample entry of the MIT Process Handbook for buy

Figure 10: Sample entry of the MIT Process Handbook for Identify potential customers in custom channel {Dell}



Dell BPM The MIT Process Handbook version

We will now briefly describe the BPM that the MIT Process Handbook has developed for Dell. The full version can be found in
0 Create computers to order


1 Design product and process

2 Buy standard item to stock

3 Configure to order using internet

4 Sell using customized sales channel

5 Manage as a creator

Figure 11: Decomposition of Create computers to order (MIT Process Handbook)

The above figure shows the decomposition of the basic Dell process, Create computers to order. Note that no sequence is implied by the Handbook, but only the parts of the parent process are given. Hence, in this case, the subprocesses of create computers to order are: design product and process, buy standard item to stock, configure using internet, sell using customized sales channel, and manage as a creator, but no sequence is specified. So, according to the MIT Process Handbook, in order to create a computer to order, Dell needs to have already designed the corresponding product (as well as the manufacturing process) and bought the needed components from its suppliers; the order is configured through Dells web site and the computer is sold to the customer (here implied a corporate customer) via a customized web site called Premier Page. Throughout the whole process, Dell manages as a creator (this involves general business tasks, such as strategy, and managing resources and relationships). We should make clear that the numbering of the processes above does not imply any sequence between the processes, but it has been introduced for matters of ease (especially for decomposition); the same holds for the numbering of all the processes of the MIT Process Handbook version that follow.


Further decomposition of each subprocess can be seen below:

1.1 Identify needs or requirements

1.2 Identify product capabilities

1.3 Develop product and process design

1.3.1 Develop the characteristics of a product/ service

1.3.2 Develop the process of producing a product/service

Figure 12: Decomposition of Design product and process (MIT Process Handbook)

The process design product and process consists of 3 parts, as shown above, and has as a result the identification of the product design and the corresponding manufacturing process. What is interesting here is that there is integrated product and process design, meaning that the process and the product are designed in parallel. As far as the parts are involved, we should mention the following: The identification of needs or requirements can be done from the view of either the consumer or the producer, and it involves the specification of the usability parameters of a resource. The product capabilities are identified such that the product will be usable by the consumer. Also, the process develop product and process design is further decomposed into 2 subparts, as shown in the figure above.
2.1 Identify potential sources 2.2 Identify own needs

2.3 Place order

2.4 Receive

2.5 Select supplier

2.6 Pay

2.7 Manage suppliers

2.7.1 Evaluate suppliers

2.7.2 Manage supplier policies

2.7.3 Manage supplier relationships

Figure 13: Decomposition of Buy standard item to stock (MIT Process Handbook)


According to the MIT Process Handbook, buying a standard item to stock is done always in advance of a particular need or custom requirement of a particular instance [60]. So, in the case of Dell, and according to the MIT Process Handbook (note that in section 3.3 we will not agree with the Handbook for this process), the company buys standard items (usually of low cost) and keeps them as inventory in order to use them at the computer assembly procedure some time later. The process buy standard item to stock consists of 7 parts, which can be seen above. (Note that, as mentioned above, the numbering does not imply any ordering between the processes, but it is set according to the order the processes are listed in the Handbook.) So, in order to buy standard items to stock, Dell needs to identify a need for some item, identify the potential sources for this item, choose a supplier, place an order, receive it and pay for it; in the meantime, Dell also manages the supplier for this item, meaning that it manages the supplier policies and their relationships and evaluates them. Dell configures its customers orders using the internet, as all relevant information is obtained by its web site,, where customers place their orders. The MIT Process Handbook does not suggest any further decomposition for this process. The MIT Process Handbook treats the next process, sell using customized sales channel as of great importance in the case of Dell, thus Dell-specific, while all the other processes we have already mentioned are generic processes that hold for the Dell case. Dell uses the Internet as its basic sales channel, and it has created customized web sites for its big clients, the Premier Pages (we have covered these in section 2.2). In Figure 14 we can see the parts of this process. So, in order to sell computers using the Premier Pages, Dell needs to identify potential customers (here implied corporate customers and individual customers within these organizations, such as employee groups) and their needs, inform them about the different possible PC configurations and prices, obtain an order from a customer and the corresponding payment and deliver the ordered product; in the meantime Dell manages its customer relationships. As we have mentioned in section 2.2, the use of Premier Pages, and


thus online customized sales and support, differentiates Dell from other PC companies and provides a competitive advantage.

4.1 Identify potential customers in custom channel

4.2 Identify potential customers needs

4.3 Inform potential customers

4.4 Obtain order

4.5 Deliver product or service

4.6 Receive payment

4.7 Manage customer relationships

4.1.1 Identify potential corporate customers

4.1.2 Identify potential individual customers

Figure 14: Decomposition of Sell using customized sales channel {Dell} (MIT Process Handbook)

As Dell creates computers to order, it needs to perform some general business activities in order to survive and succeed. The related process has the name manage as a creator and has 4 parts that are to be seen in the following figure. In other words, Dell needs to develop its strategy, manage its resources and its external relationships, as well as manage learning and change within the company, so as to guarantee its sustainability. Some of these four parts are further decomposed, and in one case we reach two levels of decomposition. A few words about some of the parts of manage as a creator: Regulatory relationships include governments for taxation or duties; the corresponding process (here numbered as 5.4.1) is further decomposed into two processes, manage tax and duty compliance and manage legal compliance, which involves regulations other than tax and duty. Examples of societal relationships include charitable work, donation, etc.


5.1 Develop strategy

5.2 Manage resources by type of resource

5.3 Manage learning and change

5.4 Manage other external relationships

5.2.1 Manage human resources

5.2.2 Manage physical resources

5.2.3 Manage financial resources

5.2.4 Manage information resources

5.4.1 Manage regulatory relationships

5.4.2 Manage competitor relationships

5.4.3 Manage societal relationships

5.4.4 Manage environmental relationships

5.4.5 Manage stakeholder relationship Manage tax and duty compliance Manage legal compliance

Figure 15: Decomposition of manage as a creator (MIT Process Handbook)

3.2 Dell BPM The sequenced MIT Process Handbook version

3.2.1 Weaknesses of Dells BPM based on MIT Process Handbook

As we have already mentioned, and as one can see from the figures of section 3.1, the MIT Process Handbook provides us with a business process model for Dell which has no sequence, thus we can only see the parts of each process, its decomposition. This means that we do not know whether two parts of the same process (siblings) are executed one after another or in parallel/concurrently. This is


important information, as it takes into account information dependency between the processes, and has a great impact on the time and cost of the execution of the processes. After all, two of the most widespread business process modelling methods, UML Activity Diagram and IDEF3 Process Model, use precedence links. Hence, if we wish to have an insight into Dells supply chain strategies using a BPM, we get little/incomplete information from the given BPM from the MIT Process Handbook. So, our next step is to use the model we have presented in the above section in order to create a new version that incorporates sequence. The decision on the sequence between processes will be made based on relevant literature concerning Dell, as well as on known general business practices. However, it is beyond the scope of this section to provide detailed justification for the sequence between every business process pair.


The sequenced MIT Process Handbook version of Dells BPM

We have decided to use the Fundamental Business Process Modelling Language (FBPML), since it is designed to be used to support both software and workflow system development, as we have already mentioned in section 2.5. Therefore, it is expected to be helpful for the development of our workflow engine in our project. Before presenting our sequenced MIT Process Handbook version of Dells BPM, we should mention that in some cases the numbering of the processes of the earlier version has changed. This happens because in the last version we introduced numbers in the processes (these were not part of the Handbook Dell case) for matters of ease, hence these do not imply any sequence. However, in this section, where process sequence is introduced, numbering does actually have some meaning concerning sequence. Since in our previous version the numbers of the processes were defined based on the order of the processes in the parts list, it is commonsense that this order may not match the sequence of the processes in the BPM, resulting into a change of numbering. In Figure 16 we can see the decomposition of the basic Dell process, Create computers to order after taking ordering into account. In order to decide on the


sequence between the five processes, we have considered the case of creating one computer to order, thus design one product (one computer in our case) and process, buy standard items needed for the assembly of this computer, configure one order for the specific computer, sell it and manage as a creator (of this product). In order to create a computer to order, the first step is to design the corresponding product and process (process 1). Once the product and the manufacturing process is designed, Dell can start the procedure for its physical creation and sale (processes 2, 3 and 4), but also it has to start managing as a creator in order to succeed (process 5). Hence, after process 1 we have an AND-junction that indicates that process 5 takes place concurrently with processes 2, 3 and 4. After Dell buys the needed items to stock (process 2), it configures an order for this product (process 3) and after the completion of this procedure, Dell can sell it using its customized sales channel (process 4). As already explained, Dell has to manage as a creator in the meantime (process 5).

Figure 16: Decomposition of Create computers to order (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)

The sequence of the parts of process 1, Design product and process, is quite trivial: In order to design a product and its manufacturing process, Dell first has to identify the needs or requirements that this product will fulfil. Then, and based on those needs, the product capabilities are defined, and finally the product and process design is developed by taking into account the previous two steps. Hence, the three processes, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3, are sequential.


Figure 17: Decomposition of Design product and process (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)

As we have already mentioned in the previous section, what is interesting about process 1 is that the product and process design is integrated, meaning that the process and the product are designed in parallel. This is made obvious in the sequenced version of the decomposition of Develop product and process design (Figure 18), where the two processes, develop the characteristics of a product/service (process 1.3.1) and develop the process of producing a product/service (process 1.3.2) are parallel.

Figure 18: Decomposition of Develop product and process design (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)

In Figure 19 we have the decomposition of process 2, Buy standard item to stock, where the decision on the sequence is also quite trivial. The whole procedure begins when Dell realizes it has a need on a standard item (process 2.1); the next step is to look for potential sources (process 2.2), thus suppliers, and select one of them (process 2.3). Then activities of two types take place at the same time: activities that have to do with the specific order for the standard item (processes 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6), and activities of managing the suppliers (process 2.7). Since these take place in parallel, we have introduced two AND-junctions, one fan-out and one fan-in. As far as processes 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 are concerned, these are sequential for the following


reason: Once a supplier is selected for the needed item, an order is placed, then the requested items are received and finally Dell pays for its order to the supplier (pay could actually precede receive, but we have assumed that Dell first receives and then pays for its orders, at least for the current version of our BPM).

Figure 19: Decomposition of Buy standard item to stock (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)

Managing suppliers involves evaluating them (process 2.7.1), managing supplier policies (process 2.7.2) and managing supplier relationships (process 2.7.3). All three processes are executed at the same time, a fact that explains the AND-junctions of the figure below.

Figure 20: Decomposition of Manage suppliers (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)

Now we will explain the sequenced version of the decomposition of process 4, Sell using customized sales channel, which can be seen in Figure 21. At the first glance it reminds us to some extent the sequenced version of process 2, Buy standard item to stock. Like in process 2, most of the parts of process 4 are sequential, except for


4.7, which involves managing (just like 2.7) and takes place at the same time with some other parts. In a few words, the sequenced version of the decomposition of process 4 has as follows: In order to sell using its customized sales channel, Dell needs first to identify potential customers (process 4.1); once these are identified two processes start execution: manage relationships with these customers (process 4.7) and identify potential customers needs (process 4.2). Once potential customers needs are identified, they are informed about the product range and prices (process 4.3) and then orders are obtained from the customers (process 4.3). The next step is to receive the payment from the customers and only after this is completed will Dell deliver the ordered product.

Figure 21: Decomposition of Sell using customized sales channel (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)

The first subprocess of sell using customized sales channel, Identify potential customers in custom channel (process 4.1), is further decomposed, as the following figure shows. The sequence of its two parts is sequential, as Dell first identifies potential corporate customers (process 4.1.1), such as Boeing, and then identifies potential individual customers within the corporate customers (process 4.1.2), usually the employees of the customer organization (e.g. managers, purchasing agents and end users in Boeing).


Figure 22: Decomposition of Identify potential customers in custom channel (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)

The sequenced version of the decomposition of Manage as a creator can be seen in Figure 23 and involves four subprocesses. As the figure shows, in order to manage as a creator, Dell needs first to develop its strategy (process 5.1) without a strategy the organization cannot decide how to deal with managing resources and other business issues. So, after the strategy is decided, Dell can concurrently manage resources by type (process 5.2), manage learning and change (process 5.3) and other external relationships (process 5.3).

Figure 23: Decomposition of Manage as a creator (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)

The process Manage resources by type is further decomposed in four processes which are all parallel, as there is no dependency between them. The relevant decomposition can be seen in the following graph.


Figure 24: Decomposition of Manage resources by type of resource (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)

The decomposition of process 5.4, Manage other external relationships, is similar, as all its subprocesses are parallel.

Figure 25: Decomposition of Manage other external relationships (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)


Similarly, the two subprocesses of Manage regulatory relationships (process 5.4.1) are parallel, as there is no dependency between them.

Figure 26: Decomposition of Manage regulatory relationships (Sequenced MIT Process Handbook version)



Dell BPM The enriched version

Weaknesses of Dells BPM sequenced version

Even though the second version of Dells business process model, which incorporates sequence, is of better use than the original one, there are still some negative points that make it inappropriate for extracting Dells supply chain strategies. These will be discussed in the following paragraphs. First it is still too generic for such a specific focus area as supply chain management. As it is completely based on the MIT Process Handbook, many of the parts of Dell Create computers to order are not Dell-specific but generic, thus they are used in many other case examples. For instance, the process buy standard item to stock (process 2) is generic and does not reflect how Dell cooperates with its suppliers in order to buy standard items; this is even more obvious with its part receive (process 2.5), as it does not show any of the relevant interesting findings from our literature review (e.g. the case where Dell does not receive the items at its plant, but it gets them from the suppliers plant). This fact shows another weakness of the current BPM: it is sometimes too high-level, thus leaving out interesting information for Dells supply chain strategies. Third, considering the literature about Dells supply chain strategies, there seem to be some mistakes in MIT Process Handbooks Dell case. The most important one is the fact that Dell does not, in general, buy to stock but it buys to order. This is a key issue for Dells cooperation with suppliers and organization of assembly preparation, and a very important point in Dells SC strategies. However, according to the MIT Process Handbook (process 2), Dell buys standard items to stock, which seems to be an important mistake. There also seems to be an important gap in the MIT Process Handbook business process model, thus the manufacturing/assembly process of computers is not thoroughly treated, as it is not further decomposed. However, this is an important process for Dell, and the way Dell goes about it demonstrates Dells ability towards speed and combination and alignment of supply chain strategies with manufacturing; therefore, it would preferred to present computers assembly in a more detailed way.


Another gap results from the focus on corporate customers that the MIT Process Handbook has adopted; however, we believe that customer segmentation is an important aspect and should be incorporated in the final BPM. Last, because of the high-level approach of the MIT Process Handbook, the resulting BPM is, in some cases, too simplistic. For example, it seems to consider only the case where no errors occur (no exception handling) and it does not take into account several decisions that may have to be met (e.g. what happens when a during some product design it turns out that this product is not profitable for Dell?).


Enriched-MIT Process Handbook version of Dells BPM

All the above weaknesses of the current BPM have led us to the development of a new business process model, which we will call Enriched-MIT Process Handbook BPM, or enriched BPM in short. Even though we have described the main weak points of the Dell BPM according to the MIT Process Handbook, we still recognize the quality and value of this project; hence, our final version of Dells business process model will still be based, in its biggest part, on the MIT Process Handbook. Our aim with this new version of Dells BPM is to have a complete BPM that shows in a high level the supply chain strategies of Dell. Towards this goal, we will enhance the current BPM by: introducing and decomposing the process assemble to order specializing some generic processes on the Dell case further decomposing some given processes introducing new processes that reflect Dells supply chain strategies substituting buy standard item to stock with the alternative process buy standard item to order dealing with exception handling clarifying some titles of given processes We will now move on to the presentation and explanation of Dells enriched business process model, which is the final version for our project.


In Figure 27 we can see the decomposition of Create computers to order. If we compare it with the corresponding figure of the sequenced-MIT Process Handbook BPM (Figure 16), we will see that they differ. Even though the previous Create computers to order decomposition may seem more logical and understandable, the new version had to be changed because of the different decomposition of each subprocess. This means that the processes 2, 3 and 4 are interleaved (e.g. Dell receives an order from a customer (process 4), suppliers provide Dell with needed inventory (process 2) and computers are assembled according to customers order (process 3), then extra needed items, such as monitor, may be received from a supplier (process 2), and finally the order is delivered to the customer (process 4)), and thus they are executed in parallel.

Figure 27: Decomposition of Create computers to order (Enriched version)

The decomposition of Design product and process has been enriched and it now contains a process for feasibility and profitability checking (process 1.4): If the product to be designed seems unprofitable or not feasible to manufacture, then its design should be abandoned (this explains the arrow to finish in the figure below). Also we distinguish two alternative cases for needs or requirements identification: Customers requirements may involve a new product (process 1.2) or an already existing product (process 1.1).


Figure 28: Decomposition of Develop product and process

The composition of process 1.5 is the same as in the previous version of Dells BPM, as the following figure shows.

Figure 29: Decomposition of Develop product and process design (Enriched version)

The process Buy standard item to order has replaced our previous Buy standard item to stock and it is very important for Dells supply chain strategies. As Figure 30 shows, the procedure begins with the identification of Dells needs on some item (process 2.1), then potential suppliers are identified (process 2.2), from which one is selected (process 2.3), and then contracts and the replenishment environment are


negotiated (process 2.4). This is an important step, as Dell needs to make sure that its cooperation with the supplier will be as wished, and that the supplier will agree on Dells high expectations. After the completion of this step two processes start execution: suppliers managing (process 2.8) and information sharing (process 2.5). Process 2.5 has been introduced, as information sharing between Dell and its suppliers is the cornerstone of their successful cooperation. Based on this information sharing, suppliers provide inventory to Dell (process 2.6) based on Dells demand forecasts and the level of inventory. Finally, the suppliers are paid (process 2.7).

Figure 30: Decomposition of Buy standard item to order (Enriched version)

Below the decomposition of Share info with supplier is shown. Its three subprocesses are executed concurrently and they involve: Sharing real-time info that involves the level of inventory and real-time orders via Value Chain (process 2.5.1), sharing demand forecasts (process 2.5.2) and sharing general business information (process 2.5.3). The latter has to do with information of general business or product interest, such as the existence of new trends in the market (e.g Sony could inform Dell about high-selling monitors or Dell could let Intel know about the requirements of its big customer from processors).


Figure 31: Decomposition of Share info with supplier (Enriched version)

As we have already mentioned, real-time info exchange involves inventory levels and end customer orders. This can also be seen in the following figure that shows us the decomposition of process 2.5.1, Share real-time info via Value Chain. Its two subprocesses are executed in parallel.

Figure 32: Decomposition of Share real-time info via Value Chain (Enriched version)

The decomposition of process 2.6, Get inventory from supplier, which can be seen in the Figure 33, is different from our previous version of Dells BPM. Here we distinguish two alternatives: inventory may be received in Dells plant (process 2.6.1) (this is the case where Dells supplier delivers inventory without waiting for a specific order from Dell) or Dell may place an order (process 2.6.2) and get the


inventory from the suppliers plant (process 2.6.3). The latter covers the case of standard items that are not required for plant assembly, such as monitors.

