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{Name}, of {Address}, {State}, {Zip}, referred herein as Trustee, herewith as Settlor establishes and declares the following trust: I. DECLARATION OF TRUST 1.1 Said Trustee declares that all certain selected and designated property, income, and profit now held or acquired after the effective date of this agreement shall be controlled by him, in trust pursuant to and in contemplation of [State} law, for the benefit of such persons as Beneficiaries of this Trust. 1.2 The property that is subject to this agreement consists of personal property, tangible and intangible, and real estate transferred and contributed from time to time to the Trust by Trustee, referred and described in said Schedule 1 to this agreement. 1.3 It is hereby declared that this Trust shall be a revocable Trust. II. NAME AND LOCATION 2.1 The name of this Trust shall be and is the {Name} Family Trust, and, in this name, it may make and execute contracts and all types and kinds of instruments, operate the Trust, and acquire for it by gift, purchase or otherwise, and convey and distribute real and personal property. 2.2 The domicile of the trust shall be at {City}, {State}, unless and until it is changed by the Trustee or successor Trustee. III. COMPENSATION OF TRUSTEE 3.1 While not intended, Trustee shall be compensated if desired and as he deems reasonable and proper. IV. GENERAL FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF THE TRUSTEE 4.1 Trustee shall hold the legal title, as if he were absolute owner, to all the property at any time belonging to the Trust and have absolute control of such property subject to limitations, if any, in this trust. Trustee also has the right to acquire property for the trust as he sees proper and necessary to benefit the Trust. 4.2 Trustee, in the name of the Trust, may sue and be sued and prosecute and defend any and all actions affecting the Trust or its property.

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V. APPLICATION AND USE OF TRUST FUNDS 5.1 Any action or thing carried out by the Trustee shall be deemed to be within the purposes of this Trust and within the powers of the Trustee, including, but limited to, making gifts of any trust assets and/or advancing or making loans, upon such terms and conditions as the Trustee in is sole option and discretion may determine, in any such instance, to any Beneficiary. VI. LIABILITY OF TRUSTEE 6.1 A Trustee shall only be responsible for his own actions, and shall not be liable for any negligence or error in judgment, or for any act or omission, except for his or her own willful breach of fiduciary duties and obligations to the Trust. 6.2 The Trustee specifically named first above shall not be required to give any bond to secure the performance of the Trust, but any successor Trustee shall be required to give such bond. 6.3 Every act or thing done or omitted by the Trustee shall be in the interest of the Trust. VII. AMENDMENTS 7.1 This agreement may be amended by action of the Settlor as Trustee, and, absent the Trustee first named herein serving in such office, by successor Trustee then in office. VIII. DURATION AND TERMINATION 8.1 This Trust shall last for an indefinite period of time from the date of this instrument, unless terminated earlier by Trustee, or successor Trustee, as the case may be, and for and so long as there are Beneficiaries living at any such time. 8.2 On the termination of this Trust by any cause, Trustee shall liquidate the Trust estate, wind up the affairs of the Trust, and dispose of its property and assets at public or private sales, unless otherwise distributed to the Beneficiaries, and, after discharging all legal obligations of the Trust, shall distribute the proceeds and/or remaining assets to the Beneficiaries as the Trustee first named above determine in his sole option and discretion. IX. BENEFICIARIES 9.1 The beneficiaries of this Trust shall be and are the following: {Name and Relationship} {Name and Relationship} Page 2 of 5

