God's Image

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We are Made in Gods Image

The abilities to increase, grow, fill, overcome and rule are a part of that image, our nature.

Life Happens
God uses circumstances in life to shape us and make us into who we are and who we will be for the purpose of close / intimate relationship with Him.

In the Beginning
Genesis Bereshith Everything has a beginning and an end John1:1-3 everything begins and ends with God!

History is His Story - it begins and ends with Him!

It began with the Word

God had a thought He desired that thought to be expressed He released that expression through His Heart and out of His mouth God spoke and it came to be Thats how God made you and me! And thats how He desires us to be!

Set Apart to Reflect

Humanity mankind Adam Adamah showing our earthliness We are Gods best work yet. He was showing off His Creative Abilities when He made us! God created, qualified, selected & chose us to be a part of this process called life to be in a relationship of partnership with Him!

Crystal Clear Squeaky Clean

Ultimately God desires us to be pure Matthew 5:8 pure as the purest gold is transparent; so that God can be seen all the way through every part of our lives!

Trial by Fire
God uses the circumstances of life to make us pure James 1:2-4 count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience. But let patience have her perfect [complete] work, that you may be perfect and entire [complete], wanting nothing. God is patient. He will work us through the process as many times as it takes whatever it takes!

We Are Special
We are not evolutionary accidents. We think. We feel. We perceive. We reason. We remember. We maintain physical bodily processes. We make choices. We are human. We are made in Gods Image.

My humanity is bound up in yours. We can only be human together.

Predetermined with a Purpose

God purposely predetermined us to experience His Presence daily. ____________ Thats relationship.

Selfishness is Sin; It Separates

Indulging in our own desires all the time without a single thought of another person puts us on the same level as the beasts. Selfishness mars and twists Gods Image we carry. Selfishness is the greatest hindrance to relationship.

Our Relationship with God is the Greatest Privilege; There is no Higher Honor
He breathed into us His Intelligence, His Immortality & His Activity (Life). Our ability to reason, apprehend, comprehend and recognize comes from Him!

Our Greatest Mistake

The greatest mistake in human history is to think and make our little part we specialize in, as big as it is to us more then what it is; we make our part the whole completely neglecting and rejecting the other parts that DO make up the whole. The result? A bunch of little parts running loose and not accomplishing nothing at all.

How are we like God? How do we bear His Image?

We are too diverse for His Image to be limited to our physical form. Our spirit bear His Image the greatest. Our heart (emotions) and mind (intellect) share His Likeness as well.

Our spirit Gods Gift of Immortality

Immortality Gods Life, His Way of Living was made accessible to us for the purpose of our moral development. This is achieved through inward trial; that inward trial makes our action a choice. This is the process of purification that provides us with the power of choice. We cherish our achievements a lot more when we go through the process for them vs. having them handed to us. The process of the trials help us to appreciate Gods Gift of Life to us for the true treasure it is.

The primary purpose of Gods Image in us is for relationship with Him!

Gods Image allows us to be free, self conscious, rational and moral. Enabling us to distinguish & choose between right / wrong, moving closer to Him!

Gods Love and Desire for relationship with us says, Whatever it Takes.

John 3:16 there is no greater love then His

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