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Language Handbook

4 Using Pronouns


Special Pronoun Problems (Rules 4 f h)

Exercise A

Underline the correct pronoun in parentheses in each of the following sentences. 1. To (who, whom) should I address the letter?

1. The Zuni, (who, whom) are descended from the Anasazi, are known for their silver, coral, and turquoise jewelry. 2. It was Morihei Uyeshibu (who, whom) founded the martial art of aikido. 3. I know that Derrick is a friend upon (who, whom) I can always depend. 4. Mr. Garcia, the advisor for the school newspaper, is someone (who, whom) we all admire. 5. No one knows (who, whom) the guest speaker for tomorrows class will be. 6. The author to (who, whom) he is referring is Maxine Hong Kingston. 7. At the Cinco de Mayo festival, I saw Cynthia, (who, whom) I know from school. 8. Anyone (who, whom) gardens should watch this show for helpful tips. 9. (Whoever, Whomever) designed these fliers did a very nice job. 10. I would like to thank (whoever, whomever) sent me this beautiful plant.

Exercise B

Underline the correct pronoun in parentheses in each of the following sentences.


1. Delia doesnt have as much patience as (she, her).

1. This shade of blue looks better on you than (I, me). 2. We have won nearly as many games as (they, them), according to Deanna. 3. The Cohens didnt start out as early as (us, we) that morning. 4. With practice you could play just as well as (he, him). 5. The referees ruling affected the other players more than (we, us).

Exercise C

Underline the correct pronoun in parentheses in each of the following sentences.


1. ( We, Us) sophomores are organizing a new arts-and-crafts club.

1. The bus will take (we, us) students to the Cherokee Heritage Center right after lunch. 2. It is (us, we) voters who are to blame for the low turnout on election day. 3. The lifeguard warned two swimmers, Mimi and (she, her ), not to run. 4. The committee, (she, her), Aaron, and (me, I ), met with the senator. 5. The food was supplied by two families, (they, them) and (us, we).


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