Questionnaire On Bajaj Bikes

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PIeose fick fhe opfion, which you find oppropriofe.

QI. Whof do you do7
o. $fudenf
b. EmpIoyee
c. $eIf-empIoyed

QZ . Which bike do you hove7
o. PIofino
b. PuIsor (I3bc,Ib0cc,I80cc,Z00cc,ZZ0cc)
c. 8ojoj Xcd
d. Discover (I3bcc,Ib0cc)
e. Avenger (I80cc,Z00cc,ZZ0cc)

Q3. Are you sofisfied wifh fhe feofures of your bike7
o. $ofisfied
b. Very sofisfied
c. $omewhof sofisfied
d. Dissofisfied

Q4. How much ore you sofisfied wifh fhe fueI efficiency of your bike7
o. $ofisfied
b. Very sofisfied
c. $omewhof sofisfied
d. Dissofisfied

Qb. Are you sofisfied wifh fhe cIienf servicing fociIify7
o. $ofisfied
b. Very sofisfied
c. $omewhof sofisfied
d. Dissofisfied

Qo. How ore fhe poIicies regording worronfies ond condifions7
o. ExceIIenf
b. 0ood
c. Averoge
d. Poor

Q7. Are you sofisfied wifh cosf, comporison of your bike wifh ofher bronds7
o. $ofisfied
b. Very much sofisfied
c. $omewhof sofisfied
d. Dissofisfied

Q8. Do you fhink fhof fhe brond imoge of fhe compony is dependenf o Iof on word of moufh
o. Agree
b. $frongIy ogree
c. Disogree
d. Con'f soy

Q9. How do you feeI obouf fhe woy of informofion presenfofion in fhe officioI websife of fhe
o. 0ood
b. ExceIIenf
c. Averoge
d. Poor

QI0.Are you sofisfied wifh fhe behovior of disfribufor ond ogenfs of fhis compony7
o. $ofisfied
b. Very much sofisfied
c. $omewhof sofisfied
d. Dissofisfied

QII. Do you fhink ofher fwo wheeIer monufocfuring componies ore producing beffer bikes in
comporison fo 8ojoj7
o. Yes
b. $frongIy Agree
c. PorfioIIy Agree
d. Mo

QIZ. How much wouId you rofe your bike on o scoIe of I fo I07
o. I fo 3
b. 3 fo o
c. o fo 9
d. I0

QI3. Do you hove ony dissononce regording your purchose7
o. Mo
b. Yes
c. $omewhof

Any ofher commenfs or remorks you wouId Iike fo moke or suggesf7



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