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1) Market Share Detergent Powder:

Fig 1 Out of a total of 116 respondents for the consumer survey, 62% use Surf Excel detergent powder regularly. Tide users formed 22% of the total respondents. Detergent Bar:

Fig. 2 Out of the total respondents, 35% use Surf Excel detergent bar. 11% use Tide bar. 31% do not use any detergent bar at all.

2) Consumer Perception: From our survey, 74% of current Surf Excel users consider it to be of higher quality than Tide. Only 20% of current Tide users consider it to be of higher quality than Surf Excel. 61% of current Surf Excel users believe that Surf Excel performs as it advertises.

When offered Surf Excel and Tide for free and asked to choose one, 86% of the total respondents chose Surf Excel over Tide. This can be taken as indicative of the general consumer perception that Surf Excel is better than Tide.

3) Selection Parameters

Fig. 3 When asked what influences consumer in his detergent selection, 61% responded that quality was important. 47% responded that price was one of the major influencing factors. Advertisements were cited by 19% of the respondents as an influencing factor. Recommendation of friends/family and Availability of the product were given as influencing factors by 27% and 19% of the respondents respectively.

4) Brand Loyalty:

Fig. 4

To give an idea of the level of brand loyalty among consumers, 51% of the consumers are completely brand loyal while 37% are mostly loyal. Of the Surf Excel users, 54% are completely brand loyal while 36% are mostly loyal. Of the Tide users, 48% are completely brand loyal while 44% are mostly loyal. 95% of the total respondents have said to have used Surf Excel at some point. Out of these, 65% are using it currently. In contrast, 74% of the total respondents have said to have used Tide. Out of these, only 29% are using it currently. So customer retention is higher in Surf Excel than in Tide. 5) Brand Awareness

Fig. 5

67% of our total respondents consider the advertisements of Surf Excel to be better than those of Tide. Out of total respondents, 87% could recall the tagline of Surf Excel Dirt is Good signifying excellent brand awareness. 37.5% of Surf Excel users say they prefer Surf Excel over Tide because they know more about Surf Excel than about Tide. This is reflective of the power of brand awareness to induce purchase.

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