An Opinion About Libya...

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First of all, I would like to emphasize that Libya is so important for Turkey.

So many Turks had been living there (Plus Million dollars worth Turkish investment) When the clashes began in Libya, Turkey was worried about Turks living there, and eventually evacuated 25 thousand of them in a successful operation. By the way, many people thought that Turkey was late to call Gaddafi to quit. Actually Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan talked on phone to Colonel Gaddafi many times and warned him about what was coming. But I think that Turkey's is not an easy decision because of Libya's strategic position. At that point, It is necessary to ask the question: Why Gaddafi has to go? Yes, Gaddafi actually did some good things for Libya and other African nations But I do not agree that Gaddafi isn't a threat to the United States. May be, He is a good man ( I think personally Gaddafi really a man!) but that was not enough. And according to me,Arab Spring was planned just after September 11... With the help of economic crisis, petrol gained a more crucial meaning, of courseSo The Arab spring is a result of it. Meanwhile Gaddafi was a problem, and also Mubarek.. In this context, Turkey waited and played for time... But Russia and China were against sanctions on Libya. Turkey was slow in joining forces with its Western allies to exert pressure on Moammar Gaddafi and even expressed skepticism at NATOs involvement. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan even made a statement asking, Whats NATO doing in Libya? But Gaddafi continued killing his own people. Then, Turkey kept in touch with Benghazi. At the moment, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutolus visit to Benghazi with an extensive delegation was intended to quickly bridge the gap with the rebels. NATO is in Libya because they wanted to protect Libyans They say that! But it is a mere pretext ! They are in Libya because of petrol, power and land I think, we must remember Lockerbie disaster in 1988, it may be a revenge for it. There are a lot of possibilities!!! But let us not forget that Arab people don't know about democracy and how difficult it is. Someone told them what to do. However, their future will not be different from their past ( may be at that point we can remember Iraq as an example)

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