Figure 33: Decomposition of Get inventory from supplier (Enriched version)

Manage supplier is similar to our previous version of Dells BPM, with the only difference that process 2.8.2, Provide feedback and support has been introduced after Evaluate supplier. This is an important process of Dells cooperation with its suppliers, as it helps them reach Dells high standards and improve their performance. So, Dell gives its suppliers detailed feedback on their performance according to a scorecard, and they are supported to overcome difficulties or further improve themselves.

Figure 34: Decomposition of Manage supplier (Enriched version)


Now we will show how process 3, Build to order, is decomposed. First components that are required for plant assembly are identified and get (process 3.1), then the hardware is assembled in Dells plant (process 3.2), and standard software is loaded (process 3.3). Then either customer specific software is loaded (e.g. some helpdesk software specific for a British Airways) or we move on to product testing (process 3.5). In the first case, the product is also tested after customer-specific software loading. If the tested product is in good condition, we move on to packaging (process 3.6); otherwise, we return to process 3.1 and start product assembly once again. If the product that is being built contains items that do not need to be assembled in Dells plant, such as monitors, Dell can get them from the suppliers plant (process 3.7), in order to match them later with all the other order components (process 3.8). The whole procedure is completes after the different order components are matched.

Figure 35: Decomposition of Build to order (Enriched version)

Another important process for Dells supply chain strategies is Sell directly (process 4). In this version we distinguish two customer segments, and thus two alternatives: selling directly to small customers (process 4.1), thus home and small


business customers, and selling directly to big customers (process 4.2), meaning large business and public sector customers.

Figure 36: Decomposition of Sell directly (Enriched version)

Figure 37 shows the decomposition of process 4.1, Sell directly to home and small business customers. The whole procedure begins with the identification of customer segments (e.g. high-tech small business, students, etc) (process 4.1.1) and their needs (process 4.1.2). Based on these needs, Dell identifies appropriate and valid computer configurations (process 4.1.3) and informs the customers about them (process 4.1.4). After this step is completed, two processes start execution: managing home and small business customer relationships (process 4.1.5) and the ordering procedure, which includes processes 4.1.6, 4.1.7 and 4.1.8 sequentially.

Figure 37: Decomposition of Sell directly to home and small business customers (Enriched version)


Process 4.1.5 is further decomposed in two parallel subprocesses, Support home and small business customers (process and Get feedback from home and small business customers (process, as Figure 38 shows.

Figure 38: Decomposition of Manage home and small business customers (Enriched version)

These are further decomposed, as the following two graphs show. Home and small business customers are offered technical support (process and customer service (process via Internet and phone. Dell also gets feedback from them about their customer experience (process and general feedback about its products and business performance (process through forums and blogs, such as Direct2Dell and IdeaStorm.

Figure 39: Decomposition of Support home and small business customers (Enriched version)


Figure 40: Decomposition of Get feedback from home and small business customer (Enriched version)

Now we will present how process 4.2, Sell directly to large business and public sector customers, is decomposed. As the figure below shows, the decomposition is very similar to the one of 4.1, Sell directly to home and small business customers, so there is no need to explain it in detail.

Figure 41: Decomposition of Sell directly to large business and public sector customers (Enriched version)

Figure 42 shows how process 4.2.1 is decomposed. So, in order to identify potential corporate customers, Dell needs first to identify key personnel of the potential corporate customer (process, such as IT manager, and then identify employee groups within the customer (process, such as helpdesk personnel, managers and end users.


Figure 42: Decomposition of Identify potential corporate customers (Enriched version)

Management of large business and public sector customers involves offer of support (process and getting feedback from them (process, which take place in parallel. These two processes are further decomposed, as the following figures show. The support that is offered to big clients is distinguished into technical support (process, customer service (process and general business support (process, and they are offered via Premier Pages, phone, Account Team and Platinum Councils. As in the case of small customers, the feedback that Dell gets from its big clients involves customer experience (process and Dells products and business practices (process

Figure 43: Decomposition of Manage large business and public sector customers (Enriched version)


Figure 44: Decomposition of Support large business and public sector customers (Enriched version)

Figure 45: Decomposition of Support large business and public sector customers (Enriched version)

The following figures show the decomposition of process 5, Manage as a creator. Since it is exactly the same as in the sequenced-MIT Process Handbook BPM version, we will not explain our decisions on the decomposition.


Figure 46: Decomposition of Manage as a creator (Enriched version)

Figure 47: Decomposition of Manage resources by type of resource (Enriched version)


Figure 48: Decomposition of Manage other external relationships (Enriched version)

Figure 49: Decomposition of Manage regulatory relationships (Enriched version)


Chapter 4 Workflow Engine

In this section we will describe the workflow engine that has been developed in Prolog in order to create an executable version of Dells BPM. It is business context sensitive, meaning that it calculates the total time of a business processs execution, as well as the total cost involved. Our workflow engine does not do any validation or verification, as we assume that the BPM provided is correct; instead, it focuses on measuring business goals expressed in terms of time and cost, as this information is important in order to argue about supply chain strategies. The idea behind the workflow engine implementation can be summarized in the following three sentences: The workflow engine is initialized by the model and process specification, and after the event and entity database is loaded, the BPM execution begins. The BPM runs in a forward chaining manner and keeps an explicit time record; so in each timepoint actions may be executed, junctions may be reached and processed, and processes may start execution. When there are no more processes to be executed, the BPM finishes execution and provides us with information about the total cost and time. In order to make the above description clearer, we will first describe the design decisions and the assumptions we have made, as well as some interesting issues in workflow engine creation. We will continue with the discussion about the logical representation of the business process model for execution, such as model and process specification, and the entity and event database representation. Then we will explain the workflow engine algorithm and some important relevant points. Finally we will draw interesting conclusions concerning the workflow engine creation and use, and we will show examples of its actual use.



Workflow engine design and assumptions

Aim & Objectives

The aim of the workflow engine is to simulate a business process model in order to check strategic decisions, in our case Dells supply chain strategies. The main objective is to provide an executable version of a business process model, which will give us an insight into the actual behaviour of the BPM, thus offering a more complete and realistic view of the object of discourse. After all, the workflow engine is the medium that takes us from the logical layer to the implementation layer of the Three-Layered Business Process Modelling Approach [9], which we have adopted for our work and which has been explained in the second chapter. Another important objective of the workflow engine creation is to support the analysis and reasoning about business strategies; through explicitly measuring time and cost that is related to business process execution, the workflow engine will adopt a business context sensitive approach and facilitate comparison between different strategies, and hence different business process model conceptualisations.


Design conceptualisation & Requirements

As we have already mentioned, the main use of our workflow engine will be to simulate a business process model in order to reason about the related business strategies. Checking business strategies makes sense only when checking the normal case of business process execution, as simulating an exceptional or wrong business process model would have a poor contribution to arguing about strategic decisions. So, checking the average case means mainly two things: First, that everything is expected to go right in the business process execution, thus events take place at the right/usual moment, the initial state is correct and guarantees the process execution, actions execute at the pre-specified timepoint, etc. Second, this means that the duration and cost assigned to each process is the average value of them, thus the expected one.


Since we are only interested in the simulation of the usual and correct business process model, there is no actual need for validation or verification. After all, why check the correctness of a BPM if we already know it is correct? So, our workflow engine does not provide validation or verification, as there is no need for this, under the assumption that the provided BPM is correct. The logical path that led us to this assumption can be seen in Figure 50, coloured in violet. Additionally, reasoning about business strategies has another impact on the use and design of the workflow engine: In order to analyze and compare different strategies through BPM execution, one should reduce the business operations (and the corresponding time and cost) to the single case. For example, if we want to compare the computer assembling procedure of two companies, such as Dell and IBM, then it makes more sense to compare the time and cost related with assembling one computer. This design requirement has two implications: First, that the modeller should already know the cost and time of each single case business process and second, that there are no other needed variables for the workflow engine apart from the time and cost of each process. Hence, other variables like number of suppliers, or proportion of big and small customers, are beyond the scope of our workflow engine. The biggest part of the workflow engine design conceptualisation involves general and standard workflow engine issues. Since the workflow engine will be used to make a BPM executable, it will have to conform to some general workflow engine requirements. This means that it will have to be able to execute processes, keep track of the workflow state (e.g. know which processes have been executed so far), understand the current world state (e.g. know which entities and data hold at each timepoint) and update it according to the actions executed, and give some feedback to the user about the business process execution results. To make this clearer, some general requirements for our workflow engine are the following: i. ii. Understand the business process model, hence understand and execute the different junctions of the model. Understand the definition of business processes and execute them according their special conditions (trigger conditions, preconditions, etc.) and the current world state.


iii. iv. v.

Understand and update the current world state according to the actions and processes executed. Keep track of the workflow state, thus remember which junctions have been reached and which processes have been executed. Inform the user about the business process execution status.

The first requirement means that junction definition has to be formally specified, so that it is understandable by the workflow engine. Since we have used FBPML for Dells business process model, our workflow engine will also be based on FBPML for junction definition and execution. So, it should understand what the start and finish junctions signify, and distinguish between and-split, or-split, and-joint and or-joint junctions, and execute them according to their definition. (This topic is covered thoroughly in 4.2.1.) Similarly, the second requirement means that processes have to be formally defined. This definition should include data important for their execution, such as trigger conditions, preconditions and actions they invoke. In order to make the executable version of a BPM realistic, we should incorporate the description of the world in our workflow engine. Since the world changes according to the workflow state we are in (e.g. what processes and actions have been executed), our workflow engine should be able to update the world state accordingly. The fourth requirement is an important control mechanism of a workflow engine, as it guarantees that we correctly move from one process to another instead of getting stuck in some workflow state or re-executing processes. Also, keeping track of which processes have been executed is necessary for total cost measuring, and it is interesting information to give to the user as feedback. The last requirement is actually imposed from the user-side, as the users of a workflow engine need to know real-time what is happening during business process simulation. So, after starting BPM simulation, it would be useful to provide information such as current timepoint and workflow state; it is also essential to inform the user when the BPM execution is completed and the total cost involved.


MISSION Executable
-Implementation layer -Realistic, real-time behaviour

Business context
-Measure time and cost -Support analysis about different strategies

GENERAL -Model and execute junctions -Execute processes -Represent and update the world state -Control the workflow state -Give feedback to the user SPECIFIC -Calculate the total time and cost for a BPM execution -Model only the normal case -Model only the single case

-The BPM provided is correct. -Junctions connect only processes between them, hence no junction is connected with another junction except for the case where a start or finish junction is involved. -Each process can execute only once. -There is prior knowledge about events occurrence. -The minimum process duration is 1 and the minimum cost is 0.

-Forward vs. backward chaining -Simplistic vs. sophisticated treatment of waiting time -Explicit vs. implicit time measurement -Implicitly vs. explicitly treat junctions -Which junction cases covered? -Deterministic vs. non-deterministic occurrence of events -Treat a process branch as a block vs. as a sequence of processes -Dynamically update vs. keep track of world state for each timepoint
Figure 50: Relation between workflow engine mission, conceptualisation and requirements, design decisions and assumptions


All the above-mentioned requirements can be seen in Figure 50, which presents how the purpose and mission of the workflow engine affects its design conceptualisation and requirements, as well as some assumptions that are related to them.


Design decisions & Assumptions

Now that we have made clear what our workflow engine is expected to do, we will discuss how to deal with some design issues and why relevant decisions have been made. In addition, assumptions that are based on design decisions will be explained. The framework that takes us from design decisions to the corresponding assumptions is presented in Figure 50. Forward chaining vs. backward chaining algorithm One of the first design decisions of the workflow engine algorithm is whether to adopt a forward chaining or a backward chaining approach. The backward chaining approach, even though not very popular for workflow engine implementation, may seem convenient for the chosen programming language, Prolog, because of its recursive nature. So, the reasoning for a simple BPM composed by two processes would be the following: The BPM execution is completed if the finish junction is reached, which holds if the last process is executed, which requires the previous process to have been successfully executed, and so on. However, our analysis and experimentation with a backward chaining workflow engine algorithm has shown that such a choice makes the estimation of process execution starting time quite complicated, and even incorrect in some cases (see Appendix A). On the other hand, a forward chaining algorithm is a more natural and correct approach, as it can help us track the state of the BPM execution in each timepoint. Therefore, a forward chaining algorithm is chosen for the creation of our workflow engine. The idea of a forward chaining algorithm is the following: The execution of a BPM is completed if, starting from the start-junction and by successfully executing the following processes, we reach the finish-junction. Simplistic vs. sophisticated treatment of process waiting time In daily business life it is quite common that processes are triggered later than expected or in not easily predicted timepoints, especially when the trigger condition


has to do with external factors. When such processes are executed in parallel with other processes, then it may become difficult to calculate the starting time of some process following them (see Appendix A for a thorough analysis). So, here arises the question of how we want to deal with such waiting time in a simplistic or a sophisticated way? Since one of the basic requirements of our workflow engine is to measure time, we have decided to adopt a more sophisticated and flexible approach. This means that we will estimate process starting time by taking the corresponding waiting time, if any, into account, and not by neglecting it, as the simplistic approach would suggest. Explicit time measurement and real time BPM execution vs. estimation of start and finish time Another crucial design decision is how to treat time in BPM execution: implicitly, by estimating each processs start and finish time, or explicitly, by representing the world and workflow state in each timepoint? Even though the second option may be more costly in the case of processes with long duration, it actually turns out that it guarantees a more precise and correct process start time estimation, especially in case we want to model the waiting time for some process (see Appendix A). Since we have decided to treat waiting time in a more sophisticated way, we are obliged to measure time explicitly throughout BPM execution. Junction cases covered As we have already mentioned, junction definition and differentiation in our workflow engine will be based on FBPML. So, our workflow engine should be able to deal with all six cases of Figure 10. In these cases a junction connects only processes between them; in fact, this relation may be either one-to-many or many-toone, and our workflow engine is expected to model and execute both types. We have decided not to cover the case where a junction is connected with another junction, (e.g. an and-joint junction being followed by an or-split junction), as that would make the workflow engine algorithm quite complicated. However, we have recognized the need for modelling a start-junction followed by an and-split or an orsplit junction, and accordingly a finish-junction preceded by an and-joint or or-joint junction, as they are to be seen in many of Dells BPMs. These cases will be dealt by


inventing a new junction which is actually a combination of the two, thus a start/and, a start/or, a finish/and and a finish/or junction (this topic is covered thoroughly in section 4.2.1). So, the corresponding assumption is that junctions connect only processes between them, except for the case where a start or a finish junction is connected to some other junction. Process instantiation Most workflow engines require a process to be instantiated in order to be eligible for execution, and we will adopt this approach as well. We will regard a process to be instantiated when it is reached through the workflow state, thus when the junction preceding it has been reached and processed. Then, this process instance may be checked for the special conditions (trigger conditions and preconditions) that specify whether it can start execution. Note that for matters of ease we will assume that each process can be instantiated and executed only once, thus our workflow engine will not provide any loop-handling. Prior knowledge of events occurrence Like most workflow engines do, our workflow engine will relate trigger conditions of processes with event occurrences. Even though in real business life it may not be known when events may happen, in our workflow engine, for simplicity, there will be complete prior knowledge about which events will take place and when, as opposed to when such info is provided in real-time. This is an assumption that lets us have some control over waiting time of processes (see Appendix A for a relevant example). For simplicity, we will have prior information of all events that will occur throughout the BPM execution, either internal or external, and even if some of them are a product of some process execution. This means that we will not include event occurrence as a post-condition (action) of processes, as such information will already be known from the event-occurrence list. Treat process branches as a block vs. as a sequence of processes It is quite common in business operations that a post-process of a fan-out junction is followed by another process, before a fan-in junction is met, thus creating some kind


of a process branch. Such an example BPM can be seen in the following figure, where the process branch includes processes p1, p2 and p3.

Figure 51: Example BPM with a process branch

In such cases arises the question of how to treat the process branch: as part of a block of processes, where they are either all executed or none, or as a sequence of independent processes, where the execution of one process does not directly depend on the execution of the other? The block approach would mean for the above example that the or-joint junction is reached only if all processes p1, p2, p3 and p4 are executed, while the process sequence approach would mean that the or-joint junction is reached when one of p3 or p4 finishes execution. In order to simplify the description of the process model for our workflow engine, as well as the algorithm itself, we will adopt the process sequence approach. However, one should keep in mind that the processes of the same branch are not completely independent (see Appendix A for further analysis), e.g. the trigger condition of the last process, here p3, is related to the execution result of the preceding processes, here p1, p2. Dynamically update world state vs. track world state for each timepoint As we have already mentioned, a process can start execution at some timepoint T if it is already instantiated (at some timepointT), triggered (at some timepointT) and its preconditions hold at T. But then arises the question of how to check for preconditions, hence how to treat the representation and update of the world state: dynamically update it or keep track of the world state for each timepoint? The choice of dynamic update means in concrete that the predicates that represent the world state are dynamic, and hence they can be inserted or deleted from our database without keeping track of the world state history. Such a choice seems to agree with the explicit time measurement that we have decided. On the other hand, one could argue


that keeping track of the world state history (e.g. keeping a database where the world state is given for each timepoint throughout BPM execution) would give us better control over BPM simulation. However, such a decision could be costly, especially if the duration of the BPM execution is long. Therefore, we will dynamically update the world state instead. Other design issues Now that the most important design decisions have been made, we will discuss some other design issues, of relatively minor importance. First, the world state for an organization will mainly be described by two factors: physical entities that exist in the world (e.g. a specific customer, or supplier or product) and data that the organization keeps in its database about the world (e.g. needs on inventory, information about companies that are regarded as potential suppliers, etc). The difference between the two is that entities are actual objects of the world, while data is only information about the objects world. Consequently, actions of processes change the world state by creating new or deleting already existing entities and data. In the same way, preconditions of processes have to do with the existence or not of some entity or data in a certain world state. Last, we define as minimum process duration 1 and as minimum process cost 0.


Logical representation of executable BPM

Now that the workflow engine design and assumptions have been decided and explained, we can move on to the logical representation of the executable business process model. This formal specification is necessary for the workflow engine to understand the BPM and proceed to its execution. So, it can be seen as a convention to which the potential user should conform whenever our workflow engine is to be used for a BPM simulation. The specification of the logical representation includes the following: junctions, processes, world state (data and entities) and events.



Junction representation

When one decides to use the workflow engine in order to run a BPM, he first has to identify the process model by specifying how the several processes are connected with each other, thus describe the junctions of the BPM. The standard predicate for describing a junction is the following:
junction(JunctionType, PreProcesses, PostProcesses)

So, a junction is specified by its type (which can be start, finish, link, andsplit, and-joint, or-split or or-joint), the list of the processes preceding it and the list of the processes following it, where the processes are specified by their ID (this is covered in the next section). The process model below includes some example junctions to be modelled, and its specification is following.

Figure 52: An example BPM for the workflow engine junction(start, [], [p1]). junction(link, [p1], [p2]). junction(or_split, [p2], [p3,p4]). junction(or_joint, [p3,p4], [p5]). junction(and_split, [p5], [p6,p7]). junction(and_joint, [p6,p7], [p8]). junction(finish, [p8], []).

As we have already mentioned in 4.1.3, a junction is considered to be a one-to-many or many-to-one relation between processes. However, our workflow engine also supports the case of two junctions connected with each other, thus when a start- or a finish-junction is involved. In this case the model specification is the following:


Model specification of junction-followed-by-junction in our workflow engine

junction(start_and, [], [p1,p2]).

junction(start_or, [], [p1,p2]).

junction(finish_and, [p1,p2], []).

junction(finish_or, [p1,p2], []).

