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AP_INVOICES_ALL AP_INVOICES_ALL contains records for invoicesyou enter. There is one row for each invoice youenter.

An invoice can have one or more invoicedistribution lines. An invoice can also have oneor more scheduled payments. An invoice of typeEXPENSE REPORT must relate to a row inAP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL unlessthe record has been purged fromAP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL. Oracle Payables application uses the INTERESTtype invoice for interest that it calculates oninvoices that are overdue. It links the interest invoice to theoriginal invoice by inserting the INVOICE_IDin the AP_INVOICE_RELATIONSHIPS table. AP_HOLDS_ALL AP_HOLDS_ALL contains information about holds that you or your Oracle Payables place on an invoice. For non-matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice. For matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice-shipment match. An invoice may have one or more corresponding rows in this table. Your Oracle Payables application does not pay invoices that have one or more unreleased holds recorded in this table. In the strictest sense, AP_HOLDS_ALL has no primary key. It is possible for your Oracle Payables application to place a certain type of hold on an invoice, then release it, then place another hold of the same type (if data changes before each submission of Payables Invoice Validation), which would result in a duplicate primary key. But for practical purposes, the primary key is a concatenation of INVOICE_ID, LINE_LOCATION_ID, and HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE.

AP_HOLD_CODES contains information about hold codes and release codes that is placed on an invoice.

AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL holds the distribution information that is manually entered or system-generated. Examples of when your Oracle Payables application automatically creates rows in this table include the following: 1.You choose a distribution set at the invoice header level. 2. You match an invoice line to a purchase order or receipt. The system uses information from the matched purchase order or receipt to create the distributions. 3. You match a credit or debit memo to an invoice. 4. You generate charge distributions (tax, freight, misc.) from allocation rules. 5. You apply a prepayment or unapply a prepayment. 6. Payables automatically withholds tax. 7. Payables creates an interest invoice. Value for Posted_flag is Y for accounted distribution and N for not-accounted distributions. Invoice distributions can be interfaced over/from Oracle Assets or Oracle Projects. Your Oracle Payables application sets the ASSETS_ADDITION_FLAG to U for distributions not tested by Oracle Assets; Oracle Assets then adjusts this flag after it tests a distribution for assignment as an asset. To avoid the same invoice distribution being interfaced to Oracle Project and Oracle Assets, you must interface any projectrelated invoice distribution to Oracle Projects before you can interface it to Oracle Assets. If a projectrelated invoice distribution is charged to a capital project in Oracle Projects, Oracle Projects sets the ASSETS_ADDITION_FLAG to P when the PA_ADDITION_FLAG is set to Y, Z, or T. Oracle Assets only picks up invoice distributions with the ASSET_ADDITION_FLAG set to U, and if project-related, with the PA_ADDITION_FLAG set to Y, Z, or T. PA_ADDITION_FLAG tracks the status of project-related supplier invoice distributions and expense report distributions. For supplier invoice distributions entered via

Oracle Payables, the PA_ADDITION_FLAG is set to N if the distribution isproject-related, otherwise it is set to E, and it is updated by Oracle Projects when the distribution is processed by the Oracle Projects InterfaceSupplier Invoice process. Oracle Projects sets the PA_ADDITION_FLAG to Y or Z after the item is successfully processed, or may be set to a rejection code if the line is rejected during transfer to Oracle Projects. See Payables Lookup Listing for all the errors. You must correct the rejection reason and try to retransfer the line. For supplier invoice adjustment distributions interfaced from Oracle Projects to Oracle Payables (which must net to zero with another distribution), the value for the PA_ADDITION_FLAG is set to T.

AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_ALL contains recordsof invoice payments that you made to suppliers. There
is one row for each payment you make for eachinvoice. There is one payment and one invoice for each payment in this table. Your Oracle Payablesapplication updates this table when you confirm an automatic payment batch, enter a manual payment, orprocess a Quick payment. When you void a payment, yourOracle Payables application inserts an additional paymentline that is the negative of the original payment line. . Values for POSTED_FLAG may be 'Y' for accounted paymentsor 'N' for unaccounted payments. Values forACCRUAL_POSTED_FLAG may be 'Y' for accountedpayments or 'N' for unaccounted payments underaccrual basis accounting; values for CASH_POSTED_FLAGmay be 'Y' for accounted payments or 'N' for unaccountedpayments under cash basis accounting. . For manual payments and Quick payments, this tablecorresponds to the Select Invoices window in the Payment workbench. IBAN_NUMBE VARCHAR (40 International bank account number. Used internationally to uniquely R 2 ) identify the account of a customer at a financial institution. During bank entry, the system validates the value to ensure that it is a valid IBAN. AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL contains information aboutscheduled payments for an invoice. Values for HOLD_FLAG may be 'Y' to place a hold on thescheduled payment, or 'N' not to do so. Values forPAYMENT_STATUS_FLAG may be 'Y' for fully paid paymentschedules, 'N' for unpaid scheduled payments, or 'P' forpartially paid scheduled payments. For convertedrecords, enter a value for AMOUNT_REMAINING. AP_ACCOUNTING_EVENTS_ALL This table stores all the accounting events and their details. For ex- an invoice may have 3 accounting events.
Datatype Lengt Mandator Comments h y ACCOUNTING_EVENT_I NUMBER (15) Yes Accounting event identifier D EVENT_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR (30) Yes Type of event 2 ACCOUNTING_DATE DATE Yes Accounting date for accounting entries for this event EVENT_NUMBER NUMBER (15) Yes Accounting event number for a given document (e.g. Invoice #101 may have 3 accounting events associated with it, the event number acts as a sequence for Invoice #101) EVENT_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR (30) Yes Indicates the state of the accounting entries for the accounting event 2 SOURCE_TABLE VARCHAR (30) Yes Table where event originating document resides. Possible values are 2 AP_INVOICES or AP_CHECKS SOURCE_ID NUMBER (15) Yes Primary key for document originating the current event. Depending on the value for source_table it will contain either invoice_id or check_id Name

AP_INV_SELECTION_CRITERIA_ALL AP_INVOICE_SELECTION_CRITERIA_ALL stores the criteria that a payment batch uses to select invoices for payment. Some columns Checkrun_name Payment batch name CHECK_DATE Date of payment (ie: Payment Date on Payment Batches window) BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME PERIOD_NAME PAY_THRU_DATE HI_PAYMENT_PRIORITY Highest payment priority of invoices to select LOW_PAYMENT_PRIORITY Lowest payment priority of invoices to select STATUS Status of completion of a batch
ORG_ID CHECKRUN_ID NUMBER NUMBER (15) (15) Organization identifier Payment batch identifier

AP_SELECTED_INVOICES_ALL is a temporary table that storesinformation about invoices selected for payment in apayment batch. Oracle Payables applicationinserts into this table after you initiate a payment batch. There will be one row for each invoice that Payables selects forpayment in the current payment batch. When you build paymentsin a payment batch, your Oracle Payablesapplication uses information in this table to createrows in AP_SELECTED_INVOICE_CHECKS.Information from this table appears in the Modify Payment Batch window. AP_SELECTED_INVOICE_CHECKS_ALL is a temporary table that stores payment information during a payment batch. This table is populated when you build payments in a payment batch.


AP_AE_HEADERS_ALL An accounting entry header is an entity grouping all accounting entry lines created for a given accounting
event and a particular set of books. An accountingentry header can either be transferred over to GL or not at all. That is, either all its accounting entry lines are transferred or none atall. The transferred to GL status is marked in the GL_TRANSFER_FLAG. Possible values for GL_TRANSFER_FLAGare Y, N, or E. Y indicates that the accounting entry header hasbeen transferred to GL. N indicates that the accounting entry header has not been transferred to GL due to 2 possiblereasons: either the transfer process has not

