July Newsletter Class LKG

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July saw great fun and enthusiasm among children. They settled down well and geared up for learning and activities. The theme being food for the month of July . Children were given the task of decorating pictures of fruits and vegetables which were displayed on the soft boards in the quadrangles.


Very nice slogan here

Fun with numbers The children were introduced to numbers and were taught to count. This counting activity was done both, indoors with beads and outdoor with dry leaves. Tracing on sand paper before they started to write.

Fun activities Playing in the butterfly park Rhyme time and games in the golf course. For a change we had our snack time in the school canteen. Children assembled in the quadrangle for prayer and action rhymes which was theme based. Story telling sessions were held in the class and the stories were mostly theme based.

There was an Eye Camp organized in school for LKG.

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