Table 5: Model specification of junction-followed-by-junction in our workflow engine

To make things even clearer, let us repeat that the finish_and junction above, behaves as a finish and as an and-joint junction at the same time, thus only when both p1 and p2 finish execution is the junction hit, indicating the end of the BPM execution.



Process representation

In order to use the workflow engine to run a BPM, all involved processes must first be described, so that their characteristics (e.g. preconditions) are known. The process specification should be included in a separate file where each process is described by the following predicate:
process(Pid, PName, Trigger, Precond, Action, Duration, Cost)

The decided form of process specification is actually a simplified version of the executable process predicate suggested by Chen-Burger et al [4], and it includes the most important and needed information about a process. Pid defines the ID of a process and it is unique within a BPM, while PName is the name of a process. Trigger is a list of all the trigger conditions of the process. As we have already mentioned in chapter 2, a trigger condition is matched with the occurrence of an external or internal event, which invokes the process. If there are no trigger conditions for a process, then this is specified by setting Trigger to [true]. Similarly, Precond is a list of all the processs preconditions, which involve the existence or not of some entity or data in the entity database. The different types of preconditions can be seen in the following examples, including the case of no preconditions, where the value of Precond is the empty list.
process(p1, createProcessor, [true], [], [create_entity(processor, [clockSpeed_3MB, cahce_4MB])], 2, 100). process(s4, urgentlySendComputerInBag, [exist(event_occ(needCompBag)), exist(event_occ(urgentNeedComputer))], [exist(entity_occ(computer)), exist(entity_occ(computerBag)), exist(data(addressToShip))], [create_data(computerInBagSent,[time_today])], 8, 80). process(pr2, discussWithBoss, [true], [], [], 1, 0).

The Action variable specifies the list of actions that are fired by a process as we have already mentioned in 4.1.3, the different types of actions that are supported by our workflow engine are create entity, create data, delete entity and delete data. Duration is the (average expected) duration of the process and Cost is the (average expected) cost of the process. We should note once again that each process has duration of at least 1, while the minimum cost allowed is 0.



World state representation

When executing a BPM we somehow need to know what our current world looks like at each timepoint. For instance, in the case of Dell, which are our suppliers, or what information is there in our database about our customer X? Hence, we need to know what entities exist in some state and what data there is in the organizations database in some timepoint. Since the current state may change (e.g. new entities or data may be created or deleted), and bearing in mind that we have decided to update the world state dynamically, the predicates describing entities and data are defined as dynamic.
:- dynamic entity_occ/3. :- dynamic data/3.

An entity occurrence is described by its name and ID, as well as its attributes. The EnitityAttribute variable is a list of attribute names and values of the entity (in the form attrname_attrvalue). Below a standard entity specification and an example is provided.
entity_occ(EntityName, EntityId, EntityAttribute) entity_occ(supplierForProcessor, supp_proc1, [reput_good, cost_expens]).

The existence of data in the organizations database is specified in a similar way. Thus, data is described by its Subject, its SubjectID and a list of attributes (in the form attrname_attrvalue, like in the entity_occ case).
data(SubjectID, Subject, Attributes) data(potSup1, potentialSupplier, [reput_good, cost_expens]).


Event representation

As we have thoroughly explained in section 4.1.3, our workflow engine should be loaded with a file containing information about events, either internal or external. This information is necessary in order to invoke a process via its trigger conditions. As it can be seen below, an event occurrence is specified by its name, its ID and the timepoint at which it takes place.
event_occ(EventId, EventName, T) event_occ(e1, needForProcessor, 3).



Workflow engine creation

Now that we have presented the workflow engine design and assumptions, and the logical representation of processes, junctions, events and the world state, we can move on to the explanation of the main points of the workflow engine creation. 4.3.1 Workflow engine algorithm

Process model Modellers conceptualizations

Check model instance process

Check trigger

Check process preconditions

Execute process

Workflow engine algorithm

World state

Workflow state
Processes executed Junctions reached

data entity


Current state

Notation explanation : static junction and process model : instances for organizations world state (Dell) : process instances executed, junctions reached (dynamic)

Figure 53: Relation of workflow engine with model, process and entity specification

As the figure above shows, the workflow engine uses both the static modellers conceptualization, thus junction and process specification, as well as the dynamic world description, meaning workflow state and world state, in order to check through all the possible processes for execution. In fact, the algorithm takes each process of the BPM and by checking the current state (what processes have already been executed, what processes are pending, which junctions have been reached, as well as


what entities and data currently exist in the world) and bearing in mind the processs preconditions and trigger conditions (specified by the modeller), it decides which processes can be executed at the current timepoint. The main workflow engine algorithm is to be seen in Figure 54, and it can be summarized as follows: In every step there are three main tasks carried out by the algorithm: execute actions, execute junctions and execute processes. The execution of actions modifies the current state of the world (data and entity_occ). Junctions are executed if their type is satisfied (e.g. an or-junction is executed if there is at least one preceding process that has been triggered and executed), and these executions create the so-called model instances, which are actually instances of the postprocesses. Then, processes are executed if they already have a model instance created, if they have already been triggered and if their preconditions hold. When a process is fired for execution, its completion time is calculated and stored in an agenda (CompleteProcessAgenda) and its actions are scheduled for its completion time (ActionsAgenda). At the end of each step (where time is updated), it is checked whether we have reached the end of the execution of the BPM. If yes, then we stop and calculate the total cost involved. Otherwise, we move to the next step.


Process Model specification

Process specification Junction specification World description (data, entity, event)

Workflow Engine

Execute action(s)

Execute junction(s)

Model Instances

Execute process(es)

Actions Agenda
Complete Process Agenda

Update time



(Finish junction hit) AND (ProcessPending ForCompletion=[ ]) AND (ModelInstanceToBeTriggered =[ ]) AND (AndPostProcessPending=[ ])

Notation explanation static specification


dynamic specification algorithm task algorithm decision repository


Figure 54: Flowchart of our workflow engine


To make the above clear, we will show the flowchart for the following simple BPM, where:
process(p1, p1, [true], [], [create_entity(car,[colour_red])],1,100) process(p2, p2, [exist(event_occ(needForCar))], [exist(entity_occ(car)],[create_data(carMatch,[quality_good])], 1,50)

and event_occ(e1, needForCar, 2) and the initial entity database is empty.



T=0 ActionsAgenda=[] Execute actions: SofarCompletedProcesses=[] Execute junctions: start ModelInstances=[p1] Execute processes: p1 CompleteProcessAgenda=[p1,1] ActionsAgenda=[create car, 1]

T=1 ActionsAgenda=[create car, 1] Execute actions: create car SofarCompletedProcesses=[p1] Execute junctions: link ModelInstances=[p2] Execute processes: CompleteProcessAgenda=[] ActionsAgenda=[]


T=3 ActionsAgenda=[create carMatch, 3] Execute actions: create carMatch SofarCompletedProcesses=[p1,p2] Execute junctions: finish ModelInstances=[] Execute processes: CompleteProcessAgenda=[] ActionsAgenda=[]

T=2 ActionsAgenda=[] Execute actions: SofarCompletedProcesses=[p1] Execute junctions: ModelInstances=[p2] Execute processes: p2 CompleteProcessAgenda=[p2,3] ActionsAgenda=[create carMatch, 3]

Figure 55: Flow state of the execution of a simple BPM using our workflow engine

In the above figure we show what happens (what is executed, coloured in violet) and what holds in our database (all the different agendas and lists that we keep in


memory for our convenience, coloured in grey) in each timepoint. The reader is expected to be able to follow the flow state, so we will not explain it any further. We should mention, however, that this is an abstract and quite simplified view of what takes place in our workflow engine when it is loaded with such a BPM. We will now present and explain some important parts of the workflow engine code. The predicate execute_step is the one that controls the flow of the BPM execution. A step corresponds to one time point, in which three things may happen: actions can execute, junctions may be reached and executed or processes may start or finish execution. The execute_step goal presented here is a simplified version of the actual one, which can be found in Appendix B, and it reflects the flowchart of Figure 54.
execute_step(PreviousActAgenda, JunctionsPending, PreviousJunctionsExecuted, PreviousModelInstance, ProcessPending, PreviousProcessExecuted, PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, T):execute_actions_agenda(PreviousActAgenda, T), findall(P,( member([P,CompletionTime],PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda), CompletionTime =< T), CompletedProcessTillNow), execute_junction_pending(JunctionsPending,PreviousJunctionsExecuted, NowJunctionsExecuted, PreviousModelInstance, NowModelInstance, CompletedProcessTillNow, T), execute_process_pending(ProcessPending, PreviousProcessExecuted, NowProcessExecuted, PreviousActAgenda, NowActAgenda, PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, NowCompleteProcessAgenda, NowModelInstance, T), update_time(T, NewT), difference(JunctionsPending, NowJunctionsExecuted, NewJunctionsPending), difference(ProcessPending, NowProcessExecuted, NewProcessPending), execute_step(NowActAgenda, NewJunctionsPending, NowJunctionsExecuted, NowModelInstance, NewProcessPending, NowProcessExecuted, NowCompleteProcessAgenda, NewT).

As the flowchart of Figure 54 illustrates, the BPM finishes execution at the timepoint when all of the following hold: i. ii. iii. iv. the finish junction is hit there is no process on execution (no process that has already started execution is now waiting to complete execution at some point later) we are not waiting for some event that will trigger a process of which we already have a model instance all post-processes of reached and-split junctions have been successfully triggered and executed


The first two conditions are trivial to understand, as we cannot say that a BPM has successfully finished execution if we have not reached the finish junction or if a process is still on execution (e.g. if a process that started execution at timepoint 3 will finish at timepoint 7, and we are currently at timepoint 5, we cannot say that the BPM has completed execution). Condition iii) deals with the case where an event is expected to occur at some later timepoint and this event will trigger a process of which we have a model instance, and hence could start execution. The importance of this case has to do with our sophisticated way of treating waiting time, and it is further explained in Appendix A. Condition iv) has to do with the special case of and-split junction specification, and how this affects the BPM execution completion (for further analysis see Appendix A). Bearing these conditions in mind, the base case of execute_step is easy to understand:
execute_step(_ActionsAgenda, _JunctionsPending, PreviousJunctionsExecuted, PreviousModelInstance, _ProcessPending, PreviousProcessExecuted, PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, T):(member(junction(finish,_LastProcess,[]),PreviousJunctionsExecuted); member(junction(finish_and,_LustProcess,[]), PreviousJunctionsExecuted); member(junction(finish_or, _LasstProcess, []), PreviousJunctionsExecuted) ), findall(P,(member([P,CompletionTime],PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda), CompletionTime >= T),[]), findall(NotYetTriggeredProcess, (member(NotYetTriggeredProcess,PreviousModelInstance), gets_triggered(NotYetTriggeredProcess, TriggerT), TriggerT >= T), []), findall(AndPostProcess, (member(AndPostProcess,PreviousModelInstance), find_AllAndPostPr(X), member(AndPostProcess, X), \+ member(AndPostProcess,PreviousProcessExecuted) ), []), findall(Cost, ( process(Pid, _PName, _Trigger, _Precond, _Action, _Duration, Cost), member([Pid,_CompletionTime],PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda)), CompletedCosts), sum_list(CompletedCosts, TotalCost), write('Base case hit!'), nl, write('The BPM has finished execution at time '), reduce_one(T, NewT), write(NewT), nl, nl, write('Results:'), nl, write('The junctions executed are: '), write(PreviousJunctionsExecuted), nl, write('The processes executed are: '), write(PreviousProcessExecuted), nl, write(' with finish times: '), write(PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda), nl, write(' and with total cost: '), write(TotalCost).


Even though our workflow engine is designed to be used only for correct BPMs, we have decided to provide a more flexible option and model the case of an unsuccessful BPM execution. So, in case the BPM we check does not seem to finish execution, either because of an untriggered process or because of an unsatisfied process precondition, then the workflow engine would keep updating time and never reach an end. In order to avoid this situation, and at the same time provide some feedback to the user, we have decided to stop BPM execution after some big time point (currently arbitrarily set to 100, but easy to change), and inform the user that the workflow engine has been running for too long, a situation that probably signifies some model or entity error.


Interpretation of workflow engine interesting code

We will now comment on some parts of the code that may be of interest to the reader, such as action definition, junctions handling, checking for process execution, etc. Actions
action_result(create_entity(EntityName, EntityAttribute)):asserta(entity_occ(EntityName, _EntityId, EntityAttribute)).

The clause above defines the create_entity action, which asserts an entity_occ clause in our world state database. The other actions (delete_entity, create_data, delete_data) are defined in a similar way. Junctions
junc_type_satisfied(junction(start,_Pre,_Post), _CompletedProcessTillNow, _T). junc_type_satisfied(junction(and_joint, Pre, _Post), CompletedProcessTillNow, T):find_all_PreTriggered(Pre, PreTriggered), all_triggered_completed(PreTriggered, CompletedProcessTillNow, T).

Junctions can be reached and processed only if their type is satisfied. Above we can see two examples of junction satisfaction, an easy one (start) and a more complicated one (and_joint). The latter is satisfied only if all its triggered pre-processes have completed execution.


Process execution The execute_process predicate is of the form

execute_process(Process,ActionsAgenda,CompletionAgenda,NowModelInsta nce,T)

and it is defined as follows:

execute_process(Process, [Actions,F], [Process, F], NowModelInstance, T):process(Process,_PName, _Trigger,Precond,Actions,Duration,_Cost), member(Process, NowModelInstance), findall(Proc, (gets_triggered(Proc, TriggerT), TriggerT =< T), SofarTriggered), member(Process, SofarTriggered), precondition_holds(Precond), F is T+Duration.

This definition agrees with Figure 44 which indicates that a process may be executed only if it has a model instance, if it is triggered and its preconditions hold.


Discussion and conclusions

The developed workflow engine is designed for BPM simulation, and its business context sensitive approach (expressed in terms of time and cost) lets us check and compare strategic decisions. Its implementation in Prolog, which adopts FBPML, satisfies all design requirements that have been addressed in 4.1.2 and conforms to its mission, as it is addressed in section 4.1.1. We will now illustrate how the workflow engine can be used and what output it is expected to give (See Appendix C for a relevant demo). By using the example BPM of Figure 55, we will show the steps that the user has to follow when simulating a BPM and the relevant output of the system. First, the processes of the BPM have to be defined and stored in a file (lets call it myProcess), the junctions of the BPM have to be defined and stored in a file (lets call it myJunctions), the initial world state has to be described in terms of entity_occ and data and stored in a file (lets call it myWorld), and the event occurrence list has to be specified and stored (lets store it in myWorld).


Process specification

Junction specification

Initial world description

Event occurrences list

Workflow Engine

Results -Total time -Total cost -Real-time workflow state

Figure 56: Graphical representation of workflow engine use

So, for our example BPM the relevant files would look like this: myProcess:
process(p1, p1, [true], [],[create_entity(car,[colour_red])],1,100). process(p2, p2, [exist(event_occ(needForCar))], [exist(entity_occ(car))], [create_data(carMatch,[quality_good])], 1, 50).

junction(start, [], [p1]). junction(link, [p1], [p2]). junction(finish, [p2], []).

event_occ(e1, needForCar, 2).

After these files are loaded, if we type run_bpm. then the BPM starts execution and we get the following output:
-------------------------------------Time=0 The completed processes till now are [] Junction junction(start,[],[p1]) hit Model instances of processes [p1] created The SofarTriggered processes are [p1] Process p1 starts now execution till timepoint 1 and actions [[create_entity(car,[colour_red])],1] are added to the ActionsAgenda -------------------------------------Time=1 The following actions are executed: [create_entity(car,[colour_red])] Action create_entity(car,[colour_red]) executed The completed processes till now are [p1] Junction junction(link,[p1],[p2]) hit


Model instances of processes [p2] created The SofarTriggered processes are [p1] The SofarTriggered processes are [p1] -------------------------------------Time=2 The following actions are executed: [] The completed processes till now are [p1] The SofarTriggered processes are [p1,p2] Process p2 starts now execution till timepoint 3 and actions [[create_data(carMatch,[quality_good])],3] are added to the ActionsAgenda -------------------------------------Time=3 The following actions are executed: [create_data(carMatch,[quality_good])] Action create_data(carMatch,[quality_good]) executed The completed processes till now are [p2,p1] Junction junction(finish,[p2],[]) hit Model instances of processes [] created -------------------------------------Base case hit! The BPM has finished execution at time 3 Results: The junctions executed are: [junction(finish,[p2],[]),junction(link,[p1],[p2]),junction(start,[],[p1])] The processes executed are: [p2,p1] with finish times: [[p2,3],[p1,1]] and with total cost: 150 yes

The above example shows that the workflow engine behaves the way it should and gives meaningful feedback to the user. Let us now give an interesting advice to the user that wishes to use our workflow engine for a BPM that involves a loop: Since our workflow engine does not support loop handling, the BPM can be transformed appropriately, so that it can be dealt with from our workflow engine. The BPM transformation involves the creation of new copies of the processes of the loop. A relevant example is given in Appendix A. To sum up, we believe that the developed workflow engine serves its mission and objectives, as addressed in 4.1.1, but also provides extra flexibility by tracking wrong BPMs and dealing with loops to some extent.


Chapter 5 Experiments

Now that we have developed the workflow engine, we can use it to create an executable version of Dells business process model, and hence move to the implementation layer of the Three-Layered Business Process Modelling Approach. The goal of this version is to experiment with time and cost and reason about Dells supply chain strategies. Under this scope, there is no point in executing every single process model (out of the 20 in total!) of Dells BPM, but only the ones that illustrate Dells supply chain strategies. So, we have decided to model and execute two process models (of Dells enriched BPM version): Buy standard item to order (process 2) and Sell directly to large business and public sector customers (process 4.2), as these reflect in the best way Dells main supply chain strategies, thus direct sales and build-to-order. After the simulation of these two processes, experiments will take place. Our experiments are expected to answer two questions: First, whether we can improve Dells actual BPM by making some processes parallel, and second, whether Dells BPM is actually better (in terms of time and/or cost) than the BPM of a traditional computer company.


Dells BPM simulation

We have decided to simulate two of Dells processes, Buy standard item to order (process 2) and Sell directly to large business and public sector customers (process 4.2). These processes have been chosen because of their close relation with Dells basic supply chain strategies, thus direct sales and build-to-order. The simulation consists of two steps: The first one is the specification and representation of the involved processes and junctions, of the initial world state and the events list. The second is the actual execution with the help of the workflow engine, and the related results.



Dells BPM specification and representation

In this section we will present and explain the specification and representation of the two processes to be executed, thus process 2 and 4.2. For each process we will first provide the process specification and explain some relevant assumptions, and then we will describe the initial world state and the events list. Note that we will focus on the process specification, as this is actually the cornerstone of the execution procedure; hence, a full analysis and representation will be provided here for the process specification, while the other topics will be covered partly here and partly in Appendix D.

Process 2: Buy standard item to order Let us first provide once again the BPM for Buy standard item to order, as it was presented in Figure 30.

