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W W W . C A M P B E L L R O T A R Y. O R G

Blood Drive Nets 54 Units! z


“Your body needs three Mr. Kevin Useldinger,
things,” says speaker Kevin President of the Fitness
Motivation Institute
National “Rest, Fuel
of CA, addressed
our club with style
Immunization Day and and humor, but got
You can take part in a most Movement.” his message across.
amazing, life-affirming event In this case, He even took the
body fat
by joining Rotarians at the two out of
measurement of our
NID in The Ivory Coast this three is NOT President! Kevin
November 4-13. “pretty good!” was also good
Most of us enough to stick
See page 2 for more details of around after the
have no problem with resting
this great opportunity. meeting to put a few members
and fueling our bodies, but
through the steps of his Isorobics
 getting them to move enough is exercise routines emphasizing
a growing problem in modern strength and flexibility.

Oct. 13: Dinner Service @ EHC, 4:30

Coming Events Oct. 16: Avenues of Service @ CSU
Oct. 1: Town Hall Mtng w/ Sen. Joe
Simitian @ Campbell Library
Oct. 18 & 19: OctoberFest in downtown
Oct. 4: Child Advocate’s Picnic
Oct. 6: Board Meeting (new date), 5:30
@ Marv Bamburg’s Office.
Area 8 Family Picnic: A Great Day

a child’s future. Filled RELATED
with high Rotary
purpose and In addition to
COAST accomplishment, this
taking part in the
trip will introduce you
National Immunization
NOV. 4 to new friends, and give Day, Rotarians will visit
Depart Detroit or
with local Rotarians and
Washington, DC
TOUR OF A learn of their local
LIFETIME projects, enjoy the
NOV. 5 This journey will hospitality of local
Arrive Paris-- be a landmark event in Rotarians and visit local
Abidjan your rotary experience; sites of historical and
it may be your last modern significance.
NOV. 6-9 chance to give the two
West Africa drops of the polio you new opportunities COST
to create humanitarian The 11 day trip
Project Fair
projects while advancing costs from $3,429 to
Rotary’s objective of $3,699 per person with
NOV. 9 world peace and additional cost of $650
Polio for a private room.
Day vaccine that will change

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