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Health 138: Principles in Nutrition Course Overview Scavenger Hunt Answer the questions below using the information

provide in the Health 138 Syllabus and Schedule, as well as the information in the Need Help and Faculty Information sections on the course Blackboard site. Please type your answers in the boxes provided. 1. What is the name and author of the required text for this class? Judith e brown

2. According to the instructors communication policy, what should be the main mode of communication between instructor and student? email Bonus question (2 points): If you send your instructor a message on Friday at 4PM, by when should you expect a reply? 6pm monday 3. The instructor holds online office hours and online chats for this course. What is the internet address for these sessions? 4. Per the instructors testing policy, if you get locked out of a test, what will you have to do in order to be able to make-up the test? Come to campus and take the test at the testing center 5. For all Discussion Board assignments, on what day of the week is your initial post due? On what day of the week are your replies to the posts of classmates due?

6. What additional hardware equipment will you need to participate in class chat? Headphone with microphone 7. What college did your instructor attend for her undergraduate degree? James madison university 8. When submitting assignments, what should be included in your file name? Professor name class name and number and you name 9. What is the number for the TNCC Help Desk? 7578252709

10. Please list one requirement for Discussion Board posts, per the Discussion Board grading rubric, and the corresponding point value. NOTE: do no answer for the Introduction Discussion, but for all others. HINT: Look in the NEED HELP folder for this.

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