08 15 2011 DesignStatusReport

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Statewide Library Archives Museum DOTPF Project No. 68816 www.alaskalamp.blogspot.

com August 15, 2011 To: State of Alaska DOT&PF Attn: Kim Mahoney DOTPF Statewide Public Facilities 2200 East 42nd Avenue Anchorage, AK 99508 Design Team Status Report Statewide Library Archives Museum Summer 2011 (May, June, July)


1) Progress to Date 1.1) The design and contractor team is completing the design development (65%) phase of the project. 2) Accomplishments During Reporting Period 2.1) Simplified and More Cost-Effective Building Structure: The design and contractor team has refined the building structure such that most of it will now be cast-in-place concrete, including a concrete mat foundation. In addition to cost savings, this change produced several functional improvements: it eliminates the need for spray fireproofing; it benefits the local economy by utilizing locally produced concrete; it eliminates the impact of pile driving on the artifact collection and neighbors. 2.2) Alternative Energy Study: Life cycle cost analysis was completed on several alternatives for building heating and cooling. In addition to a baseline array of oilfired and electric boilers, the study looked at wood-fired boilers, ground-source heat pumps, and seawater heating/cooling. The seawater heating/cooling option shows considerable promise and may offer a significant return on investment. Several due diligence exercises are underway so that a final determination may be made. 2.3) Digital Initiative: The concept report was completed for the digital initiative and specific steps are being taken to implemented initial recommendations. Digital storage capacity has been increased and digitization protocol is being standardized division-wide. These efforts set the framework for improvements to the digital access portals, both public and inter-agency. 2.4) Exhibit Design: An interpretive master plan was finalized setting the stage for a twopronged approach to exhibit development: 1) story development for the main body of exhibits will be undertaken on a statewide manner by utilizing in-state experts to reach out to villages and gather first-person feedback; 2) exhibit design for the

Statewide Library Archives Museum Summer 2011 Page 2

ECI/Hyer, Inc. THA Architecture Inc.

building lobby will be led by LAMs in-house experts with support from the design team. 3) Planned Activities in Upcoming Reporting Period 3.1) Due diligence on seawater heating/cooling: Additional research will determine the permitting path and verify cost/schedule implications of a seawater heating/cooling system. A test well will likely be drilled on-site this fall. If the test well meets performance expectations it will serve as one of the permanent wells for the system. 3.2) Completion of Design Development Documents: Design development (65%) documents will be submitted to the contractor and cost estimator on August 26. This will initiate a month-long pricing exercise. 3.3) Continued work on Exhibit Design and implementation of recommendations from the Digital Initiative report (see above). 4) Challenges Encountered and Proposed Solution 4.1) No significant challenges were encountered during summer 2011. 5) Project Schedule and Budget 5.1) Overall Schedule: The project is on schedule with the following milestones: 5.1.1) Final DD (65%) Report & Cost Estimate: September 30, 2011 (minor adjustment to allow for alternative energy study) 5.1.2) Final CD (100% ) Drawings & Specs: April 8, 2012 5.2) Design Budget: Design efforts are proceeding according to budget. 5.3) Project Budget and Program: The project is on budget. 5.3.1) Total Project Budget: $126.95M (unchanged) 5.3.2) Funding to Date: $32.45M (includes additional $5M from FY12 capital budget) 5.3.3) Remaining Need: $94.5M (The current cost management plan requires that all funding be in place by July 2012, and that a footing/foundation package can be awarded by April 2012) Sincerely, ECI/Hyer, Inc. Brian Meissner, AIA

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