Figure 57: Decomposition of Buy standard item to order (Enriched version)

The relevant process specification is presented in Table 6, and it is a more readable version of the actual code, which can be found in Appendix D. We should point out here that the relevant data (trigger conditions, preconditions, actions, duration and cost) were not found in the literature, but are actually assumptions based on our understanding of Dells operations and the business world in general. We have decided to measure duration and cost in an abstract way rather than an absolute one, thus duration values correspond to time units and cost is measured in cost units. Also note that the predicates in green are process post-conditions that involve event invocation; since our workflow engine does not support such actions, the relevant information will be supplied to the workflow engine via the event occurrence list, where every such event is scheduled for the finish time of the process that invokes it.



Process Specification of Buy standard item to order BPM Dur PName Trigger Precondition Action


(time (money units) units)

p2_1 identifyOwnNeed

exist_entity(needs create_data(needs OnXinventory) OnXinventory) create_data(current XInventoryLevel) create_event(need ForNewXinventory ) identifyPotential needForNewXin exist_data(needs create_data( p2_2 Suppliers potentialXsuppliers OnXinventory) ventory exist_data(relevant ) Xsuppliers) not_exist_entity( supplierX) selectSupplier needForNewXin exist_data(potential create_entity( p2_3 Xsuppliers) supplierX) ventory not_exist_entity( supplierX) negotiate needForNewXin exist_entity(supplie create_entity( p2_4 contractXsupplier) ventory rX) create_event( exist_data(needs integrateXsupplier) OnXInventory) not_exist_entity( create_entity(value contractXsupplier ChainForX) shareInfo integrateXsupplie exist_entity(value create_data(shared p2_5 CurrentXInventory ChainForX) r exist_data(current Level) XInventoryLevel) create_data(shared exist_data(demand DemandForecast) create_data(shared Forecast) exist_data(general GeneralBusiness Info) BusinessInfo) create_entity( lowXinventory exist_entity( p2_6 getInventory integrateXsupplie contractXsupplier) inventoryX) r exist_data(shared create_event(arrive CurrentXInventory InventoryX) delete_data(current Level) exist_data(shared XInventoryLevel) DemandForecast) delete_data(shared CurrentXInventory Level) create_data(update dXInventoryLevel) arriveInventoryX exist_entity(money create_data( p2_7 paySupplier supplierXpaid) ) manageSupplier integrateXsupplie p2_8 r
Table 6: Process specification of Buy standard item to order








1 20

40 1000


Process p2 shows the whole procedure for buying a standard item to order, when there is no supplier for this item yet, thus when the item is new. The specification of process p2_1 is an excellent example to illustrate the difference between entity and data in world description, that we have explained in 4.1.3. As the table above shows, Dell is always in position to identify its own needs on a new item (the trigger condition is true), a fact that reflects the high importance that Dell places on quickly adapting to new situations. The process starts execution once there is an actual need on some specific new item (lets call it X), which has not been needed in the past. This need is represented by an entity in Dells world representation. Once such a need is identified, Dell keeps a record of this need in its database (hence the relevant create_data action). So, even though there may be a need (as an entity) for some item, it is only when it is identified by the company (and tracked as a fact, thus data) that it is recognized and can fire the processes following p2_1 (hence create_event). Process p2_1 is assumed to be short in duration (only 1 time unit) and not costly (100 money units). Once the internal event needForNewXinventory takes place, processes p2_2, p2_3 and p2_4 are triggered. The identification of potential suppliers can start only if there is no supplier already for this item and given that Dell has a list of suppliers which are relevant with item X. Once the potential suppliers are identified, Dell stores information about them in its database. The supplier selection process (p2_3) requires the existence of such a list, so that Dell can choose one supplier among all potential ones. Since Dell has high expectations form its suppliers, the searching and selection procedure usually lasts longer and costs more than in a traditional computer company, thus 21 time units and 1000 money units for each process. If a supplier is found, the negotiation process can start execution, which is expected to complete in about 8 time units with a signed contract from both sides, and with the invocation of integration with the supplier. The internal event of integration fires the collaboration between Dell and its suppliers, and thus triggers all the following processes.


The info-sharing procedure begins (given that ValueChain is customized for the supplier, and there is information to share) and since it is electronic, its duration and cost are low. Dell keeps a record of the shared information in its database, and thus the create_data for shared information are the relevant actions. As we have seen in chapter 2, this information sharing allows Dell to place orders, if any, late and demand fast delivery from its suppliers (usually the following day). In fact, it is quite rare that orders are placed; instead the suppliers decide themselves whether and how much inventory Dell would need at a certain point. So, if there is an internal event that signifies a need on inventory X, and the supplier has knowledge about this, then delivery starts execution; since most suppliers are obliged to maintain inventory close to Dells plants, delivery lasts only one day (here: time unit). Once inventory arrives to the assembly plant, the suppliers payment is triggered. Process p2_8 is quite complex, and it involves supplier evaluation and policies and relationships management. We assume that it lasts for about 21 time units and costs around 1000 money units both values are much higher than in a traditional computer company because of Dells decision to integrate and collaborate closely with its suppliers. Now that we have described the specification of process 2, we can move on to the initial world description and the events list. In the initial world state Dell has money in its bank account and a new need for item X, while its database contains information about suppliers relevant for X, demand forecast for some product and some general business information:
entity_occ(needsOnXinventory, ent1, [item_X]). entity_occ(money, ent2, [euros_3000]). data(d1, relevantXsuppliers, [item_X, [sup1_good, sup2_ok]]). data(d2, demandForecastX, [item_X, time_oneWeek, level_2000]). data(d3, generalBusinessInfo, [increasingImportance_edi]).

The event occurrence list is defined according to the expected finish times of the related process, and hence we have:


event_occ(e1, event_occ(e2, event_occ(e3, event_occ(e4,

needForNewXInventory, 1). integrateWithXsupplier, 51). lowXInventory, 52). arriveInventoryX, 53).

Process 4.2: Sell directly to large business and public sector customers The figure below is a reproduction of Figure 41, which represents the BPM for Sell directly to large business and public sector customer.

Figure 58: Decomposition of Sell directly to large business and public sector customers (Enriched version)

The relevant process specification is presented in the following Table 12, and, like Table 11, it is a more readable version of the actual code, which can be found in Appendix D. Again, trigger conditions, preconditions, actions, duration and cost were not found in literature, but are assumptions we have made. Process Specification of Sell directly to large business and public sector customers BPM Dur Cost Pid PName Trigger Precondition Action
(time (money units) units) p4_2_1 identifyPotential CorporateCustom ers

exist_entity( create_data( potentialCorporate potentialCorporate Customer) Customer) create_entity(corpo rateCustomer) create_data( customerAddress) create_event(new CorporateCustomer p4_2_2 identifyCorporate newCorporateCu exist_entity( create_data( CustomersNeeds stomer corporateCustomer corporateCustomer ) Needs)





p4_2_3 identifyCorrespo newCorporateCu exist_entity(corpor create_data(custom ndingConfigurati stomer erConfigurations) ateCustomer) ons exist_data(


corporateCustomer Needs) exist_data(product Specifications) p4_2_4 informCorporate newCorporateCu exist_entity(corpor CustomersViaPre stomer ateCustomer) mierPages exist_data(custome rConfigurations)

create_entity( customerPremierPa ge) create_event( integrateCustomer ViaPremierPage) p4_2_5 obtainOrder create_data(custom integrateCustome exist_entity( rViaPremierPage customerPremierPa erOrder) ge) create_event( customerOrder) customerNeedOn Product p4_2_6 receivePayment customerOrder exist_entity( create_data(custom customerPremierPa erOrderPaid) create_event( customerPaymen ge) paidCustomerOrde t r) p4_2_7 deliverOrder paidCustomerOr exist_entity(ordere create_data(custom der dItems) erOrderDelivered) assembled exist_data(custome CustomerOrder rAddress) p4_2_8 manageBigCusto newCorporateCu merRelationships stomer







Table 7: Process specification of Sell directly to large business and public sector customers

Process p4_2_1 involves the identification of potential corporate customers and individual customers (employees) within the organization (hence the create_data(potentialCorporateCustomer) action), and it actually signifies whether a potential customer is interested in buying from Dell, and thus whether he will become a customer (this is represented by create_entity(corporateCustomer)). There is no trigger condition, as Dell is constantly looking for customers, thus is always ready to approach a potential customer. The process has long duration and high costs, as persuading a potential corporate customer is not an easy job. Once a new customer is identified, processes p4_2_2, p4_2_3, p4_2_4 and p4_2_8 are triggered.


So, once a customer is identified, Dell discusses and identifies the organizations needs on products (process p4_2_2, which takes about 8 time units and costs around 100 money units), and then specifies configurations that correspond to these needs. This requires explicit description of the customers needs as well as explicit description of each products specifications. Customers are informed about the purchasing options they have through the companys customized Premier Page, which is a result of process p4_2_4, and takes about 10 time units to be finished. Once a customized Premier Page is created, and given that the customer is ready to order (thus the trigger condition customerNeedOnProduct), the employees of the organization can choose the products that suit them, while the purchasing team of the company monitors the whole procedure, thus leading to duration of 10 time units for the ordering process. It is worth mentioning here that the electronic form of ordering saves Dell and the corporate customer time and money, a situation that holds for the payment process as well. Hence, when a customer order is placed, and the customer pays in electronic form, the whole monitoring procedure is accelerated by its electronic form, thus has duration of 1 time unit. The order delivery process is triggered at the moment when a customer has paid and the ordered products have been assembled, and after its execution Dell updates its database about the delivery success. Process p4_2_8 involves supporting and getting feedback from the customer, and it is triggered once a new customer is found. Now we can proceed to the initial world description and the events list. In the initial world state Dell has some potential corporate customers, and its database contains information about its product specifications. We should note here that we will include the existence of items to be ordered in the initial world state (even though this is not actually the case) because these entities are product of process 3, which actually runs in parallel with 4.2, and our workflow engine cannot force the creation of the items during the execution of 4.2. So the initial world state is described by the following:


entity_occ(potentialCorporateCustomer, ent1, [potCC_custA]). entity_occ(orderedItems, ent2, [prodID_sk32, orderID_thre34, amount_5000]). data(d1, productSpecifications, [prodID_sk32, performance_medium, media_good]).

The event occurrence list is defined according to the expected finish times of the related processes, and hence we have:
event_occ(e1, event_occ(e2, event_occ(e3, event_occ(e4, event_occ(e5, event_occ(e6, event_occ(e7, newCorporateCustomer, 25). integrateCustomerViaPremierPage, 46). customerNeedOnProduct, 46). customerOrder, 53). customerPayment, 53). paidCustomerOrder, 54). orderAssembled, 55).


Dells BPM simulation results

Now that the two processes have been specified and logically represented, we can load the specification to the workflow engine to simulate their actual execution. In this section we will present only the final results, thus the total time and cost related to each BPM. The detailed output of the system can be found in Appendix D.

Process 2: Buy standard item to order From the final output below we can see that the total execution time is 71 time units and the involved cost is 5090 money units.

The BPM has finished execution at time 71 Results: The junctions executed are: [junction(finish_and,[p2_7,p2_8],[]), junction(link,[p2_6],[p2_7]),junction(link,[p2_5],[p2_6]), junction(and_split,[p2_4],[p2_5,p2_8]),junction(link,[p2_3],[p2_4]), junction(link,[p2_2],[p2_3]),junction(link,[p2_1],[p2_2]), junction(start,[],[p2_1])] The processes executed are: [p2_7,p2_6,p2_8,p2_5,p2_4,p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] with finish times: [[p2_7,54],[p2_6,53],[p2_8,71],[p2_5,52], [p2_4,51],[p2_3,43],[p2_2,22],[p2_1,1]] and with total cost: 5090 Table 8: Simulation results of Dells Buy standard item to order


Process 4.2: Sell directly to large business and public sector customers According to the results of the simulation of process 4.2, selling computers directly to a new big customer takes 60 time units and costs 1880 money units.

The BPM has finished execution at time 60 Results: The junctions executed are: [junction(finish_and,[p4_2_7,p4_2_8],[]), junction(link,[p4_2_6],[p4_2_7]),junction(and_split,[p4_2_5],[p4_2_6]), junction(link,[p4_2_4],[p4_2_5]),junction(link,[p4_2_3],[p4_2_4]), junction(link,[p4_2_2],[p4_2_3]), junction(and_split,[p4_2_1],[p4_2_2,p4_2_8]), junction(start,[],[p4_2_1])] The processes executed are: [p4_2_7,p4_2_6,p4_2_5,p4_2_4,p4_2_3,p4_2_8, p4_2_2,p4_2_1] with finish times: [[p4_2_7,60],[p4_2_6,54],[p4_2_5,53],[p4_2_4,46], [p4_2_3,36],[p4_2_8,27],[p4_2_2,33],[p4_2_1,25]] and with total cost: 1880

Table 9: Simulation results of Dells Sell directly to large business and public sector customers


Discussion of Dells BPM simulation results

When someone tries to interpret the above results, it is important to keep in mind that these involve buying a standard item from a new supplier and selling directly to a new big customer. This information explains the relatively long duration and high costs related to the execution of the two processes. In fact, Dell differs from traditional computer companies in the fact that it aims to virtually integrate with its supply chain partners, thus suppliers and customers. This has as a consequence that building the relation with the SC partner takes longer and costs more than usually; however, Dell profits from this situation on the long run, as the daily collaboration with the existing suppliers (for buying items to order) or customers (for order receive and product delivery) turns out to be faster and cheaper. Therefore, we have decided to model separately the case of an existing supplier or customer, and we can illustrate it with the following two examples: Lets suppose that Dell has been collaborating with Intel for processors supplying for some years now. This means that their relationship is established, thus processes 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 have already finished execution (contracts have already been signed),


while process 2.8 is constantly running. Their daily collaboration for processors supply consists then of info-sharing, inventory receipt and payment (represented by processes 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7), and their execution takes only 3 time units and costs 1140 money units (the corresponding time and cost of the three processes). Similarly, we can suppose that Boeing is a customer of Dell some years now (thus existing customer), and hence processes 4.2.1 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 have already been executed, while 4.2.8 is constantly running. Dell keeps informing Boeing about products that may be of interest (hence process 4.2.4, which now has shorter duration of 1 time unit and lower cost of 50 money units, as the customized Premier Page already exists and only needs to be updated), and Boeing may order from time to time, thus processes 4.2.5, 4.2.6 and 4.2.7 may execute several times. So, the purchasing collaboration between Dell and Boeing would actually take only 15 time units and cost 330 money units. Another point worth mentioning is the way we treat the single case requirement mentioned in chapter 3. In process 2, the single case corresponds to buying from one supplier items of one type in a fixed amount (lets say 100 items). Similarly, in process 4.2, the single case corresponds to selling directly to one big customer items of one order in a fixed amount (lets say 1000 products in average).


Experiments & Results

After the realistic versions of process 2 and process 4.2 have been simulated, we can proceed to the experiments. The experiments are an important part of this work, as they are expected to reflect issues about Dells supply chain strategies and operations. We should, however, keep in mind that the realistic versions of the processes are, in a big part, based on assumptions about time and cost; hence, one should reason with respect to the magnitude of these business goals, rather than the actual values (e.g. duration difference of 1 time unit is not important, in contrast to a difference of seven time units).


The experiments we wish to conduct are designed to answer two questions for each BPM: -1st experiment: Can the actual BPM be improved (e.g. make two sequenced processes parallel)? -2nd experiment: How is Dells BPM different from the corresponding BPM of a traditional computer company? In the following sections we will try to answer the two questions for each business process model with the use of our workflow engine, and then we will discuss the relevant results.


Experiment 1: Improve the actual BPM

We are interested to see whether Dell has organized its supply chain operations in the best way, and hence whether there are any recommendations for their improvement. In other words, we will try to change each BPM by parallelizing two or more sequenced processes. If no processes can be parallelized, then this means that there is no further improvement for Dells actual BPMs. We will not check every possible combination of processes within a BPM, but only some that make sense to make parallel. In order to check the alternative BPM conceptualizations, only the junctions of the model will be changed (sequenced processes turned into parallel), while the process and initial world state will not be altered. Hence, checking will actually involve testing whether the trigger conditions and preconditions are satisfied for the new BPM conceptualization under the previous process and world circumstances. Also, the checking procedure will mainly be manual, but can also sometimes be supported by the workflow engine. (Remember that the workflow engine may not be designed to provide validation and verification, but its flexibility allows us to use it for some basic checking.)

Process 2: Buy standard item to order If we have another look at Figure 57, we will see that there are already some parallel processes in this BPM. So, this BPM could, theoretically, be improved in two ways:


Either make some of the first processes (2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4) parallel, or push the last sequenced process, 2.4 into the and-split-and-joint block. The first does not seem very plausible, as semantically such a transformation would not make sense (hence potential suppliers cannot be identified if needs are not first identified, a supplier cannot be selected if there is no potential supplier being identified first, and contracts can be negotiated only if a supplier has already been found). However, we will check the case of parallelizing processes 2.2 and 2.3, so that we are completely certain about this claim. So, the difference in the BPM of Figure 57 will concern the part shown in the figure below:

Figure 59: Original (sequenced) and parallelized part of Buy standard item to order for experiment 1, version 1

In this experiment we will transform the junctions specification appropriately and keep the same process and initial world state description as before. If we have a look at the process description of 2.2 and 2.3 in Table 11, we will see that process 2.3 has as precondition the existence of data about potential suppliers, which is actually a post-condition of process 2.2. This means that 2.2 has to have completed execution before 2.3 starts execution. Hence, the two processes have to be sequenced, and even if we create a model where they are set as parallel, they will actually execute as sequenced. This is verified by our workflow engine as well, as altering the junctions specification and executing the BPM gave us exactly the same results as before (total time 71 and total cost 5090, and p2_3 starting execution at timepoint 22, after the completion of p2_2). So, making processes 2.2. and 2.3 parallel does not improve the BPM execution.


Another way to treat the same experiment would be to relax the BPM (e.g. relaxing the preconditions of 2.3) by allowing 2.2 and 2.3 execute in parallel and in an interactive way. This means that potential suppliers would be constantly identified but for every identified potential supplier, the selection procedure would execute (in parallel with the identification of the next potential supplier). Such an alternative would be expected to have shorter duration than the original sequenced version but also longer than the maximum duration of the two processes. Also, note that such a BPM transformation raises questions of a managerial-business aspect, thus whether a company would approve and be comfortable with such a choice. The second experiment of the same type involves pushing process 2.4 into the andsplit-and-joint block, thus changing the part shown in the following figure in the way presented.

Figure 60: Original (sequenced) and parallelized part of Buy standard item to order for experiment 1, version 2

Once again, this experiment does not seem semantically very plausible, as processes 2.5 and 2.8 require that a contract with the supplier be signed, thus process 2.4 has to have already finished execution before 2.5 and 2.8 begin. This is understandable, as the collaboration between Dell and its supplier has to be official, when information sharing and relationships management take place. This is also logically made clear, as process 2.4 triggers processes 2.5 and 2.8. So, like in the previous experiment, the BPM will behave as the sequenced one. This is verified by the simulation with our workflow engine, which gives us exactly the same results as before (total time 71 and total cost 5090, and p2_5 and p2_8 starting execution at timepoint 51, after the


completion of p2_4). So, making process 2.4 parallel with 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 does not improve the BPM execution. Additionally, we could consider the case of relaxing the BPM, like before. However, relaxing the BPM in this case would result into the creation of business risks, as sharing information with a (potential) supplier with whom no contract has been signed could cause problems of security to Dell. So, such an alternative is not suggested. From the above experiments it seems that Dell has organized its operations regarding buying items to order in the best way.

