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What are the 3 main ethnic groups in Nigeria? Describe their different ways of life? Yoruba 1. Nigerias 2nd largest ethnic group- 20% 2. Most are farmers 3. Live w/ their families in large compounds Ibo 1. Living in farming villages 2. Most are Christian 3. Rule themselves with a democratic council of elders 4. 16% of the population Akan 1. The largest ethnic group in Africa

Why was Great Britain interested in having the Gold Coast as a colony? 1. They wanted to take control of its natural resources 2. Strategic reasons- coaling stations for navy, they wanted to control the sea lanes 3. Prestige- The Great Power Game

What problems arose in the Gold Coast when Britain encouraged farmers to grow cocoa? 1. People grew fewer food crops 2. They might have to import food. 3. When G.B. left, Ghana did not have a diverse economy- it had been for their benefit.

What ideas did Kwame Nkrumah have to try to change Ghana after it achieved its independence in 1957? 1. Transportation

2. Electricity 3. Health Care 4. Education

How was he going to pay if off? He borrowed huge sums from the international community, World Bank, IMF Was he successful? NO!!! Why? 1. World Cocoa prices 2. As a result, Ghana could not pay back its loans. 3. In 1966, Nkrumah was overthrown in a military coup.

How did Jerry Rawlings reform Ghanas politics and economy during the 1980s? 1. He did things slower 2. There was a renewal of traditional values.

How has desertification affected the Tuaregs lives and culture? 1. Desertification reduces the amount of land available for their herds. 2. Often have to abandon their nomadic way of life. 3. They do not possess skills for urban life and they are not used to living in cities. 4. Often have to become farmers in a permanent location

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