Presentation 1

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Friday 21st January 2011 Location of Volcanoes and Earthquakes.

AIM: to understand where volcanoes and earthquakes are located. To begin to explore the link to tectonic plates.

While you are watching this video of an erupting volcano write down on the white boards any words that you associate with what you are seeing: e.g. d=-1292514791376167566#


Longitude- are lines that run from north to south, pole to pole. Lines of longitude measure distances west and east of the prime meridian. Latitude- are lines that run from west to east and they measure distances north and south of the equator.



Hemispheres- is any half of the Earth Prime Meridian- this line "cuts" the world into the Eastern and Western hemispheres.


Equator- this line "cuts" the world into the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

This is a fun game to make sure we understand longitude and latitude and how it works ..

What do you notice about where the volcanoes are? What do you think the phrase Ring of Fire means, and where is it on the map?

Think back to our lesson last week (on tectonic plates), This map is the same as the one in the last slide showing where the Volcanoes are. BUT it also shows where the tectonic plates are too. What can we learn about Volcanoes by looking at this map?

Use the map in the text book and match the countries to the famous Volcanoes: New Zealand Indonesia Columbia Iceland Japan Mexico Italy Ecuador USA Argentina

What do you notice about where the earthquakes are located?

Name five places where a scientist could study both volcanoes AND earthquakes in the same area Name five other land areas where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are uncommon.

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