Process 4.2: Sell directly to large business and public sector customers We will now check whether process 4.2 can be improved by turning sequenced processes into parallel ones. If we have a look at Figure two, we will see that there is a big and-split-and-joint block, which involves processes 4.2.2-4.2.7 in the one branch and 4.2.8 in the other. So, this BPM could, theoretically, be improved again in two ways: Either push the 4.2.1 into the and-split-and-joint block or make some of the processes of the longer branch parallel. The first approach is once again semantically not plausible because only when a customer is created, can processes 4.2.2 and 4.2.8 start execution. This is also logically shown, as according to the process specification, 4.2.1 triggers both of them. We will not analyse this deeper, as it is the same case as with process 2 (pushing 2.4 into the and-split-and-joint block). So, making process 4.2.1 parallel with 4.2.2-4.2.7 and 4.2.8 does not improve the BPM execution. The second approach would be to make some of the processes of the longer branch parallel. We will try the case of making 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 parallel. As before, 4.2.3 requires 4.2.2 to have finished execution (and thus the precondition of existence of data about customers needs, which is actually a post-condition of 4.2.2). So, the BPM execution is not improved.


However, there is a relevant recommendation that could actually be helpful: the two processes could be parallel in the sense that process 1, Design Product and Process combines the processes Design Product and Design Process. So, we could create a new process, namely Identify corporate customers need and corresponding configurations, which would mean that Dell would talk with the customer to identify his needs, but at the same time orientate the discussed needs around Dells products. So, the customers needs would be identified at the same time as the appropriate configurations. If this can be achieved and interests the business world (and hence both sides, seller and buyer), then time and cost advantages could be involved, as the parallel version of the two processes would reduce mistakes to a great extent. However, this is something that should be tested in practice, and we cannot argue about this option any further.


Experiment 2: Compare Dell with a traditional computer company

We are interested to see in which way Dell differs from a traditional computer company, as far as buying inventory and selling computers to customers is concerned, and what difference there is in the corresponding duration and cost. So, for this experiment we will assume that a traditional company, named myCompany, is representative of the average traditional computer company (e.g. IBM, Compaq, HP, etc.) and we will create and simulate the BPMs of myCompany that correspond to process 2 and process 4.2. Note here, that several assumptions will be made based on our knowledge about the business industry and the reference of Dells literature on its traditional competitors.

Dells Buy standard item to order vs. myCompanys Buy standard item to stock We will now compare the buying process of standard items by Dell and a traditional company in terms of time and cost. Most of the computer companies do not buy items to order, but instead they buy items to keep as inventory. This tactic is very costly on the one hand (there is claim that keeping and managing inventory results into a rise of costs of 50%), but it provides flexibility to face demand instability on


the other hand. Unfortunately, our BPMs, which are based on the MIT Process Handbook, do not reflect whether inventory is kept or not, so we will basically focus on the very same buying process and the related time and cost. The Buy standard item to stock BPM of myCompany is based on the suggestion of the MIT Process Handbook for Dells corresponding process (see Figure 19 in section 3.2), and we believe that it reflects the relevant procedure in a traditional computer company. Its reproduction can be seen in the following figure.

Figure 61: myCompanys BPM for Buy standard item to stock

Somebody could argue that it does not differ much from Dells corresponding BPM, as the junctions specification is quite similar. However, in reality there are some important differences that concern aspects other than the junctions specification. This means that the details of the processes specification differ between the two companies, especially time duration and cost. We will not define each process of Figure 61 for myCompany here (the detailed description can be found in Appendix D), but we will explain what duration and cost is assigned to each one. As we have already mentioned, Dell differs from traditional computer companies in the fact that it has very high expectations from its suppliers (fast delivery, close collaboration, high quality standards, etc.), and hence it is difficult to find a new supplier that will reach these high expectations. On the contrary, traditional PC companies do not have so high standards, and hence do not spend as much time and money in finding a new supplier, as Dell does. So, the identification of potential suppliers for myCompany is assumed to last 15 time units and cost 700 money units, while the supplier selection (which, for myCompany, incorporates the contracts negotiation procedure as well) is assumed to last around 13 time units (5 time units for the selection and 8 for the contracts) and cost 1000 money units. On the other


hand, the collaboration between a traditional company and its (existing) supplier is longer and more costly compared to Dell, as no virtual integration is aimed; let us not forget the great advantages that Dell has from ValueChain. So, the order placement procedure lasts 2 time units and costs 100 money units, and the payment procedure takes another 2 time units and costs 40 money units, while the order takes about 10 time units to arrive and costs 1000 money units. Based on Dell-relevant literature, we assume that process 2.1 is the same as for Dell (duration of 1 time unit and cost of 200 money units), while process 2.7 is assumed to be shorter and cheaper for myCompany (about 10 time units and 400 money units), as Dell places unusually great importance in its relationship with the suppliers. After the process specification, the events list and the initial world state is specified for myCompany (for further information see Appendix D), we can move on to the simulation of the companys Buy standard item to stock BPM. According to the simulation results, the total execution time is 43 time units and the total involved cost is 3440 money units. The more detailed simulation results can be seen below:

Base case hit! The BPM has finished execution at time 43 Results: The junctions executed are: [junction(finish_and,[p2_6,p2_7],[]), junction(link,[p2_5],[p2_6]), junction(link,[p2_4],[p2_5]), junction(and_split,[p2_3], [p2_4,p2_7]),junction(link,[p2_2],[p2_3]), junction(link,[p2_1],[p2_2]),junction(start,[],[p2_1])] The processes executed are: [p2_6,p2_5,p2_7,p2_4,p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] with finish times: [[p2_6,43],[p2_5,41],[p2_7,39],[p2_4,31],[p2_3,29],[p2_2,16],[p2_1,1]] and with total cost: 3440 Table 10: Simulation results of myCompanys Buy standard item to stock

If we compare the above results with the corresponding ones of Dell (see the following figures), we will see that buying standard items to order costs to Dell much more time and money than buying to stock to a traditional computer company. This fact was actually expected, as the results concern the case of a new supplier, and since Dell places great importance on finding the right supplier and integrating with him, the corresponding time and cost should be higher. As we have already made clear, the required time and cost of the daily collaboration between Dell and a


supplier is actually only 3 time units and 1140 money units (for processes 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7). Similarly, the daily collaboration between myCompany and an existing supplier is represented by processes 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6, and hence requires 14 time units and 1140 money units.

Dell's "Buy standard item to order" vs. myCompany's "Buy standard item to stock"

80 60 Duration (in tim e 40 units) 20 0 new customer existing customer Dell myCompany

Figure 62: Comparison of simulation results of time between Dells Buy standard item to order and myCompanys Buy standard item to stock
Dell's "Buy standard item to order" vs. myCompany's "Buy standard item to stock"

6000 5000 4000 Cost (in m oney 3000 units) 2000 1000 0 new customer existing customer Dell myCompany

Figure 63: Comparison of simulation results of cost between Dells Buy standard item to order and myCompanys Buy standard item to stock

The conclusion from this experiment is that Dell spends more time and money in order to establish a close relationship with its suppliers, but has an advantage of speed in their daily collaboration, a fact that turns out to be a strong point on the


long run. This conclusion agrees with Dells strategic choice to work with only a few, elite suppliers, with whom virtual integration is supported.

Dells Sell directly to large business and public sector customers vs. myCompanys Sell via intermediary to business customers Dells strategic choice of direct sales contradicts with traditional PC companies use of intermediaries for selling. This experiment aims to highlight this strategic and operational difference and provide results about time and cost involved. So, we will assume that myCompany sells indirectly to the customer, hence via distributor or some other third party. This means that the contact with the customer, as well as the sales procedure is driven mainly by the third party and only to some extent from the manufacturer for big clients. The BPM for Sell via distributor of myCompany can be seen below, and it is based on MIT Process Handbooks case of Compaq. Note that as customer is meant the final customer (here a business customer), and since the sales procedure is driven by the third party, the related time and cost is high (as there are always two steps incorporated: one between myCompany and the intermediary, and one between the intermediary and the customer).

Figure 64: myCompanys BPM for Sell via intermediary to business customers

This BPM may seem to be very similar to Dells corresponding BPM, shown in Figure 58 (except for the fact that the identification of corresponding configurations is not explicitly represented here, as it is a much more simplified procedure than for Dell). However, apart from the junctions specification, there are important


differences in the details of the processes specification, especially in time duration and cost. We will not define each process of Figure 6 for myCompany here (the detailed description can be found in Appendix D), but we will explain what duration and cost is assigned to each one. As we have already mentioned, many of the processes of the above BPM are implemented in two steps, one that connects the computer company with the intermediary and one that connects the intermediary with the business customer. Such processes are 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7. So, an order has to be placed first to the intermediary, and the intermediary passes it to the computer company; also, the ordering procedure from the customer to the intermediary is usually not electronic, thus leading to higher costs and time (especially if we take into account the errors that may arise throughout the procedure and the difficulty for the customer to manage his order), thus 11 time units and 140 money units. The payment receipt is also split in two steps, leading to a duration of 2 time units (the cost is assumed to be 40). We assume that order delivery takes 10 time units for myCompany, as traditional companies do not place as much importance on delivery speed and responsiveness as Dell does; the corresponding cost is however lower (150 money units), as slower delivery usually means cheaper as well. It is also worth mentioning that since traditional companies tend to keep stock of finished products, there is no delay for the trigger of 4.6, unlike the case of Dell. Process 4.7 is much more complex for a traditional company, as managing customer relationships is driven by the third party and only partly from the PC company; also, the non-electronic implementation of CRM (customer relationships management) raises time and cost to 7 time units and 700 money units (thus much higher than Dells 2 time units and 300 money units). On the other hand, informing a new customer about products (process 4.3) is assumed to be shorter and cheaper for myCompany, as it does not involve customizing the information medium (for myCompany that is catalogues and meetings with the customer), or customizing the products themselves. So, we assign process 4.3 a duration of 7 time units and a cost of 250 money units. Process 4.1 is fairly similar for myCompany and Dell (with the difference that it is initiated by myCompanys third party), and hence the assigned time and cost is the same (25 time units and 750 money units). Last, the identification of potential customers needs


incorporates the identification of corresponding products for myCompany, and hence has duration of 10 time units (8+2 time units) and cost of 150 money units (100+50 money units). Now that we have specified the processes for myCompanys Sell via intermediary to business customer, we can move on to the simulation of the BPM (the needed events list and initial world state description can be found in Appendix D). So, according to the simulation results, the total execution time is 65 time units and the total involved cost is 2180 money units. The more detailed simulation results can be seen below:

Base case hit! The BPM has finished execution at time 65 Results: The junctions executed are: [junction(finish_and,[p4_6,p4_7],[]), junction(link,[p4_5],[p4_6]), junction(link,[p4_4],[p4_5]), junction(link,[p4_3],[p4_4]), junction(link,[p4_2],[p4_3]), junction(and_split,[p4_1],[p4_2,p4_7]),junction(start,[],[p4_1])] The processes executed are: [p4_6,p4_5,p4_4,p4_3,p4_7,p4_2,p4_1] with finish times: [[p4_6,65],[p4_5,55],[p4_4,53],[p4_3,42],[p4_7,32],[p4_2,35],[p4_1,25]] and with total cost: 2180 Table 11: Simulation results of myCompanys Sell via intermediary to business customers

If we compare the above results with the corresponding ones for Dell, we will see that selling via intermediary costs more for a traditional company in time and money, than it costs for Dell to sell directly through its website. A graphical representation of the comparison is to be seen in the figures below. This conclusion seems logical, as selling directly means bypassing the intermediaries and hence saving the time it takes to coordinate and collaborate with them. Also, it is widely accepted that intermediaries add extra cost to the supply chain (as they need to make some profit as well), a fact that can be reflected from the above result. So, given that our assumptions about process duration and cost are correct, selling directly guarantees a faster and cheaper selling procedure.


Dell's "Sell directly to large business and corporate customers" vs. myCompany's "Sell via intermediary to business customers"

70 60 50 Duration (in tim e 40 units) 30 20 10 0 new customer existing customer

Dell myCompany

Figure 65: Comparison of simulation results of time between Dells Sell directly to large business and corporate customers and myCompanys Sell via intermediary to business customers

Dell's "Sell directly to large business and corporate customers" vs. myCompany's "Sell via intermediary to business customers"

2500 2000 Cost (in m oney 1500 units) 1000 500 0 new customer existing customer Dell myCompany

Figure 66: Comparison of simulation results of cost between Dells Sell directly to large business and corporate customers and myCompanys Sell via intermediary to business customers

It is also interesting to see the relevant results for the more frequent collaboration between myCompany and an existing business customer (via the intermediary). So, we will assume that an already existing customer of myCompany wishes to order once again, and we will check the related time and cost for such a transaction (processes 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7). Note that process 4.3 is also part of the daily collaboration between myCompany and the customer, as informing the already existing customers is an important aspect of CRM, but now requires slightly less


time and money, as the communication media and codes have already been established (thus a duration of 4 time units and a cost of 150 money units). So, this gives us a daily collaboration where 27 time units and 480 money units are required, in contrast to Dells corresponding need for 15 time units and 330 money units; note here that this difference is proportionally much higher than the one mentioned above, for the case of a new customer (this is more obvious in the relevant figures above). Therefore, it is clear that direct sales provides a big advantage in terms of time and cost on the long run. The conclusion from this experiment is that Dell spends less time and money for its direct sales (for both new and existing customers) than a traditional computer company does for its sales via intermediaries.


Discussion and conclusions

This section aims to clarify even further issues that have to do with the conducted experiments. Hence, we will first describe the aim of each experiment and then we will provide the results in a graphical representation and as aggregated as possible. We will sum up with the discussion of some interesting related points. The aim of the first experiment is to check whether Dells two BPMs (for process 2 and process 4.2) can be improved in terms of time. For each process model we have picked one or more combinations of sequenced processes and turned them into parallel; then we checked the trigger conditions, preconditions and actions of these processes to see whether such a transformation is legal, and we calculated the total execution cost (manually but also with the help of our workflow engine). The experiments result for both processes is that the given BPMs cannot be improved any further. The second experiment aims to compare Dells SC strategies with those of a traditional computer company. So, we have invented an example company, named myCompany, which represents a traditional PC company. Then we created BPMs for


myCompany which correspond to Dells process 2 and 4.2, and we simulated their execution. Note here that, as in the Dell case, we have assumed the required time and cost values based on our knowledge of the computer industry. The total time and cost results can be seen in the following table and figures:

Results of experiment 2 for Dell and myCompany

Buy standard item to order/stock Sell to corporate customer Time Cost Time Cost Dell 71 / 3 5090 / 1140 60 / 15 1880 / 330 myCompany 43 / 14 3440 / 1140 65 / 27 2180 / 480

Table 12: Results of experiment 2 for Dell and myCompany

80 70 60 50 duration (in tim e 40 units) 30 20 10 0 new customer existing customer process 2 new customer existing customer

Dell myCompany

process 4

Figure 67: Comparison of simulation results of time between Dells and myCompanys processes


6000 5000 4000 cost (in m oney 3000 units) 2000 1000 0 new customer existing customer process 2 new customer existing customer

Dell myCompany

process 4

Figure 68: Comparison of simulation results of cost between Dells and myCompanys processes

We should make clear that the original BPMs deal with the case of a new supplier or a new customer. However, we believe that the daily collaboration between a company and its already existing supply chain partners is also important, and hence we have distinguished this case and estimated the corresponding time and cost in an informal way (manually). The simulation results for this case can be seen after the slash character / in the above table. As the figures above show, Dells choice of buying to order and virtually integrating with its suppliers results in higher cost and time values in the case of a new supplier, but it leads to lower time from a traditional PC company on the long run, thus when the relationship with the supplier has already been established. In addition, Dells strategic choice of direct sales guarantees a faster and cheaper sales procedure for both the case of a new or already existing customer, as Dell virtually integrates with the customer by providing him an online customized sales, support and communication channel, thus Premier Page. We should point out here that throughout the experiments, our workflow engine has been used as tool that supports analysis about different strategies; in other words, we have used the workflow engine to calculate duration and cost for each BPM, and then we have based our argumentation on these results. It is also highly important that the simulation and comparison results are not a means of arguing whether one business


model is better than the other, as this is not our object of discourse. On the contrary, the above results aim to distinguish the different supply chain strategies and show how the related time and cost differ. After all, if we wanted to argue about the correctness and/or the business advantages of each SC strategy, we would have to take several other factors into account, such as quality, impact on demand, etc.


Chapter 6 Evaluation

Now that we have completed the planned work, thus the development of an executable business process model that illustrates Dells supply chain strategies, we can continue to its evaluation. The framework that we will adopt for evaluation is explained in section 6.1, while the evaluation results follow in sections 6.2 and 6.3.


Evaluation Framework

As we have made clear in Chapter 1, our work consists mainly of two parts: the development of a business process model that provides an insight into Dells supply chain strategies, and the creation of a workflow engine that is used to simulate the developed BPM. We will adopt a theoretical evaluation approach (with some points being evaluated in an empirical way as well) for each part of the project, thus: Theoretical evaluation of Dells business process model Theoretical evaluation of the developed workflow engine, based on its use for the conducted experiments


Evaluation of developed BPM

We will now review the developed business process model for Dell (the enriched version, which is the final one), which had the objective to illustrate Dells supply chain strategies, and evaluate it along the following dimensions and corresponding questions: soundness: is the developed BPM correct according to FBPML specification?


realism: does the developed BPM correspond to Dells business and SCM reality? completeness: does the developed BPM cover all basic strategic choices of Dell? level of detail: is it abstract enough to provide an overall view of Dells SC strategies, and detailed enough to provide interesting information?


Soundness evaluation

We will now check whether the developed business process model, as it is presented in section 3.3.3, is sound, thus whether it has been designed correctly when compared with FBPML specification, as this is addressed in [9] and [7], and whether it behaves correctly and as expected during simulation. First, after reviewing all figures of section 3.3.3 we have concluded that there is no error in the use of visual presentation of FBPML process language. In other words, the FBPML notation used (activity and primitive activity, precedence link, and start-, finish-,and-, or-junction) and activity decomposition conforms to the specification of FBPML. Second, when simulating processes 2 and 4.2 with the developed workflow engine, the behaviours of the model were as expected: processes were executed in the right order and andjunctions behaved according to their specification. However, one could argue that correct behaviours can only be produced by a correct workflow engine; but our workflow engine is proved to be correct in section 6.3.1. Therefore, we consider Dells BPM to be sound.


Realism evaluation

After checking whether the developed BPM is correct in its syntax, we have to check whether it is also correct in its semantics and in its representation of Dells reality. First, the semantics seem to be correct, as the process order and the junctions used make sense throughout Dells BPM and practice (e.g. in Figure 25, it would make no sense if getting inventory from the suppliers plant was before placing an order). Note here that the correctness of the semantics has also been checked with the help of another MSc student with a combined background of Business and Computer Science, Dimitrios Mavroeidis, so that objectivity of the evaluation procedure is


guaranteed. Second, Dells BPM has been developed based on Dell-relevant literature, as it is presented in 2.2, and based on the MIT Process Handbook, which involved the study of the Dell case for the relevant BPM provided. We should also mention that after the completion of Dells BPM development, we have crosschecked it with the relevant literature. So, we can conclude from the above that the developed BPM corresponds to the actual Dells business model and supply chain strategies.


