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by calorific value of a fuel? Differentiate between Gross and Net calorific values . 2 . Under what condition GCV is equal to NCV ? 3. What is ignition temperature? Why should an ideal fuel have moderate ignition temperature? 4. What is Dulongs formula ? Calculate HCV & LCV of a coal sample containing 84% C, 1.5% S, 0.6% N, 5.5% H and 8.4% O. 5. Sketch Bombs calorimeter. Explain how it is used to determine calorific value of a fuel . 6. Why and how corrections are made in determination of calorific value by Bomb calorimeter? 7. 0.72 g of fuel containing 80% carbon, when burnt in a bomb calorimeter, increased the temperature of water from 27.3 0 C to 29.10 C . If the calorimeter contains 250 g of water and its water equivalent is 150g, calculate the HCV of the fuel. Give the answer in KJ/kg. 8. A coal sample has the following composition by weight : C =90%; O = 3.0% S = 0.5 %; N = 0.5% and ash = 2.5 %. Net calorific value of the coal was found to be 8,490.5 kcal/kg . Calculate the percentage of hydrogen and higher calorific value of coal . 9. A sample of coal containing 92% C; 5% H; 3% ash ,when tested in the laboratory for its calorific value gave the following analysis : Weight of coal burnt =0.95 g; weight of water taken =700 g ; water equivalent of bomb and calorimeter =2000g ; rise in temperature =2.48 oC ; cooling correction =0.02oC fuse wire correction =10 cal ;acid correction 60 cal. Calculate the net and gross calorific value of coal in cal/g. 10. Determine the water equivalent of the Bomb calorimeter apparatus which gave the following data in an experiment: weight of Benzoic acid taken =1.346 g, weight of calorimeter=1025 g, weight of calorimeter+ water=3025g, initial temp.= 11.8720C, final temp. = 14.6250C, cooling correction= 0.0150C, heat from fuses = 22cal. The washings of the Bomb on analysis indicated the presence of 3.5 ml of N/10 HNO3 and there was no H2SO4 formed. ( The standard calorific value of Benzoic acid is 6324cal/g)

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