Edge of The Garden Synopsis

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EDGE OF THE GARDEN SYNOPSIS Late in the evening at Connor Tech, manager Brian Connor works late, as usual,

and misses his engagement dinner with his fiance, Julie. Fed up, Julie calls off the engagement, and Brian, realizing he messed up, decides to head out of town for a while. Connor Tech has just bought a small web hosting company in Maine, and he is going to go out there to get it running. Alanathe manager Brian is replacinggreets Brian in the lobby. The atmosphere is much different than what Brian is used tovibrant, funky and young. Brian is out of place in his stiff business suit. Alana leads Brian to his new office and helps him find a realtor in the area so he can rent a place while hes in town. The realtor takes Brian out into the countryside to a rundown cottage with a surprising amount of charm. It isnt at all what Brian is looking for, but something about it seems right. The old, hand-carved furniture and overgrown, neglected garden actually seem appealing to him. Brian decides he will fix it up, and buys it. That night, as he sits outside admiring his new investment, he notices a light flicker on in the upstairs bedroom, and a shadow pass by the window. Frozen, Brian carefully climbs the stairs and calls out. No one answers, and he turns the light offbut then notices something else. The vase on the nightstand that was empty that afternoon is now filled with beautiful, fresh-picked flowers. Brian plans to fix up the cottage in his spare time and hopefully make a profit off it by the time he leaves Maine. He starts the repairs and soon begins to notice strange things happening in the house. When he is fixing a leak in the bathroom sink, he finds a locket necklace in the drainpipewhich looks almost brand new. Curious, Brian turns it over, where the words, True Love are engraved. Suddenly a rush of wind blows through the house, opening the window. Brian goes to look out, and sees a womanNorabeautiful, about his age, and dressed in the style of the 60s, wandering through his garden, looking for something. He approaches her with the locket still in his hand. Nora is surprised, and fearful, to see him. She insists that she lives there and tells him to get away. Confused, Brian tries to tell her that he has just bought the house, and he, in fact, lives there. Nora spies the necklace in his hand. When he holds it out for her to take, her hand moves right through it. Afraid, she runs back to the house, which is transported back to the 1960s. Noras gruff husband, Thomas, sits in the liv ing room reading a paper. Nora tells him she thinks she saw a ghost. Outside, Brian, shaking his head, returns to the house and it is how he has left itrundown and empty. It seems that Brian and Nora are liv ing in the same house, but fifty years apart! (more)


In Noras 1960s cottage, the garden is beautiful and lush, nothing like the neglected weeds Brian has in his yard. The next morning, as Thomas is leaving for work, Frank, the handyman, drops by with a beautifully engraved bench. There is an easy flirtation between Frank and Nora, which doesnt go unnoticed by Thomas. Returning home after a long day at work, Brian sees Nora sitting on the bench in the garden. As they talk, they realize they are sharing the same house, and strike up a friendship. Later that night, in the study, Nora writes Brian a letter and hides it in a metal box, where only Brian can find it in the chimney. Nora discloses details about her life and marriage to Thomas, which isnt a happy one. Thomas is mean and possessive, and she is lonely. Nora keeps writing letters and leaving them for Brian. She confesses her health is deteriorating. Her doctor, Dr. Bowers, pays a visit to examine her. Thomas brushes off her illness, thinking she only wants attention, but the doctor is concerned, and so is Brian. Brian asks his friend, Stan, a doctor, about Noras symptoms, and Stan emails Brian a list of medicines for her. Brian leaves it in Noras box for her to find. With Thomas out of town, Nora, bedridden, reads the list from Brian and asks Frank to take her to town to Dr. Bowers office to get the medicine Brian suggests. Brian is relieved to see Nora in the garden when he returns home after work one night, healthy and in good spirits. He asks her to tell him about the locket, and she says her grandmother gave it to her, telling her it would direct her to true love. Then, Brian asks Nora to tell him about the garden and what she sees, and when she describes it, it comes to life before Brians eyes. For a brief moment, he sees it as it should be, and suddenly resolves to help Nora, and bring her garden back. Brian looks up Thomas in the phonebook, and meets with him. Now an old man, Thom as wants nothing to do with Brian, and will only say that Nora died in an accident. Brian asks the team at work to tell him the story of the Hargraves. They tell a rumor that has been passed down the generations: Thomas treated Nora terribly, and she decided to leave him, but when Thomas found out, he locked her in her room and set the house on fire, killing her. Brian is shaken, but doesnt have much time to react when suddenly Julie walks in. Surprised to see her, Brian takes her on a walk and Julie asks if she can come see the cottage. That night, Julie brings take-out over for dinner, but Brian gets distracted when he sees Nora sitting on her bench in the garden, upset. He goes out to her and encourages her to leave Thomas. He is desperate for her to save herself from the fire. He has deep feelings for her, but is sad they cant physically connect through the time barrier. Taking his adv ice, Nora leaves Brian on the bench and goes inside to pack her suitcase. Thomas, just placing a new log in the fire, hears her enter and follows her to the bedroom where Nora threatens to leave that night. Thomas locks her in the bedroom. Coming back down the stairs, he smells the fire, which has now engulfed the liv ing room. In the present, Brian can hear Noras screams from inside the house, and he rushes into the house and is (more)


suddenly transported to the 1969s, coming face-to-face with Thomas Hargrave. Pushing Thomas aside, Brian runs up the stairs to help Nora escape. Rushing down the stairs, they are almost out when suddenly Thomas calls out to them, aiming a shotgun. As Thomas is about to shoot, Brian can feel the time doorway closing, and he slips back into the present. Brian realizes the spell has been broken, but when Brian looks in the phonebook again, the Thomas Hargrave listing magically changes into Noras name. Brian finds Nora at a nursing home, and when Nora sees him, she knows immediately who he is. He brings her flowers from their garden, and the locket. Frank, now Noras husband, approaches. Nora tells Brian that although she remarried, she kept the name Hargrave in hopes he would look her up one day. She believes he is the reason she is still alive. Just then, Noras granddaughter, Sarah, the spitting image of Nora in her early 20s, walks in. Nora is pleased to introduce them, and happy she can finally give the lost True Love locket to Sarah. Nora suggests Brian and Sarah go on a walk through the grounds to get to know each other, and Brian agrees, starting down a new path a completely changed man. --HALLMARK CHANNEL--

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