Completeness evaluation

It is very important to evaluate the developed business process model across completeness, thus to see whether it covers all the important strategic decisions of Dell about supply chain management. In order to facilitate the evaluation procedure we have created a list of all interesting topics about Dells supply chain strategies, as these have been addressed in 2.1, and have checked whether each topic is covered by our BPM and in which process and figure specifically. Key points of Dells SC strategies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Direct sales Customer segmentation Virtual integration with customer Assemble computers (buy standard PC components instead of manufacturing all the needed parts) Build-to-order and JIT assembly (no inventory of finished products) Virtual integration with supplier No/low inventory of standard items (small&frequent inventory delivery)

Covered by the BPM?

yes yes yes yes (implied) yes (implied) yes no (no)

Process 4 (Figure 28, 29, 33) Process 4 (Figure 28) Process 4.2.4 (Figure 33), Process 4.2.8 (Figure 35, 36, 37) Process 3 (Figure 27) Process 3 (Figure 27) Process 2, Process 2.5, Process 2.8 -

Table 13: Completeness Evaluation Checklist for Dells BPM

The decision of whether a SCM topic is covered by our BPM is taken based on the answer of the following question: Could a reader that has some knowledge of SCM but is not familiar with Dells SC strategies conclude each of the above-mentioned SCM topics after studying our BPM for Dell? The above answers where the ones


we got from a PhD student with such a background, Ioanna Manataki. Most of them are clear and positive, so we will only comment on the negative and (implied) answers. The latter refer to the SC strategies which are in brackets in the table, thus buying PC components instead of manufacturing them (key point 4), and not keeping inventory of finished products (key point 5). The answers for these questions were of the type I dont know; it is not clear from the BPM. Even though we would prefer a positive answer, it is understandable that the reader will not be sure, as the absence of a process for inventory management could either be on purpose (which actually is in our case) or it could just be an omission of the developed BPM. Similarly, the fact that there is no process like manufacture standard item, does not make clear to the reader that Dell only buys PC components and does not manufacture them (for key point 4). Last, the fact that the BPM does not cover the fact that no/low inventory of standard items is kept (key point 7) is considered as a weakness of the developed BPM. However, we believe that Dells BPM is in general complete concerning SC strategies.


Evaluation of the level of detail

Another important aspect that accompanies the completeness criterion is whether the decided level of detail in our BPM is satisfactory. So, we are asked to answer the question whether the developed BPM is abstract and general enough to give an overview of Dells supply chain strategies, thus having a strategic character, but at the same time provide interesting information and details of relevant operations. Finding a good balance between the two approaches was a challenge for us. We believe that the strategic approach has been covered successfully, as our BPM covers most business and SC strategies in an abstract way. The detailed-operational alternative is enriched and adopted in aspects where we have considered as interesting regarding SCM; however, even in these cases it was only partly adopted because of the lack of relevant information in literature, and this fact could be regarded as a weakness of our BPM. So, if we had to classify the adopted level of detail in one of the categories shown in the following figure, where 1 denotes a high-


level and strategic approach while 4 a more detailed and operational one, we would assign it class 2.


Dells BPM
Figure 69: Level of detail of Dells BPM



Evaluation of developed workflow engine

We will now evaluate the workflow engine that we have developed for BPM simulation and for related time and cost calculation. We will follow a theoretical evaluation of the workflow engine; hence we will we will test the aspects of soundness, completeness, coverage and ease of use, and we will answer each evaluation criterion question based on the behaviour of the workflow engine when used for the experiments of Chapter 5. Let us remind the reader that the conducted experiments involve Dells processes 2 and 4.2, and include sequenced and parallel processes, with and-split-and-joint process branches.


Soundness evaluation

The use of the workflow engine for the experiments of Chapter 5 has been successful, as the system has behaved correctly and as expected. As the results have shown, the processes were executed in the right order and respecting the specified trigger conditions and preconditions. Also, the junctions behaviour was correct, meaning that their specification in FBPML has been closely followed. The world state (entities and data) has been monitored and updated in a correct way, and the workflow state has been carefully controlled. Moreover, the total time and cost of the BPM execution is correctly measured. Therefore, we can say that the developed workflow engine is sound.



Completeness evaluation

We will now evaluate the completeness of the workflow engine, thus we will check whether it covers all of the necessary concepts and functionalities. To clarify the evaluation procedure, we will provide a list of requirements against which our system will be evaluated.

Requirement category
Process representation

Trigger Condition representation Precondition representation Action representation Role representation Junction representation (start, finish, andsplit, and-joint, or-split, or-joint) Precedence link representation Synchronisation-bar representation Process execution Junction execution Action execution and update of the world state Measure execution time and cost Support analysis about different strategies

x x ~

World representation Event representation Model representation

BPM execution

Business context

Table 14: Completeness Evaluation Checklist for the developed workflow engine

As one can see, our workflow engine covers most of the above concepts and functionalities. It does not cover the representation of roles and synchronisation bars, which are a part of the formal FBPML specification, in order to keep the workflow engine development procedure simpler and manageable within the project time. For the same reasons, junction execution is partly supported: only junctions that are followed by a process can be executed, and not junctions followed by another junction (except for the start- and finish-junctions). However, as the above table shows, our workflow engine seems to be adequately complete, at least as far as our general and specific requirements are concerned, as they are illustrated in Figure 41.



Coverage evaluation

We will now check whether our workflow engine covers all possible scenarios. Based on the conducted experiments, we can say that it can deal with the average BPM and simulate it successfully. But it cannot deal with some cases that are restrained by our assumptions, as addressed in Figure 41. So, the workflow engine does not provide loop-handling and it does not deal with the case of a wrong BPM through validation or verification (it just does not execute it, without suggesting what the error might be). However, as we have shown in section 4.4 and in Appendix A, we can transform a BPM with a loop so that it can be simulated by our workflow engine, and there also is some feedback to the user in case of a wrong BPM. So, we do not regard these scenarios which are not covered as too serious shortcomings of our workflow engine.


Ease of use

We regard the workflow engine as relatively easy to use, even though there is no graphical interface provided. As we have already mentioned in section 4.4, the first step is the definition of the processes, junctions, the initial world state and the event list, and is considered as the difficult part of the workflow engines use, as the user needs to define all these in Prolog. In case of a user familiarized with first order logic or Prolog, the rate of difficulty is low; in the opposite case the difficulty is bigger, but we believe that if the user studies the examples in our thesis and the demo provided in 11, he will not face big problems. The execution step is trivial for both experienced and non-experienced users, as it involves loading the relevant files and typing run_bpm.


Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work



This projects motivation comes from the increasing importance of Supply Chain Management and the interest in the successful case of Dell on the one hand, and the need for a relevant analysis of a lower-level, on the other hand. We have tackled this problem by developing a business process model that illustrates Dells supply chain strategies, and which is strategic and business goal-oriented. In order to make this BPM executable, we have designed and implemented a workflow engine that simulates BPM execution and calculates the related total time and cost. Furthermore, we have simulated two processes of the developed BPM and we have conducted experiments for their improvement and for their comparison with according processes of a traditional computer company.



In general the project was completed successfully. The developed BPM for Dell was evaluated as correct, and it was found to cover most of the interesting points of Dells supply chain strategies, and to correspond to reality. We also believe that it manages to provide an insight into Dells supply chain strategies avoiding a too abstract and high-level approach, even though in some cases more depth of detail would be helpful. As far as the workflow engine is concerned, it serves its mission and objectives, as addressed in 4.1.1, and it provides us with a correct and accurate BPM simulation, given that the relevant assumptions are respected. The experiments of Chapter 5 involved the simulation of two SCM-relevant processes of Dells BPM with our workflow engine, under the assumption of relevant


execution time and cost for each process part. These assumed time and cost values were based on our knowledge of general practices in the business world and on the literature that covers Dells SC strategies, and we regard them as assumptions of medium strength. Therefore, the conclusions of experiment 2, which involves the comparison of Dell with a traditional computer company, are based on the assumed time and cost values, and hence they are not regarded as completely reliable. We would rather suggest that one should look upon the second experiment as a good framework for comparison of different SC strategies. On the other hand, the results of the first experiment are reliable (i.e. that we cannot improve the two processes by transforming a sequenced pat of them into parallel).


Future Work

The future work of this project is focused on two main approaches: the improvement of Dells BPM and the enrichment of the developed workflow engine. As far as Dells BPM enhancement is concerned, the following topics are interesting and meaningful: Further decompose the processes of the developed BPM, so that more operational details are covered. This way the reader would be able to move from the strategic view of the upper level to the operational one, from the very same BPM. Find and replace the assumed execution time and cost values with the actual ones. Extend the BPM for the whole supply chain, thus show the strategies and operations throughout the whole supply chain, from a supplier to the final customer, instead of focusing only on Dell. Our suggestions for the improvement of the workflow engine include the following: Model and execute the case of a junction followed by another junction. Provide validation and verification of the BPM to be executed, hence check its correctness and suggest what the error might be, if any.


Provide loop-handling. No prior knowledge about the event occurrences. Instead the user feeds on real-time the workflow engine about external events, and internal events are produced by the workflow engine. Adopt a more SCM-friendly approach, thus model and calculate distance, inventory volume, inventory velocity, etc. Include a graphical interface for the definition of the BPM to be simulated, as well as for the simulation procedure.




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Appendix A Workflow Engine Decisions

Why backward chaining may cause problems to process start time estimation Lets suppose that we have the four processes of the figure below, p1, p2, p3 and p4, with durations 7, 2, 8 and 2 respectively, and where all processes are triggered at time 0 except for p2, which is triggered at time 7. Supposing that p1, p2 and p3 have no preconditions but p4 has a precondition which is a postcondition (action) of p1, then the process execution times are the ones shown in the figures below.
5 - 12 12 - 14 7-9 9

5 - 13

Figure 70: Example BPM to illustrate that backward chaining is inappropriate for start time estimation

p1 p2 0 5 7 9 p3 12 13 14


Figure 71: Execution times of processes of Figure 70


However, if we tried to calculate the start time of p4 through backward chaining then it would either be set to 9 (because the or-joint junction would be found to be reached at timepoint 9) instead of 12 or it would not execute at all, because of the following rationale: A simple way to calculate a processs start time is by picking the maximum value between its trigger time and the timepoint that the junction preceding it is reached; according to this, p4 should start execution at timepoint 9. However, before starting execution we should check whether its preconditions are satisfied at this timepoint, which are actually not in the above case, and so p4 would not execute. In order to find the actual start time of p4, the algorithm should go back in the workflow state, before the or-joint junction is reached and check through its preceding processes. However, this makes the whole procedure much more complicated, as it should take into account many different factors apart from the last junction.

Why choose sophisticated vs. simplistic treatment of process waiting time Lets suppose that we have two processes, p1 and p2, which have no preconditions and with durations 2 and 1, respectively. If p1 is triggered at time 0 but p2 is triggered at time 4 (probably because of some external event), then the actual process and junction execution times for an and-split-and-joint and an or-split-or joint BPM are the ones shown in the BPMs of the following figure. So, treating the waiting time of p2 in a sophisticated and precise way would give us the results below.



0 4-5

0 4-5

Figure 72: Example BPMs to illustrate sophisticated treatment of process waiting time


However, if we wanted to simplify the above case we could assume that there is no waiting time for p2. This assumption could be based on the fact that we check business strategies, and hence the normal case, where no errors occur. In this case, both p1 and p2 start execution at time 0, and the and-joint junction is reached at the maximum of their durations, thus 2, while the or-joint junction is reached at the minimum duration of the two, thus at time 1. Note that the time difference of this case under the above-mentioned assumption from the actual case is quite big. On the other hand, the assumption that we based this simplistic approach on does not seem very plausible for real-life business. This means that an organization cannot control everything that affects its operations, as external events also take place (e.g. some activity from the supplier or the customer side). So, the normal case incorporates waiting time as well, and therefore it should be treated in a more sophisticated way.

Why explicit time measurement guarantees a more precise estimation of process execution start time Lets suppose we have once again the BPM of the first example of this appendix, with processes p1, p2, p3 and p4. A forward chaining workflow engine algorithm that does not treat time in an explicit way would estimate the start time of p4 in the following way: After the or-joint junction is reached at timepoint 9, p4 becomes eligible to execute, and since its already triggered at timepoint 0, its preconditions are checked and found not to be satisfied. So, the algorithm should go back to the processes before the or-junction, check the finish times of the other two that have not finished execution at time 9 (p1, p3) and pick the one with the smallest finish time (here p1). Then, current time would be set at 12, for which p4 would be checked for execution. Even though such an algorithm looks correct, things may get complicated when we have several such cases in a BPM and if the algorithm would have to move forwards and backwards in the BPM. What actually makes things this complex is the fact that the actions of a process change the current world state, and it may be difficult to monitor the correct ordering and schedule for actions, and thus control the current state of the world. On the other hand, treating time in an explicit way provides us with complete control over the world state and the workflow state,


as at each timepoint we check which actions are to be executed (and thus update the current world state), and which junctions and processes have been and are to be executed (precise workflow state). So, in the above example the algorithm would do the following: When timepoint 9 is reached, p2 would finish execution, the orjunction would be reached, and p4 would become eligible for execution but not execute because of its unsatisfied precondition. Then time would be updated and set to 10, the same actions-junctions-processes checking procedure would take place and so on, until we reach timepoint 12, where the actions of p1 are executed and hence the precondition of p4 is satisfied. This example shows that measuring time in an explicit way is a more natural approach for a workflow engine, as it is closer to reality, thus ensuring correct start time estimation and world state control.

Why prior knowledge of events occurrence is necessary for the workflow engine Lets suppose that we have the BPM of the Figure 73, where the two processes, p1 and p2, have no preconditions and have durations 2 and 1, respectively. Lets also suppose that p1 is triggered at timepoint 0 and p2 at 4, but there is no prior knowledge about whether and when p1 and p2 are triggered. Then at timepoint 2 of the BPM execution p1 would finish execution, and since p2 would not have yet been triggered, the and-joint junction would be reached, thus signifying a BPM execution finish time 2, which would be wrong (as the figure shows, the correct one would be 5).

0 4-5

Figure 73: Example BPM to illustrate the need for prior knowledge of events occurrence


However, if we had prior knowledge that p2 will be triggered at 4, then the and-joint junction would wait for p2 (remember the definition of and-joint junctions), and hence be reached at the correct timepoint 5. So, having an event occurrence list before the BPM is loaded to the workflow engine for simulation is essential for a correct simulation.

Why the process members of a process branch are not completely independent Lets suppose that we have the BPM of the figure below, with processes, p1, p2, p3 and p4.

Figure 74: Example BPM with a process branch

The preceding processes of a fan-in junction are defined as the last processes of each branch, hence for our example p3 and p4. So, in the case of an and-joint junction, like in our example, if p3 is triggered then it must be executed before the and-joint junction is reached. Baring in mind that we have complete prior information about event occurrences, either internal or external, and if, according to the event-list, p3 is triggered, then it must be executed; hence the processes preceding it, p1 and p2, must also be executed. So, if p1 or p2 is not executed, then the and-junction cannot be reached, therefore there is some dependence between processes p1, p2 and (the trigger condition of) p3. Since such information is complicated to incorporate in the workflow engine algorithm, and in order to avoid confusion, we will expect the trigger condition of p3 to be relevant to the execution of p1 and p2 (e.g. the relevant event is a post-condition of p1 or p2).


Why conditions iii) and iv) are essential in order to check BPM execution completion Condition iii) says that if we are waiting for some event that will trigger a process of which we already have a model instance, then the BPM cannot complete execution. This is made clear in the following figure, in the example case 1, where the following holds: Supposing that process p1 is triggered and executed at timepoint 0 till 2, then the finish junction is reached at timepoint 2. But if process p2 is triggered at timepoint 4 and starts execution, then we have to wait for p2 to start and complete (at timepoint 5) in order to say that the whole BPM has finished execution, thus just hitting the finish junction is not enough.

Example Case 1

Example Case 2

0 4

2 0 0

Figure 75: Example BPMs to illustrate the need for conditions iii) and iv) of execution completion

Condition iv) says that a BPM cannot be considered to have completed execution, if some post-process of a reached and-split junction has not been triggered or executed. The example case 2 illustrates the need for condition iv) in the following way: Supposing that p2 is not triggered (or its preconditions do not hold) then the and-split specification about post-processes is not satisfied, and hence the BPM is not successful.


How to transform a BPM that involves a loop in order to simulate it with our workflow engine Even though our workflow engine does not support loop handling, transforming the BPM by creating new copies of the processes involved in the loop lets us deal with loops in an indirect way. The following figure illustrates how to transform such a BPM.

BPM with loop

Transformed BPM

Figure 76: Example BPMs for a transforming a BPM containing a loop


Appendix B Workflow Engine Code


% clear old database :-retractall(event_occ(_EventId, _EventName, _T)). :-retractall(entity_occ(_EntityName, _EntityId, _EntityAttribute)). :-retractall(data(_SubjectID, _Subject, _Attributes)). % initialize: load the process&junction specification and the % initial world state and event's list :- use_module(library(lists)). :- ['']. :- ['']. :- [''].

% ******** EXECUTION CODE ********************** % --------------------------------------------------% run_bpm/0 %---------------------------------------------------/* Predicate run_bpm: finds all junctions and processes of the model and fires BPM simulation for time 0 */ run_bpm:all_junctions(JunctionsList), all_processes(ModelProcessesList), execute_step([], JunctionsList, [], [], ModelProcessesList, [], [], 0).

% --------------------------------------------------% execute_step/8 %---------------------------------------------------/* Predicate execute_step(+ActionsAgenda, +JunctionsPending, +PreviousJunctionsExecuted,+PreviousModelInstance,+ProcessPending, +PreviousProcessExecuted,+PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda,+T) executes a step that corresponds to time T, firing actions', processes' and junctions' execution */ % BPM halts execution if it has been running for a long time (here % arbitrarily set to 100) execute_step(_ActionsAgenda,_JunctionsPending, _PreviousJunctionsExecuted,_PreviousModelInstance, _ProcessPending, _PreviousProcessExecuted, _PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, 100):nl, write('The BPM cannot finish execution, either because of some unsatisfied process precondition or because of a necessary process not being triggered.').


