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-Harish Rajagopalan


Elements of Butler matrix

Study of 2x2, 4x4 and 8x8 butler matrices

Testing and results for 4x4

Conclusion and future scope

Antenna Beam Scanning Methods

Electronic Scanning

Mechanical Scanning

Phase Scanning

Frequency Scanning

Series Feed

Parallel Feed (Butler matrix)

(Blass matrix)

Principle of Butler matrix

Antennas -90 2 1 2 -90 0

Incident wavefront

I1 = A1 e j0 ------ (1) I2 = A2 e j /2 ------(2) and A1 = A2 -------(3) I1 = I1 + I2ej/2 or I1 = A1ej0 + A2 ej -------(4) I2 = I1ej/2 + I2, I2 = A1ej/2 +A2ej/2,


Or I2 = (A1 + A2 ) ej/2 -------(5)

A1 and A2

amplitudes of antenna currents I1 and I2 output antenna currents

I1 and I2

Input antenna currents

Characteristics of Butler matrix

-Number of beams = Number of antenna elements =N

-Number of Hybrid rings = N/2log2N

-Number of Phase shifters = N/2 (log2N-1)

-Low insertion loss

-Uniform antenna array illumination

4 x 4 Butler matrix

1L = A1 450 + A2 900 + A3 1350 + A4 1800 2R = A1 1350 + A2 00 + A3 2250 + A4 900 2L = A1 900 + A2 2250+ A3 00 + A4 1350 1R = A1 1800 + A2 1350+ A3 900 + A4 450

Phase matrix of 4 x 4 Butler matrix

2R 1R 1L 2L =

e-j3/4 e-j e-j/4 e-j/2 A1 A2 A3 A4

e-j0 e-j3/4 e-j/2 e-j5/4

e-j5/4 e-j/2 e-j3/4 e-j0

e-j/2 e-j/4 e-j e-j3/4

2R 1R 1L 2L =

0 0 0 0

-135 -45 45 135

90 -90 90 -90

-45 -135 135 45

A1 A2 A3 A4

Phase progression

8 x 8 Butler matrix
Equation for 1L port. At point 1: A1 + A590 At point 2: A2 + A690 At point 3: A145 + A5135

At point 4: A3 + A790 At point 5: A245 + A6135 At point 6: A4 + A890 At point 7: A145 + A590 + A390 +A7180 At point 8: A245 + A6135 + A490 +A8180 At point 9: A1112.5 + A5157.5 +A3157.5 + A7247.5

At port 1L: A1112.5 + A5157.5 + A3157.5 + A7247.5 + A2135 + A6225 + A4180 + A8270

Phase matrix of 8 x 8 Butler matrix

Phase progression

Beam pattern for 8x8 Butler matrix

Components of Butler matrix

Qudrature hybrid

Fixed phase shifter

Helical antenna

Qudrature Hybrid

Branch line coupler

Microstrip Lines

Basic Structure

Design Of Hybrid (Branchline Coupler)

Wavelength (in air) = 30 cm.

Frequency = 1GHz

Substrate used for PCB manufacturing is FR-4 Glass Epoxy.

For FR-4 board, Relative dielectric constant (r) = 4.4

The height of the dielectric (d) = 1.6 mm

Characteristic impedance Zo = 50 Zo1 = Zo/2 = 35.35

2 2

1. Effective Dielectric constant(e) = r+1 + r-1 (1 + 12 d / W)-1/2

2 . W/d = 2/[B 1 ln (2B 1) + (r 1)/2r {ln (B 1) + 0.39 - 0.61/r}]. W/d > 2 B = 377 2Zo(r) 1/2


B = 5.646312 W/d = 1.91335 W = 3.06136 mm eff = 3.33024 microstrip = o/eff = 16.43886 cm Length of track = microstrip/4 = 4.1097 cm For 35.35 B = 7.98629 W/d = 3.26475 W = 5.2236 eff =3.48619 microstrip = o/eff = 16.0674 cm Length of track = microstrip/4 = 4.0168 cm

For 50

Fixed Phase shifter

Outer Conductor (Copper) - minimizes the power loss - maximizes the mechanical integrity - provides the desired interface with connections

Center conductor(Silver plated copper) - acts as primary signal carrier - provides excellent high frequency conductivity

Semi rigid cable

Dielectric material (Polytetrafluoroethylene ) - maintains the spacing and geometry of the cable - assures mechanical integrity during forming and bending or under pressure

Design of phase shifter

L1 provides phase shift of a1o L2 provides phase shift of a2 o (L1-L2) provides phase shift of (a1-a2) o L1 = 10 cm, L2 = 15 cm, (15-10) cm 5 cm a1 = 97.2o a2 = 18.5o (18.5-97.2) o -78.7o -15.7o 360o 22.87 cm c- wavelength in cable = 22.8 cm a- wavelength in air = 30.0 cm Velocity factor = c/a = 76%.





1 cm

Differential measurement

Helical antenna
D = 110 mm d = 2 mm L = 353.5 mm S = 75 mm A = 450 mm C = D = 345.5mm = arc tan S/D = 12.24o N = number of turns = 6 1.2 C 0.8, 14o 12o and n 4

Helical geometry

Transmission And Radiation Modes Of Helix


Normal mode-

The field radiated by the antenna is maximum in a plane normal to the helix and minimum along its axis.

2. Axial mode

The field radiated by the antenna is maximum along its axis. Power Beam Width (HPBW) = 52 = 36o cns

Impedance matching

With axial feed the terminal impedance (resistive) is given by R = 140C ()

Gradually tapered transition from helix to coaxial line

Testing and Results

Testing of Phase shifter

Testing of 4 x 4 Butler matrix

Beam formation of 4 x 4 Butler matrix

Testing of Hybrid

PCB Layout

Applications -tracking of radio sources -direction finding Future scope -Adaptive array and smart antenna - Digitization


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