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Dear Friends, I will share with you Swami Ramdevs Method for treatment of diabetes.

Please go through the following postures carefully and link back to these postures whenever there is a reference to any posture.

figure 1 Vajrasana

figure 2 A posture while performing Mandukasana 1.

figure 3 A posture while performing Mandukasana.

figure 4 A posture while performing Mandukasana 2.

figure 5 Padmasana

figure 6 Yogmudrasan 1

figure 7 Yogmudrasan 2

figure 8 Ardh Matsyendrasan First we will discuss the yogasanas that are very useful in controlling and even curing diabetes.

Let us start with Mandukasan. Mandukasana (Version I ) The steps involved in doing Mandukasana (Version I )are1. Sit in Vajrasana as shown in Image I 2. Exhale breath with full force. Press your hands on your stomach as shown in Figure II. The thumb should be covered by fingers. 3. Now move to the position as shown in Figure III. Please note that the Step II onwards you should hold your breath outside. Remain in this position for as much time as possible. 4. Move back to the position shown in Figure I while inhaling the breath. No breath is inhaled in Step 3. Only while moving back you should inhale. 5. Repeat the above steps for 4-5 times.

Mandukasana (Version II) The steps involved in doing mandukasana (Version II )are1. Sit in Vajrasana as shown in Image I 2. Exhale breath with full force. Press your hands on your stomach as shown in Figure IV. 3. Now move to the position as shown in Figure III. Please note that the Step II onwards you should hold your breath outside. Remain in this position for as much time as possible. 4. Move back to the position shown in Figure I while inhaling the breath. No breath is inhaled in Step 3. Only while moving back you should inhale. 5. Repeat the above steps for 4-5 times. Yogamudrasan (Version I ) The steps involved in doing Yogamudrasan (Version I )are1. Sit in padmasana as shown in Image V 2. Exhale breath with full force. Press your hands on your stomach as shown in Figure IV. 3. Now move to the position as shown in Figure VI. Please note that the Step II onwards you should hold your breath outside. Remain in this position for as much time as possible. 4. Move back to the position shown in Figure V while inhaling the breath. No breath is inhaled in Step 3. Only while moving back you should inhale. 5. Repeat the above steps for 4-5 times. Yogamudrasan(Version II) The steps involved in doing Yogmudrasan (Version II )are-

1. Sit in Padmasan as shown in Image V 2. Exhale breath with full force. Join your hands together as shown in Figure VII. 3. Now move to the position as shown in Figure VII. Please note that the Step II onwards you should hold your breath outside. Remain in this position for as much time as possible. 4. Move back to the position shown in Figure V while inhaling the breath. No breath is inhaled in Step 3. Only while moving back you should inhale. 5. Repeat the above steps for 4-5 times. First learn to do the asanas given above then also doArdhaMatsyendrasan Figure VIII A person who does the above asanas activates his pancreas from where the secretion of insulin takes place. These asanas are also helpful in digestive disorders. Please do not do the asanas if you suffer from serious back pain. For curing back-pain there are differnt asanas, but that is another issue. The persons appearing in the photographs are Swami Ramdev and Acharya Balkrishna. These are taken from the BookYogsadhana and Yog Chikitsa Rahasya The following medications are also available from Swami Ramdev's Divya Pharmacy Divya Madhu Nashini Vati for Diabeties Main Ingredients: Extracts of Amrita, Jambu (black berry), Katuki, Nimba, Kirata Tiktaka {Chirayata), Gudamara, Karavellaka (bitter gourd), Kutaja, Go-kshura, Karcura, Haridra, Kala-megha, fruit of Babbula, Krishna Jiraka, Ativisha (pungent variety), Ashwagandha, Bilva, Triphala (a collective name for Haritaki, Bibhitaki & Amalakl) and adventitious roots of Vata, Shilajatu, Methika, etc. Please note that Divya Madhu Nashini Vati contains similar ingredients to Divya Madhukalp Vati but is much more concentrated and powerful. Therapeutic Uses: Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Activates the pancreas and helps it to secrete a balanced quantity of Insulin, through which extra Glucose gets converted into Glycogen. Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Removes weakness & irritation, as well as increases the capacity of the brain by making it strong. Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Cures the numbness of hands & feet and makes the nervous system strong. Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Removes complications like exhaustion, weakness & tension caused by diabetes. Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Protects the patient from morbid thirst, frequent urination, loss of weight, blurred of vision, tingling sensation, tiredness, infections of skin, gums &