% % % %

Base case: BPM stops execution when the finish junction is reached and there is no process pending for execution completion and no reached process will be triggered and no and-split post process is pending

execute_step(_ActionsAgenda, _JunctionsPending, PreviousJunctionsExecuted, PreviousModelInstance, _ProcessPending, PreviousProcessExecuted, PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, T):( member(junction(finish,_LastProcess,[]), PreviousJunctionsExecuted); member(junction(finish_and, _LastProcess, []), PreviousJunctionsExecuted); member(junction(finish_or, _LastProcess, []), PreviousJunctionsExecuted) ), findall(P, (member([P,CompletionTime], PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda), CompletionTime >= T),[]), findall(NotYetTriggeredProcess, (member(NotYetTriggeredProcess,PreviousModelInstance), gets_triggered(NotYetTriggeredProcess, TriggerT), TriggerT >= T), []), findall(AndPostProcess, (member(AndPostProcess, PreviousModelInstance), find_AllAndPostPr(X), member(AndPostProcess, X), \+ member(AndPostProcess,PreviousProcessExecuted) ), []), findall(Cost, (process(Pid, _PName, _Trigger, _Precond, _Action, _Duration, Cost), member([Pid,_CompletionTime],PreviousCompleteProcessAgen da) ),CompletedCosts), sum_list(CompletedCosts, TotalCost), nl, write('-------------------------------------- '), nl, write('Base case hit!'), nl, write('The BPM has finished execution at time '), reduce_one(T, NewT), write(NewT), nl, nl, write('Results:'), nl, write('The junctions executed are: '), write(PreviousJunctionsExecuted), nl, write('The processes executed are: '), write(PreviousProcessExecuted), nl, write(' with finish times: '), write(PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda), nl, write(' and with total cost: '), write(TotalCost). execute_step(PreviousActAgenda, JunctionsPending, PreviousJunctionsExecuted, PreviousModelInstance, ProcessPending, PreviousProcessExecuted, PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, T):nl, write('-------------------------------------- '), nl, write('Time='), write(T), nl, execute_actions_agenda(PreviousActAgenda, T), findall(P, (member([P,CompletionTime],PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda), CompletionTime =< T), CompletedProcessTillNow), write('The completed processes till now are '), write(CompletedProcessTillNow), nl, execute_junction_pending(JunctionsPending, PreviousJunctionsExecuted, NowJunctionsExecuted, PreviousModelInstance, NowModelInstance, CompletedProcessTillNow, T), execute_process_pending(ProcessPending,


PreviousProcessExecuted, NowProcessExecuted, PreviousActAgenda, NowActAgenda, PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, NowCompleteProcessAgenda, NowModelInstance, T), update_time(T, NewT), difference(JunctionsPending, NowJunctionsExecuted, NewJunctionsPending), difference(ProcessPending, NowProcessExecuted, NewProcessPending), execute_step(NowActAgenda, NewJunctionsPending, NowJunctionsExecuted, NowModelInstance, NewProcessPending, NowProcessExecuted, NowCompleteProcessAgenda, NewT).

/* ----------------------------------------------------------MAIN STUFF: execute_actions_agenda, execute_junction_pending, execute_process_pending -------------------------------------------------------------*/ % --------------------------------------------------% execute_actions_agenda/2 %---------------------------------------------------/* Predicate execute_actions_agenda(+ActionsAgenda, +T): executes all actions of the process agenda that have execution time T */ execute_actions_agenda([], _T). execute_actions_agenda(ActionsAgenda, T):findall(Actions, member([Actions,T], ActionsAgenda), ActionsList), flatten(ActionsList, FlatActionsList), write('The following actions are executed: '), write(FlatActionsList), nl, do_actions(FlatActionsList).

% --------------------------------------------------% execute_junction_pending/7 %---------------------------------------------------/* Predicate execute_junction_pending(+JunctionsPending, +PreviousJunctionsExecuted, -NowJunctionsExecuted, +PreviousModelInstance, -NowModelInstance, +CompletedProcessTillNow, +T) processes/executes all junctions that are pending and that can be reached based on the completed processes till now (time T) and creates model instances of their post processes */ execute_junction_pending([], JunctionsExecuted, JunctionsExecuted, ModelInstance, ModelInstance, _CompletedProcessTillNow, _T). execute_junction_pending([First|Rest], PreviousJunctionsExecuted, NowJunctionsExecuted, PreviousModelInstance, NowModelInstance, CompletedProcessTillNow, T):execute_one_junction(First, ModelInstanceCreated, CompletedProcessTillNow, T), append(ModelInstanceCreated, PreviousModelInstance, IntermedModelInstance),


execute_junction_pending(Rest, [First|PreviousJunctionsExecuted], NowJunctionsExecuted, IntermedModelInstance, NowModelInstance, CompletedProcessTillNow, T). execute_junction_pending([First|Rest], PreviousJunctionsExecuted, NowJunctionsExecuted, PreviousModelInstance, NowModelInstance, CompletedProcessTillNow, T):\+ execute_one_junction(First, _NoModelInstanceCreated, CompletedProcessTillNow, T), execute_junction_pending(Rest, PreviousJunctionsExecuted, NowJunctionsExecuted, PreviousModelInstance, NowModelInstance, CompletedProcessTillNow, T). % --------------------------------------------------% execute_one_junction/4 %---------------------------------------------------/* Predicate execute_one_junction(+Junction, +ModelInstancesCreated, +CompletedProcessTillNow, +T) succeeds if the junction's type is satisfied */ execute_one_junction(junction(Type, Pre, Post), Post, CompletedProcessTillNow, T):junc_type_satisfied(junction(Type, Pre, Post), CompletedProcessTillNow, T), write('Junction '), write(junction(Type, Pre, Post)), write(' hit '), nl, write('Model instances of processes '), write(Post), write(' created'), nl.

% --------------------------------------------------% execute_process_pending/9 %---------------------------------------------------/* Predicate execute_process_pending(+ProcessPending, +PreviousProcessExecuted, -NowProcessExecuted, +PreviousActAgenda, -NowActAgenda,+PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, -NowCompleteProcessAgenda, +NowModelInstance, +T) fires the execution of pending processes that can start execution at time T and puts their actions in the ActionsAgenda */ execute_process_pending([], ProcessExecuted, ProcessExecuted, ActAgenda, ActAgenda, CompleteProcessAgenda, CompleteProcessAgenda, _NowModelInstance, _T). execute_process_pending([First|Rest], PreviousProcessExecuted, NowProcessExecuted, PreviousActAgenda, NowActAgenda, PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, NowCompleteProcessAgenda, NowModelInstance, T):execute_process(First, ActionsAgenda, CompletionAgenda, NowModelInstance, T), execute_process_pending(Rest, [First|PreviousProcessExecuted], NowProcessExecuted, [ActionsAgenda|PreviousActAgenda], NowActAgenda, [CompletionAgenda|PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda], NowCompleteProcessAgenda, NowModelInstance, T).


execute_process_pending([First|Rest], PreviousProcessExecuted, NowProcessExecuted, PreviousActAgenda, NowActAgenda, PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, NowCompleteProcessAgenda, NowModelInstance, T):\+ execute_process(First, _NoActionsAgenda, _NoCompletionAgenda, NowModelInstance, T), execute_process_pending(Rest, PreviousProcessExecuted, NowProcessExecuted, PreviousActAgenda, NowActAgenda, PreviousCompleteProcessAgenda, NowCompleteProcessAgenda, NowModelInstance, T). % --------------------------------------------------% execute_process/5 %---------------------------------------------------/* Predicate execute_process(+Process, -ActionsAgenda, CompletionAgenda, +NowModelInstance, +T) succeeds when Process has a model instance, it has already been triggered, and its preconditions hold at time T */ execute_process(Process, [Actions,F], [Process, F],NowModelInstance, T):process(Process, _PName, _Trigger, Precond, Actions, Duration, _Cost), member(Process, NowModelInstance), findall(Proc, (gets_triggered(Proc, TriggerT), TriggerT =< T), SofarTriggered), write('The SofarTriggered processes are '), write(SofarTriggered), nl, member(Process, SofarTriggered), precondition_holds(Precond), F is T+Duration, write('Process '), write(Process), write(' starts now execution till timepoint '), write(F), nl, write(' and actions '), write([Actions,F]), write(' are added to the ActionsAgenda'), nl.

%************ % JUNCTIONS %************ % --------------------------------------------------% junc_type_satisfied/3 %---------------------------------------------------/* Predicate junc_type_satisfied(junction(+Type, +Pre, +Post), +CompletedProcessTillNow, +T) succeeds if the type of the junction is satisfied at time T based on the processes that have completed execution until time T */ junc_type_satisfied(junction(start, _Pre, _Post), _CompletedProcessTillNow, _T). junc_type_satisfied(junction(start_and, _Pre, _Post), _CompletedProcessTillNow, _T).


junc_type_satisfied(junction(start_or, _Pre, _Post), _CompletedProcessTillNow, _T). junc_type_satisfied(junction(link, Pre, _Post), CompletedProcessTillNow, T):all_triggered_completed(Pre, CompletedProcessTillNow, T). junc_type_satisfied(junction(and_joint, Pre, _Post), CompletedProcessTillNow, T):find_all_PreTriggered(Pre, PreTriggered), all_triggered_completed(PreTriggered, CompletedProcessTillNow, T). junc_type_satisfied(junction(or_joint, Pre, _Post), CompletedProcessTillNow, T):one_triggered_completed(Pre, CompletedProcessTillNow, T). junc_type_satisfied(junction(and_split, Pre, _Post), CompletedProcessTillNow, T):all_triggered_completed(Pre, CompletedProcessTillNow, T). junc_type_satisfied(junction(or_split, Pre, _Post), CompletedProcessTillNow, T):all_triggered_completed(Pre, CompletedProcessTillNow, T). junc_type_satisfied(junction(finish, Pre, []), CompletedProcessTillNow, T):all_triggered_completed(Pre, CompletedProcessTillNow, T). junc_type_satisfied(junction(finish_and, Pre, []), CompletedProcessTillNow, T):find_all_PreTriggered(Pre, PreTriggered), all_triggered_completed(PreTriggered, CompletedProcessTillNow, T). junc_type_satisfied(junction(finish_or, Pre, []), CompletedProcessTillNow, T):one_triggered_completed(Pre, CompletedProcessTillNow, T).

% --------------------------------------------------% all_triggered_completed/3 %---------------------------------------------------/* Predicate all_triggered_completed(+ProcessList, +CompletedProcessesTillNow, +T) succeeds if all processes of ProcessList have completed execution till now (time T) */ all_triggered_completed([], _CompletedProcessesTillNow, _T). all_triggered_completed([First|Rest], CompletedProcessesTillNow,T):member(First, CompletedProcessesTillNow), all_triggered_completed(Rest, CompletedProcessesTillNow, T). % --------------------------------------------------% find_all_PreTriggered/2 %----------------------------------------------------


/* Predicate find_all_PreTriggered(+ProcessList,-TriggeredProcesses) finds all processes in ProcessList that have already been triggered */ find_all_PreTriggered(ProcessList, TriggeredProcesses):findall(Process, (member(Process, ProcessList), gets_triggered(Process, _AnyTime)), TriggeredProcesses). % --------------------------------------------------% one_triggered_completed/3 %---------------------------------------------------/* Predicate one_triggered_completed(+ProcessList, +CompletedProcessTillNow, +T) succeeds if at least one process in ProcessList has already completed execution at time T */ one_triggered_completed(ProcessList, CompletedProcessTillNow, _T):member(SomeProcess, ProcessList), member(SomeProcess, CompletedProcessTillNow).

%*********** % TRIGGERS %*********** % --------------------------------------------------% gets_triggered/2 %---------------------------------------------------% Predicate gets_triggered(+Pid, -T): returns the trigger time of % process Pid %if no triggers then created at time 0 gets_triggered(Pid, 0):process(Pid, _PName, [true], _Precond, _Action, _Duration, _Cost). % if trigger becomes true at point T gets_triggered(Pid, T):process(Pid, _PName, TriggerCond, _Precond, _Action, _Duration, _Cost), \+ (member(Trigger,TriggerCond),\+ trigger_holds(Trigger,_T)), findall( TriggerT, ( member(ATrigger,TriggerCond), trigger_holds(ATrigger,TriggerT) ), AllTriggerTimes), max_list(AllTriggerTimes, T).

% trigger_holds (at time of event) trigger_holds(exist(event_occ(EventName)), T):event_occ(_EventID, EventName, T).


%*************** % PRECONDITIONS %*************** % --------------------------------------------------% precondition_holds/1 %---------------------------------------------------% Predicate precondition_holds(PreconditionList): succeeds if all % preconditions of the list currently hold precondition_holds([]). precondition_holds([exist(entity_occ(EntityName))|Rest]):entity_occ(EntityName, _EntityId, _EntityAttribute), precondition_holds(Rest). precondition_holds([not_exist(entity_occ(EntityName))|Rest]):\+ entity_occ(EntityName, _EntityId, _EntityAttribute), precondition_holds(Rest). precondition_holds([exist(data(Subject))|Rest]):data(_SubjectID, Subject, _Attributes), precondition_holds(Rest). precondition_holds([not_exist(data(Subject))|Rest]):\+ data(_SubjectID, Subject, _Attributes), precondition_holds(Rest).

%********* % ACTIONS %********* action_result(create_entity(EntityName, EntityAttribute)):asserta(entity_occ(EntityName, _EntityId, EntityAttribute)). action_result(delete_entity(EntityName, EntityAttribute)):retract(entity_occ(EntityName, _EntityId, EntityAttribute)). action_result(create_data(Subject, Attributes)):asserta(data(_SubjectID, Subject, Attributes)). action_result(delete_data(Subject, Attributes)):retract(data(_SubjectID, Subject, Attributes)). % --------------------------------------------------% do_actions/1 %---------------------------------------------------% Predicate do_actions(+ActionsList) fires the execution of all % actions in the ActionsList do_actions([]). do_actions([First|Rest]):action_result(First), write('Action '), write(First), write(' executed'),nl, do_actions(Rest).


%******** % USEFUL %******** update_time(T, NewT):NewT is T + 1. reduce_one(T, NewT):NewT is T - 1. find_AllAndPostPr(X):findall(P, ( (junction(and_split,_Pre,Post); junction(start_and,_Pre,Post) ), member(P,Post) ), X). all_junctions(X):findall(junction(Type,Pre,Post), junction(Type,Pre,Post), X). all_processes(ModelProcessesList):findall(Pid, process(Pid, _PName, _Trigger, _Precond, _Action, _Duration, _Cost), ModelProcessesList). flatten([],[]):- !. flatten([H|T],L3):!, flatten(H,L1), flatten(T,L2), append(L1,L2,L3). flatten(X,[X]). difference([], _, []). difference([H|T], L, NewList):member(H, L), !, difference(T, L, NewList). difference([H|T], L, [H|NewList]):difference(T, L, NewList).


Appendix C Demo For Workflow Engine


In this document we will illustrate how one can use the developed workflow engine for BPM simulation. Note that the user is expected to know the cost and time needed for the execution of each process in the BPM to be simulated, as well as the initial world state and list of events that are expected to take place. In this demo we will use a simple BPM for simulation, which is provided in the following graph:

Figure 77: Example BPM for simulation

Figure 78 shows the framework for simulating BPMs with our workflow engine includes the specification of the processes and junctions in the BPM, the description of the initial world state and the specification of the event occurrences list. Processes specification includes information such as preconditions and time and cost of a process, and junction specification includes the type of each junction, its pre- and post-processes. The world state is described in terms of entities that exist in the world and data that the object of discourse (usually the organization) has in its database. The output of the system is real-time information resulted from BPM executions (which processes have been executed at each timepoint, which junctions have been reached, etc.) and the final results of the total time and cost of the execution. The details of the framework will be explained in a comprehensive way later on.


The workflow engine is implemented in Prolog (SICSTUS Prolog 1 ), and the user is expected to be in some extent familiar with the running environment. Under UNIX, Prolog is started from a shell command, while in Windows it is normally started by clicking on the corresponding icon (or from the Programs tab).

Process specification

Junction specification

Initial world description

Event occurrences list

Workflow Engine

Results -Total time -Total cost -Real-time workflow state

Figure 78: Graphical representation of workflow engine use framework

Considering the above workflow engine framework, one has to follow five steps in order to simulate a BPM using our workflow engine: 1) Specify the processes of the BPM 2) Specify the junctions of the BPM 3) Describe the initial world state and provides an event occurrence list 4) Initialize the workflow engine 5) Run the workflow engine in Prolog Each of these steps will be now explained for the simulation of our example BPM.


Step 1: Specify the processes of the BPM In this step we define all processes of our BPM, thus p1 and p2. The process specification is written with a standard text editor, and it is saved with a suffix .pl. A process can be defined by the following predicate:
process(Pid, PName, Trigger, Precond, Action, Duration, Cost).

where Pid is the ID of the process, PName is the name of the process, Trigger is the list of the trigger conditions of the process, Precond is the list of the preconditions of the process, Action is the list of the actions that the process fires, and Duration and
Cost is the related execution time and cost.

So, for our BPM example we type the following and save it as .pl file, lets say

Figure 79: Screenshot of


Step 2: Specify the junctions of the BPM In this step we define all junctions of our BPM, thus for our example BPM the start and finish junction, as well as the two precedence links. The junction specification is written with a standard text editor, and it is saved with a suffix .pl. A junction can be defined by the following predicate:
junction(JunctionType, PreProcesses, PostProcesses).

where JunctionType is the type of the process, PreProcesses is the list of the processes preceding the junction and PostProcesses is the list of the processes following the junction. So, for our BPM example we type the following and save it as .pl file, lets say

Figure 80: Screenshot of


Step 3: Describe the initial world state and provide the event occurrence list In this step we describe the initial world state in terms of entities and data, and define all the events that will happen throughout BPM execution. This specification is written with a standard text editor, and it is saved with a suffix .pl. An entity occurrence can be defined by the following predicate, where EntityName is the name of the entity, EntityId is the ID of the entity and EntityAttribute is the list of the attributes of this entity:
entity_occ(EntityName, EntityId, EntityAttribute).

Data can be defined by the following predicate, where Subject is the subject of the data entry, SubjectID is the ID of the data entry and Attributes is the list of the attributes of this data item:
data(SubjectID, Subject, Attributes).

An event can be defined by the following predicate, where EventId is the ID of the event, EventName is the event name and T is the timepoint of occurrence of this event:
event_occ(EventId, EventName, T)

Note that data and entities are defined as dynamic predicates, (meaning that they can be created or deleted dynamically, at run-time) thus before defining them in our file we need to type:
:- dynamic entity_occ/3. :- dynamic data/3.

For our example, as it is explained in section 4.3 of the thesis, there is no data or entities in the initial world state, while there is only one event occurrence at timepoint 2, needForCar. So, for our BPM example we type the following and save it as .pl file, lets say


Figure 81: Screenshot of


Step 4: Initialize the workflow engine In this step the above files are loaded in the workflow engine, in order to initialize it. This is done in the body of the workflow engine code, thus we have to open the file of the workflow engine with a text editor and type:
:- ['']. :- ['']. :- [''].

This is more obvious in the following screenshot of

Figure 82: Screenshot of


Step 5: Run the workflow engine in Prolog In this step the workflow engine file is run in Prolog, simulating the BPM. The steps for this procedure are the following. First we start Prolog; this is done either by typing sicstus in Unix or by clicking the corresponding icon in Windows. In Windows the Sicstus Prolog environment looks like Figure 83.

Figure 83: Screenshot of Sicstus Prolog environment in Windows

After Prolog is started, we load the workflow engine file, either by typing [] or by choosing FileLoad and then choosing the file After the workflow engine is loaded we can start the BPM simulation, simply by typing run_bpm. and pressing enter. This is shown in the following figure:

Figure 84: Screenshot of run command of workflow engine in Sicstus Prolog


Then the BPM execution is simulated and we get the relevant output from the Sicstus window. In our example case, the output looks like Figure 85:

Figure 85: Screenshot of BPM simulation output


Appendix D Experiments Code


Logical representation of Buy standard item to order

Junctions Specification
junction(start, [], [p2_1]). junction(link, [p2_1], [p2_2]). junction(link, [p2_2], [p2_3]). junction(link, [p2_3], [p2_4]). junction(and_split, [p2_4], [p2_5, p2_8]). junction(link, [p2_5], [p2_6]). junction(link, [p2_6], [p2_7]). junction(finish_and, [p2_7, p2_8], []).

