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COURS COLLECTIFS / CLASS SCHEDULE Autumn & Winter 2011 / Automne & Hiver 2011

Cours Individuels - 10, Abonns Bronze & Argent - 8, Abonns Or GRATUIT Drop in - 10, Bronze & Silver Members - 8, Gold Members - FREE
MON / Lun
0845 - 1015 Body Bl i tz Ci rcui ts Al l a bi l i ties

TUES / Mar
0845 - 1015 Body Ba l a nce Yoga Al l a bi l i ties

WED / Mecr
0845 - 1015 Morni ng Yoga Al l a bi l i ties 1030-1200 Pi l a tes Al l a bi l i ties

THUR / Jeudi
0845 - 1015 Core 1 Ba ck ca re

FRI / Ven
0845 - 1015 Fl ow Yoga (French)

SAT / Samedi
0845-1015 Pi l a tes Al l a bi l i ties

SUN / Dim
0845 - 1015 Morni ng Yoga Al l a bi l i ties

1230-1330 Aerobi cs 1330-1430 Pi l a tes (French)

1230-1330 Core 2 - Swi s s Ba l l 1330-1430 Super Stretch

1230-1330 Fl ow Yoga 1330-1500 Mums Yoga (s oon) Pre & Pos t Ba by

1230-1330 Speedy Ci rcui ts 1330 - 1430 Power Yoga

1230-1330 Da nce Fi t (s oon) 1330-1430 Core 2 - Swi s s Ba l l

1230 - 1400 Runni ng cl ub Intermedi a te+

1230-1330 Speedy Ci rcui ts 1330-1430 Core 1 - Intro

1800-1930 Core 3 - Strength & Condi tioni ng 1930 - 2100 Yi n Yoga Res tore & Rel a x

1800 - 1930 Boxerci s e "Body Comba t" 1930works hop

1800-1930 Aerobi cs Intermedi a te+ 1930-2100 Ski ers Yoga Al l a bi l i ties

1800-1930 Body Ba l a nce Yoga Al l a bi l i ties 1930 - 2100 Core 2 Swi s s Ba l l

1800 - 1930 Yoga Level 1 1930works hop

1800-1930 works hop 1930works hop

1800-1930 Sunda y Stretch Al l a bi l i ties 1930works hop

Please book in advance |Merci de reserver a lavance

We try very hard to make sure all classes take place as advertised, but thanks for understanding that some classes may not happen during interseason. Please book online or check in advance! Nous essayons de faire tous les cours chaque semaine mais merci de votre comprehension si ce nest pas possible pendant intersaison. Merci de reserver par internet ou verifier a lavance! Circuits = Fitness | Core = Abdos, Dos, Fessiers avec Pilates | Aerobics = Fitness + Musiqu Yoga = Tous Niveaux | Stretch = etirements | Boxercise = Aerobics, Thaichi et boxe


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