{Name and Relationship} {Name and Relationship} X. REVOCATION 10.1 Trustee hereby reserves the right to revoke this Trust at any time, by written instrument. Revocation shall be effective upon mailing or delivery to the Beneficiaries a notice of such revocation. 10.2 Any Trustee may resign upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Settlor, or, f not living, to all Beneficiaries, in all such instances, at such persons place of residence. XI. SUCCESSORS TO TRUSTEE 11.1 In the event that {Namme} is no longer are serving as Trustee for reason of resignation, incapacity or disability as a matter of law, or of death, {Name and Address} has the right to serve as a successor Trustee as named herein, and shall be entitled to receive compensation for its services hereunder, commissions computed in accordance with its regularly published fee schedule, applicable to trusts, from time to time. XII. POWERS OF THE TRUSTEE 12.1 The Trustee and any successor Trustee then in office shall have the power to do all acts, institute all proceedings and exercise all rights, powers and privileges, as authorized in this agreement, and, in addition, to the extent otherwise provided by law. 12.2 Any successor Trustee shall pay such portion of the income and principal of the trust for the benefit of any Beneficiary as the successor trustee, in its discretion, shall deem advisable for that Beneficiarys health, maintenance, support, career advancement and education, taking into account that Beneficiarys individual earning capacity at the time of the distribution. 12.2 No entity dealing with this Trust shall be required to investigate or to confirm the authority of the Trustee to enter into any transaction or to administer the application of the proceeds of any transaction. XIII. NON-ASSIGNABILITY OF THE TRUST PROCEEDS 13.1 The interest of the Beneficiaries of this Trust shall not be assignable, and Beneficiaries shall not have the right to pledge, assign, convey, or otherwise transfer, lien or encumber any portion of the income or principal of the Trust, and, in the event of any such action by a Beneficiary contrary to the purpose and intent of this provision, shall be null, void, and of no effect. Page 3 of 5

XIV. DISTRIBUTIONS TO MINOR OR INCOMPETENT BENEFICIARIES 14.1 The Trustee in his discretion may make any such distributions or advances or loans of income or principal to any minor or incompetent Beneficiary by making the same to the minors or incompetent's legal guardian or conservator, or to the person having control over the minor or incompetent, or otherwise directly to others for the benefit of the minor or incompetent Beneficiary. XV. ACCOUNTINGS 15.1 After the person named in this agreement as Trustee is no longer serving in such office, a successor Trustee shall provide not less than a semi-annual accounting to all competent, adult Beneficiaries detailing the transactions, if any, of the Trust. Such accountings shall not be required to be audited. XVI. LIQUIDATION OF TRUST 16.1 If at any time the total of the principal and accrued income of the Trust is less than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), the Trustee, in his absolute discretion, may close out the Trust by distributing shares thereof to each Beneficiary in proportion to such persons respective contribution thereto. The Trustee at that time shall deliver a final accounting to each Beneficiary. Upon such distribution, the Trustee shall be discharged from all further duties. XVII. PERPETUITIES SAVINGS CLAUSE 17.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, the Trust created by this agreement shall cease and terminate as is provided in Provisions VIII and XVI, twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last surviving Beneficiary living at the time of this agreement. XVIII. DISTRIBUTION OF DIVISION IN KIND 18.1 On any distribution from the Trust, whether it be an ordinary distribution or one of principal, or a final distribution, the Trustee may apportion and allocate the assets of the Trust estate, in cash and partly in kind, in such Trustee's discretion. The valuation, whether or not based on an appraisal, made by the Trustee shall be binding on the Beneficiaries. XIX. LITIGATION OR COMPROMISE OF CLAIMS 19.1 The Trustee may compromise, or abandon, at Trustee's option, any claim or claims against the Trust, or subject the same to arbitration, or, the Trustee, in such fiduciarys absolute discretion, may litigate any claim in favor of or against the Trust. XX. NOTICE OF EVENTS 20.1 Until the Trustee receives notice of any death, birth, marriage, or other event on which the right to receive distributions is based, the Trustee shall incur no liability for any disbursements or Page 4 of 5

distributions made in good faith. This clause shall not prevent the Trustee from seeking restitution of any payments made in error in ones discretion. XXI. DEFINITIONS - GOVERNING LAW 21.1 The words "child", "children", "descendants" and "issue" shall include children legally adopted and the lawful descendants of such adoptees. 21.2 This Trust shall be governed by the laws of {State}. XXII. SEVERABILITY 22.1 If any provision, paragraph, or part thereof in this agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remainder shall govern. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, {Name} has executed this Trust agreement at {City}, {State} on this _____ day of ________________, 20__.

Witnesses: __________________________________ Signature __________________________________ Printed Name _________________________________ Signature __________________________________ Printed Name

__________________________________ {Name}

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