Process Specification
process(p2_1, identifyOwnNeeds, [true], [exist(entity_occ(needsOnXinventory))], [create_data(needsOnXinventory, [item_X]), create_data(currentXInventoryLevel, [item_X, inv_0])], 1, 200). process(p2_2, identifyPotentialSuppliers, [exist(event_occ(needForNewXInventory))], [not_exist(entity_occ(supplierX)), exist(data(needsOnXinventory)), exist(data(relevantXsuppliers))], [create_data(potentialXsuppliers, [sup1_good, sup2_ok])], 21, 1000). process(p2_3, selectSupplier, [exist(event_occ(needForNewXInventory))], [exist(data(potentialXsuppliers)),not_exist(entity_occ(supplierX))], [create_entity(supplierX, [sup1, good])], 21, 1000). process(p2_4, negotiateContracts, [exist(event_occ(needForNewXInventory))], [exist(entity_occ(supplierX)), exist(data(needsOnXinventory)), not_exist(entity_occ(contractXsupplier))], [create_entity(contractXsupplier, [sup_sup1, reput_good]), create_entity(valueChainForX, [sup_sup1])], 8, 750). process(p2_5, shareInfoWithSupplier, [exist(event_occ(integrateWithXsupplier))], [exist(entity_occ(valueChainForX)), exist(data(currentXInventoryLevel)), exist(data(demandForecastX)), exist(data(generalBusinessInfo))], [create_data(sharedCurrentXinventoryLevel, _), create_data(sharedDemandForecast, _), create_data(sharedGeneralBusinessInfo,_)], 1, 100). process(p2_6, getInventoryFromSupplier, [exist(event_occ(lowXInventory)), exist(event_occ(integrateWithXsupplier))],


[exist(entity_occ(contractXsupplier)), exist(data(sharedCurrentXinventoryLevel)), exist(data(sharedDemandForecast))], [create_entity(inventoryX, [item_X, amount_1000]), delete_data(currentXInventoryLevel,[item_X, _]), delete_data(sharedCurrentXinventoryLevel, _), create_data(updatedXInventoryLevel, [item_X, amount_1000])], 1, 1000). process(p2_7, paySupplier, [exist(event_occ(arriveInventoryX))], [exist(entity_occ(money))], [create_data(supplierXpaid, [sup1, 1000])], 1, 40). process(p2_8, manageSupplier, [exist(event_occ(integrateWithXsupplier))], [], [], 20, 1000).

Initial world state description and events list

event_occ(e1, event_occ(e2, event_occ(e3, event_occ(e4, needForNewXInventory, 1). integrateWithXsupplier, 51). lowXInventory, 52). arriveInventoryX, 53).

entity_occ(needsOnXinventory, ent1, [item_X]). entity_occ(money, ent2, [euros_3000]). data(d1, relevantXsuppliers, [item_X, [sup1_good, sup2_ok]]). data(d2, demandForecastX, [item_X, time_oneWeek, level_2000]). data(d3, generalBusinessInfo, [increasingImportance_edi]).

Simulation results of Buy standard item to order

The workflow engine is designed to give feedback about the workflow state in each timepoint. In order to save space, and because not in every timepoint there is interesting information, we will present here the feedback for only the meaningful timepoints.
-------------------------------------Time=0 The completed processes till now are [] Junction junction(start,[],[p2_1]) hit Model instances of processes [p2_1] created The SofarTriggered processes are [p2_1] Process p2_1 starts now execution till timepoint 1 and actions [[create_data(needsOnXinventory,[item_X]),create_data(currentXInventoryLevel ,[item_X,inv_0])],1] are added to the ActionsAgenda -------------------------------------Time=1 The following actions are executed: [create_data(needsOnXinventory,[item_X]),create_data(currentXInventoryLevel, [item_X,inv_0])] Action create_data(needsOnXinventory,[item_X]) executed Action create_data(currentXInventoryLevel,[item_X,inv_0]) executed The completed processes till now are [p2_1] Junction junction(link,[p2_1],[p2_2]) hit


Model instances of processes [p2_2] created The SofarTriggered processes are [p2_1,p2_2,p2_3,p2_4] Process p2_2 starts now execution till timepoint 22 and actions [[create_data(potentialXsuppliers,[sup1_good,sup2_ok])],22] are added to the ActionsAgenda -------------------------------------Time=2 The following actions are executed: [] The completed processes till now are [p2_1] -------------------------------------Time=21 The following actions are executed: [] The completed processes till now are [p2_1] -------------------------------------Time=22 The following actions are executed: [create_data(potentialXsuppliers,[sup1_good,sup2_ok])] Action create_data(potentialXsuppliers,[sup1_good,sup2_ok]) executed The completed processes till now are [p2_2,p2_1] Junction junction(link,[p2_2],[p2_3]) hit Model instances of processes [p2_3] created The SofarTriggered processes are [p2_1,p2_2,p2_3,p2_4] Process p2_3 starts now execution till timepoint 43 and actions [[create_entity(supplierX,[sup1,good])],43] are added to the ActionsAgenda -------------------------------------Time=23 The following actions are executed: [] The completed processes till now are [p2_2,p2_1] -------------------------------------Time=42 The following actions are executed: [] The completed processes till now are [p2_2,p2_1] -------------------------------------Time=43 The following actions are executed: [create_entity(supplierX,[sup1,good])] Action create_entity(supplierX,[sup1,good]) executed The completed processes till now are [p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] Junction junction(link,[p2_3],[p2_4]) hit Model instances of processes [p2_4] created The SofarTriggered processes are [p2_1,p2_2,p2_3,p2_4] Process p2_4 starts now execution till timepoint 51 and actions [[create_entity(contractXsupplier,[sup_sup1,reput_good]),create_entity(value ChainForX,[sup_sup1])],51] are added to the ActionsAgenda -------------------------------------Time=44 The following actions are executed: [] The completed processes till now are [p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] -------------------------------------Time=50 The following actions are executed: [] The completed processes till now are [p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] -------------------------------------Time=51


The following actions are executed: [create_entity(contractXsupplier,[sup_sup1,reput_good]),create_entity(valueC hainForX,[sup_sup1])] Action create_entity(contractXsupplier,[sup_sup1,reput_good]) executed Action create_entity(valueChainForX,[sup_sup1]) executed The completed processes till now are [p2_4,p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] Junction junction(and_split,[p2_4],[p2_5,p2_8]) hit Model instances of processes [p2_5,p2_8] created The SofarTriggered processes are [p2_1,p2_2,p2_3,p2_4,p2_5,p2_8] Process p2_5 starts now execution till timepoint 52 and actions [[create_data(sharedCurrentXinventoryLevel,_10257),create_data(sharedDemandF orecast,_10252),create_data(sharedGeneralBusinessInfo,_10247)],52] are added to the ActionsAgenda The SofarTriggered processes are [p2_1,p2_2,p2_3,p2_4,p2_5,p2_8] Process p2_8 starts now execution till timepoint 71 and actions [[],71] are added to the ActionsAgenda -------------------------------------Time=52 The following actions are executed: [create_data(sharedCurrentXinventoryLevel,_10787),create_data(sharedDemandFo recast,_10782),create_data(sharedGeneralBusinessInfo,_10777)] Action create_data(sharedCurrentXinventoryLevel,_10787) executed Action create_data(sharedDemandForecast,_10782) executed Action create_data(sharedGeneralBusinessInfo,_10777) executed The completed processes till now are [p2_5,p2_4,p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] Junction junction(link,[p2_5],[p2_6]) hit Model instances of processes [p2_6] created The SofarTriggered processes are [p2_1,p2_2,p2_3,p2_4,p2_5,p2_6,p2_8] Process p2_6 starts now execution till timepoint 53 and actions [[create_entity(inventoryX,[item_X,amount_1000]),delete_data(currentXInvento ryLevel,[item_X,_11195]),delete_data(sharedCurrentXinventoryLevel,_11192),cr eate_data(updatedXInventoryLevel,[item_X,amount_1000])],53] are added to the ActionsAgenda -------------------------------------Time=53 The following actions are executed: [create_entity(inventoryX,[item_X,amount_1000]),delete_data(currentXInventor yLevel,[item_X,_11553]),delete_data(sharedCurrentXinventoryLevel,_11550),cre ate_data(updatedXInventoryLevel,[item_X,amount_1000])] Action create_entity(inventoryX,[item_X,amount_1000]) executed Action delete_data(currentXInventoryLevel,[item_X,inv_0]) executed Action delete_data(sharedCurrentXinventoryLevel,_11550) executed Action create_data(updatedXInventoryLevel,[item_X,amount_1000]) executed The completed processes till now are [p2_6,p2_5,p2_4,p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] Junction junction(link,[p2_6],[p2_7]) hit Model instances of processes [p2_7] created The SofarTriggered processes are [p2_1,p2_2,p2_3,p2_4,p2_5,p2_6,p2_7,p2_8] Process p2_7 starts now execution till timepoint 54 and actions [[create_data(supplierXpaid,[sup1,1000])],54] are added to the ActionsAgenda -------------------------------------Time=54 The following actions are executed: [create_data(supplierXpaid,[sup1,1000])] Action create_data(supplierXpaid,[sup1,1000]) executed The completed processes till now are [p2_7,p2_6,p2_5,p2_4,p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] -------------------------------------Time=55 The following actions are executed: [] The completed processes till now are [p2_7,p2_6,p2_5,p2_4,p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] --------------------------------------


Time=70 The following actions are executed: [] The completed processes till now are [p2_7,p2_6,p2_5,p2_4,p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] -------------------------------------Time=71 The following actions are executed: [] The completed processes till now are [p2_7,p2_6,p2_8,p2_5,p2_4,p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] Junction junction(finish_and,[p2_7,p2_8],[]) hit Model instances of processes [] created -------------------------------------Base case hit! The BPM has finished execution at time 71 Results: The junctions executed are: [junction(finish_and,[p2_7,p2_8],[]),junction(link,[p2_6],[p2_7]), junction(link,[p2_5],[p2_6]),junction(and_split,[p2_4],[p2_5,p2_8]), junction(link,[p2_3],[p2_4]),junction(link,[p2_2],[p2_3]), junction(link,[p2_1],[p2_2]),junction(start,[],[p2_1])] The processes executed are: [p2_7,p2_6,p2_8,p2_5,p2_4,p2_3,p2_2,p2_1] with finish times: [[p2_7,54],[p2_6,53],[p2_8,71],[p2_5,52],[p2_4,51],[p2_3,43],[p2_2,22],[p2_1 ,1]] and with total cost: 5090

Logical representation of Sell directly to large business and public sector customers
Junctions Specification
junction(start, [], [p4_2_1]). junction(and_split, [p4_2_1], [p4_2_2, p4_2_8]). junction(link, [p4_2_2], [p4_2_3]). junction(link, [p4_2_3], [p4_2_4]). junction(link, [p4_2_4], [p4_2_5]). junction(link, [p4_2_5], [p4_2_6]). junction(link, [p4_2_6], [p4_2_7]). junction(finish_and, [p4_2_7, p4_2_8], []).

Process Specification
process(p4_2_1, identifyPotentialCorporateCustomer, [true], [exist(entity_occ(potentialCorporateCustomer))], [create_data(potentialCorporateCustomer, [potCC_custA]), create_entity(corporateCustomer, [cc_custA, size_1000]), create_data(customerAddress, [cc_custA, address_eh92bh])],25, 750). process(p4_2_2, identifyCorporateCustomersNeeds, [exist(event_occ(newCorporateCustomer))], [exist(entity_occ(corporateCustomer))], [create_data(corporateCustomersNeeds, [cc_custA, amount_100, perf_medium])], 8, 100). process(p4_2_3, identifyCorrespondingConfigurations, [exist(event_occ(newCorporateCustomer))], [exist(entity_occ(corporateCustomer)), exist(data(corporateCustomersNeeds)), exist(data(productSpecifications))], [create_data(customerConfigurations, [cc_custA, prodID_sk32])],


3, 100). process(p4_2_4, informCorporateCustomerViaPremierPage, [exist(event_occ(newCorporateCustomer))], [exist(entity_occ(corporateCustomer)), exist(data(customerConfigurations))], [create_entity(customerPremierPage, [cc_custA, ppID_ppc32])], 10, 350). process(p4_2_5, obtainOrder, [exist(event_occ(integrateCustomerViaPremierPage)), exist(event_occ(customerNeedOnProduct))], [exist(entity_occ(customerPremierPage))], [create_data(customerOrder, [orderID_thre34, cc_custA, prodID_sk32, amount_100])], 7, 40). process(p4_2_6, receivePayment, [exist(event_occ(customerOrder)), exist(event_occ(customerPayment))], [exist(entity_occ(customerPremierPage))], [create_data(customerOrderPaid, [orderID_thre34, cc_custA, amount_5000])], 1, 40). process(p4_2_7, deliverOrder, [exist(event_occ(paidCustomerOrder)), exist(event_occ(orderAssembled))], [exist(entity_occ(orderedItems)), exist(data(customerAddress))], [create_data(customerOrderDelivered, [orderID_thre34,method_truck])], 5, 200). process(p4_2_8, manageBigCustomerRelationships, [exist(event_occ(newCorporateCustomer))], [], [], 2, 300).

Initial world state description and events list

event_occ(e1, event_occ(e2, event_occ(e3, event_occ(e4, event_occ(e5, event_occ(e6, event_occ(e7, newCorporateCustomer, 25). integrateCustomerViaPremierPage, 46). customerNeedOnProduct, 46). customerOrder, 53). customerPayment, 53). paidCustomerOrder, 54). orderAssembled, 55).

entity_occ(potentialCorporateCustomer, ent1, [potCC_custA]). entity_occ(orderedItems, ent2, [prodID_sk32, orderID_thre34, amount_5000]). data(d1, productSpecifications, [prodID_sk32, performance_medium, media_good]).

Logical representation of myCompanys Buy standard item to stock

Junctions Specification
junction(start, [], [p2_1]). junction(link, [p2_1], [p2_2]). junction(link, [p2_2], [p2_3]). junction(and_split, [p2_3], [p2_4, p2_7]). junction(link, [p2_4], [p2_5]).


junction(link, [p2_5], [p2_6]). junction(finish_and, [p2_6, p2_7], []).

Process Specification
process(p2_1, identifyOwnNeeds, [true], [exist(entity_occ(needsOnXinventory))], [create_data(needsOnXinventory, [item_X]), create_data(currentXInventoryLevel, [item_X, inv_0])], 1, 200). process(p2_2, identifyPotentialSources, [exist(event_occ(needForNewXInventory))], [not_exist(entity_occ(supplierX)), exist(data(needsOnXinventory)), exist(data(relevantXsuppliers))], [create_data(potentialXsuppliers, [sup1_good, sup2_ok])], 15, 700). process(p2_3, selectSupplier, [exist(event_occ(needForNewXInventory))], [exist(data(potentialXsuppliers)), exist(data(needsOnXinventory)), not_exist(entity_occ(contractXsupplier))], [create_entity(contractXsupplier, [sup_sup1, reput_good])],13,1000). process(p2_4, placeOrder, [exist(event_occ(collaborateWithXsupplier)), exist(event_occ(lowXInventory))], [exist(entity_occ(contractXsupplier)), exist(data(currentXInventoryLevel))], [create_data(orderToX, [sup_sup1, orderID_thrk32])], 2, 100). process(p2_5, receive, [exist(event_occ(orderPlaced))], [exist(entity_occ(contractXsupplier)), exist(data(orderToX)), exist(entity_occ(transportMedium))], [create_entity(inventoryX, [item_X, amount_1000]), delete_data(currentXInventoryLevel,[item_X, _]), create_data(updatedXInventoryLevel, [item_X,amount_1000])], 10, 1000). process(p2_6, paySupplier, [exist(event_occ(arriveInventoryX))], [exist(entity_occ(money))], [create_data(supplierXpaid, [sup1, 1000])], 2, 40). process(p2_7, manageSupplier, [exist(event_occ(collaborateWithXsupplier))], [], [], 10, 400).

Initial world state description and events list

event_occ(e1, event_occ(e2, event_occ(e3, event_occ(e4, event_occ(e5, needForNewXInventory, 1). collaborateWithXsupplier, 29). orderPlaced, 31). lowXInventory, 1). arriveInventoryX, 41).

entity_occ(needsOnXinventory, ent1, [item_X]). entity_occ(money, ent2, [euros_3000]). entity_occ(transportMedium, ent3, [type_truck]). data(d1, relevantXsuppliers, [item_X, [sup1_good, sup2_ok]]).


Logical representation of myCompanys Sell via intermediary to business customers

Junctions Specification
junction(start, [], [p4_1]). junction(and_split, [p4_1], [p4_2, p4_7]). junction(link, [p4_2], [p4_3]). junction(link, [p4_3], [p4_4]). junction(link, [p4_4], [p4_5]). junction(link, [p4_5], [p4_6]). junction(finish_and, [p4_6, p4_7], []).

Process Specification
process(p4_1, identifyPotentialCorporateCustomer, [true], [exist(entity_occ(potentialCorporateCustomer))], [create_data(potentialCorporateCustomer, [potCC_custA]), create_entity(corporateCustomer, [cc_custA, size_1000]), create_data(customerAddress, [cc_custA, address_eh92bh])],25, 750). process(p4_2, identifyCorporateCustomersNeeds, [exist(event_occ(newCorporateCustomer))], [exist(entity_occ(corporateCustomer)), exist(entity_occ(corporateCustomersNeeds)), exist(data(productSpecifications))], [create_data(corporateCustomersNeeds, [cc_custA,amount_100,perf_medium]), create_data(customerAppropriateProducts, [cc_custA, prodID_sk32])], 10, 150). process(p4_3, informCorporateCustomer, [exist(event_occ(newCorporateCustomer))], [exist(entity_occ(corporateCustomer)), exist(data(customerAppropriateProducts))],[], 7, 250). process(p4_4, obtainOrder, [exist(event_occ(customerInformed)), exist(event_occ(customerNeedOnProduct))], [exist(entity_occ(orderingMedium))], [create_data(customerOrder, [orderID_thre34, cc_custA, prodID_sk32, amount_100])], 11, 140). process(p4_5, receivePayment, [exist(event_occ(customerOrder)), exist(event_occ(customerPayment))], [], [create_data(customerOrderPaid, [orderID_thre34, cc_custA, amount_5000])], 2, 40). process(p4_6, deliverOrder, [exist(event_occ(paidCustomerOrder))], [exist(entity_occ(orderedItems)), exist(data(customerAddress))], [create_data(customerOrderDelivered, [orderID_thre34,method_truck])], 10, 150). process(p4_7, manageCustomerRelationships, [exist(event_occ(newCorporateCustomer))], [], [], 7, 700).

Initial world state description and events list

event_occ(e1, event_occ(e2, event_occ(e3, event_occ(e4, event_occ(e5, event_occ(e6, newCorporateCustomer, 25). customerInformed, 42). customerNeedOnProduct, 42). customerOrder, 53). customerPayment, 53). paidCustomerOrder, 55).


entity_occ(potentialCorporateCustomer, ent1, [potCC_custA]). entity_occ(orderedItems, ent2, [prodID_sk32, orderID_thre34, amount_5000]). entity_occ(corporateCustomersNeeds, ent3, [cc_custA, amount_100, perf_medium]). entity_occ(orderingMedium, ent4, [meidum_edi]). data(d1, productSpecifications, [prodID_sk32, performance_medium, media_good]).


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