urethra. Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Strengthens the immune system & increases hope as well as self confidence. Mode of Administration: Take Divya Madhu Nashini Vati one hour before breakfast and dinner or after breakfast and dinner with luke warm water or milk. If patient takes insulin or allopathic medicine, then he should test the level of his bloodsugar two weeks after the intake of this medicine. As the level of sugar becomes normal, the dose of allopathic medicine should be reduced gradually. After the stoppage of allopathic medicine, when the level of blood sugar is reduced and becomes normal, the dose of this medicine should also be reduced gradually. Dosage: 1 - 2 tablets of Divya Madhu Nashini Vati, twice a day. Divya Madhukalp Vati for Diabetes Main Ingredients: Finely powdered form of the following: Amrita, Jambu (black berry), Katuki, Nimba, Kirata Tiktaka (Chirayata), Gudamara, Karavellaka (bitter gourd), Kutaja, Go-kshura, Karcura, Haridra, Kala-megha, fruit of Babbula, Krishna Jiraka, Ativisha (pungent variety), Ashwagandha, Bilva, Triphala (a collective name for Haritaki, Bibhitaki & Amalakl) and adventitious roots of Vata, Shilajatu, Methika, etc. Therapeutic Uses: Divya Madhukalp Vati Activates the pancreas and helps it to secrete a balanced quantity of Insulin, through which extra Glucose gets converted into Glycogen. Divya Madhukalp Vati Removes weakness & irritation, as well as increases the capacity of the brain by making it strong. Divya Madhukalp Vati Cures the numbness of hands & feet and makes the nervous system strong. Divya Madhukalp Vati Removes complications like exhaustion, weakness & tension caused by diabetes. Divya Madhukalp Vati Protects the patient from morbid thirst, frequent urination, loss of weight, blurred of vision, tingling sensation, tiredness, infections of skin, gums & urethra. Divya Madhukalp Vati Strengthens the immune system & increases hope as well as self confidence. Mode of Administration: Take Divya Madhukalp Vati one hour before breakfast and dinner or after breakfast and dinner with luke warm water or milk. If patient takes insulin or allopathic medicine, then he should test the level of his bloodsugar two weeks after the intake of this medicine. As the level of sugar becomes normal, the dose of allopathic medicine should be reduced gradually. After the stoppage of allopathic medicine, when the level of blood sugar is reduced and

becomes normal, the dose of this medicine should also be reduced gradually. Dosage: 1 - 2 tablets, twice a day. Shilajeet, Vasant Kusumakar Ras and Chandraprabha Vati are also some other medicines of remarkable influence in controlling diabetes. Now last but not leastBaba Ramdev has taken the Pranayam Techniques from the himalayan caves to masses. If the pateint does Bhastrika Pranayam for 5 minutes Kapalbhati Pranayam for 30 minutes If the sugar levels are very high Kapalbhati should be practised in the evening also for 30 minutes.) Kapalbhati Pranayam -

Sit in an erect position. You may have your legs in comfortable position, if it is not possible for you to sit in the postion shown. 1. Inhale a large amount of air. The air should be inhaled upto the maximum the diaphragm can move. 2. Exhale air by pushing the abdomen inwards (air will move out forcefully making nasal sound). Let the abdomen relax. Again Exhale air by pushing the abdomen inwards. Let the abdomen relax.... Continue this cycle until you drive out the maximum possible air. Please ensure that there is no inhalation of air during these cycles. Initially you will be able to do 5-15 cycles. By virtue of practice you will raise your cycles to 100. This may take 2 months. 3. Go to Step 1. Do the above processes atleast for 20 minutes per day. Do it regularly. Do it in addition to the medication you have. The whole set of above processes is called Kapalbhati Pranayam.

Anulom Vilom Pranayam for 20 minutes Anulom Vilom Pranayam

Sit in an erect position as shown below. Sit in a comfortable position if you cannot position your legs as shown in the picture. But keep your back straight. You inhale through left 1. Close your right nostril by thumb of right hand. Inhale large amount of air through the left nostril. The air should be inhaled upto the maximum the diaphragm can move. Inhale as gently as possible. You exhale through right 2. Release the thumb over the right nostril and open it. Close the left nostril by the middle finger and the ring finger of the right hand. Exhale maximum possible air through the right nostril. Diaphragm moves up as you exhale. Exhale as gently as possible. You inhale through right 3. Keep your fingers and thumbs just as described in Process 2. Inhale large amount of air through the right nostril. The air should be inhaled upto the maximum the diaphragm can move. Inhale as gently as possible. You exhale through left 4. Release the fingers over the left nostril and open it. Close the right nostril by the thumb of the right hand. Exhale maximum possible air through the left nostril. Diaphragm moves up as you exhale. Exhale as gently as possible.

Go to Step 1 and repeat the cycle The above set of processes is called Anulom Vilom Pranayam. Anulom Vilom Pranayam is a good deep breathing method for curing heart diseases. The person appearing in the image is not kadwa. The image was downloaded from internet. Bhramari Pranayam for 2 minutes Udageetha Pranayam for 2 minutes he may not even have any need to take the medicines. Pranayam will not only normalize the sugar levels it will also save patient from the illeffects of diabetes like kidney failure, heart failure, high blood pressure etc. So pranayam is like a deep acting anti-miasmatic remedy that we have in homeopathy. But as two patients will do pranayam with different levels of sincerity there will also be a differential in what they gain. The website of Divya Pharmacy is

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