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PHYS3330 Numerical Methods in Physics, Fall 2011

MW 7:00 - 8:15 PM, FN 2.104

Professor Xinchou Lou

Course Objectives: Understand fundamentals of probability and statistics. Learn numerical techniques to analyze experiment data and error. Learn numerical methods to solve systems of equations. Familiar with basic concepts of Monte Carlo simulation. Course Policy (1) Class attendance is required for this course. (2) The preferred programming language for the homework and projects is C. Use of other languages is OK as well. (3) A Unix account is required if you do not have access to a computer for your final class project . Check out for more details. Reference Books
Statistics for Nuclear and Particle Physicists, by Louis Lyons, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0 521 37934 2 (required) Numerical Methods for Physics, A. L. Garcia, ISBN 0-13-906744-2,

Prentice Hall, Inc. (not required)

Numerical Recipes in C, William H. Press et al., Cambridge Univ. Press (not required) Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, R.W. Hamming (not required) A Course in Probability and Statistics, Charles J. Stone (not required)

Course Content, Schedule & Grades PHYS3330 is a one-semester course. The contents include a review of probability and statistics, error analysis, followed by numerical analysis of data, optimizations, solving systems of equations, algorithms, stochastic methods, and applications of numerical methods in physics. You can download lecture notes and homework at Homework assignments are made approximately every two weeks in the first half of the semester, and are normally due in one week. Students should work on these problems, and turn in the homework on the due date marked on the assignment. No late homework is accepted. The worst homework grade will be dropped. The grade of the course will be based on the homework (50%), and the final project (50%). Course Project A final project is required for the completion of the course. The approximate date to start the project is November 10, 2011: An In-depth Analysis of a Physical System Office Hours (preliminary--subject to change) Monday 12:30 2:00 pm other time by appointment only. Professor Xinchou Lou ECSN2.518 Messages 972-883-6409

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