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Killing Processes from The Command Prompt In Windows 7

We all at one time or another have used the Task Manager to kill some particular process, no doubt the task manager offers a great way to manage processes but have you ever tried to kill multiple processes with the task manager? You can kill only one process at a time. Windows 7 lets you manage processes from the command line too through which you can kill multiple processes simultaneously. Open the Command Prompt in the Administrative mode and run the tasklist command, it will show you a list of all the running processes.

Now you can kill any particular process by running the Taskkill command. For example to kill Firefox, run the command as: taskkill /IM firefox.exe /F where /F is used to kill the process forcefully. You can also kill any particular process by using its ID, thetasklist command displays the process IDs as well (you can see the PID column in the screenshot). To kill any process using its ID, run the command as: Taskkill /PID 364 /F Now to kill multiple processes simultaneously, run the above command with the PIDs of all the processes. taskkill /PID 266 234 222 /F Its that easy. Enjoy!

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