run or it has run but the accounting entry had an accounting error on it. Eindicates that an error was encountered during the transfer to GL process.
Name AE_HEADER_ID ACCOUNTING_EVENT_ID SET_OF_BOOKS_ID AE_CATEGORY Datatype Lengt h NUMBER (15) NUMBER (15) NUMBER (15) VARCHAR (30) 2 VARCHAR (1) 2 Mandator y Yes Yes Yes Yes Comments Accounting entry header identifier Accounting event identifier Set of books identifier Accounting entry category. The possible values come from GL_JE_CATEGORIES and are: Purchase Invoices, Payments, Reconciled Payments Indicates whether this accounting entry headerhas accounting entry lines with different entered currencies. This is used by the GL Transferprogram to set the journal category to CrossCurrency to enable GL to create the balancing journal line Accounting period name Accounting date Indicates whether accounting entry header has been successfully transferred to GL. Possible values are Y, N, E Accounting entry header level error code that was encountered during the Payables Accounting Process Accounting entry header level error code that was encountered during the Payables Transfer to GL Process Indicates to GL that the journal should be flagged a reversal journal. Not used by AP Y indicates that the accounting entry lines associated with this header record were inserted in the AP_LIABILITY_BALANCE table.






Yes Yes Yes

(1) (30) (30) (1) (1)

It contains accounting entry with debits or creditsboth in transaction currency as well as functionalcurrency along with an account. An accountingentry line is grouped with other accounting entrylines for a specific accounting entry header. Anysuch group of accounting entry lines should resultin balanced entries in the functional currency. BANKSAP_BANK_BRANCHES AP_BANK_BRANCHES contains information about the bank branches you define when you set up your banks. One bank branch may have multiple bank accounts. AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS_ALL AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS_ALL contains information about your bank accounts. You need one row for each bank account you define. Each bank account must be affiliated with one bank branch. When you initiate an automatic payment batch, enter a manual check, or create a Quick payment,you can select a bank account that you define in this table. AP_CHECK_STOCKS_ALL stores information about paymentdocuments you defined for bank accounts. You need onerow for each payment document you use to createpayments for a supplier. Each record in this table mustbe associated with a bank account. Each bank accountcorresponds with zero or more rows in this table. Whenyou initiate a payment batch, record a manual payment, orcreate a Quick payment, you can select a payment documentthat you defined in this table. For a payment document you use tocreate automatic payments, DISBURSEMENT_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE must be 'COMPUTER GENERATED' or 'COMBINED.'

For manual payments, it must be 'RECORDED' or 'COMBINED.' . Your Oracle Payables application updates theLAST_DOCUMENT_NUM when you create payments in anautomatic payment batch, enter a manual payment, orcreate a Quick payment. AP_CHECKS_ALL stores information about paymentsissued to suppliers or refunds received from suppliers. You need one row for each payment you issue to asupplier or refund received from a supplier. Your OraclePayables application uses this information to record paymentsyou make to suppliers or refunds you receive fromsuppliers. Your Oracle Payables application storesthe supplier name and bank account name for auditingpurposes, in case either one is changed after you createthe payment. Your Oracle Payables application storesaddress information for all payments. If you allow changesto the supplier payment address on manual payments orQuick payments, your Oracle Payables application maintainsthe new address information in this table. Your Oracle Payablesapplication uses BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM, BANK_NUM, andBANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE for the supplier's bank information when you use the Electronic payment method. Your OraclePayables application stores a dummy value for CHECK_STOCK_IDfor refunds, thus, CHECK_STOCK_ID should not be treated as aforeign key to AP_CHECK_STOCKS_ALL in the case of refunds. AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY_ALL AP_PAYMENT_HISTORY_ALL stores theclearing/unclearing history for payments. Italso stores the maturity history for future datedpayments. The table contains a row for eachfuture dated payment, once the future datedpayment matures, i.e. becomes negotiable. Anytime a payment is cleared or uncleared, a rowis inserted into this table for the payment. The values for TRANSACTION_TYPE can be PAYMENT MATURITY, PAYMENT CLEARING, or PAYMENTUNCLEARING. Each row in this table also has the accounting status for the maturity, clearing orunclearing event.

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